[Strings] ;Localizable ;OnlineServices ONLINE_SERVICES_DIR = "Online Services" ISP_REFERRAL_DESC = "ほかのインターネット サービス プロバイダを紹介します" ISP_REFERRAL_INFOTIP = "インターネット サービス プロバイダの選択に役立ちます。" ; NOTE: the two entries below MUST be localized to the value of the same name ; in \nt\inetcore\ConnectionWizard\nt5inf\usa\icwnt5.txt LMSIE4 = "Internet Explorer" ICW_DIR = "Connection Wizard" ; welcome screen images AIRPLANE_BMP_NAME = "飛行機.bmp" ASTRONAUT_BMP_NAME = "宇宙飛行士.bmp" BALL_BMP_NAME = "ボール.bmp" BUTTERFLY_BMP_NAME = "蝶.bmp" CAT_BMP_NAME = "猫.bmp" FISH_BMP_NAME = "熱帯魚.bmp" PINKFLOWER_BMP_NAME = "桜.bmp" GUITAR_BMP_NAME = "ギター.bmp" SNOWFLAKE_BMP_NAME = "雪の結晶.bmp" BEACH_BMP_NAME = "ビーチ.bmp" CAR_BMP_NAME = "自動車.bmp" CHESS_BMP_NAME = "チェス.bmp" DIRTBIKE_BMP_NAME = "モトクロス.bmp" DOG_BMP_NAME = "犬.bmp" DRIP_BMP_NAME = "雫.bmp" DUCK_BMP_NAME = "アヒル.bmp" FROG_BMP_NAME = "カエル.bmp" HORSES_BMP_NAME = "馬.bmp" KICK_BMP_NAME = "キック.bmp" LIFTOFF_BMP_NAME = "ロケット.bmp" PALMTREE_BMP_NAME = "やしの木.bmp" REDFLOWER_BMP_NAME = "花.bmp" SKATER_BMP_NAME = "スケートボード.bmp" ; This MUST be localized to the same as the guest account! GUEST_BMP_NAME = "guest.bmp" ; Wallpaper images BLISS_JPG_NAME = "草原.jpg" MOON_JPG_NAME = "夕顔.jpg" REDMOON_JPG_NAME = "夕陽の砂丘.jpg" VORTEC_JPG_NAME = "ワープ.jpg" ASCENT_JPG_NAME = "山頂と月.jpg" AUTUMN_JPG_NAME = "秋の散歩道.jpg" FRIEND_JPG_NAME = "愛犬.jpg" HOME_JPG_NAME = "カントリー ハウス.jpg" PEACE_JPG_NAME = "ピース.jpg" POWER_JPG_NAME = "パワー.jpg" PURPLEFLOWER_JPG_NAME = "紫の花.jpg" RADIANCE_JPG_NAME = "月面.jpg" STONEHENGE_JPG_NAME = "ストーン ヘンジ.jpg" TULIPS_JPG_NAME = "チューリップ.jpg" WIND_JPG_NAME = "砂嵐.jpg" CRYSTAL_JPG_NAME = "クリスタル.jpg" RIPPLE_JPG_NAME = "さざなみ.jpg" AZUL_JPG_NAME = "ロングバケーション.jpg" FOLLOW_JPG_NAME = "熱帯魚.jpg" WINDOWSXP_JPG_NAME = "Windows XP.jpg" ; Name for the subdir under Common Pictures where the samples are. ; NOTE: this needs to be localized to the same thing as IDS_SAMPLEPICTURES ; in nt\shell\shell32\shell32.rc MYPICS_SAMPLES_DIR = "Sample Pictures" ; Name for the subdir under Common Music where the samples are. ; NOTE: this needs to be localized to the same thing as IDS_SAMPLEMUSIC ; in nt\shell\shell32\shell32.rc MYMUSIC_SAMPLES_DIR = "Sample Music" ; Defaut Sample Picture names WATER_LILY_JPG_NAME = "Water lilies.jpg" BLUEHILL_JPG_NAME = "Blue hills.jpg" SUNSET_JPG_NAME = "Sunset.jpg" WINTER_JPG_NAME = "Winter.jpg" ; Defaut Sample Music names BEETHOVEN_NINTH_NAME = "Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 (Scherzo).wma" NEW_STORIES_NAME = "New Stories (Highway Blues).wma"