#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */ /* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 5.03.0280 */ /* at Fri Aug 24 09:39:49 2001 */ /* Compiler settings for D:\IIS\IIS Hosting Kit\Russ\IIS5SCO\IISSCOv50\IISSCOv50.idl: Oicf (OptLev=i2), W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run), ms_ext, c_ext error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data VC __declspec() decoration level: __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable) DECLSPEC_UUID(), MIDL_INTERFACE() */ //@@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( ) /* verify that the version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #define __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ 440 #endif #include "rpc.h" #include "rpcndr.h" #ifndef __IISSCOv50_h__ #define __IISSCOv50_h__ /* Forward Declarations */ #ifndef __IISSCO50_FWD_DEFINED__ #define __IISSCO50_FWD_DEFINED__ #ifdef __cplusplus typedef class IISSCO50 IISSCO50; #else typedef struct IISSCO50 IISSCO50; #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __IISSCO50_FWD_DEFINED__ */ /* header files for imported files */ #include "oaidl.h" #include "ocidl.h" #include "Provisioning.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t); void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free( void __RPC_FAR * ); #ifndef __IISSCOV50Lib_LIBRARY_DEFINED__ #define __IISSCOV50Lib_LIBRARY_DEFINED__ /* library IISSCOV50Lib */ /* [helpstring][version][uuid] */ EXTERN_C const IID LIBID_IISSCOV50Lib; EXTERN_C const CLSID CLSID_IISSCO50; #ifdef __cplusplus class DECLSPEC_UUID("B83A63A9-7132-49EA-B6F2-A454E5F37A41") IISSCO50; #endif #endif /* __IISSCOV50Lib_LIBRARY_DEFINED__ */ /* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */ /* end of Additional Prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif