/*++ Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name : ipa.cpp Abstract: IP Address value and helper functions Author: Ronald Meijer (ronaldm) Project: Internet Services Manager Revision History: --*/ // // Include Files // #include "stdafx.h" #include "common.h" #include "util.h" #include #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define new DEBUG_NEW // // Calling instance // extern HINSTANCE hDLLInstance; /* static */ DWORD CIPAddress::StringToLong( IN LPCTSTR lpstr, IN int nLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Static function to convert an ip address string of the form "" to a a single 32 bit number. Arguments: LPCTSTR lpstr : String ip address int nLength : Length of string Return Value: 32 bit ip address. --*/ { DWORD dwIPValue = 0L; if (nLength > 0) { u_long ul = 0; #ifdef UNICODE try { // // Convert to ANSI // LPSTR pszDest = AllocAnsiString(lpstr); if (NULL != pszDest) { ul = ::inet_addr(pszDest); FreeMem(pszDest); } } catch(CException * e) { TRACEEOLID("!!!Exception converting string to ip address"); e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); } #else ul = ::inet_addr(lpstr); #endif // UNICODE // // Convert to host byte order. // dwIPValue = (DWORD)::ntohl(ul); } return dwIPValue; } /* static */ LPTSTR CIPAddress::LongToString( IN const DWORD dwIPAddress, OUT LPTSTR lpStr, IN int cbSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Static function to convert a 32 bit number to a CString of the format "" Arguments: const DWORD dwIPAddress : 32 bit ip address to be converted to string LPTSTR lpStr : Destination string int cbSize : Size of destination string Return Value: Pointer to string buffer --*/ { struct in_addr ipaddr; // // Convert the unsigned long to network byte order // ipaddr.s_addr = ::htonl((u_long)dwIPAddress); // // Convert the IP address value to a string // LPCSTR pchAddr = ::inet_ntoa(ipaddr); #ifdef UNICODE VERIFY(::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0L, pchAddr, -1, lpStr, cbSize)); #else ::lstrcpy(lpStr, pchAddr); #endif // UNICODE return lpStr; } /* static */ LPCTSTR CIPAddress::LongToString( IN const DWORD dwIPAddress, OUT CString & str ) /*++ Routine Description: Static function to convert a 32 bit number to a CString of the format "" Arguments: const DWORD dwIPAddress : 32 bit ip address to be converted to string CString & str : Destination string Return Value: Pointer to string buffer --*/ { struct in_addr ipaddr; // // Convert the unsigned long to network byte order // ipaddr.s_addr = ::htonl((u_long)dwIPAddress); // // Convert the IP address value to a string // LPCSTR pchAddr = ::inet_ntoa(ipaddr); try { str = pchAddr; } catch(CMemoryException * e) { TRACEEOLID("!!!Exception converting ip address to string"); e->ReportError(); e->Delete(); } return (LPCTSTR)str; } /* static */ LPCTSTR CIPAddress::LongToString( IN const DWORD dwIPAddress, OUT CComBSTR & bstr ) /*++ Routine Description: Static function to convert a 32 bit number to a CComBSTR of the format "" Arguments: const DWORD dwIPAddress : 32 bit ip address to be converted to string CComBSTR & bstr : Destination string Return Value: Pointer to string buffer --*/ { struct in_addr ipaddr; // // Convert the unsigned long to network byte order // ipaddr.s_addr = ::htonl((u_long)dwIPAddress); // // Convert the IP address value to a string // bstr = ::inet_ntoa(ipaddr); return bstr; } /* static */ LPBYTE CIPAddress::DWORDtoLPBYTE( IN DWORD dw, OUT LPBYTE lpBytes ) /*++ Routine Description: Convert a DWORD to a byte array of 4 bytes. No size checking is performed. Arguments: DWORD dw : 32 bit ip address LPBYTE lpBytes : Byte stream Return Value: Pointer to the input buffer. --*/ { lpBytes[0] = (BYTE)GETIP_FIRST(dw); lpBytes[1] = (BYTE)GETIP_SECOND(dw); lpBytes[2] = (BYTE)GETIP_THIRD(dw); lpBytes[3] = (BYTE)GETIP_FOURTH(dw); return lpBytes; } CIPAddress::CIPAddress() /*++ Routine Description: Constructor Arguments: None Return Value: N/A --*/ : m_dwIPAddress(0L) { } CIPAddress::CIPAddress( IN DWORD dwIPAddress, IN BOOL fNetworkByteOrder ) /*++ Routine Description: Constructor. Arguments: DWORD dwIPAddress : IP address value BOOL fNetworkByteOrder : if TRUE, value must be converted to host byte order, otherwise is assumed to already be in host byte order. Return Value: N/A --*/ { if (fNetworkByteOrder) { // // Convert to host byte order // dwIPAddress = (DWORD)::ntohl((u_long)dwIPAddress); } m_dwIPAddress = dwIPAddress; } CIPAddress::CIPAddress( IN BYTE b1, IN BYTE b2, IN BYTE b3, IN BYTE b4 ) /*++ Routine Description: Constructor. Arguments: BYTE b1 : First octet BYTE b2 : Second octet BYTE b3 : Third octet BYTE b4 : Fourth octet Return Value: N/A Notes: This is already assumed to be in host order --*/ : m_dwIPAddress(MAKEIPADDRESS(b1, b2, b3, b4)) { } CIPAddress::CIPAddress( IN LPBYTE lpBytes, IN BOOL fNetworkByteOrder OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Construct from byte stream Arguments: LPBYTE lpBytes : Byte stream BOOL fNetworkByteOrder : TRUE if the byte stream is in network byte order Return Value: N/A --*/ { lpBytes; fNetworkByteOrder; } CIPAddress::CIPAddress( IN const CIPAddress & ia ) /*++ Routine Description: Copy Constructor. Arguments: const CIPAddress & ia Return Value: N/A --*/ : m_dwIPAddress(ia.m_dwIPAddress) { } CIPAddress::CIPAddress( IN LPCTSTR lpstr, IN int nLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Constructor. Arguments: LPCTSTR lpstr : string ip value int nLength : length of string Return Value: N/A --*/ { m_dwIPAddress = CIPAddress::StringToLong(lpstr, nLength); } CIPAddress::CIPAddress( const CString & str ) /*++ Routine Description: Constructor. Arguments: const CString & str : IP Address string Return Value: N/A --*/ { m_dwIPAddress = CIPAddress::StringToLong(str); } const CIPAddress & CIPAddress::operator =( IN const CIPAddress & ia ) /*++ Routine Description: Assignment operator Arguments: const CIPAddress & ia : Source ip address Return Value: Current object --*/ { m_dwIPAddress = ia.m_dwIPAddress; return *this; } const CIPAddress & CIPAddress::operator =( IN const DWORD dwIPAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Assignment operator Arguments: const DWORD dwIPAddress : Source ip address Return Value: Current object --*/ { m_dwIPAddress = dwIPAddress; return *this; } const CIPAddress & CIPAddress::operator =( IN LPCTSTR lpstr ) /*++ Routine Description: Assignment operator Arguments: LPCTSTR lpstr : Source string Return Value: Current object --*/ { m_dwIPAddress = CIPAddress::StringToLong(lpstr, ::lstrlen(lpstr)); return *this; } const CIPAddress & CIPAddress::operator =( IN const CString & str ) /*++ Routine Description: Assignment operator Arguments: const CString & str : Source string Return Value: Current object --*/ { m_dwIPAddress = CIPAddress::StringToLong(str); return *this; } int CIPAddress::CompareItem( IN const CIPAddress & ia ) const /*++ Routine Description: Compare two ip addresses Arguments: const CIPAddress & ia : IP Address to compare this to Return Value: +1 if the current ip address is greater, 0 if the two ip addresses are the same -1 if the current ip address is less, --*/ { return (DWORD)ia < m_dwIPAddress ? +1 : (DWORD)ia == m_dwIPAddress ? 0 : -1; } CIPAddress::operator LPCTSTR() const /*++ Routine Description: Conversion operator Arguments: N/A Return Value: Pointer to converted string --*/ { static TCHAR szIPAddress[] = _T("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"); return CIPAddress::LongToString( m_dwIPAddress, szIPAddress, ARRAY_SIZE(szIPAddress) ); } CIPAddress::operator CString() const /*++ Routine Description: Conversion operator Arguments: N/A Return Value: Converted string --*/ { CString str; CIPAddress::LongToString(m_dwIPAddress, str); return str; } DWORD CIPAddress::QueryIPAddress( IN BOOL fNetworkByteOrder ) const /*++ Routine Description: Get the ip address as a 32 bit number Arguments: BOOL fNetworkByteOrder : If TRUE, convert to network byte order Return Value: 32 bit ip address --*/ { return fNetworkByteOrder ? ::htonl((u_long)m_dwIPAddress) : m_dwIPAddress; } // // IP Address helper functions // // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< DWORD PopulateComboWithKnownIpAddresses( IN LPCTSTR lpszServer, IN CComboBox & combo, IN CIPAddress & iaIpAddress, OUT CObListPlus & oblIpAddresses, OUT int & nIpAddressSel ) /*++ Routine Description: Fill a combo box with known ip addresses Arguments: LPCTSTR lpszServer : Server whose ip addresses to obtain (can be computer name or ip address) CComboBox & combo : Combo box to populate CIPAddress & iaIpAddress : IP Address to select CObListPlus & oblIpAddresses : Returns an oblist of CIPAddress objects int & nIpAddressSel : Returns selected IP address Return Value: Error return code --*/ { // // Start clean // oblIpAddresses.RemoveAll(); combo.ResetContent(); // // Don't like \\names // lpszServer = PURE_COMPUTER_NAME(lpszServer); struct hostent * pHostEntry = NULL; if (LooksLikeIPAddress(lpszServer)) { // // Get by ip address // u_long ul = (DWORD)CIPAddress(lpszServer); ul = ::htonl(ul); // convert to network order. pHostEntry = ::gethostbyaddr((CHAR *)&ul, sizeof(ul), PF_INET); } else { // // Get by domain name // const char FAR * lpszAnsiServer = NULL; #ifdef UNICODE CHAR szAnsi[255]; if (::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0L, lpszServer, -1, szAnsi, sizeof(szAnsi), NULL, NULL) > 0) { lpszAnsiServer = szAnsi; } #else lpszAnsiServer = lpszServer; #endif // UNICODE if (lpszAnsiServer) { pHostEntry = ::gethostbyname(lpszAnsiServer); } } // // We'll always have the 'default' server id // selected // CComBSTR bstr, bstrDefault; VERIFY(bstrDefault.LoadString(hDLLInstance, IDS_ALL_UNASSIGNED)); nIpAddressSel = -1; CIPAddress * pia = new CIPAddress; if (!pia) { TRACEEOLID("PopulateComboWithKnownIpAddresses: OOM"); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } oblIpAddresses.AddTail(pia); int nNewSel = combo.AddString(bstrDefault); if (iaIpAddress == *pia) { // // Remember selection // nIpAddressSel = nNewSel; } if (pHostEntry != NULL) { int n = 0; while (((DWORD *)pHostEntry->h_addr_list[n]) != NULL) { // // Convert from network byte order // pia = new CIPAddress( *((DWORD *)(pHostEntry->h_addr_list[n++])), TRUE); if (!pia) { TRACEEOLID("PopulateComboWithKnownIpAddresses: OOM"); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } nNewSel = combo.AddString(pia->QueryIPAddress(bstr)); oblIpAddresses.AddTail(pia); if (iaIpAddress == *pia) { // // This is our current ip address, save index // for selection // nIpAddressSel = nNewSel; } } } if (nIpAddressSel < 0) { // // Ok, the IP address selected is not part of the // list. Add it to the list, and select it. // pia = new CIPAddress(iaIpAddress); if (!pia) { TRACEEOLID("PopulateComboWithKnownIpAddresses: OOM"); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } nIpAddressSel = combo.AddString(pia->QueryIPAddress(bstr)); oblIpAddresses.AddTail(pia); } combo.SetCurSel(nIpAddressSel); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } BOOL FetchIpAddressFromCombo( IN CComboBox & combo, IN CObListPlus & oblIpAddresses, OUT CIPAddress & ia ) /*++ Routine Description: Helper function to fetch an ip address from the combo box. The combo box may not have a selection, in which case whatever is in the edit box is used Arguments: CComboBox & combo : Combo box CObListPlus & oblIpAddresses : Oblist of ip addresses CIPAddress & ia : Returns the ip address Return Value: TRUE if a valid IP address is found, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { int nSel = combo.GetCurSel(); CString str; combo.GetWindowText(str); // after touching (All unassigned) combo loses selection, // but text still could be the same if (nSel < 0) { nSel = combo.FindStringExact(-1, str); } if (nSel >= 0) { // // Fetch selected item // CIPAddress * pia = (CIPAddress *)oblIpAddresses.Index(nSel); ASSERT_PTR(pia); if (pia != NULL) { ia = *pia; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } // // Try to make an ip address out of what's in the editbox // if (!str.IsEmpty()) { ia = str; if (!ia.IsZeroValue() && !ia.IsBadValue()) { return TRUE; } } // // No good // ::AfxMessageBox(IDS_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS); return FALSE; }