/*========================================================================== * * Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: dvcdb.h * Content: structures, data types and functions for the * compression subsystem * * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 08/23/99 rodtoll Created * 09/08/99 rodtoll Moved the dwMaxBitsPerSecond field to the DVCOMPRESSIONINFO struct * 10/07/99 rodtoll Updated to work in Unicode * 10/29/99 rodtoll Bug #113726 - Integrate Voxware Codecs, updating to use new * pluggable codec architecture. * 03/03/2000 rodtoll Updated to handle alternative gamevoice build. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef __DVCDB_H #define __DVCDB_H HRESULT DVCDB_LoadCompressionInfo(const WCHAR *swzBaseRegistryPath ); HRESULT DVCDB_FreeCompressionInfo(); HRESULT CREG_ReadAndAllocWaveFormatEx( HKEY hkeyReg, LPCWSTR path, LPWAVEFORMATEX *lpwfxFormat ); HRESULT DVCDB_GetCompressionInfo( const GUID &guidType, PDVFULLCOMPRESSIONINFO *lpdvfCompressionInfo ); HRESULT DVCDB_CreateConverter( const GUID &guidSrc, WAVEFORMATEX *pwfxTarget, PDPVCOMPRESSOR *pConverter ); HRESULT DVCDB_CreateConverter( WAVEFORMATEX *pwfxSrcFormat, const GUID &guidTarget, PDPVCOMPRESSOR *pConverter ); DWORD DVCDB_CalcUnCompressedFrameSize( const DVFULLCOMPRESSIONINFO* lpdvInfo, const WAVEFORMATEX* lpwfxFormat ); HRESULT DVCDB_CopyCompressionArrayToBuffer( LPVOID lpBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwSize, LPDWORD lpdwNumElements, DWORD dwFlags ); DWORD DVCDB_GetCompressionInfoSize( LPDVCOMPRESSIONINFO lpdvCompressionInfo ); #endif