//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: flextree.cpp // // Desc: Implements a tree class, similar to a Windows tree control, // based on CFlexWnd. It is used by the page to display the action // list when the user wishes to assign an action to a control. // // Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "common.hpp" CFlexTree::CFlexTree() : m_pRoot(NULL), m_bDirty(FALSE), m_bNeedPaintBkgnd(FALSE), m_rgbBkColor(RGB(255,255,255)), m_pCurSel(NULL), m_pLastAdded(NULL), m_bOwnerDraw(FALSE), m_bVertSB(FALSE), m_bHorzSB(FALSE), m_nVertSBWidth(11), m_nHorzSBHeight(11) { RECT z = {0,0,0,0}; m_defmargin = z; m_clDefNormal.dwMask = CLMF_ALL; m_clDefSelected.dwMask = CLMF_ALL; m_ptScrollOrigin.x = m_ptScrollOrigin.y = 0; // allocate root m_pRoot = new CFTItem; if (m_pRoot != NULL) { m_pRoot->SetRoot(this); assert(m_pRoot->IsRoot()); } } CFlexTree::~CFlexTree() { if (m_pRoot) delete m_pRoot; m_pRoot = NULL; } CFTItem::CFTItem() { Init(); } void CFTItem::Init() { m_pUserData = NULL; m_bExpanded = FALSE; m_pTree = NULL; m_pParent = NULL; m_pPrev = NULL; m_pNext = NULL; m_pFirst = NULL; m_pLast = NULL; m_ptszCaption = NULL; m_nIndent = m_nWidth = m_nHeight = m_nBranchHeight = 0; m_nChildIndent = 11; RECT z = {0,0,0,0}; m_margin = z; memset(&m_UserGUID, 0, sizeof(GUID)); SetCaption(TEXT("")); } CFTItem::~CFTItem() { // detach from parent (unless root) if (!IsRoot()) Detach(); // remove all children FreeChildren(); // free stuff SetCaption(NULL); } void CFTItem::SetRoot(CFlexTree *pTree) { if (pTree == NULL) { assert(0); return; } SetTree(pTree); m_nIndent = 0; m_nHeight = 0; m_nWidth = 0; m_nChildIndent = 0; m_bExpanded = TRUE; POINT origin = {0, 0}; m_origin = origin; } BOOL CFTItem::IsRoot() const { return m_pTree != NULL && m_pParent == NULL; } CFTItem *CFlexTree::GetFirstItem() const { if (m_pRoot == NULL) return NULL; return m_pRoot->GetFirstChild(); } CFTItem *CFlexTree::GetLastItem() const { if (m_pRoot == NULL) return NULL; return m_pRoot->GetLastChild(); } BOOL CFTItem::IsOnTree() const { return m_pTree != NULL; } BOOL CFTItem::IsAttached() const { if (IsRoot()) { assert(0); return TRUE; } return m_pParent != NULL; } BOOL CFTItem::IsAlone() const { return m_pTree == NULL && m_pParent == NULL && m_pPrev == NULL && m_pNext == NULL && m_pFirst == NULL && m_pLast == NULL; } void CFTItem::FreeChildren() { while (m_pFirst != NULL) { CFTItem *pChild = m_pFirst; delete pChild; } } #define FORALLCHILDREN(pChild) \ for (CFTItem *pChild = m_pFirst; pChild != NULL; pChild = pChild->m_pNext) void CFTItem::SetTree(CFlexTree *pTree) { // don't do anything if we've already got this tree if (m_pTree == pTree) return; // if we are currently on a tree, tell it to lose any potential dangling pointers to us if (m_pTree) m_pTree->LosePointer(this); // actually set this tree m_pTree = pTree; // set all children to this tree FORALLCHILDREN(pChild) pChild->SetTree(pTree); } void CFTItem::Detach() { // don't allow root detachment if (IsRoot()) { assert(0); return; } // if we're already detached, do nothing if (!IsAttached()) return; // unlink from parent if (m_pParent->m_pFirst == this) m_pParent->m_pFirst = m_pNext; if (m_pParent->m_pLast == this) m_pParent->m_pLast = m_pPrev; m_pParent = NULL; // unlink from siblings if (m_pPrev) m_pPrev->m_pNext = m_pNext; if (m_pNext) m_pNext->m_pPrev = m_pPrev; m_pPrev = m_pNext = NULL; // save tree because we're about to lose it CFlexTree *pTree = m_pTree; // tell ourself and all children that we are no longer on a tree SetTree(NULL); // the tree needs to be recalced if (pTree) SetTreeDirty(pTree); } BOOL CFTItem::Attach(CFTItem *to, ATTACHREL rel) { // can't attach root to anything, can't attach to nothing, and can't attach if already attached if (IsRoot() || to == NULL || IsAttached()) { assert(0); return FALSE; } // first make sure we're not attaching to root in an impossible way if (to->IsRoot()) switch (rel) { // only the following are valid for attaching to root case ATTACH_FIRSTCHILD: case ATTACH_LASTCHILD: break; // all others are invalid default: assert(0); return FALSE; } // now convert attaching as first/last sibling to equiv first/last child of parent switch (rel) { case ATTACH_FIRSTSIBLING: return Attach(to->m_pParent, ATTACH_FIRSTCHILD); case ATTACH_LASTSIBLING: return Attach(to->m_pParent, ATTACH_LASTCHILD); } // send to the more specific attach function switch (rel) { case ATTACH_FIRSTCHILD: return Attach(to, NULL, to->m_pFirst); case ATTACH_LASTCHILD: return Attach(to, to->m_pLast, NULL); case ATTACH_BEFORE: return Attach(to->m_pParent, to->m_pPrev, to); case ATTACH_AFTER: return Attach(to->m_pParent, to, to->m_pNext); default: assert(0); // unhandled rel return FALSE; } } BOOL CFTItem::Attach(CFTItem *pParent, CFTItem *pPrev, CFTItem *pNext) { // can't attach root to anything, can't attach to no parent, and can't attach if already attached if (IsRoot() || pParent == NULL || IsAttached()) { assert(0); return FALSE; } // prev/next, if provided, must be children of parent if ((pPrev && pPrev->m_pParent != pParent) || (pNext && pNext->m_pParent != pParent)) { assert(0); return FALSE; } // pPrev and pNext must be consecutive if ((pPrev && pPrev->m_pNext != pNext) || (pNext && pNext->m_pPrev != pPrev)) { assert(0); return FALSE; } // insert if (pPrev) pPrev->m_pNext = this; else pParent->m_pFirst = this; if (pNext) pNext->m_pPrev = this; else pParent->m_pLast = this; // attach m_pParent = pParent; m_pPrev = pPrev; m_pNext = pNext; // set the tree SetTree(pParent->m_pTree); // tree needs to be recalced SetTreeDirty(); return TRUE; } void CFlexTree::SetDirty() { m_bDirty = TRUE; Invalidate(); } void CFTItem::SetTreeDirty(CFlexTree *pTree) { if (pTree == NULL) pTree = m_pTree; if (pTree) pTree->SetDirty(); } void CFTItem::SetWidth(int i) { if (m_nWidth == i) return; m_nWidth = i; SetTreeDirty(); } void CFTItem::SetHeight(int i) { if (m_nHeight == i) return; m_nHeight = i; SetTreeDirty(); } void CFTItem::SetIndent(int i) { if (m_nIndent == i) return; m_nIndent = i; SetTreeDirty(); } void CFTItem::SetChildIndent(int i) { if (m_nChildIndent == i) return; m_nChildIndent = i; SetTreeDirty(); } void CFlexTree::OnPaint(HDC hDC) { HDC hBDC = NULL, hODC = NULL; CBitmap *pbm = NULL; m_bNeedPaintBkgnd = TRUE; if (!InRenderMode()) { hODC = hDC; pbm = CBitmap::Create(GetClientSize(), m_rgbBkColor, hDC); if (pbm != NULL) { hBDC = pbm->BeginPaintInto(); if (hBDC != NULL) { hDC = hBDC; m_bNeedPaintBkgnd = FALSE; } } } InternalPaint(hDC); if (!InRenderMode()) { if (pbm != NULL) { if (hBDC != NULL) { pbm->EndPaintInto(hBDC); pbm->Draw(hODC); } delete pbm; } } } void CFlexTree::InternalPaint(HDC hDC) { // get client rect RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); // get view rect (ideal coordinates we're viewing) RECT view = rect; OffsetRect(&view, m_ptScrollOrigin.x, m_ptScrollOrigin.y); // paint background if necessary if (m_bNeedPaintBkgnd) { HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(m_rgbBkColor); if (hBrush != NULL) { HGDIOBJ hOldBrush = SelectObject(hDC, hBrush); HGDIOBJ hOldPen = SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN)); RECT t = rect; InflateRect(&t, 1, 1); Rectangle(hDC, t.left, t.top, t.right, t.bottom); SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen); SelectObject(hDC, hOldBrush); DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)hBrush); } } // recalculate if necessary Calc(); // start with the first visible item CFTItem *pItem = GetFirstVisibleItem(); // draw until we go out of view for (; pItem != NULL; pItem = pItem->GetNextOut()) { RECT irect; pItem->GetItemRect(irect); if (irect.top >= view.bottom) break; OffsetRect(&irect, -m_ptScrollOrigin.x, -m_ptScrollOrigin.y); POINT oldorg; OffsetViewportOrgEx(hDC, irect.left, irect.top, &oldorg); // TODO: clip if (!pItem->FireOwnerDraw(hDC)) pItem->OnPaint(hDC); SetViewportOrgEx(hDC, oldorg.x, oldorg.y, NULL); } // Fill in the small square at bottom right corner if we have both scroll bars. if (m_bVertSB && m_bHorzSB) { HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(m_clDefNormal.rgbLineColor); if (hBrush != NULL) { HGDIOBJ hOldBrush = SelectObject(hDC, hBrush); HGDIOBJ hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 0, m_clDefNormal.rgbLineColor); if (hPen != NULL) { HGDIOBJ hOldPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen); RECT rc = rect; SIZE size; size = m_VertSB.GetClientSize(); rc.left = rc.right - size.cx; size = m_HorzSB.GetClientSize(); rc.top = rc.bottom - size.cy; Rectangle(hDC, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom); SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen); DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ) hPen); } SelectObject(hDC, hOldBrush); DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)hBrush); } } } void CFlexTree::Calc() { if (!m_bDirty) return; m_bDirty = FALSE; CalcItems(); BOOL bH = FALSE, bV = FALSE; if (m_pRoot != NULL) { SIZE view = GetClientSize(); SIZE all = {m_nTotalWidth, m_pRoot->m_nBranchHeight}; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // Added GetFirstVisibleItem() check since we don't want scroll bar if nothing is to be // displayed. if (!bV && all.cy > view.cy && GetFirstVisibleItem()) { bV = TRUE; view.cx -= m_nVertSBWidth; } if (!bH && all.cx > view.cx) { bH = TRUE; view.cy -= m_nHorzSBHeight; } } if (bH) { m_HorzSB.SetValues(0, all.cx, view.cx, m_ptScrollOrigin.x); MoveWindow(m_HorzSB.m_hWnd, 0, view.cy, view.cx, m_nHorzSBHeight, TRUE); } if (bV) { m_VertSB.SetValues(0, all.cy, view.cy, m_ptScrollOrigin.y); MoveWindow(m_VertSB.m_hWnd, view.cx, 0, m_nVertSBWidth, view.cy, TRUE); } } if (bH && !m_bHorzSB || !bH && m_bHorzSB) { ShowWindow(m_HorzSB.m_hWnd, bH ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); if (!bH) { m_ptScrollOrigin.x = 0; Invalidate(); } } m_bHorzSB = bH; if (bV && !m_bVertSB || !bV && m_bVertSB) { ShowWindow(m_VertSB.m_hWnd, bV ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); if (!bV) { m_ptScrollOrigin.y = 0; Invalidate(); } } m_bVertSB = bV; } void CFlexTree::CalcItems() { // can't do anything without root if (m_pRoot == NULL) return; // calculate the entire tree in out/down order starting with first child of root... POINT origin = {0, 0}; CFTItem *pItem = m_pRoot->m_pFirst; m_nTotalWidth = 0; while (pItem != NULL) { // let this item know its out // get parent origin CFTItem *pParent = pItem->m_pParent; assert(pParent != NULL); // calc origin... // if we're the first child if (pItem->m_pPrev == NULL) { // base origin on the parent if (pParent) { origin.x = pParent->m_origin.x - pParent->m_nIndent + pParent->m_nChildIndent + pItem->m_nIndent; origin.y = pParent->m_origin.y + pParent->m_nHeight; } } else // otherwise { // base origin on the previous sibling CFTItem *pPrev = pItem->m_pPrev; assert(pPrev != NULL); if (pPrev) { origin.x = pPrev->m_origin.x - pPrev->m_nIndent + pItem->m_nIndent; origin.y = pPrev->m_origin.y + pPrev->m_nBranchHeight; } } // set origin pItem->m_origin = origin; // see which direction we'll be going next CFTItem *pNext = pItem->GetNextOut(); enum {RIGHT, DOWN, BACK, NOWHERE, INVALID} dir = INVALID; if (pNext == NULL) dir = NOWHERE; else if (pNext == pItem->m_pNext) dir = DOWN; else if (pNext == pItem->m_pFirst) dir = RIGHT; else dir = BACK; // if we're going down, back, or nowhere, we can complete this item's branchheight switch (dir) { case DOWN: case BACK: case NOWHERE: pItem->m_nBranchHeight = pItem->m_nHeight; break; } // calc for skipped items when going back switch (dir) { case BACK: case NOWHERE: { CFTItem *pStop = NULL; if (dir == BACK) pStop = pNext->m_pParent; CFTItem *pWalk = pItem->m_pParent; while (1) { if (pWalk == pStop) break; pWalk->m_nBranchHeight = pItem->m_origin.y + pItem->m_nBranchHeight - pWalk->m_origin.y; pWalk = pWalk->m_pParent; } break; } case INVALID: assert(0); break; } RECT rect; pItem->GetItemRect(rect); if (rect.right > m_nTotalWidth) m_nTotalWidth = rect.right; // now go to next item pItem = pNext; } } CFTItem *CFTItem::GetNextOut() const { return GetNext(TRUE); } CFTItem *CFTItem::GetNext(BOOL bOutOnly) const { // if we have a child and we're expanded (or we're not looking for out only), return the first child (going 'right') if ((m_bExpanded || !bOutOnly) && m_pFirst != NULL) return m_pFirst; // if we have a next sibling, return it (going 'down') if (m_pNext != NULL) return m_pNext; // climb up parents until we get to one with another next sibling for (CFTItem *pItem = m_pParent; pItem != NULL; pItem = pItem->m_pParent) if (pItem->m_pNext != NULL) return pItem->m_pNext; // if we didn't find one, we're done return NULL; } void CFTItem::GetItemRect(RECT &rect) const { rect.left = m_origin.x; rect.top = m_origin.y; rect.right = rect.left + m_nWidth; rect.bottom = rect.top + m_nHeight; } void CFTItem::GetBranchRect(RECT &rect) const { rect.left = m_origin.x; rect.top = m_origin.y; rect.right = rect.left + m_nWidth; rect.bottom = rect.top + m_nBranchHeight; } void CFTItem::SetCaption(LPCTSTR tszCaption) { if (m_ptszCaption != NULL) free(m_ptszCaption); if (tszCaption == NULL) m_ptszCaption = NULL; else m_ptszCaption = _tcsdup(tszCaption); RecalcText(); } LPCTSTR CFTItem::GetCaption() const { return m_ptszCaption; } void CFTItem::SetMargin(const RECT &rect) { m_margin = rect; RecalcText(); } void CFTItem::RecalcText() { // calculate size from text dimensions and margin SIZE size = {0, 0}; if (HasCaption()) { RECT trect = {0, 0, 1, 1}; HDC hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); if (hDC != NULL) { HGDIOBJ hOld = NULL; HFONT hFont = IsSelected() ? m_clSelected.hFont : m_clNormal.hFont; if (hFont) hOld = SelectObject(hDC, hFont); DrawText(hDC, m_ptszCaption, -1, &trect, DT_CALCRECT | DT_NOPREFIX); if (hFont) SelectObject(hDC, hOld); DeleteDC(hDC); SIZE tsize = {trect.right - trect.left, trect.bottom - trect.top}; size = tsize; } } SetWidth(m_margin.left + m_margin.right + size.cx); SetHeight(m_margin.top + m_margin.bottom + size.cy); // redraw Invalidate(); } void CFTItem::Invalidate() { if (m_pTree) m_pTree->Invalidate(); } typedef CArray RGLPDIACW; void CFTItem::OnPaint(HDC hDC) { CAPTIONLOOK &cl = (IsSelected() && !GetTree()->GetReadOnly()) ? m_clSelected : m_clNormal; // Always use normal color if read-only since we gray out everything. ::SetBkMode(hDC, cl.nBkMode); LPDIACTIONW lpac = NULL; if (m_pUserData) lpac = ((RGLPDIACW *)m_pUserData)->GetAt(0); // Get the DIACTION this item holds. if (GetTree()->GetReadOnly() || (lpac && (lpac->dwFlags & DIA_APPFIXED))) // If read-only or the action has DIA_APPFIXED flag, use gray color for texts. ::SetTextColor(hDC, RGB(GetRValue(cl.rgbTextColor) >> 1, GetGValue(cl.rgbTextColor) >> 1, GetBValue(cl.rgbTextColor) >> 1)); else ::SetTextColor(hDC, cl.rgbTextColor); ::SetBkColor(hDC, cl.rgbBkColor); HGDIOBJ hOld = NULL; if (cl.hFont) hOld = SelectObject(hDC, cl.hFont); RECT trect = {m_margin.left, m_margin.top, m_margin.left + 1, m_margin.top + 1}; DrawText(hDC, m_ptszCaption, -1, &trect, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_NOCLIP); if (cl.hFont) SelectObject(hDC, hOld); } BOOL CFlexTree::Create(HWND hParent, const RECT &rect, BOOL bVisible, BOOL bOwnerDraw) { m_bOwnerDraw = bOwnerDraw; if (CFlexWnd::Create(hParent, rect, bVisible) == NULL) return FALSE; FLEXSCROLLBARCREATESTRUCT cs; cs.dwSize = sizeof(FLEXSCROLLBARCREATESTRUCT); cs.min = 0; cs.max = 10; cs.page = 3; cs.pos = 5; cs.hWndParent = m_hWnd; cs.hWndNotify = NULL; cs.rect.left = 0; cs.rect.top = 0; cs.rect.right = 5; cs.rect.bottom = 5; cs.bVisible = FALSE; cs.dwFlags = FSBF_VERT; m_VertSB.Create(&cs); cs.dwFlags = FSBF_HORZ; m_HorzSB.Create(&cs); return TRUE; } void CFlexTree::SetDefCaptionLook(const CAPTIONLOOK &cl, BOOL bSel) { CAPTIONLOOK &set = bSel ? m_clDefSelected : m_clDefNormal; if (cl.dwMask & CLMF_TEXTCOLOR) set.rgbTextColor = cl.rgbTextColor; if (cl.dwMask & CLMF_BKCOLOR) set.rgbBkColor = cl.rgbBkColor; if (cl.dwMask & CLMF_LINECOLOR) set.rgbLineColor = cl.rgbLineColor; if (cl.dwMask & CLMF_BKMODE) set.nBkMode = cl.nBkMode; if (cl.dwMask & CLMF_BKEXTENDS) set.bBkExtends = cl.bBkExtends; if (cl.dwMask & CLMF_FONT) set.hFont = cl.hFont; } void CFlexTree::GetDefCaptionLook(CAPTIONLOOK &cl, BOOL bSel) const { const CAPTIONLOOK &from = bSel ? m_clDefSelected : m_clDefNormal; cl = from; cl.dwMask = CLMF_ALL; } void CFlexTree::SetBkColor(COLORREF rgb) { m_rgbBkColor = rgb; Invalidate(); } COLORREF CFlexTree::GetBkColor() const { return m_rgbBkColor; } void CFlexTree::SetCurSel(CFTItem *pItem) { if (pItem == m_pCurSel) return; CFTItem *pOld = m_pCurSel; m_pCurSel = pItem; if (pOld) pOld->SelChangedInternal(); if (m_pCurSel) m_pCurSel->SelChangedInternal(); FireSelChanged(m_pCurSel, pOld); Invalidate(); } CFTItem *CFlexTree::GetCurSel() const { return m_pCurSel; } CFTItem *CFlexTree::FindItem(const GUID &guid, void *pUserData) const { // go until we get to the item with specified guid and userdata for (CFTItem *pItem = GetFirstItem(); pItem != NULL; pItem = pItem->GetNext()) if (pItem->IsUserGUID(guid) && pItem->GetUserData() == pUserData) return pItem; // unless there isn't one return NULL; } CFTItem *CFlexTree::FindItemEx(const GUID &guid, DWORD dwUser, void *pUser) const { // go until we get to the item with specified guid and found item returns true for (CFTItem *pItem = GetFirstItem(); pItem != NULL; pItem = pItem->GetNext()) if (pItem->IsUserGUID(guid) && pItem->FoundItem(dwUser, pUser)) return pItem; // unless there isn't one return NULL; } void CFTItem::SetCaptionLook(const CAPTIONLOOK &cl, BOOL bSel) { CAPTIONLOOK &set = bSel ? m_clSelected : m_clNormal; if (cl.dwMask & CLMF_TEXTCOLOR) set.rgbTextColor = cl.rgbTextColor; if (cl.dwMask & CLMF_BKCOLOR) set.rgbBkColor = cl.rgbBkColor; if (cl.dwMask & CLMF_LINECOLOR) set.rgbLineColor = cl.rgbLineColor; if (cl.dwMask & CLMF_BKMODE) set.nBkMode = cl.nBkMode; if (cl.dwMask & CLMF_BKEXTENDS) set.bBkExtends = cl.bBkExtends; if (cl.dwMask & CLMF_FONT) set.hFont = cl.hFont; if (IsSelected() == bSel) RecalcText(); } void CFTItem::GetCaptionLook(CAPTIONLOOK &cl, BOOL bSel) const { const CAPTIONLOOK &from = bSel ? m_clSelected : m_clNormal; cl = from; cl.dwMask = CLMF_ALL; } void CFTItem::GetMargin(RECT &rect) const { rect = m_margin; } void CFTItem::SelChangedInternal() { if (m_clNormal.hFont != m_clSelected.hFont) RecalcText(); } CFTItem *CFlexTree::DefAddItem(LPCTSTR tszCaption, CFTItem *to, ATTACHREL rel) { if (m_pRoot == NULL) return NULL; if (!to) return DefAddItem(tszCaption, rel); if (!IsMine(to)) { assert(0); // can't add relative to item that doesn't belong to this tree return NULL; } CFTItem *p = new CFTItem; if (!p) return NULL; p->SetCaptionLook(m_clDefNormal); p->SetCaptionLook(m_clDefSelected, TRUE); p->SetChildIndent(m_nDefChildIndent); p->SetMargin(m_defmargin); p->SetCaption(tszCaption); p->Attach(to, rel); return m_pLastAdded = p; } CFTItem *CFlexTree::DefAddItem(LPCTSTR tszCaption, ATTACHREL rel) { if (m_pRoot == NULL) return NULL; assert(this != NULL); if (this == NULL) // prevent infinite recursion possibility return NULL; if (!m_pLastAdded) return DefAddItem(tszCaption, m_pRoot, ATTACH_LASTCHILD); else return DefAddItem(tszCaption, m_pLastAdded, rel); } void CFlexTree::SetDefMargin(const RECT &rect) { m_defmargin = rect; } void CFlexTree::GetDefMargin(RECT &rect) const { rect = m_defmargin; } BOOL CFlexTree::IsMine(CFTItem *pItem) { if (pItem == NULL) return FALSE; return pItem->m_pTree == this; } BOOL CFTItem::IsSelected() const { if (!m_pTree) return FALSE; return m_pTree->m_pCurSel == this; } CFTItem *CFlexTree::GetFirstVisibleItem() const { // get view rect (ideal coordinates we're viewing) RECT view; GetClientRect(&view); OffsetRect(&view, m_ptScrollOrigin.x, m_ptScrollOrigin.y); // start at first child of root CFTItem *pItem = m_pRoot->GetFirstChild(); if (pItem == NULL) return NULL; // find first item in view RECT branch, irect; while (1) { // find first branch in view while (1) { pItem->GetBranchRect(branch); if (branch.bottom > view.top) break; pItem = pItem->GetNextSibling(); if (pItem == NULL) return NULL; } // now actually go through items pItem->GetItemRect(irect); if (irect.bottom > view.top) break; pItem = pItem->GetNextOut(); if (pItem == NULL) return NULL; } // we got it, so return it return pItem; } CFTItem *CFlexTree::GetItemFromPoint(POINT point) const { if (m_hWnd == NULL) return NULL; RECT rect; GetClientRect(&rect); if (!PtInRect(&rect, point)) return NULL; for (CFTItem *pItem = GetFirstVisibleItem(); pItem != NULL; pItem = pItem->GetNextOut()) { RECT irect; pItem->GetItemRect(irect); OffsetRect(&irect, -m_ptScrollOrigin.x, -m_ptScrollOrigin.y); if (irect.top >= rect.bottom) return NULL; if (PtInRect(&irect, point)) return pItem; } return NULL; } void CFlexTree::OnMouseOver(POINT point, WPARAM fwKeys) { // Send mouse over notification to page to update info box. HWND hParent = ::GetParent(m_hWnd); if (hParent) SendMessage(hParent, WM_FLEXTREENOTIFY, FTN_MOUSEOVER, NULL); CFTItem *pItem = GetItemFromPoint(point); if (!pItem) return; POINT rel = {point.x - pItem->m_origin.x, point.y - pItem->m_origin.y}; pItem->OnMouseOver(point, fwKeys); } void CFlexTree::OnClick(POINT point, WPARAM fwKeys, BOOL bLeft) { // If the tree is read-only, ignore all clicks. if (GetReadOnly()) return; CFTItem *pItem = GetItemFromPoint(point); if (!pItem) { FireClick(NULL, point, fwKeys, bLeft); return; } POINT rel = {point.x - pItem->m_origin.x, point.y - pItem->m_origin.y}; pItem->OnClick(point, fwKeys, bLeft); } void CFTItem::OnClick(POINT point, WPARAM fwKeys, BOOL bLeft) { FireClick(point, fwKeys, bLeft); } void CFlexTree::OnWheel(POINT point, WPARAM wParam) { if (!m_bVertSB) return; int nPage = MulDiv(m_VertSB.GetPage(), 9, 10) >> 1; // Half a page at a time if ((int)wParam >= 0) m_VertSB.AdjustPos(-nPage); else m_VertSB.AdjustPos(nPage); m_ptScrollOrigin.y = m_VertSB.GetPos(); if (m_ptScrollOrigin.y < 0) m_ptScrollOrigin.y = 0; Invalidate(); } void CFlexTree::FireClick(CFTItem *pItem, POINT point, WPARAM fwKeys, BOOL bLeft) { FLEXTREENOTIFY n; n.pTree = this; n.pItem = pItem; n.pOldItem = NULL; n.hDC = NULL; n.point = point; n.fwKeys = fwKeys; n.bLeft = bLeft; HWND hParent = ::GetParent(m_hWnd); if (hParent) SendMessage(hParent, WM_FLEXTREENOTIFY, FTN_CLICK, (LRESULT)(LPVOID)&n); } BOOL CFlexTree::FireOwnerDraw(CFTItem *pItem, HDC hDC) { if (!m_bOwnerDraw) return FALSE; FLEXTREENOTIFY n; n.pTree = this; n.pItem = pItem; n.pOldItem = NULL; n.hDC = hDC; HWND hParent = ::GetParent(m_hWnd); if (hParent) return (BOOL)SendMessage(hParent, WM_FLEXTREENOTIFY, FTN_OWNERDRAW, (LRESULT)(LPVOID)&n); else return FALSE; } void CFlexTree::FireSelChanged(CFTItem *pItem, CFTItem *pOld) { assert(pItem == m_pCurSel); FLEXTREENOTIFY n; n.pTree = this; n.pItem = pItem; n.pOldItem = pOld; n.hDC = NULL; HWND hParent = ::GetParent(m_hWnd); if (hParent) SendMessage(hParent, WM_FLEXTREENOTIFY, FTN_SELCHANGED, (LRESULT)(LPVOID)&n); } void CFTItem::FireClick(POINT point, WPARAM fwKeys, BOOL bLeft) { if (m_pTree) m_pTree->FireClick(this, point, fwKeys, bLeft); } BOOL CFTItem::FireOwnerDraw(HDC hDC) { if (m_pTree) return m_pTree->FireOwnerDraw(this, hDC); else return FALSE; } void CFTItem::Expand(BOOL bAll) { InternalExpand(TRUE, bAll); } void CFTItem::Collapse(BOOL bAll) { InternalExpand(FALSE, bAll); } void CFTItem::InternalExpand(BOOL bExpand, BOOL bAll) { if (!HasChildren()) return; BOOL bE = m_bExpanded; if (!IsRoot()) m_bExpanded = bExpand; if (bAll) FORALLCHILDREN(pChild) pChild->InternalExpand(bExpand, TRUE); if (bE != m_bExpanded) SetTreeDirty(); } BOOL CFTItem::IsOut() const { CFTItem *pParent = GetParent(); for (; pParent != NULL; pParent = pParent->GetParent()) if (!pParent->IsExpanded()) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void CFlexTree::FreeAll() { if (m_pRoot) m_pRoot->FreeChildren(); } void CFTItem::EnsureVisible() { // TBD } void CFlexTree::LosePointer(CFTItem *pItem) { if (m_pCurSel == pItem) SetCurSel(NULL); if (m_pLastAdded == pItem) m_pLastAdded = NULL; } void CFlexTree::SetRootChildIndent(int i) { if (!m_pRoot) return; m_pRoot->m_nChildIndent = i; SetDirty(); } int CFlexTree::GetRootChildIndent() const { if (!m_pRoot) return 0; return m_pRoot->m_nChildIndent; } void CFlexTree::SetDefChildIndent(int i) { m_nDefChildIndent = i; } int CFlexTree::GetDefChildIndent() const { return m_nDefChildIndent; } void CFTItem::PaintInto(HDC hDC) { if (hDC != NULL) OnPaint(hDC); } LRESULT CFlexTree::WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (msg) { case WM_FLEXVSCROLL: case WM_FLEXHSCROLL: { int code = (int)wParam; CFlexScrollBar *pSB = (CFlexScrollBar *)lParam; if (!pSB) return 0; int nLine = 5; int nPage = MulDiv(pSB->GetPage(), 9, 10); switch (code) { case SB_LINEUP: pSB->AdjustPos(-nLine); break; case SB_LINEDOWN: pSB->AdjustPos(nLine); break; case SB_PAGEUP: pSB->AdjustPos(-nPage); break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: pSB->AdjustPos(nPage); break; case SB_THUMBTRACK: pSB->SetPos(pSB->GetThumbPos()); break; } switch (msg) { case WM_FLEXHSCROLL: m_ptScrollOrigin.x = pSB->GetPos(); break; case WM_FLEXVSCROLL: m_ptScrollOrigin.y = pSB->GetPos(); break; } Invalidate(); return 0; } default: return CFlexWnd::WndProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } } void CFlexTree::SetScrollBarColors(COLORREF bk, COLORREF fill, COLORREF line) { m_VertSB.SetColors(bk, fill, line); m_HorzSB.SetColors(bk, fill, line); }