!if 0 Copyright (c) 1992-1993 Microsoft Corporation !endif # FOR WIN32 ONLY # ============== # # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!!! Edit .\sources. if you want to add a new source # file to this component. This file merely indirects to the real make file # that is shared by all the components of NT # !if "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT" !INCLUDE $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.def !else # #============================================================================== # # FOR WIN16 ONLY # ============== # CC = cl -c -W2 -Asnw -G2s -Zp -Oas $(DEF) $(COPT) ASM = masm -Mx $(MOPT) LINK= link /NOD/NOE/NOPACKC/MAP$(LOPT) RC = rc $(DEF) !if "$(DEBUG)" == "NO" DEF =-DWIN16 -DWIN31 LOPT = COPT = MOPT = !else DEF =-DDEBUG -DWIN16 -DWIN31 LOPT =/CO/LI COPT =-Zi MOPT =-Zi !endif # Libary name NAME= mciole .c.obj: $(CC) $*.c .asm.obj: $(ASM) $*; .rc.res: rc -r $*.rc OBJ = mciole.obj LIBS = sdllcew libw olecli goal: $(NAME).dll $(NAME).lib # # Make in IMPORT library file # $(NAME).lib: $(NAME).def implib $(NAME).lib $(NAME).def # # Link the DLL, NOTE LibInit.asm *must* be first # $(NAME).dll: $(OBJ) $(NAME).def libinit.obj makefile. $(NAME).res $(LINK) @<< libinit.obj+ $(OBJ), $(NAME).dll, $(NAME), $(LIBS), $(NAME).def << $(RC) -t $(NAME).res $(NAME).dll -cvpack -p $(NAME).dll mapsym $(NAME) copy $(NAME).dll .. copy $(NAME).sym .. clean: del $(NAME).dll del $(NAME).lib del *.res del *.obj del *.map del *.sym depend: mv makefile makefile.old sed "/^# START Dependencies/,/^# END Dependencies/D" makefile.old > makefile del makefile.old echo # START Dependencies >> makefile includes -l *.c *.asm >> makefile echo # END Dependencies >> makefile # START Dependencies # END Dependencies # !endif