/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: priolist.cxx Abstract: Contains prioritized, serialized list class implementation Contents: CPriorityList::Insert CPriorityList::Remove Author: Richard L Firth (rfirth) 03-May-1997 Notes: Properly, the CPriorityList class should extend a CSerializedList class, but we don't currently have one, just a serialized list type (common\serialst.cxx). WARNING: Code in this module makes assumptions about the contents of a SERIALIZED_LIST Revision History: 03-May-1997 rfirth Created --*/ #include // // class methods // VOID CPriorityList::Insert( IN CPriorityListEntry * pEntry ) /*++ Routine Description: Insert prioritized list entry into prioritized, serialized list Arguments: pEntry - pointer to prioritized list entry to add Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_UTIL, None, "CPriorityList::Insert", "{%#x} %#x", this, pEntry )); Acquire(); INET_ASSERT(!IsOnSerializedList(&m_List, pEntry->List())); INET_ASSERT(pEntry->Next() == NULL); INET_ASSERT(pEntry->Prev() == NULL); CPriorityListEntry * pCur; for (pCur = (CPriorityListEntry *)m_List.List.Flink; pCur != (CPriorityListEntry *)&m_List.List.Flink; pCur = (CPriorityListEntry *)pCur->Next()) { if (pCur->GetPriority() < pEntry->GetPriority()) { break; } } InsertHeadList(pCur->Prev(), pEntry->List()); ++m_List.ElementCount; Release(); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); } VOID CPriorityList::Remove( IN CPriorityListEntry * pEntry ) /*++ Routine Description: Remove entry from prioritized serialized list Arguments: pEntry - address of entry to remove Return Value: None. --*/ { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_UTIL, None, "CPriorityList::Remove", "{%#x} %#x", this, pEntry )); Acquire(); INET_ASSERT(IsOnSerializedList(&m_List, pEntry->List())); pEntry->Remove(); --m_List.ElementCount; Release(); DEBUG_LEAVE(0); }