@echo off if "%1"=="" goto usage set SOURCE_PATH=%1 rem rem Update the "Documents and Settings" folder rem call :copysettings rem rem The following will generate lots of "can't add foo, already opened or edit" rem sd add -t text "documents and settings\..." rem rem Update all of the hive files rem for %%f in (%SOURCE_PATH%\windows\system32\config\*.*) do call :newhive %%f %%~nxf rem rem Friendly reminder rem echo Refresh complete. Don't forget to submit changes! goto :eof :newhive sd edit bins\%2 copy %1 bins\%2 sd add bins\%2 goto :eof :usage echo. echo refresh ^ echo. echo where ^ is the UNC path to the C: root of the template echo 32-bit installation. See howto.txt for details. echo. goto :eof :copysettings set SRC=%SOURCE_PATH%\documents and settings set DST=.\Documents and Settings call :dodir pushd %DST% attrib -s -h *.* /S /D popd goto :eof :dodir rem rem %1 is directory to process rem set CUR=%1 :getcmd shift if "%1"=="" goto gotcmd set CUR=%CUR% %1 goto :getcmd :gotcmd rem rem Create this directory and process all child directories rem md "%DST%%CUR%" 1>NUL 2>NUL SETLOCAL for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /B /AD "%SRC%%CUR%"') do call :dodir %CUR%\%%F ENDLOCAL rem rem Now process all files rem xcopy /hf "%SRC%%CUR%" "%DST%%CUR%" pushd "%SRC%%CUR%" popd goto :eof