[version] signature=$CHICAGO$ AdvancedINF=2.5,"You need a newer version oF Advpack.dll" [SourceDisksNames] 1="Microsoft Outlook Express Stationery"",,0 [SourceDisksFiles] %FILE621%=1 %FILE622%=1 %FILE623%=1 %FILE624%=1 %FILE625%=1 [DefaultInstall] RequiredEngine=Setupapi CustomDestination=ProgramFilesDir CopyFiles=Special.Occasions.and.Invitations.Moving [DefaultInstall.NT] CustomDestination=ProgramFilesDirNT CopyFiles=Special.Occasions.and.Invitations.Moving ; Change 5 to 1 below to prompt user for path. We need to be quiet for IE4, so disable user choice. [ProgramFilesDir] 49100=DestA,5 [ProgramFilesDirNT] 49100=DestB,5 ; comments: if you know any difference between NT and Win9x about location of "Program Files" folder you can edit it here (not recommended!:) ; [DestA] HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion","ProgramFilesDir",,"C:\Program Files" [DestB] HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion", "ProgramFilesDir",,"C:\Program Files" ;For **localization** purposes, name every path as a const here to use it later alone with each stationery file name ;For the same purpose ; ;this should go to the bottom of this file (common practice) ; [Strings] ; MicrosoftSharedPath="Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery" ; dont change: microsoft shared folder for all languages is same ; SpecialOccasionsAndInvitationsMovingPath="Special Occasions and Invitations\Moving" FILE621="Moving Birdhouses.htm" FILE622="Aliens Moving.htm" FILE623="Aliens.GIF" FILE624="Birdhouse.GIF" FILE625="Aliens Moving Bkgrd.GIF" ;here we tell setup where to dump our Files, dont change anything from here unless you know ; [DestinationDirs] Special.Occasions.And.Invitations.Moving=49100,%MicrosoftSharedPath%\%SpecialOccasionsAndInvitationsMovingPath% [Special.Occasions.and.Invitations.Moving] %FILE621% %FILE622% %FILE623% %FILE624% %FILE625% ; ***** END OF FILE *****