//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 // // File: srequest.hxx // // Contents: Server side of catalog and query requests // // Classes: CPipeServer // CRequestServer // CServerItem // CRequestQueue // // History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #include #include #include #define CI_PIPE_TESTING CIDBG //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CPipeServer // // Synopsis: Base class for a server named pipe // // History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CPipeServer { public: CPipeServer( const WCHAR * pwcName, ULONG cmsDefaultClientTimeout, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * pSecurityDescriptor ); ~CPipeServer() { prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "~destructing pipe 0x%x\n", _hPipe )); BOOL fCloseOk = CloseHandle( _hPipe ); Win4Assert( fCloseOk ); } void Write( void * pv, unsigned cb, LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE pRoutine ) { prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "WriteFileEx cb %d this 0x%x pipe 0x%x\n", cb, this, _hPipe )); // hEvent is documented as a good place to pass user data _overlapped.hEvent = (HANDLE) this; if ( ! WriteFileEx( _hPipe, pv, cb, &_overlapped, pRoutine ) ) THROW( CException() ); } void Read( void * pv, unsigned cb, LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE pRoutine ) { prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "ReadFileEx cb %d this 0x%x, pipe 0x%x\n", cb, this, _hPipe )); // hEvent is documented as a good place to pass user data _overlapped.hEvent = (HANDLE) this; if ( ! ReadFileEx( _hPipe, pv, cb, &_overlapped, pRoutine ) ) THROW( CException() ); } void WriteSync( void *pv, DWORD cb ); BYTE * ReadRemainingSync( void *pvSoFar, DWORD & cbSoFar ); BOOL Connect(); BOOL Disconnect() { prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "disconnecting from pipe 0x%x\n", _hPipe )); return DisconnectNamedPipe( _hPipe ); } HANDLE GetEvent() { return _event.GetHandle(); } void ResetEvent() { _event.Reset(); } HANDLE GetPipe() { return _hPipe; } void CancelIO() { CancelIo( _hPipe ); } private: OVERLAPPED _overlapped; // 2 uint_ptr + 3 dwords HANDLE _hPipe; CEventSem _event; CEventSem _eventWrite; }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CRequestServer // // Synopsis: Class for a catalog/query server connection // // History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created. // 21-Oct-99 KLam Added FixVariantPointers and Win64 data // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- const LONGLONG sigCRequestServer = 0x2076727374737172; // "rqstsrv" class CRequestQueue; class CWorkQueue; class CClientDocStore; enum RequestState { stateContinue, stateDisconnect, statePending }; struct SCWorkItem { ECiSvcActionType type; // state to be changed to ICiCDocStore * pDocStore; // pointer to docstore to be shutdown BOOL fNoQueryRW; // TRUE if NoQuery and read/write // NoQuery and read-only otherwise WCHAR * StoppedCat; // name of stopped catalog (to be restarted) // NULL if no catalog is stopped }; //work item for state change events class CRequestServer : public CPipeServer, public PWorkItem { public: CRequestServer( const WCHAR * pwcPipe, ULONG cmsDefaultClientTimeout, CRequestQueue & requestQueue, CWorkQueue & workQueue ); void AddRef() { InterlockedIncrement( & _cRefs ); } void Release(); BOOL IsAvailable() { // if the refcount is 1, it's available ( not in DoIt() ) return ( 1 == _cRefs ) && !IsBeingRemoved(); } BOOL NoOutstandingAPCs() { return pipeStateNone == _state || pipeStatePending == _state; } void DoIt( CWorkThread * pThread ); void DeferredAPC(); void Cleanup(); void CompleteNotification( DWORD dwChangeType ); void QueryQuiesced( BOOL fSuccess, SCODE sc ); void SetPQuery( PQuery * pQuery ) { Win4Assert( 0 == _pQuery ); _pQuery = pQuery; } HANDLE GetWorkerThreadHandle() { return _hWorkThread; } static void WINAPI CancelAPCRoutine( DWORD_PTR dwParam ); void SetLastTouchedTime(DWORD dwLastTouched) { _dwLastTouched = dwLastTouched; } DWORD GetLastTouchedTime() { return _dwLastTouched; } void BeingRemoved( CEventSem * pevtDone ) { _pevtDone = pevtDone; }; BOOL IsBeingRemoved() const { return 0 != _pevtDone; } ICiCDocStore * GetDocStore() { return _xDocStore.GetPointer(); } private: static void WINAPI QuiesceAPCRoutine( DWORD_PTR dwParam ); void Quiesce(); enum PipeState { pipeStateNone = 10, pipeStateRead, pipeStateWrite, pipeStatePending }; static void WINAPI APCRoutine( DWORD dwError, DWORD cbTransferred, LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped ); RequestState HandleRequestNoThrow( DWORD cbRequest, DWORD & cbToWrite ); #ifdef _WIN64 void FixColumns ( CTableColumnSet * pCols32 ); void FixRows ( BYTE * pbReply, BYTE * pbResults, ULONG cbResults, ULONG_PTR ulpClientBase, ULONG cRows, ULONG cbRowWidth ); void FixVariantPointers ( PROPVARIANT32 *pVar32, PROPVARIANT *pVar64, BYTE *pbResults, ULONG_PTR ulClientBase ); #endif void DoAPC( DWORD dwError, DWORD cbTransferred ); ~CRequestServer() { prxDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "deleting server pipe 0x%x\n", GetPipe() )); Win4Assert( NoOutstandingAPCs() ); Win4Assert( 0 == _cRefs ); Win4Assert( 0 == _pQuery ); Win4Assert( 0 == _pWorkThread ); Win4Assert( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == _hWorkThread ); Win4Assert( 0 == _pevtDone ); } int GetClientVersion() { return pmCiVersion( _iClientVersion ); } BOOL IsClient64() { return IsCi64( _iClientVersion ); } BOOL IsClientRemote() { return _fClientIsRemote; } void * _Buffer() { return _abBuffer; } void * _ActiveBuffer() { if ( _xTempBuffer.IsNull() ) return _abBuffer; return _xTempBuffer.Get(); } DWORD _BufferSize() { return sizeof _abBuffer; } void FormScopeRestriction( CiMetaData & eType, XRestriction & rst ); void FreeQuery() { // insures only one thread will delete the PQuery PQuery * pInitial = (PQuery *) InterlockedCompareExchangePointer( (void **) &_pQuery, NULL, _pQuery ); delete pInitial; // may be 0 #ifdef _WIN64 // Free the column descriptions _xCols64.Free(); _xCols32.Free(); #endif } typedef RequestState (CRequestServer:: * ProxyMessageFunction)( DWORD cbRequest, DWORD & cbToWrite ); static const ProxyMessageFunction _aMsgFunctions[ cProxyMessages ]; static const BOOL _afImpersonate[ cProxyMessages ]; RequestState DoObsolete( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoConnect( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoDisconnect( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoCreateQuery( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoFreeCursor( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoGetRows( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoRatioFinished( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoCompareBmk( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoGetApproximatePosition( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoSetBindings( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoGetNotify( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoSendNotify( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoSetWatchMode( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoGetWatchInfo( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoShrinkWatchRegion( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoRefresh( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoGetQueryStatus( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoCiState( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoBeginCacheTransaction( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoSetupCache( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoEndCacheTransaction( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoForceMerge( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoAbortMerge( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoFetchValue( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoWorkIdToPath( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoUpdateDocuments( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoGetQueryStatusEx( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoRestartPosition( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoStopAsynch( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoStartWatching( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoStopWatching( DWORD, DWORD & ); RequestState DoSetCatState( DWORD, DWORD & ); PipeState _state; // none, read, write, or pending long _cRefs; // refcount int _iClientVersion; // version of the client BOOL _fClientIsRemote; // TRUE if client is remote XInterface _xDocStore; // Set if a docstore is found PQuery * _pQuery; // set if a query is active CWorkThread * _pWorkThread; // worker thread for this server HANDLE _hWorkThread; // worker thread for this server XArray _xTempBuffer; // buffer for big reads/writes XArray _xClientMachine; // name of the client's machine XArray _xClientUser; // name of the client XArray _xFetchedValue; // state for pmFetchValue DWORD _cbFetchedValueSoFar; // state for pmFetchValue DWORD _cbPendingWrite; // bytes to write at completion SCODE _scPendingStatus; // status code for completed op DWORD _dwDeferredAPCError; // completion status of deferred APC DWORD _cbDeferredAPCTransferred; // deferred APC byte count CRequestQueue & _requestQueue; // the 1 and only request queue CWorkQueue & _workQueue; // the 1 and only work queue XInterface _xDbProperties; // properties from connect DWORD _dwLastTouched; CEventSem * _pevtDone; // set when the instance dies #ifdef _WIN64 unsigned _cbRowWidth64; unsigned _cbRowWidth32; XPtr _xCols64; XPtr _xCols32; #endif // this buffer must be 8-byte aligned and large enough to read // any request except pmCreateQuery and pmSetBindings LONGLONG _abBuffer[ 2048 / sizeof LONGLONG ]; }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: XAPCWorkerThread // // Synopsis: Refcounts a worker thread and sets the "processing APC" // state. // // History: 17-Jul-00 dlee Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class XAPCWorkerThread { public: XAPCWorkerThread( CWorkQueue & workQueue, CWorkThread * pWorkThread ) : _workQueue( workQueue ), _pWorkThread( pWorkThread ) { _workQueue.AddRef( _pWorkThread ); _pWorkThread->SetProcessingAPC( TRUE ); } ~XAPCWorkerThread() { _pWorkThread->SetProcessingAPC( FALSE ); _workQueue.Release( _pWorkThread ); } private: CWorkQueue & _workQueue; CWorkThread * _pWorkThread; }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CServerItem // // Synopsis: Encapsulates a CRequestServer for use in the circular queue, // which requires many of the methods implemented below. // // History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CServerItem { public: CServerItem() : _pServer( 0 ) {} CServerItem( CRequestServer *pServer ) : _pServer( pServer ) {} ~CServerItem() { Free(); } void Create( const WCHAR * pwcName, ULONG cmsDefaultClientTimeout, CRequestQueue & requestQueue, CWorkQueue & workQueue ) { Win4Assert( 0 == _pServer ); _pServer = new CRequestServer( pwcName, cmsDefaultClientTimeout, requestQueue, workQueue ); } void Acquire( CServerItem & item ) { item = *this; _pServer = 0; } CServerItem & operator = (CServerItem & src ) { Win4Assert( 0 == _pServer ); _pServer = src._pServer; src._pServer = 0; return *this; } CRequestServer * Get() { return _pServer; } void Free() { if ( 0 != _pServer ) { _pServer->Release(); _pServer = 0; } } CRequestServer * Acquire() { CRequestServer *p = _pServer; _pServer = 0; return p; } private: CRequestServer * _pServer; }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Class: CRequestQueue // // Synopsis: Handles the main work of the service and the caching of // request servers. // // History: 16-Sep-96 dlee Created. // 30-Mar-98 kitmanh Added new flag _fNetPause // 14-Apr-98 kitmanh Renamed _evtStopWork to // _evtStateChange and StopWork() to // WakeForStateChange() // 14-Apr-98 kitmanh Added a DynArrayInPlace, // StateChangeArray for work items // related to state change // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CRequestQueue { public: CRequestQueue( unsigned cMaxCachedRequests, unsigned cMaxRequests, unsigned cmsDefaultClientTimeout, BOOL fMinimizeWorkingSet, unsigned cMinClientIdleTime, unsigned cmsStartupDelay, const GUID & guidDocStoreClient ); ~CRequestQueue() { ClearSCArray(); #if CI_PIPE_TESTING if ( 0 != _hTraceDll ) { FreeLibrary( _hTraceDll ); _hTraceDll = 0; } #endif // CI_PIPE_TESTING } void DoWork(); void RecycleRequestServerNoThrow( CRequestServer *pServer ); void WakeForStateChange() { _evtStateChange.Set(); } void IncrementPendingItems() { InterlockedIncrement( &_cPendingItems ); } void DecrementPendingItems() { InterlockedDecrement( &_cPendingItems ); } void AddToListNoThrow( CRequestServer * pServer ) { CLock lock( _mutex ); _tableActiveServers.AddEntry( pServer ); } void RemoveFromListNoThrow( CRequestServer * pServer ) { CLock lock( _mutex ); BOOL fDeleted = _tableActiveServers.DeleteEntry( pServer ); Win4Assert( fDeleted ); } BOOL IsShutdown() const { return _fShutdown; } BOOL IsNetPause() const { return _fNetPause; } BOOL IsNetContinue() const { return _fNetContinue; } BOOL IsNetStop() const { return _fNetStop; } // Reset some member variables and reset the _evtStateChange event for restarting // up from NetPause or NetContinue void ReStart() { CLock lock( _mutex ); _fShutdown = FALSE; _fNetPause = FALSE; _fNetContinue = FALSE; _fNetStop = FALSE; ClearSCArray(); _evtStateChange.Reset(); } void WrestReqServerFromIdleClient(); CMutexSem & GetTheMutex() { return _mutex; } void SetNetPause() { CLock lock( _mutex ); _fNetPause = TRUE; } void SetNetContinue() { CLock lock( _mutex ); _fNetContinue = TRUE; } void SetNetStop() { CLock lock( _mutex ); _fNetStop = TRUE; } SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * GetSecurityDescriptor() { Win4Assert( !_xSecurityDescriptor.IsNull() ); return (SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *) _xSecurityDescriptor.GetPointer(); } void AddSCItem( SCWorkItem * newItem, WCHAR const * wcStoppedCat ) { XPtrST xBuf; if ( wcStoppedCat ) { // Validate it looks like a good path unsigned cwc = wcslen( wcStoppedCat ); if ( cwc >= MAX_PATH ) THROW( CException( E_INVALIDARG ) ); xBuf.Set( new WCHAR[ cwc + 1 ] ); newItem->StoppedCat = xBuf.GetPointer(); RtlCopyMemory( newItem->StoppedCat, wcStoppedCat, sizeof WCHAR * ( cwc + 1 ) ); } else newItem->StoppedCat = 0; CLock lockx( _mutex ); _stateChangeArray.Add( *newItem, _stateChangeArray.Count() ); xBuf.Acquire(); } DWORD SCArrayCount() { CLock lockx( _mutex ); return _stateChangeArray.Count(); } SCWorkItem * GetSCItem( DWORD iSCArray ) { return &(_stateChangeArray.Get( iSCArray )); } void ClearSCArray() { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _stateChangeArray.Count(); i++ ) { SCWorkItem * WorkItem = GetSCItem(i); if ( WorkItem->StoppedCat ) { delete [] WorkItem->StoppedCat; } } _stateChangeArray.Clear(); } BOOL AreDocStoresOpen() const { return _fDocStoresOpen; } ICiCDocStoreLocator * DocStoreLocator(); #if CI_PIPE_TESTING typedef SCODE (* PipeTraceServerBeforeCall) ( HANDLE hPipe, ULONG cbWrite, void * pvWrite, ULONG & rcbWritten, void *& rpvWritten ); typedef SCODE (* PipeTraceServerAfterCall) ( HANDLE hPipe, ULONG cbWrite, void * pvWrite, ULONG cbWritten, void * pvWritten ); typedef SCODE (* PipeTraceServerReadCall) ( HANDLE hPipe, ULONG cbRead, void * pvRead ); PipeTraceServerBeforeCall _pTraceBefore; PipeTraceServerAfterCall _pTraceAfter; PipeTraceServerReadCall _pTraceRead; HINSTANCE _hTraceDll; BOOL IsPipeTracingEnabled() { return 0 != _hTraceDll; } #endif // CI_PIPE_TESTING private: void ShutdownActiveServers( ICiCDocStore * pDocStore ); void Shutdown(); void OpenAllDocStores(); void FreeCachedServers(); BOOL _fShutdown; BOOL _fMinimizeWorkingSet; BOOL _fNetPause; BOOL _fNetContinue; BOOL _fNetStop; LONG _cBusyItems; LONG _cPendingItems; DWORD _cmsDefaultClientTimeout; DWORD _cMaxSimultaneousRequests; DWORD _cmsStartupDelay; CAutoEventSem _event; CEventSem _evtStateChange; CWorkQueue _workQueue; CDynArrayInPlace _stateChangeArray; CMutexSem _mutex; THashTable _tableActiveServers; TFifoCircularQueue _queueCachedServers; DWORD _cMinClientIdleTime; XArray _xSecurityDescriptor; GUID _guidDocStoreClient; BOOL _fDocStoresOpen; };