using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Collections;
using UDDI.Web;
using UDDI.API;
using UDDI.API.Service;
using UDDI.API.Business;
namespace UDDI.VisualStudio
// Just a simple class to help us keep track of our results.
public class ResultsCache
public ResultsCache()
public ResultsCache( SearchType searchType, string searchParams )
this.searchType = searchType;
this.searchParams = searchParams;
public string searchParams;
public SearchType searchType;
public int numResults;
public class SearchPage : Page
// These controls are bound to elements on our .aspx page. We do not need to instantiate
// these objects, ASP.NET will assign values to them for us.
protected HtmlGenericControl html_hasResultsLabel;
protected HtmlGenericControl html_noResultsLabel;
protected HtmlGenericControl html_searchResultsMsg;
protected HtmlGenericControl html_browseResultsMsg;
protected HtmlGenericControl html_hasResultsMsg;
protected ResultsList uddi_resultsList;
// These values will be displayed in search.aspx using <%= tags
protected ResultsCache results;
/// Override OnLoad to do our initialization.
/// Passed by ASP.NET, we don't use it.
protected override void OnLoad( EventArgs args )
// See if we already have a cached search, if we do, we'll use it. We only cache search params,
// result count and the search type, we'll get values from our database all the time.
results = Session[ StateParamNames.Results ] as ResultsCache;
// If we don't have search results, get them
if( null == results )
// Instantiate our results cache
results = new ResultsCache();
// Run our query based on the search type and display the results
string temp = Request[ StateParamNames.SearchType ];
if( null == temp || temp.Length == 0 )
Response.Redirect( "error.aspx" );
results.searchType = ( SearchType ) Int32.Parse( temp );
if( results.searchType == SearchType.SearchByService || results.searchType == SearchType.SearchByProvider )
results.searchParams = GetSearchParams();
// Search type determines what sproc to run.
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor searchCommand = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor();
switch( results.searchType )
case SearchType.SearchByService:
searchCommand.ProcedureName = "VS_AWR_services_get";
searchCommand.Parameters.Add( "@serviceName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 450 );
searchCommand.Parameters.SetString( "@serviceName", results.searchParams );
case SearchType.SearchByProvider:
searchCommand.ProcedureName = "VS_AWR_businesses_get";
searchCommand.Parameters.Add( "@businessName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 450 );
searchCommand.Parameters.SetString( "@businessName", results.searchParams );
case SearchType.SearchFromBrowse:
searchCommand.ProcedureName = "VS_AWR_categorization_get";
searchCommand.Parameters.Add( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier );
searchCommand.Parameters.Add( "@keyValue", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255 );
searchCommand.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@tModelKey", GetTModelKey() );
searchCommand.Parameters.SetString( "@keyValue", GetKeyValue() );
// Get the results that we are supposed to display.
SqlDataReaderAccessor resultsReader = searchCommand.ExecuteReader();
results.numResults = uddi_resultsList.ParseResults( resultsReader );
// Store our results in session state
Session[ StateParamNames.Results ] = results;
DisplaySearchMessages( results.numResults );
private void DisplaySearchMessages(int numResults )
// Depending on whether we have results or not, show or hide the panel that will show our results.
if( numResults > 0 )
if( results.searchType == SearchType.SearchFromBrowse )
html_browseResultsMsg.Visible = true;
html_searchResultsMsg.Visible = false;
html_browseResultsMsg.Visible = false;
html_searchResultsMsg.Visible = true;
html_hasResultsLabel.Visible = true;
html_noResultsLabel.Visible = false;
html_hasResultsLabel.Visible = false;
html_noResultsLabel.Visible = true;
private string GetKeyValue()
string keyValue = Request[ StateParamNames.KeyValue ];
if( null == keyValue || keyValue.Length == 0 )
return "%";
return Server.UrlDecode( keyValue );
private string GetTModelKey()
// Get the tModel key to search on
string tModelKey = Request[ StateParamNames.TModelKey ];
if( null == tModelKey || tModelKey.Length == 0 )
Response.Redirect( "error.aspx" );
return Server.UrlDecode( tModelKey );
private string GetSearchParams()
// Make sure we have search params
string searchParams = Request[ StateParamNames.SearchParams ];
if( null == searchParams || searchParams.Length == 0 )
Response.Redirect( "error.aspx" );
return searchParams;
/// Class to help manage help link localization.
public class HelpLinkControl : UserControl
private string helpstring;
/// *****************************************************************************
/// Text for the Help Message.
/// If a localization key is provided, then a the string will be set to the
/// Localized value.
/// *****************************************************************************
public string HelpString
get{ return helpstring; }
if( Localization.IsKey( (string)value ) )
helpstring=Localization.GetString( Localization.StripMarkup( (string)value ) );
private string helplinktext;
/// *****************************************************************************
/// Text for the Link inside the help Message.
/// If a localization key is provided, then a the string will be set to the
/// Localized value.
/// *****************************************************************************
public string HelpLinkText
get{ return helplinktext; }
if( Localization.IsKey( (string)value ) )
helplinktext=Localization.GetString( Localization.StripMarkup( (string)value ) );
private string navigateurl;
/// *****************************************************************************
/// Url that the HelpLink will navigate too.
/// *****************************************************************************
public string NavigateUrl
get{ return navigateurl; }
set{ navigateurl=value; }
private string navigatetarget;
/// *****************************************************************************
/// Url Target of the Help Link
/// *****************************************************************************
public string NavigateTarget
get{ return navigatetarget; }
set{ navigatetarget=value; }
private string cssclass;
public string CssClass
get{ return cssclass; }
set{ cssclass=value; }
/// method to write content to the Response Stream
/// Stream to write output too.
protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output )
UDDI.Diagnostics.Debug.Verify( null!=HelpLinkText,"UDDI_ERROR_FATALERROR_AWR_NULLHELPLINKTEXT" );
UDDI.Diagnostics.Debug.Verify( null!=HelpString,"UDDI_ERROR_FATALERROR_AWR_NULLHELPSTRING" );
string hyperlink = "";
if( null!=NavigateUrl )
//build the hyperlink.
hyperlink = string.Format( hyperlink, HelpLinkText );
if( null!=CssClass ) //if a stylesheet class was provided add it to the stream to be rendered
output.AddAttribute( HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class,CssClass ) ;
output.RenderBeginTag( HtmlTextWriterTag.Span );
//format the help string with the hyperlink string.
output.Write( HelpString, ((""!=hyperlink)?hyperlink:HelpLinkText ) );