//================================================================================ // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1997. // Author: RameshV // Date: 09-Sep-97 06:20 // Description: Manages the class-id and options information //================================================================================ #ifndef OPTIONS_H #define OPTIONS_H #define MAX_DATA_LEN 255 // atmost 255 bytes for an option typedef struct _DHCP_CLASSES { // common pool of class names LIST_ENTRY ClassList; // global list of classes LPBYTE ClassName; // name of the class DWORD ClassLen; // # of bytes in class name DWORD RefCount; // # of references to this } DHCP_CLASSES, *LPDHCP_CLASSES, *PDHCP_CLASSES; typedef struct _DHCP_OPTION { // list of options LIST_ENTRY OptionList; // the fwd/back ptrs BYTE OptionId; // the option value BOOL IsVendor; // is this vendor specific LPBYTE ClassName; // the class of this option DWORD ClassLen; // the length of above option time_t ExpiryTime; // when this option expires LPBYTE Data; // the data value for this option DWORD DataLen; // the # of bytes of above } DHCP_OPTION , *LPDHCP_OPTION , *PDHCP_OPTION ; typedef struct _DHCP_OPTION_DEF { LIST_ENTRY OptionDefList; // list of option definitions BYTE OptionId; // the option id BOOL IsVendor; // is this vendor specific? LPBYTE ClassName; // the class this belongs to DWORD ClassLen; // the size of above in bytes LPWSTR RegSendLoc; // where is the info about sending this out LPWSTR RegSaveLoc; // where is this option going to be stored? DWORD RegValueType; // as what value should this be stored? } DHCP_OPTION_DEF, *LPDHCP_OPTION_DEF, *PDHCP_OPTION_DEF; //================================================================================ // exported functions classes //================================================================================ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // In all of the following functions, ClassesList is unprotected within the fn. // Caller has to take a lock on it. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LPBYTE // data bytes, or NULL (no mem) DhcpAddClass( // add a new class IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY ClassesList, // list to add to IN LPBYTE Data, // input class name IN DWORD Len // # of bytes of above ); // Add the new class into the list or bump up ref count if already there DWORD // status (FILE_NOT_FOUND => no such class) DhcpDelClass( // de-refernce a class IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY ClassesList, // the list to delete off IN LPBYTE Data, // the data ptr IN DWORD Len // the # of bytes of above ); // decrease refcount in the list and if becomes zero, free the struct VOID // always succeeds DhcpFreeAllClasses( // free each elt of the list IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY ClassesList // input list of classes ); // free every class in the list //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // In all the following functions, OptionsList is unprotected within the fn. // Caller has to take a lock on it. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PDHCP_OPTION // the reqd structure or NULL DhcpFindOption( // find a specific option IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY OptionsList, // the list of options to search IN BYTE OptionId, // the option id to search for IN BOOL IsVendor, // is it vendor specific? IN LPBYTE ClassName, // is there a class associated? IN DWORD ClassLen // # of bytes of above parameter ); // search for the required option in the list, return NULL if not found DWORD // status or ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND DhcpDelOption( // remove a particular option IN PDHCP_OPTION Option2Delete // delete this option ); // delete an existing option in the list, and free up space used DWORD // status DhcpAddOption( // add a new option IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY OptionsList, // list to add to IN BYTE OptionId, // option id to add IN BOOL IsVendor, // is it vendor specific? IN LPBYTE ClassName, // what is the class? IN DWORD ClassLen, // size of above in bytes IN LPBYTE Data, // data for this option IN DWORD DataLen, // # of bytes of above IN time_t ExpiryTime // when the option expires ); // replace or add new option to the list. fail if not enough memory VOID // always succeeds DhcpFreeAllOptions( // frees all the options IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY OptionsList // input list of options ); // free every option in the list time_t // 0 || time for next expiry (absolute) DhcpGetExpiredOptions( // delete all expired options IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY OptionsList, // list to search frm OUT PLIST_ENTRY ExpiredOptions // o/p list of expired options ); // move expired options between lists and return timer. 0 => switch off timer. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // In all the following functions, OptionsDefList is unprotected. Caller has // to take a lock on it. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD // status DhcpAddOptionDef( // add a new option definition IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY OptionDefList, // input list of options to add to IN BYTE OptionId, // option to add IN BOOL IsVendor, // is it vendor specific IN LPBYTE ClassName, // name of class it belongs to IN DWORD ClassLen, // the size of above in bytes IN LPWSTR RegSendLoc, // where to get info about sending this out IN LPWSTR RegSaveLoc, // where to get info about saving this IN DWORD ValueType // what is the type when saving it? ); PDHCP_OPTION_DEF // NULL, or requested option def DhcpFindOptionDef( // search for a particular option IN PLIST_ENTRY OptionDefList, // list to search in IN BYTE OptionId, // the option id to search for IN BOOL IsVendor, // is it vendor specific IN LPBYTE ClassName, // the class, if one exists IN DWORD ClassLen // # of bytes of class name ); DWORD // status DhcpDelOptionDef( // delete a particular option def IN PLIST_ENTRY OptionDefList, // list to delete from IN BYTE OptionId, // the option id to delete IN BOOL IsVendor, // is it vendor specific IN LPBYTE ClassName, // the class, if one exists IN DWORD ClassLen // # of bytes of class name ); VOID DhcpFreeAllOptionDefs( // free each element of a list IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY OptionDefList, // the list to free IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY ClassesList // classes to de-ref off ); BOOL // TRUE==>found.. DhcpOptionsFindDomain( // find the domain name option values IN OUT PDHCP_CONTEXT DhcpContext, // for this adapter OUT LPBYTE *Data, // fill this ptr up OUT LPDWORD DataLen ); #endif OPTIONS_H