// // #include extern const char SzNull[] = ""; //// AssertFn // VOID DigSigAssertFn(LPCTSTR szWhy, LPCTSTR szInfo, int lineno, LPCTSTR fname) { int nRet; TCHAR rgch[1024]; wsprintf(rgch, "An assertion has occurred in the code.\n" "Assertion was located at File: %s, Line: %d\n" "Assertion condition was %s\n%s\n" "\nPress Ignore to skip assertion, Retry to break into the" " debugger, or Abort to kill the program.\n\n" "Make sure that JIT is setup to use WinDbg please.", fname, lineno, szWhy, szInfo); nRet = MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(), rgch, "S/MIME Test Assert", MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE | MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_DEFBUTTON3); switch( nRet ) { case IDABORT: FatalAppExit(0, "Terminating App"); case IDRETRY: DebugBreak(); break; case IDIGNORE: break; } }