/********************************************************************* * * * File: specweb99-CAD.cxx * * ---- * * * * * * Overview: * * -------- * * * * Implementation of the dynamic GET with custom ad rotation * * operation in the SPECweb99 benchmark. * * * * * * Revision History: * * ---------------- * * * * Date Author Reason * * ---- ------ ------ * * * * 07/28/02 Ankur Upadhyaya Initial Creation. * * * *********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ // // Includes. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "httpextp.h" /*********************************************************************/ // // Defines. // #define USE_SYNC_IO 1 #define USE_ASYNC_IO 2 #define USE_ADAPTABLE_IO 3 #define INIT_ISAPI_RESPONSE_STACK_SIZE 1024 #define INIT_CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER_STACK_SIZE 1024 #define INIT_CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER_STACK_SIZE 1024 #define NUM_CUSTOM_ADS 360 #define CUSTOM_AD_SIZE 39 #define USER_PROFILE_SIZE 15 #define FREE 0 #define LOCKED -1 #define FILE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE 8192 #define MAX_COOKIE_STRING_LENGTH 128 #define MAX_FRAGMENT_CACHE_KEY_LENGTH 1024 #define WEIGHTING_MASK 0x0000000f #define GENDER_MASK 0x30000000 #define AGE_GROUP_MASK 0x0f000000 #define REGION_MASK 0x00f00000 #define INTEREST1_MASK 0x000ffc00 #define INTEREST2_MASK 0x000003ff /*********************************************************************/ // // Type definitions. // typedef struct class1_data_buffer { SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY item_entry; CHAR buffer[ 10 * 1024 ]; } CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER; typedef struct class2_data_buffer { SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY item_entry; CHAR buffer[ 100 * 1024 ]; } CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER; typedef struct isapi_response { SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY item_entry; OVERLAPPED overlapped; HANDLE hFile; HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT vector_element; DWORD ad_id; DWORD class_number; CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER *class1_data_buffer_ptr; CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER *class2_data_buffer_ptr; EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB; HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT vector_element_array[ 7 ]; BOOL use_async_vector_send; HSE_RESPONSE_VECTOR response_vector; CHAR remote_addr[ 16 ]; CHAR pszHeaders[ 67 + MAX_COOKIE_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHAR set_cookie_string[ MAX_COOKIE_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR unicode_fragment_cache_key[ MAX_FRAGMENT_CACHE_KEY_LENGTH ]; } ISAPI_RESPONSE; typedef struct custom_ad { DWORD ad_id; DWORD ad_demographics; DWORD gender_wt; DWORD age_group_wt; DWORD region_wt; DWORD interest1_wt; DWORD interest2_wt; DWORD minimum_match_value; DWORD expiration_time; } CUSTOM_AD; typedef struct lock { volatile LONG current_state; volatile LONG num_writers; } LOCK; /*********************************************************************/ // // Global Variables. // DWORD g_vector_send_io_mode_config = USE_SYNC_IO; DWORD g_vector_send_async_range_start = 0; DWORD g_read_file_io_mode_config = USE_SYNC_IO; DWORD g_read_file_async_range_start = 0; CHAR g_root_dir[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD g_root_dir_length; CHAR g_app_pool_name[ 1024 ]; DWORD g_app_pool_name_length = 1024; SLIST_HEADER g_isapi_response_stack; SLIST_HEADER g_class1_data_buffer_stack; SLIST_HEADER g_class2_data_buffer_stack; CUSTOM_AD g_custom_ads_buffer[ NUM_CUSTOM_ADS ]; DWORD *g_user_personalities_buffer = NULL; LOCK g_user_personalities_buffer_lock; LOCK g_custom_ads_buffer_lock; HANDLE g_update_buffers_thread; CHAR g_fragment_cache_key_base[ MAX_FRAGMENT_CACHE_KEY_LENGTH ]; DWORD g_fragment_cache_key_base_length; volatile LONG g_fragment_cache_key_base_not_initialized = 1; DWORD g_num_users; CHAR *g_pszStatus_200 = "200 OK"; CHAR *g_pszStatus_404 = "404 File Inaccessible"; HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT g_vector_element_0 = { HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT_TYPE_MEMORY_BUFFER, "\n" "SPECweb99 Dynamic GET & POST Test\n" "\n" "

SERVER_SOFTWARE = Microsoft-IIS/6.0\n" "


SCRIPT_NAME = /specweb99-CAD.dll\n" "


                                          7 };

\n" "\n\n", 0, 23 }; /*********************************************************************/ // // Function prototypes. // VOID init_lock( LOCK *lock ); VOID acquire_exclusive_lock( LOCK *lock ); VOID release_exclusive_lock( LOCK *lock ); VOID acquire_shared_lock( LOCK *lock ); VOID release_shared_lock( LOCK *lock ); VOID initialize_isapi_response_stack( VOID ); ISAPI_RESPONSE *allocate_isapi_response( VOID ); VOID free_isapi_response( ISAPI_RESPONSE * isapi_response_ptr ); VOID clear_isapi_response_stack( VOID ); VOID initialize_class1_data_buffer_stack( VOID ); CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER *allocate_class1_data_buffer( VOID ); VOID free_class1_data_buffer( CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER *class1_data_buffer_ptr ); VOID clear_class1_data_buffer_stack( VOID ); VOID initialize_class2_data_buffer_stack( VOID ); CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER *allocate_class2_data_buffer( VOID ); VOID free_class2_data_buffer( CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER *class2_data_buffer_ptr ); VOID clear_class2_data_buffer_stack( VOID ); VOID initialize_isapi_response_stack( VOID ); ISAPI_RESPONSE *allocate_isapi_response( VOID ); VOID free_isapi_response( ISAPI_RESPONSE * isapi_response_ptr ); VOID clear_isapi_response_stack( VOID ); BOOL initialize_isapi_response( ISAPI_RESPONSE *isapi_response_ptr, EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB, CHAR *filename, DWORD filesize, CHAR *set_cookie_string, BOOL use_async_vector_send, DWORD query_string_length ); BOOL load_user_personality_file( VOID ); BOOL load_custom_ads_file( VOID ); DWORD WINAPI update_user_and_ad_buffers( VOID *dummy_parameter ); DWORD send_error_page( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB, CHAR *error_message, CHAR *status, DWORD query_string_length ); VOID dword_to_string( DWORD dword, CHAR *string ); VOID WINAPI vector_send_completion_callback( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB, VOID *pvContext, DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError ); VOID CALLBACK read_file_completion_callback( DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransferred, OVERLAPPED *overlapped ); DWORD determine_set_cookie_string( INT64 user_index, DWORD last_ad, CHAR *set_cookie_string ); VOID insert_custom_ad_information( CHAR *buffer, DWORD ad_id ); DWORD handle_class1_or_class2_request( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB, ISAPI_RESPONSE *isapi_response_ptr, CHAR *filename, DWORD filesize, BOOL use_async_vector_send, DWORD ad_id, DWORD query_string_length ); BOOL load_registry_data( VOID ); BOOL WINAPI GetExtensionVersion( HSE_VERSION_INFO *pVer ); DWORD WINAPI HttpExtensionProc( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB ); BOOL WINAPI TerminateExtension( DWORD dwFlags ); #define LOG_ERROR( text, error ) _LogError(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, text, error ) void _LogError(const char * function, const char *file, int line, char * text, DWORD error) { char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf, "%s(%d) %s - error=0x%x (%d) - %s\n", file, line, function, error, error, text ); OutputDebugStringA(buf); } /*********************************************************************/ VOID initialize_isapi_response_stack( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Initializes the stack of free ISAPI_RESPONSE structures on the heap. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Initialize the SLIST_HEADER head that will be used to implement // the stack of free ISAPI_RESPONSE structures on the heap. // InitializeSListHead( &g_isapi_response_stack ); } /*********************************************************************/ ISAPI_RESPONSE *allocate_isapi_response( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Pops an element off of the stack of free ISAPI_RESPONSE structures on the heap. Arguments: None. Return Value: Returns a pointer to a free ISAPI_RESPONSE structure on the heap. --*/ { ISAPI_RESPONSE *isapi_response_ptr; // // Attempt to pop a free ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure off of g_isapi_response_stack. // if ( !( isapi_response_ptr = ( ISAPI_RESPONSE * )InterlockedPopEntrySList( &g_isapi_response_stack ) ) ) { // // If g_isapi_response_stack was empty // allocate a new ISAPI_RESPONSE structure // off of the heap. // isapi_response_ptr = ( ISAPI_RESPONSE * )malloc( sizeof( ISAPI_RESPONSE ) ); } // // Return a pointer to the ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure allocated. // return( isapi_response_ptr ); } /*********************************************************************/ VOID free_isapi_response( ISAPI_RESPONSE *isapi_response_ptr ) /*++ Routine Description: Pushes an element onto the stack of free ISAPI_RESPONSE structures on the heap. Arguments: isapi_response_ptr - A pointer to a free ISAPI_RESPONSE structure on the heap. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Pop the input pointer to a free ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure on the heap onto g_isapi_response_stack. // InterlockedPushEntrySList( &g_isapi_response_stack, ( SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY * )isapi_response_ptr ); } /*********************************************************************/ VOID clear_isapi_response_stack( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Destroys the stack of free ISAPI_RESPONSE structures on the heap, freeing all system resources allocated for this data structure. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Flush g_isapi_response_stack of all of // its elements and set 'curr_struct_ptr' // to point to a linked list containing // all of these elements. // SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY *curr_struct_ptr = InterlockedFlushSList( &g_isapi_response_stack ); SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY *kill_struct_ptr; // // Destroy all elements in the linked // list initially pointed to by // 'curr_struct_ptr'. // while( curr_struct_ptr ) { kill_struct_ptr = curr_struct_ptr; curr_struct_ptr = curr_struct_ptr->Next; free( ( ISAPI_RESPONSE * )kill_struct_ptr ); } } /*********************************************************************/ VOID initialize_class1_data_buffer_stack( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Initializes the stack of free CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Initialize the SLIST_HEADER head that will be used to implement // the stack of free CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap. // InitializeSListHead( &g_class1_data_buffer_stack ); } /*********************************************************************/ CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER *allocate_class1_data_buffer( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Pops an element off of the stack of free CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap. Arguments: None. Return Value: Returns a pointer to a free CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER structure on the heap. --*/ { CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER *class1_data_buffer_ptr; // // Attempt to pop a free CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER // structure off of g_class1_data_buffer_stack. // if ( !( class1_data_buffer_ptr = ( CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER * )InterlockedPopEntrySList( &g_class1_data_buffer_stack ) ) ) { // // If g_class1_data_buffer_stack was empty // allocate a new CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER structure // off of the heap. // class1_data_buffer_ptr = ( CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER * )malloc( sizeof( CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER ) ); } // // Return a pointer to the CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER // structure allocated. // return( class1_data_buffer_ptr ); } /*********************************************************************/ VOID free_class1_data_buffer( CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER *class1_data_buffer_ptr ) /*++ Routine Description: Pushes an element onto the stack of free CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap. Arguments: A pointer to a free CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER structure on the heap. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Pop the input pointer to a free CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER // structure on the heap onto g_class1_data_buffer_stack. // InterlockedPushEntrySList( &g_class1_data_buffer_stack, ( SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY * )class1_data_buffer_ptr ); } /*********************************************************************/ VOID clear_class1_data_buffer_stack( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Destroys the stack of free CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap, freeing all system resources allocated for this data structure. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Flush g_class1_data_buffer_stack of all // of its elements and set 'curr_struct_ptr' // to point to a linked list containing // all of these elements. // SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY *curr_struct_ptr = InterlockedFlushSList( &g_class1_data_buffer_stack ); SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY *kill_struct_ptr; // // Destroy all elements in the linked // list initially pointed to by // 'curr_struct_ptr' // while( curr_struct_ptr ) { kill_struct_ptr = curr_struct_ptr; curr_struct_ptr = curr_struct_ptr->Next; free( ( CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER * )kill_struct_ptr ); } } /*********************************************************************/ VOID initialize_class2_data_buffer_stack( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Initializes the stack of free CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Initialize the SLIST_HEADER head that will be used to implement // the stack of free CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap. // InitializeSListHead( &g_class2_data_buffer_stack ); } /*********************************************************************/ CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER *allocate_class2_data_buffer( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Pops an element off of the stack of free CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap. Arguments: None. Return Value: Returns a pointer to a free CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER structure on the heap. --*/ { CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER *class2_data_buffer_ptr; // // Attempt to pop a free CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER // structure off of g_class2_data_buffer_stack. // if ( !( class2_data_buffer_ptr = ( CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER * )InterlockedPopEntrySList( &g_class2_data_buffer_stack ) ) ) { // // If g_class2_data_buffer_stack was empty // allocate a new CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER structure // off of the heap. // class2_data_buffer_ptr = ( CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER * )malloc( sizeof( CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER ) ); } // // Return a pointer to the CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER // structure allocated. // return( class2_data_buffer_ptr ); } /*********************************************************************/ VOID free_class2_data_buffer( CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER *class2_data_buffer_ptr ) /*++ Routine Description: Pushes an element onto the stack of free CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap. Arguments: A pointer to a free CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER structure on the heap. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Push the input pointer to a free CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER // structure on the heap onto g_class2_data_buffer_stack. // InterlockedPushEntrySList( &g_class2_data_buffer_stack, ( SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY * )class2_data_buffer_ptr ); } /*********************************************************************/ VOID clear_class2_data_buffer_stack( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Destroys the stack of free CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap, freeing all system resources allocated for this data structure. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Flush g_class2_data_buffer_stack of all // of its elements and set 'curr_struct_ptr' // to point to a linked list containing // all of these elements. // SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY *curr_struct_ptr = InterlockedFlushSList( &g_class2_data_buffer_stack ); SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY *kill_struct_ptr; // // Destroy all elements in the linked // list initially pointed to by // 'curr_struct_ptr' // while( curr_struct_ptr ) { kill_struct_ptr = curr_struct_ptr; curr_struct_ptr = curr_struct_ptr->Next; free( ( CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER * )kill_struct_ptr ); } } /*********************************************************************/ BOOL initialize_isapi_response( ISAPI_RESPONSE *isapi_response_ptr, EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB, CHAR *filename, DWORD filesize, CHAR *set_cookie_string, BOOL use_async_vector_send, DWORD query_string_length ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize an ISAPI response structure by populating it with the appropriate data. Arguments: isapi_response_ptr - Pointer to the ISAPI response structure to be initialized. pECB - Pointer to the relevant extension control block. filename - Optional field indicating the absolute name of the file requested. filesize - Optional field indicating the size of the file requested. set_cookie_string - String to use for Set-Cookie HTTP header field. use_async_vector_send - Flag indicating whether VectorSend is to be used in asynchronous or synchronous mode. Return Value: Returns TRUE on success and FALSE otherwise. --*/ { DWORD remote_addr_size = 16; // 16 == sizeof( isapi_response_ptr->remote_addr ) CHAR fragment_cache_key[ MAX_FRAGMENT_CACHE_KEY_LENGTH ]; CHAR content_length_string[ 16 ]; DWORD content_length_string_length = 16; // 16 == sizeof( content_length_string ) DWORD set_cookie_string_length; DWORD ii; // // Set the fragment cache key. // strcpy( fragment_cache_key, g_fragment_cache_key_base ); memcpy( fragment_cache_key + g_fragment_cache_key_base_length, pECB->lpszQueryString, query_string_length + 1 ); for ( ii = 0; isapi_response_ptr->unicode_fragment_cache_key[ ii ] = ( WCHAR )fragment_cache_key[ ii ]; ii++ ); // // Obtain the IP address of the client. // if ( !pECB->GetServerVariable( pECB->ConnID, "REMOTE_ADDR", isapi_response_ptr->remote_addr, &remote_addr_size ) ) { return( FALSE ); } // // Obtain the cookie string. // strncpy( isapi_response_ptr->set_cookie_string, set_cookie_string, MAX_COOKIE_STRING_LENGTH ); // // Populate the vector_element_array data structure. // isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 0 ] = g_vector_element_0; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 1 ].ElementType = HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT_TYPE_MEMORY_BUFFER; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 1 ].pvContext = isapi_response_ptr->remote_addr; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 1 ].cbSize = remote_addr_size - 1; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 2 ] = g_vector_element_2; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 3 ].ElementType = HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT_TYPE_MEMORY_BUFFER; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 3 ].pvContext = pECB->lpszQueryString; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 3 ].cbSize = query_string_length; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 4 ] = g_vector_element_4; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].ElementType = HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT_TYPE_FRAGMENT; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].pvContext = ( DWORD * )isapi_response_ptr->unicode_fragment_cache_key; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 6 ] = g_vector_element_6; // // Populate the HSE_RESPONSE_VECTOR structure. // To do this, use the following steps... // // // First, compute the string of HTTP headers to be sent with the // response. To avoid a costly sprintf call, we will use memcpy // instead. // // // Copy the initial "hardcoded" component of the HTTP header string. // strcpy( isapi_response_ptr->pszHeaders, "Content-type: text/html\r\n" "Content-Length: " ); // // Construct a string representing the value of the HTTP Content-Length // header field. Determine and store the length of this string. Note // that 16 is the size of the buffer to which the content_length_string // is written. // dword_to_string( ( DWORD )( filesize + isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 0 ].cbSize + isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 1 ].cbSize + isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 2 ].cbSize + isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 3 ].cbSize + isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 4 ].cbSize + isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 6 ].cbSize ), content_length_string ); // // Concatenate the content length string to the header // string. Note that prior to this operation the length // of the header string is 41. // memcpy( isapi_response_ptr->pszHeaders + 41, content_length_string, content_length_string_length = strlen( content_length_string ) ); // // Concatenate the 14 character hardcoded string "\r\nSet-Cookie: " // to the header string. Note that just prior to this operation // the length of the header string is given by the variable 'ii'. // ii = 41 + content_length_string_length; memcpy( isapi_response_ptr->pszHeaders + ii, "\r\nSet-Cookie: ", 14 ); // // Concatenate the Set-Cookie string to the header string. Note // that just prior to this operation the length of the header // string is given by the variable ii. // ii += 14; memcpy( isapi_response_ptr->pszHeaders + ii, set_cookie_string, set_cookie_string_length = strlen( set_cookie_string ) ); // // Concatenate the 5 character hardcoded string "\r\n\r\n\0" // to the header string, indicating its termination. // ii += set_cookie_string_length; memcpy( isapi_response_ptr->pszHeaders + ii, "\r\n\r\n\0", 5 ); // // Set the 'pszHeaders' field of the HSE_RESPONSE_VECTOR structure // to point to the HTTP header string just computed. // isapi_response_ptr->response_vector.pszHeaders = isapi_response_ptr->pszHeaders; // // Set the 'lpElementArray' field of the HSE_RESPONSE_VECTOR structure // to point to the array of HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT structures populated // above. // isapi_response_ptr->response_vector.lpElementArray = isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array; // // Indicate that the HSE_RESPONSE_VECTOR structure // has seven entries. // isapi_response_ptr->response_vector.nElementCount = 7; // // Set the HTTP status to "200 OK". // isapi_response_ptr->response_vector.pszStatus = g_pszStatus_200; // // Set the 'dwFlags' field of the HSE_RESPONSE_VECTOR structure // based on whether or not asynchronous VectorSend is to be // used. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { isapi_response_ptr->response_vector.dwFlags = //HSE_IO_FINAL_SEND | HSE_IO_SEND_HEADERS | HSE_IO_ASYNC; } else { isapi_response_ptr->response_vector.dwFlags = //HSE_IO_FINAL_SEND | HSE_IO_SEND_HEADERS | HSE_IO_SYNC; } // // Set the following additional fields if the ISAPI // response is to be sent to the client using // asynchronous VectorSend. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { // // By setting an 'hFile' HANDLE field we can check, in the // VectorSend completion callback routine, whether the // asynchronous VectorSend operation just completed made // use of a file handle. If so, we must close the handle // in this callback. // isapi_response_ptr->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } // // If you have not yet returned indicating failure, return // indicating success. // return( TRUE ); } /*********************************************************************/ VOID init_lock( LOCK *lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Initializes a LOCK object. NOTE: This locking mechanism is directly based on the dual spin lock implemented by Neel Jain (njain) for use in the original SPECweb99 ISAPI. Its reliability remains to be determined. Arguments: A pointer to the LOCK object to be initialized. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Indicate that shared ownership is not currently held. // lock->current_state = FREE; // // Indicate that exclusive ownership is not currently held or being // waited for. // lock->num_writers = 0; } /*********************************************************************/ VOID acquire_exclusive_lock( LOCK *lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Attempts to acquire exclusive ownership of a LOCK object. NOTE: This locking mechanism is directly based on the dual spin lock implemented by Neel Jain (njain) for use in the original SPECweb99 ISAPI. Its reliability remains to be determined. Arguments: A pointer to the LOCK object to be acquired. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Indicate that exclusive ownership has been requested. // InterlockedIncrement( &( lock->num_writers ) ); while( TRUE ) { // // If no other shared or exclusive ownership is held, do // the following... // if ( lock->current_state == FREE ) { // // If no other shared or exclusive ownership is held, // attempt to gain exclusive ownership. // if ( FREE == InterlockedCompareExchange( &( lock->current_state ), LOCKED, FREE ) ) { // // If exclusive ownership was gained, return. // return; } else { // // If exclusive ownership could not be gained, go to the // top of the loop. // continue; } } // // Otherwise, if shared or exclusive ownership is held, // essentially block this thread and switch to another that // is ready. // else { SwitchToThread(); } } } /*********************************************************************/ VOID release_exclusive_lock( LOCK *lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Relinquishes exclusive ownership of a LOCK object. NOTE: This locking mechanism is directly based on the dual spin lock implemented by Neel Jain (njain) for use in the original SPECweb99 ISAPI. Its reliability remains to be determined. Arguments: A pointer to the LOCK object to be released. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Indicate that neither shared nor exclusive ownership is now // held. // lock->current_state = FREE; // // Indicate that no exclusive ownership is now held or being // waited for. // InterlockedDecrement( &( lock->num_writers ) ); } /*********************************************************************/ VOID acquire_shared_lock( LOCK *lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Attempts to acquire shared ownership of a LOCK object. NOTE: This locking mechanism is directly based on the dual spin lock implemented by Neel Jain (njain) for use in the original SPECweb99 ISAPI. Its reliability remains to be determined. Arguments: A pointer to the LOCK object to be acquired. Return Value: None. --*/ { LONG current_state; LONG writers_waiting; while( TRUE ) { current_state = lock->current_state; writers_waiting = lock->num_writers; // // If no exclusive ownership of the lock is currently // held or being waited for, do the following... // if ( ( current_state != LOCKED ) && ( !writers_waiting ) ) { // // Attempt to acquire a new instance of shared ownership // of the lock. // if ( current_state == InterlockedCompareExchange( &( lock->current_state ), current_state + 1, current_state ) ) { // // If shared ownership was gained, return. // return; } else { // // If shared ownership could not be gained, go to the // top of the loop. // continue; } } // // Otherwise, if shared or exclusive ownership is held, // essentially block this thread and switch to another that // is ready. // else { SwitchToThread(); } } } /*********************************************************************/ VOID release_shared_lock( LOCK *lock ) /*++ Routine Description: Relinquishes shared ownership of a LOCK object. NOTE: This locking mechanism is directly based on the dual spin lock implemented by Neel Jain (njain) for use in the original SPECweb99 ISAPI. Its reliability remains to be determined. Arguments: A pointer to the LOCK object to be released. Return Value: None. --*/ { // // Indicate that one fewer instance of shared ownership is // now held. // InterlockedDecrement( &( lock->current_state ) ); } /*********************************************************************/ BOOL load_user_personality_file( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Loads the User.Personality file data into an easily accessible in-memory data structure. Arguments: None. Return Value: Returns TRUE if the User.Personality file data is successfully loaded into the in-memory data structure and FALSE otherwise. --*/ { CHAR user_personality_filename[ MAX_PATH ]; HANDLE hFile; DWORD user_personality_filesize; CHAR *user_personality_file_data_buffer = NULL; DWORD bytes_read; DWORD user_id; DWORD ii; // // Read the User.Personality file into memory. To do this, first // obtain a handle on this file. // strcpy( user_personality_filename, g_root_dir ); strcat( user_personality_filename, "/User.Personality" ); if ( ( hFile = CreateFile( user_personality_filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ) ) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return( FALSE ); } // // Determine the size of the User.Personality file. // user_personality_filesize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); // // Allocate a new memory buffer to hold the raw data of the // latest version of the User.Personality file. // if ( !( user_personality_file_data_buffer = ( CHAR * )malloc( user_personality_filesize ) ) ) { CloseHandle( hFile ); return( FALSE ); } // // Load the raw User.Personality file data into the allocated // buffer and close the handle to this file. // if ( !ReadFile( hFile, user_personality_file_data_buffer, user_personality_filesize, &bytes_read, NULL ) ) { CloseHandle( hFile ); return( FALSE ); } CloseHandle( hFile ); // // Store the User.Personality file data in a DWORD array that is // indexed by user ID and whose entries consist of user demographics // data. This structure makes it easier to access this data than // if it were read from the raw User.Personality file data. // // // If a DWORD array containing the data for a previous version of the // User.Personality file exists, free it. // if ( g_user_personalities_buffer ) { free( g_user_personalities_buffer ); g_user_personalities_buffer = NULL; } // // Allocate a new DWORD array. // g_num_users = user_personality_filesize / USER_PROFILE_SIZE; if ( !( g_user_personalities_buffer = ( DWORD * )malloc( g_num_users * sizeof( DWORD ) ) ) ) { return( FALSE ); } // // Fill the DWORD array using the raw User.Personality file data. // for ( ii = 0; ii < g_num_users; ii++ ) { sscanf( user_personality_file_data_buffer + ( ii * USER_PROFILE_SIZE ), "%5d %8X", &user_id, &( g_user_personalities_buffer[ ii ] ) ); } // // Free the buffer containing the raw User.Personality file data. // free( user_personality_file_data_buffer ); // // If we have not yet returned indicating failure, return indicating // success. // return( TRUE ); } /*********************************************************************/ BOOL load_custom_ads_file( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Loads the Custom.Ads file data into an easily accessible in-memory data structure. Arguments: None. Return Value: Returns TRUE is the Custom.Ads file data is successfully loaded into the in-memory data structure and false otherwise. --*/ { CHAR custom_ads_filename[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD custom_ad_filesize = NUM_CUSTOM_ADS * CUSTOM_AD_SIZE; CHAR custom_ads_file_data_buffer[ NUM_CUSTOM_ADS * CUSTOM_AD_SIZE ]; HANDLE hFile; DWORD bytes_read; DWORD weightings; DWORD ii; // // Read the Custom.Ads file into memory. To do this, first // obtain a handle on this file. // strcpy( custom_ads_filename, g_root_dir ); strcat( custom_ads_filename, "/Custom.Ads" ); if ( ( hFile = CreateFile( custom_ads_filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ) ) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return( FALSE ); } // // Load the raw Custom.Ads file data into an in-memory buffer // and close the handle to this file. // if ( !ReadFile( hFile, custom_ads_file_data_buffer, custom_ad_filesize, &bytes_read, NULL ) ) { CloseHandle( hFile ); return( FALSE ); } CloseHandle( hFile ); // // Store the Custom.Ads file data in an array (indexed by ad ID) // of structs whose fields represent the individual data items that // comprise a custom ad. This structure makes it easier to access // this data than if it were read from the raw Custom.Ads file. // for ( ii = 0; ii < NUM_CUSTOM_ADS; ii++ ) { sscanf( custom_ads_file_data_buffer + ( ii * CUSTOM_AD_SIZE ), "%5d %8X %8X %3d %10d", &( g_custom_ads_buffer[ ii ].ad_id ), &( g_custom_ads_buffer[ ii ].ad_demographics ), &weightings, &( g_custom_ads_buffer[ ii ].minimum_match_value ), &( g_custom_ads_buffer[ ii ].expiration_time ) ); g_custom_ads_buffer[ ii ].gender_wt = ( weightings >> 16 ) & WEIGHTING_MASK; g_custom_ads_buffer[ ii ].age_group_wt = ( weightings >> 12 ) & WEIGHTING_MASK; g_custom_ads_buffer[ ii ].region_wt = ( weightings >> 8 ) & WEIGHTING_MASK; g_custom_ads_buffer[ ii ].interest1_wt = ( weightings >> 4 ) & WEIGHTING_MASK; g_custom_ads_buffer[ ii ].interest2_wt = weightings & WEIGHTING_MASK; } // // If we have made it this far without returning indicating failure, // return indicating success. // return( TRUE ); } /*********************************************************************/ DWORD WINAPI update_user_and_ad_buffers( VOID *dummy_parameter ) /*++ Routine Description: This function defines a persistent thread that waits on a change notification event that is signaled whenever a file in the webserver document root is changed (i.e. User.Personality or Custom.Ads) and refreshes the in-memory data structures holding the User.Personality and Custom.Ads file data with data from the latest versions of these files on disk. Arguments: dummy_parameter - An unused parameter passed through the call to the Win32 CreateThread function that invokes the routine in a new thread. This parameter added for compatibility the CreateThread interface. Return Values: None. This routine implements a persistent thread that cannot fail and so, never returns. --*/ { // // Create a change notification event that is put in its signalled // state whenever a file in the webserver document root directory is // modified. Note that the only such files that could possible be // changes are the User.Personality and Custom.Ads files. // HANDLE hEvent = FindFirstChangeNotification( g_root_dir, FALSE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_WRITE ); // // Repeat the following steps indefinitely. // while( TRUE ) { FindNextChangeNotification( hEvent ); // // Wait for a file under the webserver document root to be // written to. // WaitForSingleObject( hEvent, INFINITE ); // // Refresh the User.Preferences file data in memory. // acquire_exclusive_lock( &g_user_personalities_buffer_lock ); load_user_personality_file(); release_exclusive_lock( &g_user_personalities_buffer_lock ); // // Refresh the Custom.Ads file data in memory. // acquire_exclusive_lock( &g_custom_ads_buffer_lock ); load_custom_ads_file(); release_exclusive_lock( &g_custom_ads_buffer_lock ); } } /*********************************************************************/ DWORD send_error_page( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB, CHAR *error_message, CHAR *status, DWORD query_string_length ) /*++ Routine Description: Sends an HTML error page with a message and status specified by the caller. Arguments: pECB - Pointer to the relevant extension control block. error_msg - Error message to send. status - Status to send (e.g. "200 OK"). Return Value: Returns HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS if the error page was successfully written to the client and HSE_STATUS_ERROR otherwise. --*/ { ISAPI_RESPONSE local_isapi_response; ISAPI_RESPONSE *isapi_response_ptr = &local_isapi_response; CHAR content_length_string[ 16 ]; DWORD content_length_string_length; DWORD ii; // // Initialize the ISAPI response structure to be associated // with the error page. // if ( !initialize_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr, pECB, "", 0, "", FALSE, query_string_length ) ) { LOG_ERROR("initialize_isapi_response failed", 0 ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } // // Change the response_vector and vector_element_array in the // ISAPI response structure to specify and error message (to be // transmitted using synchronous I/O). To do this use the // following steps... // // // Change the fifth element of the vector_element_array in the // ISAPI_RESPONSE structure (i.e. the "meat" of the message) to contain // the error message. // isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].ElementType = HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT_TYPE_MEMORY_BUFFER; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].pvContext = error_message; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].cbSize = strlen( error_message ); isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].cbOffset = 0; // // Construct the headers of the HTTP response. Instead of using // a slow sprintf call, do the following... // // // Construct the first part of the header string. // strcat( isapi_response_ptr->pszHeaders, "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" "Content-Length: " ); // // Construct a string containing the value of the 'Content-Length' // header field and use memcpy to concatenate it onto the existing // header string (which, incidentally is 41 characters long at this // point). // dword_to_string( ( DWORD )( isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 0 ].cbSize + isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 1 ].cbSize + isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 2 ].cbSize + isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 3 ].cbSize + isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 4 ].cbSize + isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].cbSize + isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 6 ].cbSize ), content_length_string ); memcpy( isapi_response_ptr->pszHeaders + 41, content_length_string, content_length_string_length = strlen( content_length_string ) ); // // Now, use memcpy to concatenate the trailing new-line, carriage // return and null terminator characters that denote the end of // HTTP headers (incidentally, the header string is 41 + content_ // length_string_length characters long before this concatenation. // ii = 41 + content_length_string_length; memcpy( isapi_response_ptr->pszHeaders + ii, "\r\n\r\n\0", 5 ); isapi_response_ptr->response_vector.pszStatus = status; // // Finally, send out the error page. // if ( !pECB->ServerSupportFunction( pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_VECTOR_SEND, &( isapi_response_ptr->response_vector ), NULL, NULL ) ) { LOG_ERROR("VectorSend() for error page failed", GetLastError() ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } // // If you have made it this far without returning indicating an // error, return indicating success. // return( HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS ); } /*********************************************************************/ VOID dword_to_string( DWORD dword, CHAR *string ) /*++ Routine Description: Generates a character string that captures the decimal representation of a DWORD. Arguments: dword - The DWORD whose decimal representation is to be captured in a character string. string - A pointer to the buffer in which the character string generated is to be stored. string_buffer_size - A pointer to a DWORD which contains the size of the output buffer provided. On completion, the size of the string generated is written to the DWORD pointed to by this parameter. Return Value: None. --*/ { DWORD num_digits; INT ii; // // Determine the number of digits in the decimal // representation of the input DWORD by taking the // integer part of its base 10 representation. // num_digits = ( DWORD )log10( dword ) + 1; // // Scroll through and fill the output buffer from the // lowest order to the highest order digit. On each // iteration the lowest order decimal digit is obtained // by using a modulo 10 (i.e. % 10) operation and then // dropped by performing an integer division by 10. // for ( ii = num_digits - 1; ii >= 0; ii-- ) { string[ ii ] = '0' + ( CHAR )( dword % 10 ); dword /= 10; } // // Set the '\0' terminating character of the // output string after the lowest order digit. // string[ num_digits ] = '\0'; } /*********************************************************************/ VOID WINAPI vector_send_completion_callback( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB, VOID *pvContext, DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError ) /*++ Routine Description: Callback invoked after completion of an asynchronous VectorSend. Arguments: pECB - Pointer to the relevant extension control block. pContext - Pointer to the relevant ISAPI response structure. cbIO - Number of bytes sent. dwError - Error code for the VectorSend. Return Value: None. --*/ { ISAPI_RESPONSE *isapi_response_ptr = ( ISAPI_RESPONSE * )pvContext; DWORD status = HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS; // // If the file was sent using a file handle, close that // handle. // if ( isapi_response_ptr->hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( isapi_response_ptr->hFile ); isapi_response_ptr->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } // // Free any class 1 or class 2 data buffer structs used // by pushing them back onto the stack of free CLASS1_ // DATA_BUFFER or the stack of free CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER // structures on the heap, respectively. // if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 1 ) { free_class1_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr ); } else if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 2 ) { free_class2_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr ); } // // Free the ISAPI response structure used by pushing // it back on the stack of free ISAPI_RESPONSE // structures. // free_isapi_response( ( ISAPI_RESPONSE * )pvContext ); // // Indicate successful completion or failed completion of // client request servicing by calling the HSE_REQ_DONE_ // WITH_SESSION ServerSupportFunction with the appropriate // status code. // if ( dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { LOG_ERROR("Completion returned error", dwError ); status = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; } pECB->ServerSupportFunction( pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION, &status, NULL, NULL ); } /*********************************************************************/ VOID CALLBACK read_file_completion_callback( DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransferred, OVERLAPPED *overlapped ) /*++ Routine Description: Callback routine invoked after completion of the asynchronous call to ReadFile in handle_class1_or_class2_request. Continues handling of a SPECweb99 dynamic GET with custom ad rotation operation in which a class 1 or class 2 file is requested. Arguments: dwErrorCode - Error code returned for the asynchronous ReadFile operation. dwNumberOfBytesTransferred - Number of bytes transferred in the asynchronous ReadFile operation. overlapped - A pointer to the OVERLAPPED structure used in the asynchronous ReadFile operation. Note that this OVERLAPPED structure is the second field of the relevant ISAPI_RESPONSE structure, coming immediately after a SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY field. Return Values: None. --*/ { ISAPI_RESPONSE *isapi_response_ptr = ( ISAPI_RESPONSE * )( ( ( BYTE * )overlapped ) - sizeof( SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY ) ); CHAR *buffer; DWORD status = HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS; HCONN connection_id; // // Now that the asynchronous ReadFile has been is past us, // we are done with the copy of the file requested on disk and // so, can close the handle to it. // CloseHandle( isapi_response_ptr->hFile ); isapi_response_ptr->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // // Check if the asynchronous ReadFile operation completed // successfully. If not, bomb out. // if ( dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // // Cache away the connection ID stored "in" the ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure used as we will need it to call the HSE_REQ_DONE_ // WITH_SESSION ServerSupportFunction even after we have // deallocated the ISAPI_RESPONSE structure. // connection_id = isapi_response_ptr->pECB->ConnID; // // In the error case free any ISAPI_RESPONSE // or CLASS?_DATA_BUFFER structures allocated. // if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 1 ) { free_class1_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr ); } else { free_class2_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr ); } free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); // // Indicate to IIS that you are finished servicing // the client request due to an error, by calling // the HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION ServerSupportFunction // with an HSE_STATUS_ERROR status code. // status = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; isapi_response_ptr->pECB->ServerSupportFunction( connection_id, HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION, &status, NULL, NULL ); return; } if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 1 ) { buffer = isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr->buffer; } else { buffer = isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr->buffer; } // // Process the raw file data read into memory // to ensure that the appropriate custom ad // information is inserted. // insert_custom_ad_information( buffer, isapi_response_ptr->ad_id ); // // Now that the processing of the file data in the buffer // is complete, we are ready to send it off to the client. // To do this, set the sixth item in the response vector // (i.e. the meat of the ISAPI response) to be the data // buffer containing the processed file data. // // Note that the size of the file data to be sent was // not changed in the processing applied and so, the // HTTP headers or other fields dependent on content // length do not need to be changed. // isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].ElementType = HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT_TYPE_MEMORY_BUFFER; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].pvContext = buffer; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].cbSize = dwNumberOfBytesTransferred; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].cbOffset = 0; // // Perform the synchronous or asynchronous VectorSend // operation. // if ( !isapi_response_ptr->pECB->ServerSupportFunction( isapi_response_ptr->pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_VECTOR_SEND, &( isapi_response_ptr->response_vector ), NULL, NULL ) ) { // // Cache away the connection ID stored "in" the ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure used as we will need it to call the HSE_REQ_DONE_ // WITH_SESSION ServerSupportFunction even after we have // deallocated the ISAPI_RESPONSE structure. // connection_id = isapi_response_ptr->pECB->ConnID; // // In the error case, free any ISAPI_RESPONSE // or CLASS?_DATA_BUFFER structures allocated. // if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 1 ) { free_class1_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr ); } else { free_class2_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr ); } free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); // // Indicate to IIS that you are finished servicing // the client request due to an error, by calling // the HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION ServerSupportFunction // with an HSE_STATUS_ERROR status code. // status = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; isapi_response_ptr->pECB->ServerSupportFunction( connection_id, HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION, &status, NULL, NULL ); return; } // // If you requested a synchronous VectorSend, you are // done at this point, so call the HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION // ServerSupportFunction with an HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS status // code and decallocate any ISAPI_RESPONSE or CLASS?_DATA_BUFFER // structures used. // // If you requested an asynchronous VectorSend, just exit; // the status code is still the HSE_STATUS_PENDING returned // in handle_class1_or_class2_request. // if ( !isapi_response_ptr->use_async_vector_send ) { connection_id = isapi_response_ptr->pECB->ConnID; if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 1 ) { free_class1_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr ); } else { free_class2_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr ); } free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); isapi_response_ptr->pECB->ServerSupportFunction( connection_id, HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION, &status, NULL, NULL ); } } /*********************************************************************/ DWORD determine_set_cookie_string( INT64 user_index, DWORD last_ad, CHAR *set_cookie_string ) /*++ Routine Description: Computes the Set-Cookie string and the ID of the ad to be sent in a based on the index (i.e. ID - 10000) of the user who made the request being serviced and the ID of the last ad seen by that user. Arguments: user_index - The user index of the user whose request is being serviced. Note that a user index is defined as the pertinent user ID minus 10000. These indices are used as user ID's start from 10000. last_ad - The ID of the last ad seen by the user whose request is being serviced. last_ad is -1 if the user has not previously seen an ad. set_cookie_string - A pointer to a buffer, of size MAX_COOKIE_STRING_ LENGTH, that will be used to store the Set-Cookie string computed. Return Values: Returns the ID of the ad to be sent or -1 if an out of range user index is provided. Computes the Set-Cookie string and stores it in the buffer indicated by the parameter 'set_cookie_string'. --*/ { DWORD current_time; DWORD ad_index; DWORD combined_demographics; DWORD ad_weight; DWORD expired; CHAR ad_index_string[ 4 ]; CHAR ad_weight_string[ 11 ]; DWORD ad_index_string_size; DWORD ad_weight_string_size; DWORD ad_index_string_length; DWORD ad_weight_string_length; DWORD ii; DWORD user_demographics; // // Check if the user_index is out of range. If it is, use the // default Set-Cookie string and return the invalid ad ID of -1. // if ( user_index < 0 || user_index >= g_num_users ) { strcpy( set_cookie_string, "found_cookie=Ad_id=-1&Ad_weight=00&Expired=1" ); return( -1 ); } // // Obtain the current time. // time( ( time_t * )&( current_time ) ); // // Obtain the demographic data for the specified user. // acquire_shared_lock( &g_user_personalities_buffer_lock ); user_demographics = g_user_personalities_buffer[ user_index ]; release_shared_lock( &g_user_personalities_buffer_lock ); // // Scroll through custom ads in the in-memory data structure holding // the Custom.Ads file data and select an appropriate ad. Note that // as this in-memory buffer is a shared resourse, shared ownership of // the lock protecting it, 'g_custom_ads_buffer_lock', must first // be obtained. // ad_index = last_ad; acquire_shared_lock( &g_custom_ads_buffer_lock ); do { // // Increment ad_index (initially set to the ad ID of // the last ad seen by the user). If you go past the // maximum ad ID of 359, go back to the ad with ID 0. // ad_index = ( ( ad_index + 1 ) % 360 ); // // Determine the combined demographics information of the // user and the current ad that you are on. // combined_demographics = g_custom_ads_buffer[ ad_index ].ad_demographics & user_demographics; // // Using the combined demographics information, calculate // the weight of the current ad using the following steps. // ad_weight = 0; if ( combined_demographics & GENDER_MASK ) { ad_weight += g_custom_ads_buffer[ ad_index ].gender_wt; } if ( combined_demographics & AGE_GROUP_MASK ) { ad_weight += g_custom_ads_buffer[ ad_index ].age_group_wt; } if ( combined_demographics & REGION_MASK ) { ad_weight += g_custom_ads_buffer[ ad_index ].region_wt; } if ( combined_demographics & INTEREST1_MASK ) { ad_weight += g_custom_ads_buffer[ ad_index ].interest1_wt; } if ( combined_demographics & INTEREST2_MASK ) { ad_weight += g_custom_ads_buffer[ ad_index ].interest2_wt; } // // If the weight of the current ad meets a certain minimum // threshold, we have a match. In this case, determine whether // or not the selected ad has expired and break from the loop. // if ( ad_weight >= g_custom_ads_buffer[ ad_index ].minimum_match_value ) { if ( current_time >= g_custom_ads_buffer[ ad_index ].expiration_time ) { expired = 1; } else { expired = 0; } break; } // // If the current ad was not acceptable, move on to the next. // Continue looping in this fashion until an acceptable ad is // found (which may turn out to be the last ad seen). Note that // SPECweb99 is clearly ensuring that the custom ads buffer // will contain at least one matching record. // } while( ad_index != last_ad ); // // Once we have found a matching ad, we are done with the // custom ads buffer. Release the shared lock held on it. // release_shared_lock( &g_custom_ads_buffer_lock ); // // Construct the Set-Cookie string to write in the buffer // 'set_cookie_string'. To avoid making a costly sprintf // call or effectively repeating strlen calls, memcpy will // be used. // // Note that the Set-Cookie string returned will have the format: // "found_cookie=Ad_id=&Ad_weight=&Expired=" // // // Copy the "hardcoded" base of the Set-Cookie string. // strcpy( set_cookie_string, "found_cookie=Ad_id=" ); // // Construct a string representing the ID of the ad // to be returned. Determine and store the length // of this string. // dword_to_string( ad_index, ad_index_string ); ad_index_string_length = strlen( ad_index_string ); // // Construct a string representing the weight of the // ad selected. Determine and store the length of this // string. // // Note that we do not check to failure of dword_to_string // as the buffer 'ad_weight_string' is sufficiently large // and so this function is guaranteed to succeed. // dword_to_string( ad_weight, ad_weight_string ); ad_weight_string_length = strlen( ad_weight_string ); // // Concatenate the ad ID string onto the Set-Cookie string. // Note that 19 is the length of the Set-Cookie string before // this operation. // memcpy( set_cookie_string + 19, ad_index_string, ad_index_string_length ); // // Concatenate the hardcoded, 11 character string "&Ad_weight", // onto the Set-Cookie string. Note that ii contains the length // of the Set-Cookie string just prior to this operation. // ii = 19 + ad_index_string_length; memcpy( set_cookie_string + ii, "&Ad_weight=", 11 ); // // Concatenate the ad weigth string onto the Set-Cookie string. // Note that ii contains the length of the Set-Cookie string // just prior to this operation. // ii += 11; memcpy( set_cookie_string + ii, ad_weight_string, ad_weight_string_length ); // // Concatenate either of the hardcoded, 11 character strings // "&Expired=1\0" or "&Expired=0\0" onto the Set-Cookie string, // depending on the value of the variable 'expired'. Note that // ii contains the length of the Set-Cookie string just prior // to this operation. // ii += ad_weight_string_length; memcpy( set_cookie_string + ii, ( expired ) ? "&Expired=1\0" : "&Expired=0\0", 11 ); // // Return the ID of the ad selected. // return( ad_index ); } /*********************************************************************/ VOID insert_custom_ad_information( CHAR *buffer, DWORD ad_id ) /*++ Routine Description: Arguments: buffer - Pointer to a buffer, containing the raw data of a class 1 or class 2 file, into which custom ad information is to be inserted. ad_id - The ID of the custom ad to be inserted into the raw file data. Return Value: None --*/ { CHAR substitute_directory_string[ 5 ]; CHAR substitute_class_char; CHAR substitute_file_char; CHAR *tag_start_ptr; DWORD ii; DWORD jj; // // We must now go through the file data buffer process it in // the following manner. // // (1) Find each tag of the form "" using the minimum required // search string "class_number == 1 ) { if ( !( isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr = allocate_class1_data_buffer() ) ) { free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); LOG_ERROR( "allocation failed", 0 ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } buffer = isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr->buffer; } else { if ( !( isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr = allocate_class2_data_buffer() ) ) { free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); LOG_ERROR("Allocation failed",0 ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } buffer = isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr->buffer; } } else { // // Note that if we are not using asynchronous VectorSend // it is safe, for now at least, to use a buffer on the stack // to store our file data. This may change if we find that // we will have to use asynchronous ReadFile later on./ // // Also, we are simply using a CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER buffer // field here as it is sufficiently large to hold both // class 1 and 2 files and thus, to store an additional // CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER on the stack would have been wasteful. // isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr = &( stack_class2_data_buffer ); buffer = isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr->buffer; } // // Now, attempt to read the data of the file requested // into the allocated buffer from the HTTP.SYS fragment // cache. // if ( pECB->ServerSupportFunction( pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_READ_FRAGMENT_FROM_CACHE, buffer, &size, ( DWORD * )isapi_response_ptr->unicode_fragment_cache_key ) ) { // // Now, if you had a cache hit, apply the necessary // processing to the file data. // insert_custom_ad_information( buffer, ad_id ); // // Now that the processing of the file data in the buffer // is complete, we are ready to send it off to the client. // To do this, set the sixth item in the response vector // (i.e. the meat of the ISAPI response) to be the data // buffer containing the processed file data. // // Note that the size of the file data to be sent was // not changed in the processing applied and so, the // HTTP headers or other fields dependent on content // length do not need to be changed. // isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].ElementType = HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT_TYPE_MEMORY_BUFFER; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].pvContext = buffer; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].cbSize = filesize; // // Carry out the actual synchronous or // asynchronous VectorSend operation. // if ( pECB->ServerSupportFunction( pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_VECTOR_SEND, &( isapi_response_ptr->response_vector ), NULL, NULL ) ) { // // If the VectorSend operation returned // indicating success return HSE_STATUS_PENDING // or HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS depending on whether // or not asynchronous or synchronous I/O was // used, respectively. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { return( HSE_STATUS_PENDING ); } else { return( HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS ); } } else { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LOG_ERROR(" VectorSend() failed", GetLastError() ); // // Otherwise, if the VectorSend operation // returned indicating failure return // HSE_STATUS_ERROR. // // Note that if it was the initiation of an // asynchronous VectorSend that failed, // the ISAPI_RESPONSE and CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER // or CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER structures used // must be deallocated before returning. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 1 ) { free_class1_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr ); } else { free_class2_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr ); } free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); } return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } } // // Alternatively, if you had a cache miss, you must // read the data of the file requested into memory // using either a synchronous or asynchronous ReadFile // operation. // // // First, determine the I/O mode to use with ReadFile. // switch( g_read_file_io_mode_config ) { case USE_ASYNC_IO: { use_async_read_file = TRUE; break; } case USE_SYNC_IO: { use_async_read_file = FALSE; break; } case USE_ADAPTABLE_IO: { use_async_read_file = ( filesize >= g_read_file_async_range_start ); break; } }; // // Now, if we are using an ISAPI_RESPONSE structure or file data // buffer on the stack and find that we must do an asynchronous // ReadFile, we must switch to using an ISAPI_RESPONSE struct and // file data buffer allocated from the heap. // // The condition ( !use_async_vector_send && use_async_read_file ) // can be explained as follows: // // (1) We only need to worry about switching to a file data // buffer and ISAPI_RESPONSE structure on the heap at this // point if we are using synchronous VectorSend, as if we are // using asynchronous VectorSend we would have known this earlier // and already the heap. // // (2) Also, if we are using synchronous VectorSend we only need // to worry about using an ISAPI_RESPONSE structure and file // data buffer on the heap if we are going to use asynchronous // ReadFile. Otherwise, all of our I/O is synchronous and stack // memory will suffice. // if ( !use_async_vector_send && use_async_read_file ) { // // First, switch from using an ISAPI_RESPONSE structure // on the stack to using an ISAPI_RESPONSE structure on // the heap. // // // Try to allocate a free ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure on the heap. // if ( !( heap_isapi_response_ptr = allocate_isapi_response() ) ) { LOG_ERROR("Allocation failed", 0 ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } // // Now copy all relevant data in the ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure on the stack to the newly allocated one // on the heap. // // Note that the vector_element_array member of // the ISAPI_RESPONSE structure has seven elements. // memcpy( heap_isapi_response_ptr, isapi_response_ptr, sizeof( ISAPI_RESPONSE ) ); heap_isapi_response_ptr->response_vector.lpElementArray = heap_isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array; heap_isapi_response_ptr->response_vector.pszHeaders = heap_isapi_response_ptr->pszHeaders; // // After copying all of the data from the stack // to the heap ISAPI_RESPONSE struct, set // 'isapi_response_ptr' to point to the latter. // isapi_response_ptr = heap_isapi_response_ptr; // // Now, switch to using a file data buffer on // the heap instead of one on the stack. // // // If the file class number is 1, do the following... // if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 1 ) { // // Attempt to allocate a CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER structure // off of the stack of free CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER // structures on the heap. // if ( !( isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr = allocate_class1_data_buffer() ) ) { // // In the error case, free the ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure allocated from the heap. // free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); LOG_ERROR( "Allocation failed", 0 ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } buffer = isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr->buffer; } // // Otherwise, if the file class number is 2, do the following... // Note that this is essentially a mirror of the case for // class 1 directly above. // else { // // Attempt to allocate a CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER // structure off of the stack of free CLASS2_ // DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap. // if ( !( isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr = allocate_class2_data_buffer() ) ) { // // In the error case, free the ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure allocated from the heap. // free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); LOG_ERROR("Allocation failed", 0 ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } buffer = isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr->buffer; } } // // Now, we must read the contents of the requested file into // memory before we can perform the necessary processing on // its data. To do this we must first open a handle to the // file using CreateFile. // // Note that we specify an OVERLAPPED structure as we may // want to use asynchronous ReadFile. // if ( use_async_read_file ) { dwFlagsAndAttributes = FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED; isapi_response_ptr->overlapped.Offset = 0; isapi_response_ptr->overlapped.OffsetHigh = 0; isapi_response_ptr->overlapped.hEvent = 0; overlapped_ptr = &( isapi_response_ptr->overlapped ); } else { dwFlagsAndAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; overlapped_ptr = NULL; } if ( ( isapi_response_ptr->hFile = CreateFile( filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, dwFlagsAndAttributes, NULL ) ) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // // In the failure case, free any ISAPI_RESPONSE // and CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER or CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER // structures allocated and send an HTML error // page to the client. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 1 ) { free_class1_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr ); } else { free_class2_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr ); } free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); } return( send_error_page( pECB, "File inaccessible.", g_pszStatus_404, query_string_length ) ); } // // If asynchonous ReadFile is to be used, the following // steps must be carried out... // if ( use_async_read_file ) { // // Specify the completion callback routine to invoke // after the asynchronous ReadFile operation has // completed. // BindIoCompletionCallback( isapi_response_ptr->hFile, read_file_completion_callback, 0 ); // // Copy the following additional data items, that will be // needed in the asynchronous ReadFile completion callback // routine, to the ISAPI_RESPONSE struct // isapi_response_ptr->ad_id = ad_id; isapi_response_ptr->pECB = pECB; // // Initiate the asynchronous ReadFile operation // and return HSE_STATUS_PENDING. // if ( !ReadFile( isapi_response_ptr->hFile, buffer, filesize, &bytes_read, overlapped_ptr ) ) { LOG_ERROR( "ReadFile failed()", GetLastError() ); // // In the error case, first close the file // handle that has been opened. // CloseHandle( isapi_response_ptr->hFile ); isapi_response_ptr->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // // Also, free any ISAPI_RESPONSE or CLASS1_DATA_ // BUFFER structures allocated. // if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 1 ) { free_class1_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr ); } else { free_class2_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr ); } free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } // // Free the current thread by returning // HSE_STATUS_PENDING. // return( HSE_STATUS_PENDING ); } // // Perform the appropriate synchronous ReadFile // operation depending on the class number of the // file requested. // if ( !ReadFile( isapi_response_ptr->hFile, buffer, filesize, &bytes_read, NULL ) ) { LOG_ERROR( "ReadFile failed()", GetLastError() ); // // In the error case, first free the file // handle opened. // CloseHandle( isapi_response_ptr->hFile ); isapi_response_ptr->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // // Also, free any ISAPI_RESPONSE or CLASS1_ // DATA_BUFFER structures allocated. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 1 ) { free_class1_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr ); } else { free_class2_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr ); } free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); } return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } // // We are now done with the copy of the requested file on disk // and so, the handle to it can be closed. // CloseHandle( isapi_response_ptr->hFile ); isapi_response_ptr->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // // Process the raw file data read into memory // to ensure that the appropriate custom ad // information is inserted. // insert_custom_ad_information( buffer, ad_id ); // // Now that the processing of the file data in the buffer // is complete, we are ready to send it off to the client. // To do this, set the sixth item in the response vector // (i.e. the meat of the ISAPI response) to be the data // buffer containing the processed file data. // // Note that the size of the file data to be sent was // not changed in the processing applied and so, the // HTTP headers or other fields dependent on content // length do not need to be changed. // isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].ElementType = HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT_TYPE_MEMORY_BUFFER; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].pvContext = buffer; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].cbSize = filesize; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ].cbOffset = 0; // // Carry out the actual synchronous or // asynchronous VectorSend operation. // if ( pECB->ServerSupportFunction( pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_VECTOR_SEND, &( isapi_response_ptr->response_vector ), NULL, NULL ) ) { // // If the VectorSend operation returned // indicating success return HSE_STATUS_PENDING // or HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS depending on whether // or not asynchronous or synchronous I/O was // used, respectively. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { return( HSE_STATUS_PENDING ); } else { return( HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS ); } } else { LOG_ERROR("VectorSend() failed",GetLastError()); // // Otherwise, if the VectorSend operation // returned indicating failure return // HSE_STATUS_ERROR. // // Note that if it was the initiation of an // asynchronous VectorSend that failed, // the ISAPI_RESPONSE and CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER // or CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER structures used // must be deallocated before returning. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 1 ) { free_class1_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class1_data_buffer_ptr ); } else { free_class2_data_buffer( isapi_response_ptr->class2_data_buffer_ptr ); } free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); } return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } } /*********************************************************************/ BOOL load_registry_data( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Loads registry values used for configuration of specweb99-CAD.dll. Arguments: None. Return Value: Returns TRUE if all registry values are successfully loaded and FALSE otherwise. --*/ { HKEY hKey; DWORD value_type; DWORD value_size; DWORD sizeof_value; BYTE value[ 4 ]; // // Open the registry key containing all values used for // specweb99-CAD.dll configuration. // if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\SPECweb99 ISAPI", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey ) ) { return( FALSE ); } // // Load the value VECTOR_SEND_IO_MODE_CONFIG into the variable // g_vector_send_io_mode_config. // value_size = sizeof_value = sizeof( value ); if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "VECTOR_SEND_IO_MODE_CONFIG", NULL, &value_type, value, &value_size ) == NO_ERROR ) { g_vector_send_io_mode_config = *( ( DWORD* )value ); } // // Load the value VECTOR_SEND_ASYNC_RANGE_START into the // variable g_vector_send_async_range_start. // value_size = sizeof_value; if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "VECTOR_SEND_ASYNC_RANGE_START", NULL, &value_type, value, &value_size ) == NO_ERROR ) { g_vector_send_async_range_start = *( ( DWORD * )value ); } // // Load the value READ_FILE_IO_MODE_CONFIG into the variable // g_read_file_io_mode_config. // value_size = sizeof_value; if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "READ_FILE_IO_MODE_CONFIG", NULL, &value_type, value, &value_size ) == NO_ERROR ) { g_read_file_io_mode_config = *( ( DWORD * )value ); } // // Load the value READ_FILE_ASYNC_RANGE_START into the variable // g_read_file_async_range_start. // value_size = sizeof_value; if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "READ_FILE_ASYNC_RANGE_START", NULL, &value_type, value, &value_size ) == NO_ERROR ) { g_read_file_async_range_start = *( ( DWORD * )value ); } // // Load the value ROOT_DIR into the variable g_root_dir. // Store the length of this string in g_root_dir_length. // value_size = sizeof( g_root_dir ); if ( RegQueryValueEx( hKey, "ROOT_DIR", NULL, &value_type, ( BYTE * )g_root_dir, &value_size ) == NO_ERROR ) { g_root_dir_length = value_size - 1; } else { return( FALSE ); } // // If you have made it this far without returning indicating // failure, return indicating success. // return( TRUE ); } /*********************************************************************/ BOOL WINAPI GetExtensionVersion( HSE_VERSION_INFO *pVer ) /*++ Routine Description: Implementation of the GetExtensionVersion ISAPI entry point. Carries out general initialization tasks and provides IIS with version information. Arguments: pVer - Pointer to the version information structure to be populated. Return Value: Returns TRUE if all initialization steps are successfully completed and FALSE otherwise. --*/ { // // Load configuration data from the registry. // if ( !load_registry_data() ) { return( FALSE ); } // // Load the User.Personality file data from disk into an // easy to access in-memory data structure. // if ( !load_user_personality_file() ) { return( FALSE ); } // // Load the Custom.Ads file data from disk into an // easy to access in-memory data structure. // if ( !load_custom_ads_file() ) { return( FALSE ); } // // Initialize the shared/exclusive mode locks used to guary // the in memory data structures containing data from the // User.Personality and Custom.Ads files. // init_lock( &g_user_personalities_buffer_lock ); init_lock( &g_custom_ads_buffer_lock ); // // Create a persistent thread that will ensure that the // data in the User.Personality and Custom.Ads in-memory // structures always reflects the most recent versions of // these files on disk. // if ( !( g_update_buffers_thread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, update_user_and_ad_buffers, NULL, 0, NULL ) ) ) { return( FALSE ); } // // Initialize all stacks from which particular structures // (e.g. ISAPI_RESPONSE, CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER and CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER // structs) on the heap are to be allocated from. // initialize_isapi_response_stack(); initialize_class1_data_buffer_stack(); initialize_class2_data_buffer_stack(); // // Populate the ISAPI version information structure to // be used by IIS. // pVer->dwExtensionVersion = MAKELONG( HSE_VERSION_MINOR, HSE_VERSION_MAJOR ); strcpy( pVer->lpszExtensionDesc, "SPECweb99-CAD ISAPI Extension"); // // If you have made it this far without returning indicating // failure, return indicating success. // return( TRUE ); } /*********************************************************************/ DWORD WINAPI HttpExtensionProc( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *pECB ) /*++ Routine Description: Implementation of the HttpExtensionProc ISAPI entry point. Handles a SPECweb99 dynamic GET with custom ad rotation request. Arguments: pECB - Pointer to the relevant extension control block. Return Value: Returns HSE_STATUS_ERROR if any failures occur in the routine. Otherwise, if either asynchronous VectorSend or ReadFile is used, HSE_STATUS_PENDING is returned. Alternatively, if neither asynchronous VectorSend nor ReadFile is used, HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS is returned. --*/ { CHAR server_name[ 32 ]; CHAR server_port[ 32 ]; DWORD server_name_size = 32; DWORD server_port_size = 32; DWORD server_name_length; DWORD server_port_length; DWORD app_pool_name_size = 1024; // 1024 == sizeof( g_app_pool_name ) WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA fileinfo; ISAPI_RESPONSE local_isapi_response; ISAPI_RESPONSE *isapi_response_ptr = &local_isapi_response; CHAR filename[ MAX_PATH ]; CHAR cookie_string[ MAX_COOKIE_STRING_LENGTH ]; DWORD cookie_string_size = MAX_COOKIE_STRING_LENGTH; CHAR user_id_string[ 10 ]; CHAR last_ad_string[ 10 ]; DWORD ii; DWORD jj; INT64 user_index; DWORD last_ad; DWORD ad_index; BOOL return_value = HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS; DWORD combined_demographics; DWORD bytes_read; BOOL use_async_vector_send; HANDLE hFile; CHAR file_data_buffer[ FILE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE ]; DWORD query_string_length; // // Initialize the common "prefix" of the HTTP.SYS // fragment cache strings to be used. // if ( InterlockedExchange( &g_fragment_cache_key_base_not_initialized, 0 ) ) { // // Obtain the server name. // if ( !pECB->GetServerVariable( pECB->ConnID, "SERVER_NAME", server_name, &server_name_size ) ) { LOG_ERROR( "GetServerVariable(SERVER_NAME) failed", GetLastError() ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } server_name_length = server_name_size - 1; // // Obtain the server port number used. // if ( !pECB->GetServerVariable( pECB->ConnID, "SERVER_PORT", server_port, &server_port_size ) ) { LOG_ERROR( "GetServerVariable(SERVER_PORT) failed", GetLastError() ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } server_port_length = server_port_size - 1; // // Obtain the name of the application pool used. // if ( !pECB->GetServerVariable( pECB->ConnID, "APP_POOL_ID", g_app_pool_name, &app_pool_name_size ) ) { LOG_ERROR( "GetServerVariable(APP_POOL_ID) failed", GetLastError() ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } g_app_pool_name_length = app_pool_name_size - 1; // // Construct the base part of the fragment cache key in the // buffer g_fragment_cache_key_base; this will have the form // "/http://:". // // Rather than using unnecessary strcat calls, make use of // memcpy to do this. // // // Copy the application pool name to the beginning of the // key prefix. // strcpy( g_fragment_cache_key_base, g_app_pool_name ); // // Concatenate the eight character string literal "/http://' // onto the key prefix, which has a length of g_app_pool_ // name_length before the concatenation. // memcpy( g_fragment_cache_key_base + g_app_pool_name_length, "/http://", 8 ); // // Concatenate the server name onto the key prefix, which has // a length of g_app_pool_name_length + 8 before the // concatenation. // ii = g_app_pool_name_length + 8; memcpy( g_fragment_cache_key_base + ii, server_name, server_name_length ); // // Concatenate a ':' character, to separate the server name // and port number, onto the key prefix. In the memcpy call // that does this, the variable 'ii' contains the length of // the key prefix before the concatenation. // ii += server_name_length; g_fragment_cache_key_base[ ii ] = ':'; // // Concatenate the server port onto the key prefix. In the // memcpy call that does this, the variable 'ii' contains // the length of the key prefix before the concatenation. // ii += 1; memcpy( g_fragment_cache_key_base + ii, server_port, server_port_length ); ii += server_port_length; // // Terminate the key prefix string. // g_fragment_cache_key_base[ ii ] = '\0'; // // Determine and cache in g_fragment_cache_key_base_length, // the length of the key prefix. // g_fragment_cache_key_base_length = strlen( g_fragment_cache_key_base ); } // // Construct the absolute name of the file requested. // Take the following steps to do this. // // // First copy the webserver root directory path (e.g. // "D:/inetpub/wwwroot" to the start of the filename // buffer. // strcpy( filename, g_root_dir ); // // Next concatenate the query string (e.g. "/file_set/ // dir00001/class0_1") onto the filename string. Here // we use memcpy as we need to store the length of the // query string for later use and want to avoid repeated // strlen operations. // query_string_length = strlen( pECB->lpszQueryString ); memcpy( filename + g_root_dir_length, pECB->lpszQueryString, query_string_length + 1 ); // // Determine the size of the file requested. // if ( !GetFileAttributesEx( filename, GetFileExInfoStandard, &fileinfo ) ) { return( send_error_page( pECB, "File inaccessible.", g_pszStatus_404, query_string_length ) ); } // // Determine the I/O mode to use with VectorSend. // switch( g_vector_send_io_mode_config ) { case USE_ASYNC_IO: { use_async_vector_send = TRUE; break; } case USE_SYNC_IO: { use_async_vector_send = FALSE; break; } case USE_ADAPTABLE_IO: { use_async_vector_send = ( fileinfo.nFileSizeLow >= g_vector_send_async_range_start ); break; } }; // // Set isapi_response_ptr to point to an ISAPI response // structure on the heap if using asynchronous VectorSend. // Also set the VectorSend completion callback and return // value. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { // // Try to allocate a free ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure on the heap. // if ( !( isapi_response_ptr = allocate_isapi_response() ) ) { LOG_ERROR( "Allocation failed", 0 ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } // // Set the completion callback routine to invoke after completion // of the asynchronous VectorSend operation. // if ( !pECB->ServerSupportFunction( pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_IO_COMPLETION, vector_send_completion_callback, NULL, ( DWORD * )isapi_response_ptr ) ) { // // In the error case, free any ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure allocated. // LOG_ERROR( " REQ_IO_COMPLETION failed", GetLastError() ); free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } // // Set the return value to use after the asynchronous // VectorSend is initiated to HSE_STATUS_PENDING. // return_value = HSE_STATUS_PENDING; } // // Parse the cookie string provided by the client. // if ( !pECB->GetServerVariable( pECB->ConnID, "HTTP_COOKIE", cookie_string, &cookie_string_size ) ) { LOG_ERROR( "GetServerVariable(HTTP_COOKIE) failed", GetLastError() ); // // If there was an error in retrieving the cookie string, free // the ISAPI_RESPONSE structure allocated in the asynchronous // VectorSend case by placing it on the stack of free // ISAPI_RESPONSE structures on the heap. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); } return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } // // The cookie string provided is of the form "my_cookie=user_id=& // last_ad=". Here we copy and into // user_id_string and last_ad_string. // // Note that the index at which starts in the buffer 'cookie_string' // is 18 and the index at which starts in the buffer 'cookie_string' // is 9 greater than index of the '&' character that terminates . // for ( ii = 0, jj = 18; ( user_id_string[ ii ] = cookie_string[ jj ] ) != '&'; ii++, jj++ ); user_id_string[ ii ] = '\0'; for ( ii = 0, jj += 9; ( last_ad_string[ ii ] = cookie_string[ jj ] ); ii++, jj++ ); // // Compute the cookie string and the ID of the ad to send back in // the ISAPI response. Store the cookie string in 'cookie_string' // and the ad ID in 'ad_index'. // // Note that the user_index = user_id - 10000, as user_id numbers // start at 10000. // ad_index = determine_set_cookie_string( atoi( user_id_string ) - 10000, atoi( last_ad_string ), cookie_string ); // // Initialize the ISAPI response using the cookie string computed. // if ( !initialize_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr, pECB, filename, fileinfo.nFileSizeLow, cookie_string, use_async_vector_send, query_string_length ) ) { LOG_ERROR("initialize_isapi_response failed", 0); // // In the error case, free any ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure allocated. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); } return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } // // Handle the special cases in which a class 1 or 2 file is requested. // // // If the class number of the file requested is either 1 or 2, // then the request must be handled differently (i.e. specific // substitutions have to be made in tags contained in the file // data). In this case, simply return the value resulting from // the appropriate call to handle_class1_or_class2_request; this // routine handles these special cases. // // To determine the class number of the file, note that as the // query string contains the path of the filename relative to the // webserver document root directory (e.g. /file_set/dir00001/class0_1) // and class numbers are always one digit, the third last character // in the query string will always denote the class number (this // explains the use of "query_string_length - 3" below). // isapi_response_ptr->class_number = pECB->lpszQueryString[ query_string_length - 3 ] - '0'; if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 1 ) { return( handle_class1_or_class2_request( pECB, isapi_response_ptr, filename, fileinfo.nFileSizeLow, use_async_vector_send, ad_index, query_string_length ) ); } else if ( isapi_response_ptr->class_number == 2 ) { return( handle_class1_or_class2_request( pECB, isapi_response_ptr, filename, fileinfo.nFileSizeLow, use_async_vector_send, ad_index, query_string_length ) ); } // // Execute the VectorSend operation. If ServerSupportFunction // returns TRUE, handle the cache hit case. Otherwise, assume // a cache miss and handle it. // if ( pECB->ServerSupportFunction( pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_VECTOR_SEND, &( isapi_response_ptr->response_vector ), NULL, NULL ) ) { return( return_value ); } // // Now that a cache miss occurred, we will try to add the requested // file to the HTTP.SYS fragment cache using a handle to it and then // reattempt the VectorSend. To do this, first obtain a handle to // the file using CreateFile. // if ( ( hFile = CreateFile( filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ) ) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { // // Again, in the error case free the ISAPI_RESPONSE struct // allocated, if any. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); } return( send_error_page( pECB, "File inaccessible.", g_pszStatus_404, query_string_length ) ); } // // Add the file to the HTTP.SYS fragment cache using the file // handle. // isapi_response_ptr->vector_element.ElementType = HSE_VECTOR_ELEMENT_TYPE_FILE_HANDLE; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element.pvContext = hFile; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element.cbSize = fileinfo.nFileSizeLow; isapi_response_ptr->vector_element.cbOffset = 0; if ( !pECB->ServerSupportFunction( pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_ADD_FRAGMENT_TO_CACHE, &isapi_response_ptr->vector_element, ( DWORD * )isapi_response_ptr->unicode_fragment_cache_key, NULL ) ) { // // If the add HSE_REQ_ADD_FRAGMENT_TO_CACHE operation failed, // (e.g. more than one thread attempted this at once), simply // try the VectorSend using the file handle. // isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ] = isapi_response_ptr->vector_element; // // You need to store the file handle on the // heap to be able to close it in the VectorSend // completion callback, if necessary. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { isapi_response_ptr->hFile = hFile; } if ( !pECB->ServerSupportFunction( pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_VECTOR_SEND, &( isapi_response_ptr->response_vector ), NULL, NULL ) ) { // // Clearly, you will not be going to the // VectorSend completion callback now. // LOG_ERROR( "VectorSend() failed", GetLastError() ); CloseHandle( hFile ); if ( use_async_vector_send ) { isapi_response_ptr->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } // // Again, in the failure case, free any ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure allocated. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); } return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } if ( !use_async_vector_send ) { CloseHandle( hFile ); } return( return_value ); } // // Retry the VectorSend after successfully adding the requested // file to the HTTP.SYS fragment cache. // if ( !pECB->ServerSupportFunction( pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_VECTOR_SEND, &( isapi_response_ptr->response_vector ), NULL, NULL ) ) { // // If the VectorSend operation fails now (e.g. it was flushed // from the cache after it was added) simply try the VectorSend // using the file handle. // isapi_response_ptr->vector_element_array[ 5 ] = isapi_response_ptr->vector_element; // // You need to store the file handle on the // heap to be able to close it in the VectorSend // completion callback, if necessary. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { isapi_response_ptr->hFile = hFile; } if ( !pECB->ServerSupportFunction( pECB->ConnID, HSE_REQ_VECTOR_SEND, &( isapi_response_ptr->response_vector ), NULL, NULL ) ) { // // Clearly, you will not be going to the // VectorSend completion callback now. // CloseHandle( hFile ); if ( use_async_vector_send ) { isapi_response_ptr->hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } // // Again, in the failure case, free the ISAPI_RESPONSE // structure allocated, if any. // if ( use_async_vector_send ) { free_isapi_response( isapi_response_ptr ); } return( HSE_STATUS_ERROR ); } } if ( !use_async_vector_send ) { CloseHandle( hFile ); } return( return_value ); } /*********************************************************************/ BOOL WINAPI TerminateExtension( DWORD dwFlags ) /*++ Routine Description: Implementation of the TerminateExtension ISAPI entry point. Carries out all cleanup tasks needed when SPECweb99-CAD.dll is unloaded. Arguments: dwFlags - A DWORD that specifies whether IIS should shut down the extension. Return Value: Returns TRUE if all cleanup tasks are successfully completed and FALSE otherwise. --*/ { // // Destroy all entries in the stack of free // ISAPI_RESPONSE structures on the heap. // clear_isapi_response_stack(); // // Destroy all entries in the stack of free // CLASS1_DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap. // clear_class1_data_buffer_stack(); // // Destroy all elements in the stack of free // CLASS2_DATA_BUFFER structures on the heap. // clear_class2_data_buffer_stack(); // // Terminate the thread responsible for updating the in-memory // data structures holding the User.Personality and Custom.Ads // file data and close the handle to it. // if ( !TerminateThread( g_update_buffers_thread, STILL_ACTIVE ) ) { return( FALSE ); } CloseHandle( g_update_buffers_thread ); // // Destroy the in-heap memory data structure holding // the data from the User.Personality file. // free( g_user_personalities_buffer ); // // If you have made it this far without returning indicating // failure, return indicating success. // return( TRUE ); }