!IF 0 Copyright (c) 1989-91 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: dirs. Abstract: This file specifies the subdirectories of the current directory that contain component makefiles. !ENDIF DIRS= \ shuttle \ trace \ simssl2 \ rw \ rwnh \ rwex \ staxmem \ crchash \ cstream \ vroot \ gethost \ dnslib \ asynccon \ hashmap \ thrdpool \ thrdpl2 \ simauth2 \ isquery \ cache2 \ fcache2 \ ifilter \ seo \ smtpaddr \ admin \ setup \ blockmgr \ cmmprops \ regtrace \ mailmsg \ domhash \ dbgdumpx \ evntwrap \ snprflib \ snprfdll \ rwinst \ makecab \ transreg \ codepageconvert \ sld \ export ## Note: Export must be the last directory OPTIONAL_DIRS=