[version] signature="$CHICAGO$" ClassGUID={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} LayoutFile=layout.inf [Directories] ; ; ACLs for directories themselves ; ; LHS is directory: if starts with \ then relative to ; drive containing system, otherwise relative to sysroot ; ; RHS1 is ACL to put on directory itself; looked up in [ACL] section ; RHS2 is default ACL for files in that directory, looked up in [ACL section] ; If not present then files in that dir are not stamped with an ACL by default. ; @@:@@:"" = d1,f1 ; don't use \ or we think it's x:\ (which is bad) @@:@@:system32 = d1,f1 @@:@@:system32\config = d2,f1 @@:@@:system32\drivers = d3,f1 @@:@@:system = d1,f1 @@:@@:system32\ras = d4,f1 @@:@@:system32\spool = d5,f1 @@:@@:system32\spool\drivers = d5,f3 @@:@i:system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\2 = d5,f3 @@:@@:system32\spool\printers = d5,f3 @@:@@:system32\spool\prtprocs = d5,f3 @@:@i:system32\spool\prtprocs\w32x86 = d5,f3 @@:@@:system32\dhcp = d3,f1 @@:@@:repair = d11 @@:@@:system32\drivers\etc = d3,f1 @@:@i:system32\spool\drivers\w32x86 = d5,f1 @@:@@:system32\viewers = d1,f1 @@:@@:inf = d1,f1 @@:@@:help = d1,f1 @@:@@:fonts = d1,f1 @@:@@:config = d1,f1 @@:@@:Media = d1,f1 @@:@@:Cursors = d1,f1 @@:@@:system32\repl = d3 @@:@@:system32\repl\import = d7 @@:@@:system32\repl\import\scripts = d7 @@:@@:system32\repl\export = d7 @@:@@:system32\repl\export\scripts = d7 @@:@@:security\templates = d7,f1 \users = d8 \users\default = d9 \ = d10 \temp = d10 [FileOverride] ; ; Files that are not listed here get default for their directory ; The left hand side is the file name relative to sysroot. RHS is ; the ACL spec, which is looked up in [ACL] ; system32\autoexec.nt = f2 system32\config.nt = f2 system32\decpsmon.dll = f3 system32\decpsmon.hlp = f3 system32\hpmon.dll = f3 system32\hpmon.hlp = f3 system32\midimap.cfg = f2 win.ini = f4 [ExtraFiles] ; ; Use only for files that are not listed in layout.inf for some reason. ; LHS is path relative to sysroot (if not starting with \) or a full path ; for the drive with the system on it (starting with \) ; ; RHS is ACL. ; system32\wins\system.mdb = f1 ; ; ACE codes: ; ; Index Permission Inherit ; ; 1 AccountOpsRWXD Containers ; 2 AdminAll Containers, Objects ; 3 AdminRWXD Containers ; 4 CreatorOwnerAll Containers, Objects ; 5 NetUsersDenyAll Containers, Objects ; 6 PrintOperatorsAll Containers, Objects ; 7 ReplicatorRWXD Containers, Objects ; 8 ReplicatorRX Containers, Objects ; 9 SysOpsAll Containers, Objects ; 10 SysOpsRWXD Containers, Objects ; 11 WorldAll Containers, Objects ; 12 WorldRWX Containers ; 13 WorldRWXD Containers, Objects ; 14 WorldRX Containers ; 15 WorldRX Containers, Objects ; 16 WorldRWX Containers, Objects ; 17 SystemAll Containers, Objects ; 18 PowerUsersRWXD Containers, Objects ; @s:[ServerACL] @s:; @s:; List of ACL profiles for server security @s:; @s:d1 = 2,13,4,10,17 @s:d2 = 14,4,2,17 @s:d3 = 15,4,2,9,17 @s:d4 = 15,4,2,9,13,17 @s:d5 = 15,4,2,9,6,17 @s:d6 = 2,4,9,15,17,18 @s:d7 = 15,10,2,7,4,17 @s:d8 = 14,3,1,17 @s:d9 = 12,4,17 @s:d10= 2,13,4,10,17 @s:d11= 2,17 @s:f1 = 2,15,10,17 @s:f2 = 2,13,10,17 @s:f3 = 2,15,9,6,17 @s:f4 = 11 @@:[WorkstationACL] ; ; List of ACL profiles for workstation security ; Also used for member servers so this section ; appears in both versions of the inf ; @@:d1 = 2,13,4,17 @@:d2 = 2,4,14,17 @@:d3 = 15,4,2,17 @@:d4 = 15,4,2,13,17,18 @@:d5 = 15,4,2,17,18 @@:d6 = 2,4,15,17,18 @@:d7 = 15,2,7,4,17 @@:d8 = 14,3,17 @@:d9 = 12,4,17 @@:d10= 2,13,4,17 @@:d11= 2,17 @@:f1 = 2,15,17 @@:f2 = 2,13,17 @@:f3 = 2,15,17,18 @@:f4 = 11 @@:@i:[BootFiles] @@:@i:; @@:@i:; x86 boot files and the root of C: @@:@i:; @@:@i:\ = d1 @@:@i:\boot.ini = f1 @@:@i:\ntbootdd.sys = f1 @@:@i:\ntdetect.com = f1 @@:@i:\ntldr = f1 @@:@a:[BootFiles] @@:@a:; @@:@a:; amd64 boot files and the root of C: @@:@a:; @@:@a:\ = d1 @@:@a:\boot.ini = f1 @@:@a:\ntdetect.com = f1 @@:@a:\ntldr = f1 ; ; ACE codes for the registry ; ; Index Permission Inherit ; ; 1 AdminFull Containers ; 2 AdminR Containers ; 3 AdminRW Containers ; 4 AdminRWD Containers ; 5 CreatorFull Containers ; 6 CreatorRW Containers ; 7 WorldFull Containers ; 8 WorldR Containers ; 9 WorldRW Containers ; 10 WorldRWD Containers ; 11 PowerUserFull Containers ; 12 PowerUserRW Containers ; 13 PowerUserRWD Containers ; 14 SystemOpFull Containers ; 15 SystemOpRW Containers ; 16 SystemOpRWD Containers ; 17 SystemFull Containers ; 18 SystemRW Containers ; 19 SystemR Containers ; 20 AdminRWE Containers ; 21 InteractiveUserFull Containers ; 22 InteractiveUserRead Containers ; 23 InteractiveUserRW Containers ; 24 InteractiveUserRWD Containers ; 25 NormalUsersRW Containers ; [RegistryDACLs] r1 = 1 ; [AdminFull] r2 = 1,17 ; [AdminFull SystemFull] r3 = 8,1 ; [WorldR AdminFull] r4 = 8,1,5,17 ; [WorldR AdminFull CreatorFull SystemFull] r5 = 8,1,5,16,17 ; [WorldR AdminFull CreatorFull SystemOpRWD SystemFull] r6 = 8,1,5,16,13,17 ; [WorldR AdminFull CreatorFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD SystemFull] r7 = 8,1,17 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull] r8 = 8,1,15,17 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRW SystemFull] r9 = 8,1,16,13,5,17 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD CreatorFull SystemFull] r10= 8,1,14,5,17 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpFull CreatorFull SystemFull] r11= 8,1,15,12,5,17 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRW PowerRW CreatorFull SystemFull] r12= 8,1,16,13,5,17 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD CreatorFull SystemFull] r13= 8,4,17 ; [WorldR AdminRWD SystemFull] r14= 8,24,1,5,17 ; [WorldR InteractiveRWD AdminFull CreatorFull SystemFull] r15= 8,17 ; [WorldR SystemFull] r16= 9,1,5,17 ; [WorldRW AdminFull CreatorFull SystemFull] r17= 9,1,16,13,5,17 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD CreatorFull SystemFull] r18= 10,1,5,17 ; [WorldRWD AdminFull CreatorFull SystemFull] ; ; [Phase1RootKeys] ; ; [Phase2RootKeys] ; ; These sections list the root keys to be proccessed for ; security, on phase 1, and phase 2, respectivelly. ; These sections have the following format: ; ; [Phase1RootKeys] ; , , , ,
; ; where: ; ; : A string associated with one of the predefined handles. ; It can be one of the following: HKLM for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ; HKCR for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT ; HKCU for HKEY_CURRENT_USER ; HKU for HKEY_USERS ; HKCC for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG ; This parameter is required. ; ; ; : Path to a key to secure. ; The path is relative to a predefined key. ; If the key is a predefined key, then an empty string "" ; should be used as a key name. ; This parameter is required. ; ; : A flag that indicates if the DACL should be applied to ; the key and all its subkeys. ; It can be one of the following: 0... Apply to key only ; 1... Apply to key and subkeys ; If this parameter is not sopecified, or is invalid, '1' will ; be assumed. ; ; : A string associated to the DACL to be applied to the key. ; It has to be one of the keys specified on [RegistryACL]. ; This parameter is required. ; ;
: This is an optional parameter. ; If present it indicates the section that contains the path ; to the subkeys (relative to ) that should not be ; processed for security. ; ; The information in this section has the following format: ; ; [
] ; ; ; . ; . ; . ; ; Where is relative to ; ; ;
: This is an optional parameter. ; If present it indicates the section that contains the path ; to the subkeys (relative to ) that should get a ; DACL that is different than the one applied to . ; ; The information in this section has the following format: ; ; [
] ; = ; = ; . ; . ; . ; ; Where: ; ; : is a path to the key relative to ; ; : A string associated to the DACL to be applied to the key. ; It has to be one of the keys specified on [RegistryDACLs]. ; This parameter is required. ; ; ; [Phase1RootKeys] HKCU,"",1,r7,"HKCU.SKIP","HKCU.EXCEPTIONS" ; [AdminFull SystemFull WorldR] ;;;;;;; ; ; HKEY_CURRENT_USER (DEFAULT hive) sepcial keys ; ;;;;;;; [HKCU.SKIP] ; ; Subkeys of HKEY_CURRENT_USER that should not ; have security descriptors applied to them. ; [HKCU.EXCEPTIONS] ; ; Subkeys of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT that should have a security ; descriptor applied to them and their subkeys, that is differnet than ; the one applied to their parent keys. ; "Software\Microsoft\NetDDE" = r2 ; [SystemFull AdminFull] "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies" = r12 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD SystemFull CreatorFull] "Software\Policies" = r7 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull] [Phase2RootKeys] HKLM,"SOFTWARE",1,r18,"HKLM.SOFTWARE.SKIP","HKLM.SOFTWARE.EXCEPTIONS" ; [WorldRWD AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib",0,r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull CreatorFull SystemFull] HKLM,"SYSTEM",1,r18,"HKLM.SYSTEM.SKIP","HKLM.SYSTEM.EXCEPTIONS" ; [WorldR AdminRWD SystemFull] HKCR,"",1,r14,"HKCR.SKIP","HKCR.EXCEPTIONS" ; [WorldR InteractiveRWD AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] ;;;;;;; ; ; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE sepcial keys ; ;;;;;;; [HKLM.SOFTWARE.SKIP] ; ; Subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE that should not have a security ; descriptor applied to them. ; "SOFTWARE\Classes" "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib" [HKLM.SOFTWARE.EXCEPTIONS] ; ; Subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE that should have a security ; descriptor applied to them and their subkeys, that is differnet than ; the one applied to their parent keys. ; "SOFTWARE\Policies" = r7 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull] "SOFTWARE\Program Groups" = r9 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Secure" = r10 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft" = r18 ; [WorldRWD AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Command Processor" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NetDDE" = r2 ; [SystemFull AdminFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\ClientProtocols" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\NameService" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\NetBios" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Rpc\ServerProtocols" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Secure" = r10 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows" = r17 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" = r5 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRWD SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions" = r12 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Telephony" = r6 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT" = r12 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" = r12 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Compatibility" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\DiskQuota" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\drivers.desc" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\EFS" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Embedding" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\File Manager" = r6 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Font Drivers" = r3 ; [WorldR AdminFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontCache" = r3 ; [WorldR AdminFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontMapper" = r3 ; [WorldR AdminFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\GRE_Initialize" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MCI" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MCI Extensions" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Midimap" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Network" = r6 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull SystemOpRWD PowerRWD] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkCards" = r5 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRWD SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones" = r7 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Type 1 Installer\Type 1 Fonts" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" = r5 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRWD SystemFull CreatorFull] "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WOW" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] ;;;;;;; ; ; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM sepcial keys ; ;;;;;;; [HKLM.SYSTEM.SKIP] ; ; Subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM that should not have a security ; descriptor applied to them. ; "SYSTEM\Clone" "SYSTEM\ControlSet001" "SYSTEM\ControlSet001" "SYSTEM\ControlSet002" "SYSTEM\ControlSet003" "SYSTEM\ControlSet004" "SYSTEM\ControlSet005" "SYSTEM\ControlSet006" "SYSTEM\ControlSet007" "SYSTEM\ControlSet008" "SYSTEM\ControlSet009" "SYSTEM\ControlSet010" [HKLM.SYSTEM.EXCEPTIONS] ; ; Subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM that should have a security ; descriptor applied to them and their subkeys, that is differnet than ; the one applied to their parent keys. ; "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control" = r5 ; [SystemOpRWD WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurePipeServers\winreg" = r1 ; [AdminFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Executive" = r11 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRW PowerRW SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management" = r7 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers" = r7 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\PriorityControl" = r16 ; [WorldRW AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions" = r4 ; [WorldR SystemFull AdminFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation" = r11 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRW PowerRW SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows" = r8 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull SystemOpRW] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum" = r15 ; [WorldR SystemFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\0001" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\0001\Software" = r18 ; [WorldRWD AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\0001\System" = r13 ; [WorldR AdminRWD SystemFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\0001\System\CurrentControlSet" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\0001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control" = r5 ; [SystemOpRWD WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\0001\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum" = r5 ; [SystemOpRWD WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\0001\System\CurrentControlSet\Services" = r5 ; [SystemOpRWD WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services" = r5 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemOpRWD SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinTrust" = r7 ; [AdminFull SystemFull WorldR] "SYSTEM\Select" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] "SYSTEM\Setup" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] ;;;;;;; ; ; HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT sepcial keys ; ;;;;;;; [HKCR.SKIP] ; ; Subkeys of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT that should not ; have security descriptors applied to them. ; [HKCR.EXCEPTIONS] ; ; Subkeys of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT that should have security descriptors ; that are different than the ones applied to the parent key. ; "helpfile" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] ".hlp" = r4 ; [WorldR AdminFull SystemFull CreatorFull] @*: [UpgradePhase1RootKeys] @*: ; This section specifies the security descriptors to be applied to @*: ; certain keys on the upgrade case. @*: ; The format of each line in this section is the same as the format @*: ; defined for [Phase1RootKeys] section @*: ; @*: @*: @*: @*: ;;;;;;; @*: ; @*: ; HKEY_CURRENT_USER (DEFAULT hive) sepcial keys @*: ; @*: ;;;;;;; @*: @*: [UPGRADE.HKCU.SKIP] @*: ; @*: ; Subkeys of HKEY_CURRENT_USER that should not @*: ; have security descriptors applied to them. @*: ; @*: @*: [UPGRADE.HKCU.EXCEPTIONS] @*: ; @*: ; Subkeys of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT that should have a security @*: ; descriptor applied to them and their subkeys, that is differnet than @*: ; the one applied to their parent keys. @*: ; @*: @*: @*: @*: [UpgradePhase2RootKeys] @*: ; This section specifies the security descriptors to be applied to @*: ; certain keys on the upgrade case. @*: ; The format of each line in this section is the same as the format @*: ; defined for [Phase1RootKeys] section @*: ; @*: @*: @*: ;;;;;;; @*: ; @*: ; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE sepcial keys @*: ; @*: ;;;;;;; @*: @*: [UPGRADE.HKLM.SOFTWARE.SKIP] @*: ; @*: ; Subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE that should not have a security @*: ; descriptor applied to them. @*: ; @*: @*: @*: [UPGRADE.HKLM.SOFTWARE.EXCEPTIONS] @*: ; @*: ; Subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE that should have a security @*: ; descriptor applied to them and their subkeys, that is differnet than @*: ; the one applied to their parent keys. @*: ; @*: @*: ;;;;;;; @*: ; @*: ; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM sepcial keys @*: ; @*: ;;;;;;; @*: @*: [UPGRADE.HKLM.SYSTEM.SKIP] @*: ; @*: ; Subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM that should not have a security @*: ; descriptor applied to them. @*: ; @*: @*: [UPGRADE.HKLM.SYSTEM.EXCEPTIONS] @*: ; @*: ; Subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM that should have a security @*: ; descriptor applied to them and their subkeys, that is differnet than @*: ; the one applied to their parent keys. @*: ; @*: @*: ;;;;;;; @*: ; @*: ; HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT sepcial keys @*: ; @*: ;;;;;;; @*: @*: [UPGRADE.HKCR.SKIP] @*: ; @*: ; Subkeys of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT that should not @*: ; have security descriptors applied to them. @*: ; @*: @*: [UPGRADE.HKCR.EXCEPTIONS] @*: ; @*: ; Subkeys of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT that should have security descriptors @*: ; that are different than the ones applied to the parent key. @*: ; @*: @*: