#include "stdafx.h" #include "guid.h" #include "iadm.h" #include "mdkey.h" extern HANDLE g_MyModuleHandle; extern int g_iPWS40OrBetterInstalled; extern int g_iPWS10Installed; extern int g_iVermeerPWS10Installed; extern CHAR g_FullFileNamePathToSettingsFile[_MAX_PATH]; extern CHAR g_PWS10_Migration_Section_Name_AddReg[]; extern CHAR g_PWS40_Migration_Section_Name_AddReg[]; extern CHAR g_Migration_Section_Name_AddReg[]; extern CHAR g_PWS10_Migration_Section_Name_CopyFiles[]; extern CHAR g_PWS40_Migration_Section_Name_CopyFiles[]; extern char g_Migration_Section_Name_CopyFiles[]; extern MyLogFile g_MyLogFile; int g_SectionCount = 0; #define METABASE_BIN_FILENAME "Metabase.bin" #define METABASE_BIN_BEFORE_CHANGE "kjhgfdsa.001" #define METABASE_BIN_AFTER_CHANGE "kjhgfdsa.002" #define REG_NETWORK_MSWEBSVR "Enum\\Network\\MSWEBSVR" #define REG_HKLM_NETWORK_MSWEBSVR "HKLM\\Enum\\Network\\MSWEBSVR" #define REG_PWS_40_UNINSTALL_KEY "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\MSIIS" #define REG_HKLM_PWS_40_UNINSTALL_KEY "HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\MSIIS" // used to check if pws 4.0 is installed #define REG_INETSTP "Software\\Microsoft\\INetStp" #define REG_INETSTP_MAJORVERSION_STRINGVALUE "MajorVersion" #define REG_INETSTP_INSTALLPATH_STRINGVALUE "InstallPath" // used to check if pws 1.0 is installed #define REG_WWWPARAMETERS "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\W3Svc\\Parameters" #define REG_WWWPARAMETERS_MAJORVERSION_STRINGVALUE "MajorVersion" // used to check if vermeer pws 1.0 is installed #define FILENAME_FRONTPG_INI "frontpg.ini" #define FILENAME_FRONTPG_INI_SECTION "FrontPage 1.1" #define FILENAME_FRONTPG_INI_KEY "PWSRoot" // used for parsing the values in the .rc file #define g_LoadString_token_delimiters ",;\t\n\r" // regkey value for the metabase flag for doing unsecuredread #define METABASEUNSECUREDREAD_VALUENAME "MetabaseUnSecuredRead" // unattend answer file stuff for UNATTEND_TXT_PWS_SECTION section #define UNATTEND_TXT_PWS_SECTION "InternetServer" #define UNATTEND_TXT_PWS_METABASE_NEW "Win95MigrateDllMetabaseNew" #define UNATTEND_TXT_PWS_METABASE_ORGINAL "Win95MigrateDllMetabaseOrg" #define UNATTEND_TXT_FILES_TO_DELETE_SECTION "Win95MigrateDll_DeleteFilesOrDirs_IIS" // Special key to say "hey, we need to do some special metabase stuff // like: doing an AppDeleteRecoverable() on the metabase. // we don't have to do AppDeleteRecoverable if MTS is migrated automagically. //#define SPECIAL_METABASE_STUFF int MyMessageBox(char [], char []); int MySettingsFile_Write_PWS10(HANDLE); int MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40(HANDLE); int InstallInfSection(char szINFFilename[],char szSectionName[]); void RecursivelyMoveRegFormatToInfFormat_Wrap1(HKEY hRootKeyType, CHAR szRootKey[], HANDLE fAppendToFile); int RecursivelyMoveRegFormatToInfFormat(HKEY hRootKeyType, CHAR szRootKey[], HANDLE fAppendToFile); int SetMetabaseToDoUnEncryptedRead(int iOnFlag); typedef struct _QUEUECONTEXT { HWND OwnerWindow; DWORD MainThreadId; HWND ProgressDialog; HWND ProgressBar; BOOL Cancelled; PTSTR CurrentSourceName; BOOL ScreenReader; BOOL MessageBoxUp; WPARAM PendingUiType; PVOID PendingUiParameters; UINT CancelReturnCode; BOOL DialogKilled; // // If the SetupInitDefaultQueueCallbackEx is used, the caller can // specify an alternate handler for progress. This is useful to // get the default behavior for disk prompting, error handling, etc, // but to provide a gas gauge embedded, say, in a wizard page. // // The alternate window is sent ProgressMsg once when the copy queue // is started (wParam = 0. lParam = number of files to copy). // It is then also sent once per file copied (wParam = 1. lParam = 0). // // NOTE: a silent installation (i.e., no progress UI) can be accomplished // by specifying an AlternateProgressWindow handle of INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. // HWND AlternateProgressWindow; UINT ProgressMsg; UINT NoToAllMask; HANDLE UiThreadHandle; #ifdef NOCANCEL_SUPPORT BOOL AllowCancel; #endif } QUEUECONTEXT, *PQUEUECONTEXT; int ReturnTrueIfPWS40_Installed(void) { iisDebugOut(_T("ReturnTrueIfPWS40_Installed. Start.")); int iReturn = FALSE; // Check if pws 4.0 or better is installed. DWORD rc = 0; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwType, cbData; BYTE bData[1000]; cbData = 1000; rc = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_INETSTP, &hKey); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // try open a particular value... // Check if we can read the Major Version Value. // try to query the value rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,REG_INETSTP_MAJORVERSION_STRINGVALUE,NULL,&dwType,bData,&cbData); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == rc) {iReturn = TRUE;} } else { SetLastError(rc); } if (hKey){RegCloseKey(hKey);} iisDebugOut(_T("ReturnTrueIfPWS40_Installed. Return=%d. End."), iReturn); return iReturn; } int ReturnTrueIfVermeerPWS10_Installed(void) { iisDebugOut(_T("ReturnTrueIfVermeerPWS10_Installed. Start.")); int iReturn = FALSE; char szFrontpgIniFile[_MAX_PATH]; strcpy(szFrontpgIniFile, ""); if (0 == GetSystemDirectory(szFrontpgIniFile, sizeof(szFrontpgIniFile))) { // Error so write it out SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Call to GetSystemDirectory() Failed. GetLastError=%x.", GetLastError()); goto ReturnTrueIfVermeerPWS10_Installed_Exit; } else { AddPath(szFrontpgIniFile, FILENAME_FRONTPG_INI); } if (CheckIfFileExists(szFrontpgIniFile) == TRUE) { iisDebugOut(_T("ReturnTrueIfVermeerPWS10_Installed. Found %s file. Check FrontPage 1.1/PWSRoot Section."), szFrontpgIniFile); char buf[_MAX_PATH]; GetPrivateProfileString(FILENAME_FRONTPG_INI_SECTION, FILENAME_FRONTPG_INI_KEY, _T(""), buf, _MAX_PATH, szFrontpgIniFile); if (*buf && CheckIfFileExists(buf)) { // yes, vermeer frontpage's personal web server is installed iReturn = TRUE; } else { iisDebugOut(_T("ReturnTrueIfVermeerPWS10_Installed. Check FrontPage 1.1/PWSRoot Section references file %s. but it's not found so, Vermeer pws1.0 not installed."), buf); } } ReturnTrueIfVermeerPWS10_Installed_Exit: iisDebugOut(_T("ReturnTrueIfVermeerPWS10_Installed. Return=%d. End."), iReturn); return iReturn; } int ReturnTrueIfPWS10_Installed(void) { iisDebugOut(_T("ReturnTrueIfPWS10_Installed. Start.")); int iReturn = FALSE; // For old win95 pws 1.0 check // Check if we can get the w3svc\parameters key. HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD rc = 0; DWORD dwType, cbData; BYTE bData[1000]; cbData = 1000; rc = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_WWWPARAMETERS, &hKey); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) { SetLastError (rc); // if the key Does not exists pws 1.0a is not installed goto ReturnTrueIfPWS10_Installed_Exit; } // Check if we can read the Major Version Value. Should be set to '\0' if pws 1.0 // try to query the value rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,REG_WWWPARAMETERS_MAJORVERSION_STRINGVALUE,NULL,&dwType,bData,&cbData); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) { // SetLastError (rc); // if the key Does not exists pws 1.0a is not installed //SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Failed to Read Registry Value '%s' in Key '%s'. GetLastError()=%x",REG_WWWPARAMETERS_MAJORVERSION_STRINGVALUE, REG_WWWPARAMETERS, GetLastError()); //iisDebugOut(_T("Failed to Read Registry Value '%s' in Key '%s'. pws1.0a is not installed."),REG_WWWPARAMETERS_MAJORVERSION_STRINGVALUE,REG_WWWPARAMETERS); goto ReturnTrueIfPWS10_Installed_Exit; } // Check if we can read the MajorVersion value should be set to '\0' if pws 1.0 if (bData[0] == '\0') {iReturn = TRUE;} ReturnTrueIfPWS10_Installed_Exit: if (hKey){RegCloseKey(hKey);} iisDebugOut(_T("ReturnTrueIfPWS10_Installed. Return=%d. End."), iReturn); return iReturn; } int CheckIfPWS95Exists(void) { iisDebugOut(_T("CheckIfPWS95Exists. Start.")); int iReturn = FALSE; // Check if this is pws 4.0 or better if (ReturnTrueIfPWS40_Installed() == TRUE) { g_iPWS40OrBetterInstalled = TRUE; iReturn = TRUE; goto CheckIfPWS95Exists_Exit; } // Check if this is pws 1.0a if (ReturnTrueIfPWS10_Installed() == TRUE) { iReturn = TRUE; g_iPWS10Installed = TRUE; goto CheckIfPWS95Exists_Exit; } // Check if this is Vermeer pws 1.0 if (ReturnTrueIfVermeerPWS10_Installed() == TRUE) { iReturn = TRUE; g_iVermeerPWS10Installed = TRUE; goto CheckIfPWS95Exists_Exit; } CheckIfPWS95Exists_Exit: iisDebugOut(_T("CheckIfPWS95Exists. Return=%d. End."), iReturn); return iReturn; } void iisDebugOut( TCHAR *pszfmt, ...) { TCHAR acsString[1000]; TCHAR acsString2[1000]; va_list va; va_start(va, pszfmt); _vstprintf(acsString, pszfmt, va); va_end(va); #if DBG == 1 || DEBUG == 1 || _DEBUG == 1 _stprintf(acsString2, _T("%s"), acsString); OutputDebugString(acsString2); g_MyLogFile.LogFileWrite(acsString2); #else // DBG == 0 _stprintf(acsString2, _T("%s"), acsString); // no outputdebug string for fre builds g_MyLogFile.LogFileWrite(acsString2); #endif // DBG return; } //*************************************************************************** //* //* purpose: TRUE if the file is opened, FALSE if the file does not exists. //* //*************************************************************************** int CheckIfFileExists(LPCTSTR szFile) { return (GetFileAttributes(szFile) != 0xFFFFFFFF); } BOOL isDirEmpty(LPCTSTR szDirName) { TCHAR szSearchString[MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hFileSearch; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfdFindData; BOOL bMoreFiles = TRUE; // // Now search for files // sprintf(szSearchString, _T("%s\\*.*"), szDirName); hFileSearch = FindFirstFile(szSearchString, &wfdFindData); while ((INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFileSearch) && bMoreFiles) { if ((0 != lstrcmpi(wfdFindData.cFileName, _T("."))) && (0 != lstrcmpi(wfdFindData.cFileName, _T("..")))) { FindClose(hFileSearch); return FALSE; } bMoreFiles = FindNextFile(hFileSearch, &wfdFindData); } if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFileSearch) { FindClose(hFileSearch); } return TRUE; } BOOL RemoveAllDirsIfEmpty(LPCTSTR szTheDir) { TCHAR szDirCopy[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD retCode = GetFileAttributes(szTheDir); _tcscpy(szDirCopy,szTheDir); if (retCode == 0xFFFFFFFF) { return FALSE; } if ((retCode & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { if (TRUE == isDirEmpty(szDirCopy)) { iisDebugOut(_T("RemoveDirectory:%s"),szDirCopy); RemoveDirectory(szDirCopy); // Get the next dir in... // and see if it's empty // strip off the filename TCHAR * pTemp = strrchr(szDirCopy, '\\'); if (pTemp){*pTemp = '\0';} RemoveAllDirsIfEmpty(szDirCopy); // strip off the filename pTemp = strrchr(szDirCopy, '\\'); if (pTemp){*pTemp = '\0';} RemoveAllDirsIfEmpty(szDirCopy); } } return TRUE; } BOOL InetDeleteFile(LPCTSTR szFileName) { // if file exists but DeleteFile() fails if ( CheckIfFileExists(szFileName) && !(DeleteFile(szFileName)) ) { // failed to delete it return FALSE; } else { iisDebugOut(_T("InetDeleteFile:%s"),szFileName); TCHAR szDrive_only[_MAX_DRIVE]; TCHAR szPath_only[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTheDir[_MAX_PATH]; _tsplitpath(szFileName,szDrive_only,szPath_only,NULL,NULL); _tcscpy(szTheDir, szDrive_only); _tcscat(szTheDir, szPath_only); // see if the directory is empty... // if it is.. then remove it... RemoveAllDirsIfEmpty(szTheDir); } return TRUE; } BOOL RecRemoveDir(LPCTSTR szName) { BOOL iRet = FALSE; DWORD retCode; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; TCHAR szSubDir[_MAX_PATH] = _T(""); TCHAR szDirName[_MAX_PATH] = _T(""); retCode = GetFileAttributes(szName); if (retCode == 0xFFFFFFFF) return FALSE; if (!(retCode & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { InetDeleteFile(szName); return TRUE; } _stprintf(szDirName, _T("%s\\*"), szName); hFile = FindFirstFile(szDirName, &FindFileData); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ( _tcsicmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T(".")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T("..")) != 0 ) { _stprintf(szSubDir, _T("%s\\%s"), szName, FindFileData.cFileName); RecRemoveDir(szSubDir); } if ( !FindNextFile(hFile, &FindFileData) ) { FindClose(hFile); break; } } while (TRUE); } iRet = RemoveAllDirsIfEmpty(szName); return iRet; } void MyDeleteLinkWildcard(TCHAR *szDir, TCHAR *szFileName) { WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; TCHAR szFileToBeDeleted[_MAX_PATH]; _stprintf(szFileToBeDeleted, _T("%s\\%s"), szDir, szFileName); hFile = FindFirstFile(szFileToBeDeleted, &FindFileData); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ( _tcsicmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T(".")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T("..")) != 0 ) { if (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // this is a directory, so let's skip it } else { // this is a file, so let's Delete it. TCHAR szTempFileName[_MAX_PATH]; _stprintf(szTempFileName, _T("%s\\%s"), szDir, FindFileData.cFileName); // set to normal attributes, so we can delete it SetFileAttributes(szTempFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); // delete it, hopefully InetDeleteFile(szTempFileName); } } // get the next file if ( !FindNextFile(hFile, &FindFileData) ) { FindClose(hFile); break; } } while (TRUE); } return; } //*************************************************************************** //* //* purpose: Write out our "settings" file which is just a setupapi .inf file //* which will get installed on the WinNT side //* //*************************************************************************** int MySettingsFile_Write(void) { int iReturn = FALSE; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write. Start.")); // Get From the registry // if pws 4.0 installed then get all that information // and save it in the Settings file. if (g_iPWS40OrBetterInstalled == TRUE) { strcpy(g_Migration_Section_Name_AddReg, g_PWS40_Migration_Section_Name_AddReg); strcpy(g_Migration_Section_Name_CopyFiles, g_PWS40_Migration_Section_Name_CopyFiles); } else if (g_iPWS10Installed == TRUE) { strcpy(g_Migration_Section_Name_AddReg, g_PWS10_Migration_Section_Name_AddReg); strcpy(g_Migration_Section_Name_CopyFiles, g_PWS10_Migration_Section_Name_CopyFiles); } if (g_iPWS40OrBetterInstalled || g_iPWS10Installed) { // Open existing file or create a new one. if (g_FullFileNamePathToSettingsFile) { iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write. CreatingFile '%s'."), g_FullFileNamePathToSettingsFile); hFile = CreateFile(g_FullFileNamePathToSettingsFile,GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,NULL,OPEN_ALWAYS,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (g_iPWS40OrBetterInstalled == TRUE) { // Get all the pws4.0 registry stuff and save it in the settings file. iReturn = MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40(hFile); if (iReturn != TRUE) {SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Failed to Write PWS40 Registry values to file '%s'.",g_FullFileNamePathToSettingsFile);} // On PWS 4.0, We need to make sure to // 1. Not copy over files/dirs in the inetsrv directory from pws 4.0 // 2. copy over all other files in the inetsrv directory for the user // might have some controls and such that they created and want to keep. // add deleted files } else if (g_iPWS10Installed == TRUE) { // if pws 1.0 installed then get all that information and save it in the Settings file. iReturn = MySettingsFile_Write_PWS10(hFile); if (iReturn != TRUE) {SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Failed to Write PWS10 Registry values to file '%s'.",g_FullFileNamePathToSettingsFile);} } } else { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Failed to Create to file '%s'.",g_FullFileNamePathToSettingsFile); } } else { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "File handle Does not exist '%s'.",g_FullFileNamePathToSettingsFile); } } else { iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write. Neither PWS 1.0 or 4.0 is currently installed, no upgraded required.")); } if (hFile && hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {CloseHandle(hFile);hFile=NULL;} iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write. End. Return = %d"), iReturn); return iReturn; } int AnswerFile_AppendDeletion(TCHAR * szFileNameOrPathToDelete,LPCSTR AnswerFile) { int iReturn = FALSE; CHAR szTempString[30]; CHAR szQuotedPath[_MAX_PATH]; if (!szFileNameOrPathToDelete) { goto AnswerFile_AppendDeletion_Exit; } // Open existing file or create a new one. if (!AnswerFile) { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "File handle Does not exist '%s'.",AnswerFile); goto AnswerFile_AppendDeletion_Exit; } if (CheckIfFileExists(AnswerFile) != TRUE) { iisDebugOut(_T("AnswerFile_AppendDeletion:file not exist...\n")); goto AnswerFile_AppendDeletion_Exit; } sprintf(szTempString,"%d",g_SectionCount); iisDebugOut(_T("AnswerFile_AppendDeletion:%s=%s\n"), szTempString,szFileNameOrPathToDelete); sprintf(szQuotedPath, "\"%s\"",szFileNameOrPathToDelete); if (0 == WritePrivateProfileString(UNATTEND_TXT_FILES_TO_DELETE_SECTION, szTempString, szQuotedPath, AnswerFile)) { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Failed to WritePrivateProfileString Section=%s, in File %s. GetLastError=%x.", UNATTEND_TXT_FILES_TO_DELETE_SECTION, AnswerFile, GetLastError()); iisDebugOut(_T("Failed to WritePrivateProfileString Section=%s, in File %s. GetLastError=%x."), UNATTEND_TXT_FILES_TO_DELETE_SECTION, AnswerFile, GetLastError()); goto AnswerFile_AppendDeletion_Exit; } g_SectionCount++; iReturn = TRUE; AnswerFile_AppendDeletion_Exit: iisDebugOut(_T("AnswerFile_AppendDeletion:end.ret=%d,%s\n"),iReturn,szFileNameOrPathToDelete); return iReturn; } int AnswerFile_ReadSectionAndDoDelete(IN HINF AnswerFileHandle) { int iReturn = FALSE; BOOL bFlag = FALSE; INFCONTEXT Context; DWORD dwRequiredSize = 0; LPTSTR szLine = NULL; DWORD retCode = 0; iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_ReadSectionAndDoDelete:start\n")); // go to the beginning of the section in the INF file bFlag = SetupFindFirstLine(AnswerFileHandle,UNATTEND_TXT_FILES_TO_DELETE_SECTION, NULL, &Context); if (!bFlag) { goto MySettingsFile_ReadSectionAndDoDelete_Exit; } // loop through the items in the section. while (bFlag) { // get the size of the memory we need for this bFlag = SetupGetLineText(&Context, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &dwRequiredSize); // prepare the buffer to receive the line szLine = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc( GPTR, dwRequiredSize * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( !szLine ) { iisDebugOut(_T("err:Out of Memory")); goto MySettingsFile_ReadSectionAndDoDelete_Exit; } // get the line from the inf file1 if (SetupGetLineText(&Context, NULL, NULL, NULL, szLine, dwRequiredSize, NULL) == FALSE) { iisDebugOut(_T("SetupGetLineText failed")); goto MySettingsFile_ReadSectionAndDoDelete_Exit; } // For each of these entries do something // Delete the file... retCode = GetFileAttributes(szLine); if (retCode != 0xFFFFFFFF) { iReturn = TRUE; if (retCode & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // it's a directory...recusively delete it iisDebugOut(_T("RecRemoveDir:%s\n"),szLine); RecRemoveDir(szLine); } else { iisDebugOut(_T("InetDeleteFile:%s\n"),szLine); InetDeleteFile(szLine); } } else { iisDebugOut(_T("not found:%s, skipping delete\n"),szLine); } // find the next line in the section. If there is no next line it should return false bFlag = SetupFindNextLine(&Context, &Context); // free the temporary buffer if (szLine) {GlobalFree(szLine);szLine=NULL;} iReturn = TRUE; } MySettingsFile_ReadSectionAndDoDelete_Exit: if (szLine) {GlobalFree(szLine);szLine=NULL;} iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_ReadSectionAndDoDelete:end\n")); return iReturn; } int MySettingsFile_Install(void) { int iReturn = 0; iReturn = InstallInfSection(g_FullFileNamePathToSettingsFile, "DefaultInstall"); return iReturn; } //*************************************************************************** //* //* purpose: //* //*************************************************************************** LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromAnsi(LPSTR psz) { LPWSTR pwsz; int i; // arg checking. if (!psz) return NULL; // compute the length i = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, NULL, 0); if (i <= 0) return NULL; pwsz = (LPWSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc(i * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pwsz) return NULL; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, pwsz, i); pwsz[i - 1] = 0; return pwsz; } //*************************************************************************** //* //* purpose: //* //*************************************************************************** void MakePath(LPTSTR lpPath) { LPTSTR lpTmp; lpTmp = CharPrev( lpPath, lpPath + _tcslen(lpPath)); // chop filename off while ( (lpTmp > lpPath) && *lpTmp && (*lpTmp != '\\') ) lpTmp = CharPrev( lpPath, lpTmp ); if ( *CharPrev( lpPath, lpTmp ) != ':' ) *lpTmp = '\0'; else *CharNext(lpTmp) = '\0'; return; } //*************************************************************************** //* //* purpose: add's filename onto path //* //*************************************************************************** void AddPath(LPTSTR szPath, LPCTSTR szName ) { LPTSTR p = szPath; // Find end of the string while (*p){p = _tcsinc(p);} // If no trailing backslash then add one if (*(_tcsdec(szPath, p)) != _T('\\')) {_tcscat(szPath, _T("\\"));} // if there are spaces precluding szName, then skip while ( *szName == ' ' ) szName = _tcsinc(szName);; // Add new name to existing path string _tcscat(szPath, szName); } // Prepare to read a value by finding the value's size. LONG RegPrepareValue(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR pchValueName, DWORD * pdwType,DWORD * pcbSize,BYTE ** ppbData ) { LONG err = 0 ; BYTE chDummy[2] ; DWORD cbData = 0 ; do { // Set the resulting buffer size to 0. *pcbSize = 0 ; *ppbData = NULL ; err = ::RegQueryValueEx( hKey, (TCHAR *) pchValueName, 0, pdwType, chDummy, & cbData ) ; // The only error we should get here is ERROR_MORE_DATA, but // we may get no error if the value has no data. if ( err == 0 ) { cbData = sizeof (LONG) ; // Just a fudgy number } else if ( err != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) break ; // Allocate a buffer large enough for the data. *ppbData = new BYTE [ (*pcbSize = cbData) + sizeof (LONG) ] ; if ( *ppbData == NULL ) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; break ; } // Now that have a buffer, re-fetch the value. err = ::RegQueryValueEx( hKey, (TCHAR *) pchValueName, 0, pdwType, *ppbData, pcbSize ) ; } while ( FALSE ) ; if ( err ) {delete [] *ppbData ;} return err ; } int AddRegToInfIfExist_Dword(HKEY hRootKeyType,CHAR szRootKey[],CHAR szRootName[],HANDLE fAppendToFile) { int iReturn = FALSE; HKEY hOpen = NULL; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData = 500; BYTE bData[500]; CHAR szTheStringToWrite[2000]; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; // Create the HKLM string for the output string CHAR szThisKeyType[5]; strcpy(szThisKeyType, "HKLM"); if (hRootKeyType == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) {strcpy(szThisKeyType, "HKLM");} if (hRootKeyType == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) {strcpy(szThisKeyType, "HKCR");} if (hRootKeyType == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) {strcpy(szThisKeyType, "HKCU");} if (hRootKeyType == HKEY_USERS) {strcpy(szThisKeyType, "HKU");} // try to open the key if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey(hRootKeyType, szRootKey, &hOpen)) { // try to query the value DWORD dwData = 0; DWORD dwDataSize = 0; dwDataSize = sizeof (DWORD); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hOpen,szRootName,NULL,&dwType,(LPBYTE) &dwData,&dwDataSize)) { DWORD dwTheValue = 0; dwTheValue = dwData; // We got the value. so now let's write the darn thing out to the file. //HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3Svc\Parameters","MajorVersion",0x00010001,4 sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x00010001,%ld\r\n",szThisKeyType,szRootKey,szRootName,dwTheValue); iisDebugOut(_T("AddRegToInfIfExist_Dword:%s."),szTheStringToWrite); // write it to the file if (fAppendToFile) {WriteFile(fAppendToFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL);} else {printf(szTheStringToWrite);} iReturn = TRUE; } } if (hOpen) {RegCloseKey(hOpen);} return iReturn; } /* This function can be used to recursively grab a whole key out of the registry and write it to a setupapi style .inf file. [version] signature="$CHICAGO$" advancedinf=2.0 [PWS10_Migrate_install] AddReg=PWS10_Migrate_Reg [PWS10_Migrate_Reg] (Creates this section) HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo",,,"" HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters",,,"" HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters","MaxPoolThreads",0x00000001,05 HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters","MaxConcurrency",0x00000001,01 HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters","ThreadTimeout",0x00000001,00,2 ... ... Here are the flags as defined in the setupapi.h file: #define FLG_ADDREG_BINVALUETYPE ( 0x00000001 ) #define FLG_ADDREG_NOCLOBBER ( 0x00000002 ) #define FLG_ADDREG_DELVAL ( 0x00000004 ) #define FLG_ADDREG_APPEND ( 0x00000008 ) // Currently supported only for REG_MULTI_SZ values. #define FLG_ADDREG_KEYONLY ( 0x00000010 ) // Just create the key, ignore value #define FLG_ADDREG_OVERWRITEONLY ( 0x00000020 ) // Set only if value already exists #define FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_SZ ( 0x00000000 ) #define FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_MULTI_SZ ( 0x00010000 ) #define FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_EXPAND_SZ ( 0x00020000 ) #define FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_BINARY ( 0x00000000 | FLG_ADDREG_BINVALUETYPE ) #define FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_DWORD ( 0x00010000 | FLG_ADDREG_BINVALUETYPE ) #define FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_NONE ( 0x00020000 | FLG_ADDREG_BINVALUETYPE ) #define FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_MASK ( 0xFFFF0000 | FLG_ADDREG_BINVALUETYPE ) */ int RecursivelyMoveRegFormatToInfFormat(HKEY hRootKeyType, CHAR szRootKey[], HANDLE fAppendToFile) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iGotDefaultValue = FALSE; // Stuff for getting values in our node HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD rc = 0; DWORD dwIndex =0, dwType, cbValueName, cbValue, nStrSize; CHAR lpTemp[20], lpValueName[32], msg[512]; CHAR *strResult = NULL; unsigned int i = 0; union vEntry { DWORD dw; // REG_DWORD, REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN CHAR sz[256]; // REG_SZ CHAR esz[256]; // REG_EXPAND_SZ CHAR bin[1024]; // REG_BINARY CHAR dwbig[4]; // REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN CHAR msz[2048]; // REG_MULTI_SZ } vEntry1; // Stuff for looping thru keys that we can see HANDLE hHeap = NULL; DWORD dwBufSize, nSubkeys, nSubkeyNameLen; LPTSTR lpBuffer = NULL; CHAR szThisKeyType[5]; CHAR szCompoundFromRootKey[1000]; CHAR szTheStringToWrite[2000]; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; // Create the HKLM string for the output string strcpy(szThisKeyType, "HKLM"); if (hRootKeyType == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) {strcpy(szThisKeyType, "HKLM");} if (hRootKeyType == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) {strcpy(szThisKeyType, "HKCR");} if (hRootKeyType == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) {strcpy(szThisKeyType, "HKCU");} if (hRootKeyType == HKEY_USERS) {strcpy(szThisKeyType, "HKU");} // Get the szRootKey and work from there rc = RegOpenKey(hRootKeyType, szRootKey, &hKey); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto RecursivelyMoveRegFormatToInfFormat_Exit; } // Grab the "Default" Entry if there is one. cbValue = sizeof(vEntry1); rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, NULL, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &vEntry1, &cbValue) ; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == rc) { if (vEntry1.sz) { iGotDefaultValue = TRUE; strResult = (TCHAR *) vEntry1.sz; // This can only be a string! // from: System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\InetInfo // Value = Something // to: HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\InetSrv",,,"Something" // --------------------------------------------------- sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "%s,\"%s\",,,\"%s\"\r\n",szThisKeyType, szRootKey, strResult); if (fAppendToFile) {WriteFile(fAppendToFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL);} else {printf(szTheStringToWrite);} } } // if there was no default entry, then just write the key without a default entry. if (!iGotDefaultValue) { // to: HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\InetSrv",,0x00000010,"Something" sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "%s,\"%s\",,0x00000010,\"%s\"\r\n",szThisKeyType, szRootKey, strResult); if (fAppendToFile) {WriteFile(fAppendToFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL);} else {printf(szTheStringToWrite);} } // Now Enum all ValueNames under this dwIndex = 0; while (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { memset(msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); cbValueName = 32; cbValue = sizeof(vEntry1); rc = RegEnumValue( hKey, dwIndex++, lpValueName, &cbValueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &vEntry1, &cbValue ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == rc) { strcpy(szTheStringToWrite, ""); switch (dwType) { case REG_SZ: // to: HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\InetSrv","SomethingName",0x00000000,"SomethingData" sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x00000000,\"%s\"\r\n",szThisKeyType,szRootKey, lpValueName, vEntry1.sz); break; case REG_EXPAND_SZ: // to: HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\InetSrv","SomethingName",0x00020000,"%windir%\SomethingData" nStrSize = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(vEntry1.esz, msg, 512); sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x00020000,\"%s\"\r\n",szThisKeyType,szRootKey, lpValueName, vEntry1.sz); break; case REG_MULTI_SZ: // to: HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters","ThreadTimeout",0x00000001,00,20 strcpy(msg, ""); for (i=0;i < cbValue; i++) { if (i==0){sprintf(lpTemp, "%02X", (BYTE) vEntry1.bin[i]);} else{sprintf(lpTemp, ",%02X", (BYTE) vEntry1.bin[i]);} strcat(msg, lpTemp); } sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x00000001,%s\r\n",szThisKeyType,szRootKey, lpValueName, msg); break; case REG_DWORD: // to: HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters","StartupServices",0x00010001,1 sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x00010001,%ld\r\n",szThisKeyType,szRootKey, lpValueName, vEntry1.dw); break; case REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN: case REG_BINARY: // to: HKLM,"System\CurrentControlSet\Services\InetInfo\Parameters","MaxPoolThreads",0x00000001,05 strcpy(msg, ""); for (i=0;i < cbValue; i++) { if (i==0){sprintf(lpTemp, "%02X", (BYTE) vEntry1.bin[i]);} else{sprintf(lpTemp, ",%02X", (BYTE) vEntry1.bin[i]);} strcat(msg, lpTemp); } sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "%s,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x00000001,%s\r\n",szThisKeyType,szRootKey, lpValueName, msg); break; default: sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "; Unknown data value for Key '%s', Value '%s'", szRootKey, lpValueName); SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Error Reading Registry Key '%s', Unknown data value for key '%s'.",szRootKey, lpValueName); } if (fAppendToFile) {WriteFile(fAppendToFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL);} else {printf(szTheStringToWrite);} } } // // Now Recursively go thru the Sub keys // RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &nSubkeys, &nSubkeyNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); // Allocate memory hHeap = GetProcessHeap(); lpBuffer = (CHAR *) HeapAlloc(hHeap, 0, ++nSubkeyNameLen); if (lpBuffer) { // Enum thru the keys for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < nSubkeys; dwIndex++) { dwBufSize = nSubkeyNameLen; rc = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, dwIndex, lpBuffer, &dwBufSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == rc) { strcpy(szCompoundFromRootKey, szRootKey); strcat(szCompoundFromRootKey, "\\"); strcat(szCompoundFromRootKey, lpBuffer); // Call this function again, but with the newly created key. // and they'll tell they're friends, who will tell they're friends... it's amway! RecursivelyMoveRegFormatToInfFormat(hRootKeyType, szCompoundFromRootKey, fAppendToFile); } } } // Set the flag to say, yes we did some work iReturn = TRUE; RecursivelyMoveRegFormatToInfFormat_Exit: if (hKey){RegCloseKey(hKey);} if (hHeap && lpBuffer){HeapFree(hHeap, 0, lpBuffer);} return iReturn; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // purpose: install an section in an .inf file //------------------------------------------------------------------- int InstallInfSection(char szINFFilename_Full[],char szSectionName[]) { HWND Window = NULL; PTSTR SourcePath = NULL; HINF InfHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HSPFILEQ FileQueue = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PQUEUECONTEXT QueueContext = NULL; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; BOOL bError = TRUE; // assume failure. TCHAR ActualSection[1000]; DWORD ActualSectionLength; TCHAR * pTemp = NULL; iisDebugOut(_T("InstallInfSection(%s, [%s]). Start."),szINFFilename_Full,szSectionName); //__try { // Get the path to setup.exe and strip off filename so we only have the path char szPath[_MAX_PATH]; // get the path only strcpy(szPath,g_FullFileNamePathToSettingsFile); // strip off the filename pTemp = strrchr(szPath, '\\'); if (pTemp){*pTemp = '\0';} // set it to the pointer SourcePath = szPath; pTemp = NULL; pTemp = strrchr(SourcePath, '\\'); if (pTemp) {*pTemp = '\0';} // Check if the file exists if (CheckIfFileExists(szINFFilename_Full) == FALSE) { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "InstallInfSection() Error: Cannot Find the file '%s'. FAILURE.", szINFFilename_Full); goto c0; } // // Load the inf file and get the handle // InfHandle = SetupOpenInfFile(szINFFilename_Full, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if(InfHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CANCELLED) {SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "SetupOpenInfFile(), Filename='%s',Section='%s' FAILED.", szINFFilename_Full, szSectionName);} goto c1; } // // See if there is an nt-specific section // SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstall(InfHandle,szSectionName,ActualSection,sizeof(ActualSection),&ActualSectionLength,NULL); // // Create a setup file queue and initialize the default queue callback. // FileQueue = SetupOpenFileQueue(); if(FileQueue == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CANCELLED) {SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "SetupOpenFileQueue(), Filename='%s',Section='%s' FAILED.", szINFFilename_Full, szSectionName);} goto c1; } //QueueContext = SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback(Window); //if(!QueueContext) {goto c1;} QueueContext = (PQUEUECONTEXT) SetupInitDefaultQueueCallbackEx(Window,NULL,0,0,0); if(!QueueContext) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CANCELLED) {SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "SetupInitDefaultQueueCallbackEx(), Filename='%s',Section='%s' FAILED.", szINFFilename_Full, szSectionName);} goto c1; } QueueContext->PendingUiType = IDF_CHECKFIRST; // // Enqueue file operations for the section passed on the cmd line. // //SourcePath = NULL; bReturn = SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection(InfHandle,NULL,FileQueue,ActualSection,SourcePath,SP_COPY_NEWER); if(!bReturn) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CANCELLED) {SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "SetupInstallFilesFromInfSection(), Filename='%s',Section='%s' FAILED.", szINFFilename_Full, szSectionName);} goto c1; } // // Commit file queue. // if(!SetupCommitFileQueue(Window, FileQueue, SetupDefaultQueueCallback, QueueContext)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CANCELLED) {SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "SetupCommitFileQueue(), Filename='%s',Section='%s' FAILED.", szINFFilename_Full, szSectionName);} goto c1; } // // Perform non-file operations for the section passed on the cmd line. // bReturn = SetupInstallFromInfSection(Window,InfHandle,ActualSection,SPINST_ALL ^ SPINST_FILES,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); if(!bReturn) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CANCELLED) {SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "SetupInstallFromInfSection(), Filename='%s',Section='%s' FAILED.", szINFFilename_Full, szSectionName);} goto c1; } // // Refresh the desktop. // SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED,SHCNF_FLUSHNOWAIT,0,0); // // If we get to here, then this routine has been successful. // bError = FALSE; c1: // // If the bError was because the user cancelled, then we don't want to consider // that as an bError (i.e., we don't want to give an bError popup later). // if(bError && (GetLastError() == ERROR_CANCELLED)) {bError = FALSE;} if(QueueContext) {SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback(QueueContext);QueueContext = NULL;} if(FileQueue != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {SetupCloseFileQueue(FileQueue);FileQueue = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;} if(InfHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {SetupCloseInfFile(InfHandle);InfHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;} c0: ; // } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) // { // if(QueueContext) {SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback(QueueContext);} // if(FileQueue != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {SetupCloseFileQueue(FileQueue);} // if(InfHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {SetupCloseInfFile(InfHandle);} // } // // If the bError was because the user cancelled, then we don't want to consider // that as an bError (i.e., we don't want to give an bError popup later). // if(bError && (GetLastError() == ERROR_CANCELLED)) {bError = FALSE;} // Display installation failed message if(bError) { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "InstallInfSection(), Filename='%s',Section='%s' FAILED.", szINFFilename_Full, szSectionName); } else { iisDebugOut(_T("InstallInfSection(%s, [%s]). End."),szINFFilename_Full,szSectionName); } return bError; } int MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40(HANDLE hFile) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iEverythingIsKool = TRUE; CHAR szTheStringToWrite[2000]; DWORD dwBytesWritten = 0; TCHAR szMetabaseFullPath[_MAX_PATH]; // Registry variables HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwType, cbData=1000,rc=0; BYTE bData[1000]; char *token = NULL; iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40. Start.")); if (hFile) { // ---------------------------- // Write the header information // ---------------------------- strcpy(szTheStringToWrite, "[version]\r\n"); iReturn = WriteFile(hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} strcpy(szTheStringToWrite, "signature=\"$CHICAGO$\"\r\n"); iReturn = WriteFile(hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} strcpy(szTheStringToWrite, "advancedinf=2.0\r\n\r\n"); iReturn = WriteFile(hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} // Create a [DefaultInstall] section which will get run // ---------------------------- strcpy(szTheStringToWrite, "[DefaultInstall]\r\n"); iReturn = WriteFile(hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "AddReg=%s\r\n", g_Migration_Section_Name_AddReg); iReturn = WriteFile(hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} // sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "CopyFiles=%s\r\n\r\n", g_Migration_Section_Name_CopyFiles); // iReturn = WriteFile(hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); // if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} // inetstp setup information // AddReg information // ---------------------------- iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40. Adding AddReg Section.")); sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "[%s]\r\n", g_Migration_Section_Name_AddReg); iReturn = WriteFile( hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} // Now, Get the ";" delimited list of HKLM registry values to read and write to our file. char szSemiColonDelimitedList[1024]; strcpy(szSemiColonDelimitedList,""); if (!LoadString((HINSTANCE) g_MyModuleHandle, IDS_PWS40_HKLM_REG_TO_MIGRATE, szSemiColonDelimitedList, sizeof(szSemiColonDelimitedList))) { iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40. Err or LoadString retieval of IDS_PWS40_HKLM_REG_TO_MIGRATE, Defaulting with english registry values to copy over.")); strcpy(szSemiColonDelimitedList,"Software\\Microsoft\\InetStp;System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\InetInfo;System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\W3Svc;System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\ASP"); } //LOOP THRU THE LIST token = NULL; token = strtok( szSemiColonDelimitedList, g_LoadString_token_delimiters); while( token != NULL ) { // we really should remove pre/post trailing spaces // Grab this certain value("Software\\Microsoft\\INetStp") // and recursively write it to our "settings" file RecursivelyMoveRegFormatToInfFormat_Wrap1(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,token,hFile); // Get next token token = strtok( NULL, g_LoadString_token_delimiters); } // Lookup these key,string value pairs and // if they exist, add them to the inf file. AddRegToInfIfExist_Dword(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\OC Manager\\Subcomponents","iis_common",hFile); AddRegToInfIfExist_Dword(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\OC Manager\\Subcomponents","iis_www",hFile); AddRegToInfIfExist_Dword(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\OC Manager\\Subcomponents","iis_pwmgr",hFile); AddRegToInfIfExist_Dword(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\OC Manager\\Subcomponents","iis_doc_common",hFile); AddRegToInfIfExist_Dword(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\OC Manager\\Subcomponents","iis_doc_pwmcore",hFile); AddRegToInfIfExist_Dword(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\OC Manager\\Subcomponents","iis_doc_asp",hFile); /* // CopyFiles information // ---------------------------- // Lookup the inetstp key to get the location of inetsrv directory. iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40. CopyFiles Section. lookup registry inetstp.")); rc = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_INETSTP, &hKey); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) { SetLastError (rc); SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Failed to open registry key %s GetLastError()=%x", REG_INETSTP, GetLastError()); // if the key does not exist, then hey, we won't be able to find // the metabase, much less upgrade it! // so let's bag out of here! iEverythingIsKool = FALSE; goto MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40_Exit; } // try to query the value rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,REG_INETSTP_INSTALLPATH_STRINGVALUE,NULL,&dwType,bData,&cbData); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) { SetLastError (rc); SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Failed to Read Registry key %s Value in Key '%s'. GetLastError()=%x", REG_INETSTP_INSTALLPATH_STRINGVALUE, REG_INETSTP, GetLastError()); iEverythingIsKool = FALSE; goto MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40_Exit; } // We have the value, copy it to our string // Should look something like this "c:\\windows\system\inetsrv" _tcscpy(szMetabaseFullPath, (const char *) bData); // Now add on the metadata.dll part AddPath(szMetabaseFullPath, METADATA_DLL_FILENAME); // Check if it exists. if (CheckIfFileExists(szMetabaseFullPath) != TRUE) { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "File not found FAILURE. '%s'.", szMetabaseFullPath); iEverythingIsKool = FALSE; goto MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40_Exit; } iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40. CopyFiles Section. Check if file exist %s = TRUE", szMetabaseFullPath)); // Now we need to copy this file from // the system dir to the system32 directory. // So... let's create an entry in our "settings" file // to do it upon installation. //[Section1] //Metabase.Dll iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40. Adding CopyFiles supporting Sections.")); sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "\r\n[%s]\r\n", g_Migration_Section_Name_CopyFiles); iReturn = WriteFile( hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "%s\r\n\r\n", METADATA_DLL_FILENAME); iReturn = WriteFile( hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} //[DestinationDirs] //Section1=11 sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "[DestinationDirs]\r\n"); iReturn = WriteFile( hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "%s=11 ;System on win95, System32 on WinNT\r\n\r\n", g_Migration_Section_Name_CopyFiles); iReturn = WriteFile( hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} //[SourceDisksNames] //1="Setup Files",,,system sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "[SourceDisksNames]\r\n"); iReturn = WriteFile( hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "1= \"Files copied from win95\\system dir\",,,System\r\n\r\n"); iReturn = WriteFile( hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} //[SourceDisksFiles] //Metabase.Dll=1 sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "[SourceDisksFiles]\r\n"); iReturn = WriteFile( hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "%s=1\r\n\r\n", METADATA_DLL_FILENAME); iReturn = WriteFile( hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} */ iReturn = iEverythingIsKool; } //MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40_Exit: iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write_PWS40. End. Return=%d"), iReturn); if (hKey){RegCloseKey(hKey);} return iReturn; } int MySettingsFile_Write_PWS10(HANDLE hFile) { int iReturn = FALSE; int iEverythingIsKool = TRUE; CHAR szTheStringToWrite[2000]; DWORD dwBytesWritten; char *token = NULL; iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write_PWS10. Start.")); if (hFile) { strcpy(szTheStringToWrite, "[version]\r\n"); iReturn = WriteFile(hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} strcpy(szTheStringToWrite, "signature=\"$CHICAGO$\"\r\n"); iReturn = WriteFile(hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} strcpy(szTheStringToWrite, "advancedinf=2.0\r\n\r\n"); iReturn = WriteFile(hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} // Create a [DefaultInstall] section which will get run strcpy(szTheStringToWrite, "[DefaultInstall]\r\n"); iReturn = WriteFile(hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "AddReg=%s\r\n\r\n", g_Migration_Section_Name_AddReg); iReturn = WriteFile(hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} sprintf(szTheStringToWrite, "[%s]\r\n", g_Migration_Section_Name_AddReg); iReturn = WriteFile(hFile,szTheStringToWrite,strlen(szTheStringToWrite),&dwBytesWritten,NULL); if (!iReturn) {iEverythingIsKool = FALSE;} // Now, Get the ";" delimited list of HKLM registry values to read and write to our file. char szSemiColonDelimitedList[1024]; strcpy(szSemiColonDelimitedList,""); if (!LoadString((HINSTANCE) g_MyModuleHandle, IDS_PWS10_HKLM_REG_TO_MIGRATE, szSemiColonDelimitedList, sizeof(szSemiColonDelimitedList))) { iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write_PWS10. Err or LoadString retieval of IDS_PWS10_HKLM_REG_TO_MIGRATE, Defaulting with english registry values to copy over.")); strcpy(szSemiColonDelimitedList, "Software\\Microsoft\\INetStp;System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\InetInfo;System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\MsFtpSvc;System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\W3Svc"); } //LOOP THRU THE LIST token = NULL; token = strtok( szSemiColonDelimitedList, g_LoadString_token_delimiters); while( token != NULL ) { // we really should remove pre/post trailing spaces // Grab this certain value("Software\\Microsoft\\INetStp") // and recursively write it to our "settings" file RecursivelyMoveRegFormatToInfFormat_Wrap1(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,token,hFile); // Get next token token = strtok( NULL, g_LoadString_token_delimiters); } // set the return value to iReturn = iEverythingIsKool; } iisDebugOut(_T("MySettingsFile_Write_PWS10. End. Return=%d"), iReturn); return iReturn; } int MyMessageBox(char szMsg[], char szFileName[]) { char szTempErrString[200]; sprintf(szTempErrString, szMsg, szFileName); return MessageBox(NULL, szTempErrString, "PWS Migration Dll Failure", MB_OK); } // handle the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Enum\Network\MSWEBSVR] reg key void HandleSpecialRegKey(void) { int iReturn = FALSE; HKEY hKey = NULL; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_NETWORK_MSWEBSVR, &hKey)) {iReturn = TRUE;} if (hKey){RegCloseKey(hKey);} if (iReturn == TRUE) { // Write to the Migrate.inf file that we are "Handling" this registry settings. iisDebugOut(_T("HandleSpecialRegKey. Write Entry to Migrate.inf file.")); iReturn = MigInf_AddHandledRegistry(REG_HKLM_NETWORK_MSWEBSVR, NULL); if (iReturn != TRUE) {SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevWarning, "Warning: MigInf_AddHandledRegistry() FAILED.");} // // Important: Write memory version of migrate.inf to disk // if (!MigInf_WriteInfToDisk()) { iReturn = GetLastError(); SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Error: MigInf_WriteInfToDisk() FAILED.err=0x%x",iReturn); } } if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_PWS_40_UNINSTALL_KEY, &hKey)) {iReturn = TRUE;} if (hKey){RegCloseKey(hKey);} if (iReturn == TRUE) { // Write to the Migrate.inf file that we are "Handling" this registry settings. iisDebugOut(_T("HandleSpecialRegKey. Write Entry2 to Migrate.inf file.")); iReturn = MigInf_AddHandledRegistry(REG_HKLM_PWS_40_UNINSTALL_KEY, NULL); if (iReturn != TRUE) {SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevWarning, "Warning: MigInf_AddHandledRegistry2() FAILED.");} // // Important: Write memory version of migrate.inf to disk // if (!MigInf_WriteInfToDisk()) { iReturn = GetLastError(); SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Error: MigInf_WriteInfToDisk2() FAILED.err=0x%x",iReturn); } } } void RecursivelyMoveRegFormatToInfFormat_Wrap1(HKEY hRootKeyType, CHAR szRootKey[], HANDLE fAppendToFile) { int iReturn = FALSE; char szTheFullKey[512]; char szTheMask[50]; // use this stuff for the migrate.inf file strcpy(szTheMask, "HKLM\\%s"); if (hRootKeyType == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) {strcpy(szTheMask, "HKLM\\%s");} if (hRootKeyType == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) {strcpy(szTheMask, "HKCR\\%s");} if (hRootKeyType == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) {strcpy(szTheMask, "HKCU\\%s");} if (hRootKeyType == HKEY_USERS) {strcpy(szTheMask, "HKU\\%s");} sprintf(szTheFullKey, szTheMask, szRootKey); iisDebugOut(_T("RecursivelyMoveRegFormatToInfFormat_Wrap1. %s"), szTheFullKey); // Call the real recursive function iReturn = RecursivelyMoveRegFormatToInfFormat(hRootKeyType, szRootKey, fAppendToFile); // // Write handled for every setting we are processing. Because this // DLL supports only some of the values in the Desktop key, we must // be very specific as to which values are actually handled. If // your DLL handles all registry values AND subkeys of a registry // key, you can specify NULL in the second parameter of // MigInf_AddHandledRegistry. // if (iReturn == TRUE) { // Write to the Migrate.inf file that we are "Handling" this registry settings. iisDebugOut(_T("RecursivelyMoveRegFormatToInfFormat_Wrap1. Write Entry to Migrate.inf file.")); iReturn = MigInf_AddHandledRegistry(szTheFullKey, NULL); if (iReturn != TRUE) {SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevWarning, "Warning: MigInf_AddHandledRegistry() FAILED.");} // // Important: Write memory version of migrate.inf to disk // if (!MigInf_WriteInfToDisk()) { iReturn = GetLastError(); SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Error: MigInf_WriteInfToDisk() FAILED.err=0x%x",iReturn); } } return; } int ReturnImportantDirs(void) { int iReturn = FALSE; if (g_iPWS40OrBetterInstalled == TRUE) { // do something } else if (g_iPWS10Installed == TRUE) { // do something else } return iReturn; } void SetupLogError_Wrap(IN LogSeverity TheSeverityErr, TCHAR *MessageString, ...) { TCHAR acsString[1000]; TCHAR acsString2[1000]; va_list va; va_start(va, MessageString); _vstprintf(acsString, MessageString, va); va_end(va); // Append on Our modules information. _stprintf(acsString2, _T("SetupLogError: %s"), acsString); iisDebugOut(acsString2); _stprintf(acsString2, _T("[PWS Migration DLL]:%s%s"), g_MyLogFile.m_szLogPreLineInfo, acsString); SetupLogError(acsString2, TheSeverityErr); return; } int SetMetabaseToDoUnEncryptedRead(int iOnFlag) { int iReturn = FALSE; DWORD rc = 0; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwResult = 0; DWORD DontCare; rc = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_INETSTP, 0, _T(""), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, &DontCare); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(rc); goto SetMetabaseToDoUnEncryptedRead_Exit; } dwResult = 1; rc = RegSetValueEx(hKey, METABASEUNSECUREDREAD_VALUENAME, 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE *) &dwResult, sizeof dwResult); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(rc); goto SetMetabaseToDoUnEncryptedRead_Exit; } iReturn = TRUE; SetMetabaseToDoUnEncryptedRead_Exit: if (hKey){RegCloseKey(hKey);} return iReturn; } void DeleteMetabaseSchemaNode(void) { CMDKey cmdKey; cmdKey.OpenNode(_T("/")); if ( (METADATA_HANDLE) cmdKey ) { iisDebugOut(_T("MyUpgradeTasks.DeleteNode /Schema.Start.")); cmdKey.DeleteNode(_T("Schema")); cmdKey.Close(); iisDebugOut(_T("MyUpgradeTasks.DeleteNode /Schema.End.")); } return; } BOOL MyDeleteLink(LPTSTR lpszShortcut) { TCHAR szFile[_MAX_PATH]; SHFILEOPSTRUCT fos; ZeroMemory(szFile, sizeof(szFile)); _tcscpy(szFile, lpszShortcut); iisDebugOut(_T("MyDeleteLink(): %s.\n"), szFile); if (CheckIfFileExists(szFile)) { ZeroMemory(&fos, sizeof(fos)); fos.hwnd = NULL; fos.wFunc = FO_DELETE; fos.pFrom = szFile; fos.fFlags = FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; if (SHFileOperation(&fos) != 0) { iisDebugOut(_T("MyDeleteLink(): SHFileOperation FAILED\n")); } } else { //iisDebugOutSafeParams((_T("MyDeleteLink(): CheckIfFileExists(%1!s!) = FALSE FAILURE\n"), szFile)); } return TRUE; } void MyDeleteItem(LPCTSTR szGroupName, LPCTSTR szAppName) { TCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH]; MyGetGroupPath(szGroupName, szPath); _tcscat(szPath, _T("\\")); _tcscat(szPath, szAppName); _tcscat(szPath, _T(".lnk")); MyDeleteLink(szPath); // try to remove items added by AddURLShortcutItem() MyGetGroupPath(szGroupName, szPath); _tcscat(szPath, _T("\\")); _tcscat(szPath, szAppName); _tcscat(szPath, _T(".url")); MyDeleteLink(szPath); if (MyIsGroupEmpty(szGroupName)) {MyDeleteGroup(szGroupName);} } void MyGetGroupPath(LPCTSTR szGroupName, LPTSTR szPath) { int nLen = 0; LPITEMIDLIST pidlPrograms; if (SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS, &pidlPrograms) != NOERROR) { if (SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_PROGRAMS, &pidlPrograms) != NOERROR) {iisDebugOut(_T("MyGetGroupPath() SHGetSpecialFolderLocation FAILED\n"));} } if (SHGetPathFromIDList(pidlPrograms, szPath) != TRUE) {iisDebugOut(_T("MyGetGroupPath() SHGetPathFromIDList FAILED\n"));} nLen = _tcslen(szPath); if (szGroupName) { if (szPath[nLen-1] != _T('\\')){_tcscat(szPath, _T("\\"));} _tcscat(szPath, szGroupName); } //iisDebugOut(_T("MyGetGroupPath(%s). Returns %s.\n"), szGroupName, szPath); return; } BOOL MyIsGroupEmpty(LPCTSTR szGroupName) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; HANDLE hFind; BOOL bFindFile = TRUE; BOOL fReturn = TRUE; MyGetGroupPath(szGroupName, szPath); _tcscpy(szFile, szPath); _tcscat(szFile, _T("\\*.*")); hFind = FindFirstFile(szFile, &FindData); while((INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFind) && bFindFile) { if(*(FindData.cFileName) != _T('.')) { fReturn = FALSE; break; } //find the next file bFindFile = FindNextFile(hFind, &FindData); } FindClose(hFind); return fReturn; } BOOL MyDeleteGroup(LPCTSTR szGroupName) { BOOL fResult; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; SHFILEOPSTRUCT fos; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; HANDLE hFind; BOOL bFindFile = TRUE; MyGetGroupPath(szGroupName, szPath); //we can't remove a directory that is not empty, so we need to empty this one _tcscpy(szFile, szPath); _tcscat(szFile, _T("\\*.*")); ZeroMemory(&fos, sizeof(fos)); fos.hwnd = NULL; fos.wFunc = FO_DELETE; fos.fFlags = FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; hFind = FindFirstFile(szFile, &FindData); while((INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFind) && bFindFile) { if(*(FindData.cFileName) != _T('.')) { //copy the path and file name to our temp buffer memset( (PVOID)szFile, 0, sizeof(szFile)); _tcscpy(szFile, szPath); _tcscat(szFile, _T("\\")); _tcscat(szFile, FindData.cFileName); //add a second NULL because SHFileOperation is looking for this _tcscat(szFile, _T("\0")); //delete the file fos.pFrom = szFile; if (SHFileOperation(&fos) != 0) {iisDebugOut(_T("MyDeleteGroup(): SHFileOperation FAILED\n"));} } //find the next file bFindFile = FindNextFile(hFind, &FindData); } FindClose(hFind); fResult = RemoveDirectory(szPath); if (fResult) {SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_RMDIR, SHCNF_PATH, szPath, 0);} return(fResult); } #define PWS_SHUTDOWN_EVENT "Inet_shutdown" BOOL W95ShutdownW3SVC(void) { HANDLE hEvent; hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, _T(PWS_SHUTDOWN_EVENT)); if ( hEvent == NULL ) {return(TRUE);} if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) {SetEvent( hEvent );} CloseHandle(hEvent); return(TRUE); } typedef void (*pFunctionIISDLL)(CHAR *szSectionName); int Call_IIS_DLL_INF_Section(CHAR *szSectionName) { int iReturn = FALSE; HINSTANCE hDll = NULL; pFunctionIISDLL pMyFunctionPointer = NULL; TCHAR szSystemDir[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFullPath[_MAX_PATH]; // get the c:\winnt\system32 dir if (0 == GetSystemDirectory(szSystemDir, _MAX_PATH)) { iisDebugOut(_T("Call_IIS_DLL_INF_Section(%s).GetSystemDirectory FAILED."),szSectionName); goto Call_IIS_DLL_INF_Section_Exit; } // Tack on the setup\iis.dll subdir and filename sprintf(szFullPath, "%s\\setup\\iis.dll",szSystemDir); // Check if the file exists if (TRUE != CheckIfFileExists(szFullPath)) { iisDebugOut(_T("Call_IIS_DLL_INF_Section.CheckIfFileExists(%s) FAILED."),szFullPath); goto Call_IIS_DLL_INF_Section_Exit; } // Try to load the module,dll,ocx. hDll = LoadLibraryEx(szFullPath, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH ); if (!hDll) { iisDebugOut(_T("Call_IIS_DLL_INF_Section.LoadLibraryEx(%s) FAILED."),szFullPath); goto Call_IIS_DLL_INF_Section_Exit; } // get the function pMyFunctionPointer = (pFunctionIISDLL) GetProcAddress( hDll, "ProcessInfSection"); if (pMyFunctionPointer) { // we have the function.. let's call it. iisDebugOut(_T("Call_IIS_DLL_INF_Section.Calling function [ProcessInfSection] Now...start")); (*pMyFunctionPointer)(szSectionName); iisDebugOut(_T("Call_IIS_DLL_INF_Section.Calling function [ProcessInfSection] Now...end")); iReturn = TRUE; } else { iisDebugOut(_T("Call_IIS_DLL_INF_Section.GetProcAddress(ProcessInfSection) FAILED.")); } Call_IIS_DLL_INF_Section_Exit: if (hDll){FreeLibrary(hDll);} return iReturn; } int GetInetSrvDir(CHAR *szOutputThisFullPath) { int iEverythingIsKool = TRUE; TCHAR szMetabaseFullPath[_MAX_PATH]; // Registry variables HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwType, cbData=1000,rc=0; BYTE bData[1000]; // CopyFiles information // ---------------------------- // Lookup the inetstp key to get the location of inetsrv directory. iisDebugOut(_T("GetInetSrvDir. lookup registry inetstp.")); rc = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_INETSTP, &hKey); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) { SetLastError (rc); SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Failed to open registry key %s GetLastError()=%x", REG_INETSTP, GetLastError()); // if the key does not exist, then hey, we won't be able to find // the metabase, much less upgrade it! // so let's bag out of here! iEverythingIsKool = FALSE; goto GetInetSrvDir_Exit; } // try to query the value rc = RegQueryValueEx(hKey,REG_INETSTP_INSTALLPATH_STRINGVALUE,NULL,&dwType,bData,&cbData); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) { SetLastError (rc); SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Failed to Read Registry key %s Value in Key '%s'. GetLastError()=%x", REG_INETSTP_INSTALLPATH_STRINGVALUE, REG_INETSTP, GetLastError()); iEverythingIsKool = FALSE; goto GetInetSrvDir_Exit; } // We have the value, copy it to our string // Should look something like this "c:\\windows\system\inetsrv" _tcsncpy(szMetabaseFullPath, (const char *) bData, _MAX_PATH); szMetabaseFullPath[_MAX_PATH - 1] = '\0'; // we only want the path part, so copy that to the output string _tcscpy(szOutputThisFullPath, szMetabaseFullPath); iEverythingIsKool = TRUE; iisDebugOut(_T("GetInetSrvDir. Check if file exist %s = TRUE"), szMetabaseFullPath); GetInetSrvDir_Exit: if (hKey){RegCloseKey(hKey);} return iEverythingIsKool; } int MyUpgradeTasks(LPCSTR AnswerFile) { int iReturn = FALSE; HANDLE hFile; TCHAR szQuotedPath[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szMyInetsrvDir[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFullMetadataPath[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szNewFileName[_MAX_PATH]; int iDoTheSwap = FALSE; iisDebugOut(_T("MyUpgradeTasks. Start.")); // if this is pws 1.0, then hey, we don't need to do anything // other than copy over the registry, so just get out of here. if (g_iPWS10Installed == TRUE) {goto MyUpgradeTasks_Exit;} // if this is pws 4.0 then we // need to take the iis 4.0 metabase and do certain things to it: // 1. Call DeleteApp if (g_iPWS40OrBetterInstalled == TRUE) { // Facts: // 1. win95 doesn't have security, so the encrypted stuff in metabase on win95 // is not encrypted. // 2. NT does have security, so the encrypted stuff in the metabase is read/write // as encrypted automatically, within the metabase code. // // problem: // 1. If we are migrating the metabase from pws 4.0 on win95, then there is // a bunch of encrypted keys in the metabase which aren't encrypted and // we need a way to tell the metabase that it needs to read the data // as "not encrypted" data. it's okay to write it out as encrypted, but // it's not cool to read the "not encrypted" data as encrypted. // // Solution: // 1. Set the registry stuff: // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\INetStp // MetabaseUnSecuredRead= (DWORD) 1 or 0 // 1= Yes, metabase, please read your stuff our of the metabase as unsecured. // 2= No, Metabase, read your stuff out of the metabase like you normally do. // The noexistance of the key is equal to MetabaseUnSecuredRead=0 // Create a special key in the registry. if (SetMetabaseToDoUnEncryptedRead(TRUE) != TRUE) { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Unable to set Metabase (MetabaseUnSecuredRead flag) on. PWS 4.0 metabase will not be Migrated. FAILER."); goto MyUpgradeTasks_Exit; } // try to call the AppDeleteRecoverable() function in the metabase. // Which will tell the metabase to prepare to disconnect itself from // Transaction Server and save all it's data to it's dat file. /* #ifdef SPECIAL_METABASE_STUFF if (TRUE != AppDeleteRecoverable_Wrap("LM/W3SVC")) { // Set to true anyway, because the user could be re-running this. iReturn = TRUE; SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Call to AppDeleteRecoverable_Wrap() FAILED."); goto MyUpgradeTasks_Exit; } #endif */ // Before changing the metabase.bin file // let's save it somewhere. // 1. Get the %windir%\system\inetsrv directory where metabase.bin lives. // 2. copy that metabase.bin file to "anothername". _tcscpy(szMyInetsrvDir, _T("")); if (TRUE == GetInetSrvDir(szMyInetsrvDir)) { _tcscpy(szFullMetadataPath, szMyInetsrvDir); AddPath(szFullMetadataPath, METABASE_BIN_FILENAME); // Check if it exists. if (CheckIfFileExists(szFullMetadataPath) == TRUE) {iDoTheSwap = TRUE;} if (TRUE == iDoTheSwap) { _tcscpy(szNewFileName, szMyInetsrvDir); AddPath(szNewFileName, METABASE_BIN_BEFORE_CHANGE); // Delete any that already exists. if (CheckIfFileExists(szNewFileName) == TRUE){DeleteFile(szNewFileName);} iisDebugOut(_T("Calling WritePrivateProfileString.%s."), AnswerFile); sprintf(szQuotedPath, "\"%s\"",szFullMetadataPath); if (0 == WritePrivateProfileString(UNATTEND_TXT_PWS_SECTION, UNATTEND_TXT_PWS_METABASE_ORGINAL, szQuotedPath, AnswerFile)) { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Failed to WritePrivateProfileString Section=%s, in File %s. GetLastError=%x.", UNATTEND_TXT_PWS_METABASE_ORGINAL, AnswerFile, GetLastError()); } // Copy Metadata.bin to anothername if (0 == CopyFile(szFullMetadataPath, szNewFileName, FALSE)) { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Call to CopyFile() Failed. from=s%,to=%s. GetLastError=%x.", szFullMetadataPath, szNewFileName, GetLastError()); iDoTheSwap = FALSE; } } } // 3. change the metabase.bin // Delete the "Schema" node DeleteMetabaseSchemaNode(); // 4. stop the web server // 5. rename metabase.bin to "asdfghjk.002" // 6. rename "asdfghjk.001" to metabase.bin // 7. this way if setup is cancelled, then they will still have a win95/98 web server that works! if (TRUE == iDoTheSwap) { // Stop the web server... W95ShutdownW3SVC(); W95ShutdownIISADMIN(); _tcscpy(szFullMetadataPath, szMyInetsrvDir); AddPath(szFullMetadataPath, METABASE_BIN_FILENAME); // Check if it exists. if (CheckIfFileExists(szFullMetadataPath) == TRUE) { // rename metadata.bin to somethingelsenew _tcscpy(szNewFileName, szMyInetsrvDir); AddPath(szNewFileName, METABASE_BIN_AFTER_CHANGE); // Delete any that already exists. if (CheckIfFileExists(szNewFileName) == TRUE){DeleteFile(szNewFileName);} // Copy Metadata.bin to anothername if (0 == CopyFile(szFullMetadataPath, szNewFileName, FALSE)) { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Call to CopyFile() Failed. from=s%,to=%s. GetLastError=%x.", szFullMetadataPath, szNewFileName, GetLastError()); } else { iisDebugOut(_T("Calling WritePrivateProfileString.%s."), AnswerFile); sprintf(szQuotedPath, "\"%s\"",szNewFileName); if (0 == WritePrivateProfileString(UNATTEND_TXT_PWS_SECTION, UNATTEND_TXT_PWS_METABASE_NEW, szQuotedPath, AnswerFile)) { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Failed to WritePrivateProfileString Section=%s, in File %s. GetLastError=%x.", UNATTEND_TXT_PWS_METABASE_NEW, AnswerFile, GetLastError()); } // rename old backedupname to metadata.bin _tcscpy(szNewFileName, szMyInetsrvDir); AddPath(szNewFileName, METABASE_BIN_BEFORE_CHANGE); // Delete any that already exists. if (CheckIfFileExists(szFullMetadataPath) == TRUE){DeleteFile(szFullMetadataPath);} // Copy anothername to Metadata.bin if (0 == CopyFile(szNewFileName, szFullMetadataPath, FALSE)) { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Call to CopyFile() Failed. from=s%,to=%s. GetLastError=%x.", szNewFileName, szFullMetadataPath, GetLastError()); } else { // Delete the anothername old file DeleteFile(szNewFileName); } } } } // we've gotten this far, things must be good. iReturn = TRUE; } MyUpgradeTasks_Exit: iisDebugOut(_T("MyUpgradeTasks. End. Return = %d"), iReturn); return iReturn; } #define IISADMIN_SHUTDOWN_EVENT "Internet_infosvc_as_exe" BOOL W95ShutdownIISADMIN(void) { DWORD i; HANDLE hEvent; hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, _T(IISADMIN_SHUTDOWN_EVENT)); if ( hEvent == NULL ) { return(TRUE); } if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { SetEvent( hEvent ); } CloseHandle(hEvent); for (i=0; i < 20; i++) { hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, _T(IISADMIN_SHUTDOWN_EVENT)); if ( hEvent != NULL ) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(hEvent); if ( err == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) { Sleep(500); continue; } } break; } return(TRUE); } int CheckFrontPageINI(void) { int iReturn = FALSE; char szWindowsDir[_MAX_PATH]; char szFullPathedFilename[_MAX_PATH]; char szFrontPageINIFilename[] = "frontpg.ini\0"; strcpy(szWindowsDir, ""); if (0 == GetWindowsDirectory(szWindowsDir, sizeof(szWindowsDir))) { // Error so write it out SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Call to GetWindowsDirectory() Failed. GetLastError=%x.", GetLastError()); goto CheckFrontPageINI_Exit; } // copy our settings file to this directory. strcpy(szFullPathedFilename, szWindowsDir); AddPath(szFullPathedFilename, szFrontPageINIFilename); iReturn = CheckIfFileExists(szFullPathedFilename); CheckFrontPageINI_Exit: return iReturn; } void MoveFrontPageINI(void) { // since the frontpage guys didn't write a migrate.dll // we'll have to handle one file for them during the win95/98 upgrade. // // if we find the c:\windows\frontpg.ini file // then we'll have to rename it to frontpage.txt // then during they're install they will rename it back to frontpg.ini int iSomethingToDo = FALSE; int iFileExists = FALSE; int iFileExists_new = FALSE; char szWindowsDir[_MAX_PATH]; char szFullPathedFilename[_MAX_PATH]; char szFullPathedFilename_new[_MAX_PATH]; char szFrontPageINIFilename[] = "frontpg.ini\0"; char szFrontPageINIFilename_new[] = "frontpg.txt\0"; strcpy(szWindowsDir, ""); if (0 == GetWindowsDirectory(szWindowsDir, sizeof(szWindowsDir))) { // Error so write it out SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Call to GetWindowsDirectory() Failed. GetLastError=%x.", GetLastError()); goto MoveFrontPageINI_Exit; } // copy our settings file to this directory. strcpy(szFullPathedFilename, szWindowsDir); AddPath(szFullPathedFilename, szFrontPageINIFilename); iFileExists = CheckIfFileExists(szFullPathedFilename); strcpy(szFullPathedFilename_new, szWindowsDir); AddPath(szFullPathedFilename_new, szFrontPageINIFilename_new); iFileExists_new = CheckIfFileExists(szFullPathedFilename_new); if (FALSE == iFileExists && FALSE == iFileExists_new) { // Neither files exists, we don't have to do jack goto MoveFrontPageINI_Exit; } if (TRUE == iFileExists) { if (TRUE == iFileExists_new) {DeleteFile(szFullPathedFilename_new);} if (0 == CopyFile(szFullPathedFilename, szFullPathedFilename_new, FALSE)) { SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Call to CopyFile() Failed. GetLastError=%x.", GetLastError()); goto MoveFrontPageINI_Exit; } else { iisDebugOut(_T("MoveFrontPageINI. %s renamed to %s"),szFullPathedFilename,szFrontPageINIFilename_new); // don't delete the old .ini file since the user could actually cancel the upgrade. //DeleteFile(szFullPathedFilename); iSomethingToDo = TRUE; } } else { // if we're here then that means that // file1 doesn't exists and file2 does exist. // that means that we probably already copied file1 to file2 and deleted file1. iSomethingToDo = TRUE; } if (iSomethingToDo) { // Tell the upgrade module that we are going to 'handle' this newly created file. // We really don't care if this get's added to the file or not, // so let's not check the return code. MigInf_AddHandledFile(szFullPathedFilename_new); // Important: Write memory version of migrate.inf to disk if (!MigInf_WriteInfToDisk()) {SetupLogError_Wrap(LogSevError, "Error: MigInf_WriteInfToDisk() FAILED.");} } else { iisDebugOut(_T("MoveFrontPageINI. %s not exist. no action."),szFullPathedFilename); } MoveFrontPageINI_Exit: return; } HRESULT GetLNKProgramRunInfo(LPCTSTR lpszLink, LPTSTR lpszProgram) { HRESULT hres; int iDoUninit = FALSE; IShellLink* pShellLink = NULL; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; if (SUCCEEDED(CoInitialize(NULL))) {iDoUninit = TRUE;} hres = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_ShellLink,NULL,CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IShellLink,(LPVOID*)&pShellLink); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { IPersistFile* pPersistFile = NULL; hres = pShellLink->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID*)&pPersistFile); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { WCHAR wsz[_MAX_PATH]; // Ensure that the string is WCHAR. #if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE) _tcscpy(wsz, lpszLink); #else MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, lpszLink, -1, wsz, _MAX_PATH); #endif hres = pPersistFile->Load(wsz, STGM_READ); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { hres = pShellLink->Resolve(NULL, SLR_ANY_MATCH | SLR_NO_UI); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { pShellLink->GetPath(lpszProgram, _MAX_PATH, (WIN32_FIND_DATA *)&wfd, SLGP_SHORTPATH); } } if (pPersistFile) {pPersistFile->Release();pPersistFile = NULL;} } if (pShellLink) {pShellLink->Release();pShellLink = NULL;} } if (TRUE == iDoUninit) {CoUninitialize();} return hres; } int LNKSearchAndReturn(LPTSTR szDirToLookThru, LPTSTR szExeNameWithoutPath, LPTSTR szFileNameReturned) { int iReturn = FALSE; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; TCHAR szFilePath[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFilename_ext_only[_MAX_EXT]; _tcscpy(szFileNameReturned, _T("")); _tcscpy(szFilePath, szDirToLookThru); AddPath(szFilePath, _T("*.lnk")); hFile = FindFirstFile(szFilePath, &FindFileData); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ( _tcsicmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T(".")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T("..")) != 0 ) { if (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // this is a directory, so let's skip it } else { // check if this file is a .lnk file // if it is then let's open it and // see if it points to our .exe we're looking for... // get only the filename's extention _tsplitpath( FindFileData.cFileName, NULL, NULL, NULL, szFilename_ext_only); // check for .lnk if (0 == _tcsicmp(szFilename_ext_only, _T(".lnk"))) { TCHAR szFilename_only[_MAX_FNAME]; TCHAR szFullPathAndFilename[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTemporaryString[_MAX_PATH]; // this is a .lnk, // open it and check the .exe.. _tcscpy(szFullPathAndFilename,szDirToLookThru); AddPath(szFullPathAndFilename,FindFileData.cFileName); _tcscpy(szTemporaryString,_T("")); if (SUCCEEDED(GetLNKProgramRunInfo(szFullPathAndFilename, szTemporaryString))) { _tsplitpath( szTemporaryString, NULL, NULL, szFilename_only, szFilename_ext_only); _tcscpy(szTemporaryString, szFilename_only); _tcscat(szTemporaryString, szFilename_ext_only); // check if it matches our .exe name. if (0 == _tcsicmp(szTemporaryString,szExeNameWithoutPath)) { _tcscpy(szFileNameReturned,FindFileData.cFileName); iReturn = TRUE; FindClose(hFile); break; } } } } } // get the next file if ( !FindNextFile(hFile, &FindFileData) ) { FindClose(hFile); break; } } while (TRUE); } return iReturn; } int MyGetSendToPath(LPTSTR szPath) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlSendTo; HRESULT hRes = NOERROR; int iTemp; int iReturn = FALSE; hRes = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_SENDTO, &pidlSendTo); if (hRes != NOERROR) { iReturn = FALSE; } iTemp = SHGetPathFromIDList(pidlSendTo, szPath); if (iTemp != TRUE) { iReturn = FALSE; goto MyGetSendToPath_Exit; } iReturn = TRUE; MyGetSendToPath_Exit: return iReturn; } int MyGetDesktopPath(LPTSTR szPath) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlSendTo; HRESULT hRes = NOERROR; int iTemp; int iReturn = FALSE; hRes = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY, &pidlSendTo); if (hRes != NOERROR) { iReturn = FALSE; } iTemp = SHGetPathFromIDList(pidlSendTo, szPath); if (iTemp != TRUE) { iReturn = FALSE; goto MyGetDesktopPath_Exit; } iReturn = TRUE; MyGetDesktopPath_Exit: return iReturn; } void MyDeleteSendToItem(LPCTSTR szAppName) { TCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szPath2[_MAX_PATH]; MyGetSendToPath(szPath); _tcscpy(szPath2, szAppName); //_tcscat(szPath2, _T(".lnk")); // already in the resource, so let's not tack it on again. MyDeleteLinkWildcard(szPath, szPath2); } BOOL IsFileNameInDelimitedList(LPTSTR szCommaDelimList,LPTSTR szExeNameWithoutPath) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; char *token = NULL; TCHAR szCopyOfDataBecauseStrTokIsLame[_MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(szCopyOfDataBecauseStrTokIsLame,szCommaDelimList); // breakup the szCommaDelimList into strings and see if it contains the szExeNameWithoutPath string token = strtok(szCopyOfDataBecauseStrTokIsLame, g_LoadString_token_delimiters); while(token != NULL) { // check if it matches our .exe name. if (0 == _tcsicmp(token,szExeNameWithoutPath)) { return TRUE; } // Get next token token = strtok(NULL, g_LoadString_token_delimiters); } return FALSE; } int LNKSearchAndDestroyRecursive(LPTSTR szDirToLookThru, LPTSTR szSemiColonDelmitedListOfExeNames, BOOL bDeleteItsDirToo, LPCSTR AnswerFile) { int iReturn = FALSE; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; TCHAR szFilePath[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFilename_ext_only[_MAX_EXT]; DWORD retCode = GetFileAttributes(szDirToLookThru); if (retCode == 0xFFFFFFFF || !(retCode & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { return FALSE; } _tcscpy(szFilePath, szDirToLookThru); AddPath(szFilePath, _T("*.*")); hFile = FindFirstFile(szFilePath, &FindFileData); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if ( _tcsicmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T(".")) != 0 && _tcsicmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T("..")) != 0 ) { if (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { TCHAR szFullNewDirToLookInto[_MAX_EXT]; _tcscpy(szFullNewDirToLookInto, szDirToLookThru); AddPath(szFullNewDirToLookInto,FindFileData.cFileName); // this is a directory, so let's go into this // directory recursively LNKSearchAndDestroyRecursive(szFullNewDirToLookInto,szSemiColonDelmitedListOfExeNames,bDeleteItsDirToo,AnswerFile); } else { // check if this file is a .lnk file // if it is then let's open it and // see if it points to our .exe we're looking for... // get only the filename's extention _tsplitpath( FindFileData.cFileName, NULL, NULL, NULL, szFilename_ext_only); // check for .lnk if (0 == _tcsicmp(szFilename_ext_only, _T(".lnk"))) { TCHAR szFilename_only[_MAX_FNAME]; TCHAR szFullPathAndFilename[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szTemporaryString[_MAX_PATH]; // this is a .lnk, // open it and check the .exe.. _tcscpy(szFullPathAndFilename,szDirToLookThru); AddPath(szFullPathAndFilename,FindFileData.cFileName); _tcscpy(szTemporaryString,_T("")); if (SUCCEEDED(GetLNKProgramRunInfo(szFullPathAndFilename, szTemporaryString))) { _tsplitpath( szTemporaryString, NULL, NULL, szFilename_only, szFilename_ext_only); _tcscpy(szTemporaryString, szFilename_only); _tcscat(szTemporaryString, szFilename_ext_only); //_tprintf(TEXT("open:%s,%s\n"),szFullPathAndFilename,szTemporaryString); // see if it is on our list of comma delimited names... if (TRUE == IsFileNameInDelimitedList(szSemiColonDelmitedListOfExeNames,szTemporaryString)) { // DELETE the file that references this .exe MigInf_AddMovedFile(szFullPathAndFilename, ""); AnswerFile_AppendDeletion(szFullPathAndFilename,AnswerFile); if (bDeleteItsDirToo) { // Get it's dirname and delete that too... MigInf_AddMovedDirectory(szDirToLookThru, ""); AnswerFile_AppendDeletion(szDirToLookThru,AnswerFile); } iReturn = TRUE; } } } } } // get the next file if ( !FindNextFile(hFile, &FindFileData) ) { FindClose(hFile); break; } } while (TRUE); } return iReturn; } // We need to tell migration setup that we are going to handle certain files... // particularly the c:\windows\SendTo\Personal Web Server.lnk file // since it doesn't seem to be accessible during win2000/20001 guimode setup void HandleSendToItems(LPCSTR AnswerFile) { char szPath[_MAX_PATH]; char szSemiColonDelimitedList[255]; // Now, Get the ";" delimited list of things to act upon strcpy(szSemiColonDelimitedList,""); if (!LoadString((HINSTANCE) g_MyModuleHandle, IDS_DEL_LNK_TO_THESE_EXE_FILENAMES, szSemiColonDelimitedList, sizeof(szSemiColonDelimitedList))) { iisDebugOut(_T("LoopThruStartMenuDeletions.Err LoadString IDS_DEL_LNK_TO_THESE_EXE_FILENAMES\n")); return; } if (TRUE == MyGetSendToPath(szPath)) { LNKSearchAndDestroyRecursive(szPath,szSemiColonDelimitedList,FALSE,AnswerFile); } return; } void HandleDesktopItems(LPCSTR AnswerFile) { char szPath[_MAX_PATH]; char szSemiColonDelimitedList[255]; // Now, Get the ";" delimited list of things to act upon strcpy(szSemiColonDelimitedList,""); if (!LoadString((HINSTANCE) g_MyModuleHandle, IDS_DEL_LNK_TO_THESE_EXE_FILENAMES, szSemiColonDelimitedList, sizeof(szSemiColonDelimitedList))) { iisDebugOut(_T("LoopThruStartMenuDeletions.Err LoadString IDS_DEL_LNK_TO_THESE_EXE_FILENAMES\n")); return; } if (TRUE == MyGetDesktopPath(szPath)) { LNKSearchAndDestroyRecursive(szPath,szSemiColonDelimitedList,FALSE,AnswerFile); } return; } void HandleStartMenuItems(LPCSTR AnswerFile) { TCHAR szPath[_MAX_PATH]; char szSemiColonDelimitedList[255]; // Now, Get the ";" delimited list of things to act upon strcpy(szSemiColonDelimitedList,""); if (!LoadString((HINSTANCE) g_MyModuleHandle, IDS_DEL_LNK_TO_THESE_EXE_FILENAMES, szSemiColonDelimitedList, sizeof(szSemiColonDelimitedList))) { iisDebugOut(_T("LoopThruStartMenuDeletions.Err LoadString IDS_DEL_LNK_TO_THESE_EXE_FILENAMES\n")); return; } MyGetGroupPath(_T(""), szPath); // search thru all the start menu items looking for // anything that links to our know programs... LNKSearchAndDestroyRecursive(szPath,szSemiColonDelimitedList,TRUE,AnswerFile); return; }