[Map Win9x to WinNT] HKR\EUDC\950 [~65B0~~7D30~~660E~~9AD4~]=[PMingLiU] [Strings] @*: @*: Codepage should be changed to the localized language codepage @*: during localization. This is used to implement the ability to @*: append/replace inf files at run time based on infs which @*: were not present when the cd was made. @*: codepage=950 ;please do not localize this next set of strings CurrentVersion = HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion NOECHOSYM = @ EQUALSIGN = "=" CDPlayerSettings = HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\CdPlayer\Settings DeluxeCDSettings = HKR\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\DeluxeCD\Settings @*: @*: If this directories are not localized, do not change this strings. @*: Accessories = 附屬應用程式 Accessibility = 協助工具 History = History Entertainment = 娛樂 Internet_Explorer = "Internet Explorer" Microsoft = "Microsoft" UserData = "UserData" System_Tools = "系統工具" Temp = "Temp" Temporary_Internet_Files = "Temporary Internet Files" Windows = "Windows" @*: @*: @*: If this links are not localized, do not change this strings. @*: Address_Book_lnk = "通訊錄.lnk" AMIPRO_SAM = "AMIPRO.SAM" Command_Prompt_lnk = "命令提示字元.lnk" Disk_Cleanup_lnk = "清理磁碟.lnk" EXCEL_XLS = "EXCEL.XLS" EXCEL4_XLS = "EXCEL4.XLS" Internet_Explorer_lnk = "Internet Explorer.lnk" LOTUS_WK4 = "LOTUS.WK4" Magnifier_lnk = "放大鏡.lnk" MSN_Messenger_Service_lnk = "MSN 信差服務.lnk" Narrator_lnk = "朗讀程式.lnk" Notepad_lnk = "記事本.lnk" On-Screen_Keyboard_lnk = "螢幕小鍵盤.lnk" Outlook_Express_lnk = "Outlook Express.lnk" POWERPNT_PPT = "POWERPNT.PPT" PRESENTA_SHW = "PRESENTA.SHW" QUATTRO_WB2 = "QUATTRO.WB2" Scheduled_Tasks_lnk = "排定的工作.lnk" SNDREC_WAV = "SNDREC.WAV" Synchronize_lnk = "同步處理.lnk" Utility_Manager_lnk = "公用程式管理員.lnk" Windows_Explorer_lnk = "Windows 檔案總管.lnk" Windows_Media_Player_lnk = "Windows Media Player.lnk" WORDPFCT_WPG = "WORDPFCT.WPG" WORDPFCT_WPD = "WORDPFCT.WPD" WINWORD2_DOC = "WINWORD2.DOC" WINWORD_DOC = "WINWORD.DOC" Windows_Real-Time_Client_lnk = "Windows Real-Time Client.lnk" @*: @*: This one must match nt\base\ntsetup\win95upg\msg\w95upgnt.mc id MSG_EMPTY_MYDOCS_TITLE @*: WhereDidDocsGo_txt = "我的檔案在哪裡.txt" @*: @*: These strings must match NT shell localization @*: Sample_Music_Lnk = "範例音樂.lnk" Sample_Pictures_lnk = "範例圖片.lnk"