# # Supplemental rules for generating Type library. # iCPU=$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE) !IF "$(iCPU)"=="x86" iCPU=I386 !ENDIF ASPTLB_H = ..\..\..\inc\$(O)\asptlb.h CDROOT=$(_NTTREE)\inetsrv # MkTypeLib Stuff $(O)\_asptlb.h $(O)\asp.tlb: .\asp.idl midl /mktyplib203 /Oicf /out .\$(O) /I $(SDK_INC_PATH) /h _asptlb.h /tlb asp.tlb asp.idl $(ASPTLB_H): $(O)\_asptlb.h echo // This file was generated by mktyplib.exe, then munged by Active Server Pages build. > $@ echo // Changes: >> $@ echo // - we include "dispatch.h" (our standard IDispatch implementation) >> $@ echo // >> $@ echo // - we #define "NO_BASEINTERFACE_FUNCS" to prevent pure virtual >> $@ echo // redefinitions of the four IDispatch members that CDispatch defines. >> $@ echo // >> $@ echo // - we change the derivation of the classes from "IDispatch" to "CDispatch" >> $@ echo // >> $@ echo #include "dispatch.h" >> $@ echo #define NO_BASEINTERFACE_FUNCS >> $@ echo // >> $@ perl -n -e "s/\: public IDispatch/\: public CDispatch/g;print $_;" $(O)\_asptlb.h >> $@ # MIDL for asptxn object $(O)\asptxn.h: $(O)\_asptxn.h echo // This file was generated by mktyplib.exe, then munged by Active Server Pages build. > $@ echo // Changes: >> $@ echo // - we include "dispatch.h" (our standard IDispatch implementation) >> $@ echo // >> $@ echo // - we #define "NO_BASEINTERFACE_FUNCS" to prevent pure virtual >> $@ echo // redefinitions of the four IDispatch members that CDispatch defines. >> $@ echo // >> $@ echo // - we change the derivation of the classes from "IDispatch" to "CDispatch" >> $@ echo // >> $@ echo #include "dispatch.h" >> $@ echo #define NO_BASEINTERFACE_FUNCS >> $@ echo // >> $@ perl -n -e "s/\: public IDispatch/\: public CDispatch/g;print $_;" $(O)\_asptxn.h >> $@ $(O)\_asptxn.h : .\asptxn.idl midl /robust /Oicf /I $(SDK_INC_PATH) /out .\$(O) /h _asptxn.h /tlb asptxn.tlb asptxn.idl