pushdef(_prediv,divnum)divert(-1)dnl Redirect output to /dev/null for now changecom(`|') | | M4 macros for munging dinput.w | | begindoc / enddoc | | everything between begindoc and enddoc is ignored. They are in the .w | file so that autodoc can extract the documentation. | define(`begindoc',`divert(-1)dnl') define(`enddoc',`divert('_prediv`)dnl') | | Internal macros which persist outside a begin_interface / end_interface | begin with _ so that they won't collide with words that happen to | appear in dinput.w | | Yeah, it isn't foolproof, but it's close enough for now. | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _Quote quotes its argument | define(`_Quote', `$@') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | strsubst performs a search-and-replace on its argument | | First, the helper functions... | | strsubst__ -- Performs one found substitution, or stops | | $1 = processed source string (don't rescan) | $2 = unprocessed source string | $3 = old | $4 = new | $5 = location where `old' was found in $1, or -1 if stop | define(`strsubst__', `ifelse($5,-1,`$1$2', `strsubst_(`$1'_Quote(substr(`$2',0,$5))`$4', _Quote(substr(`$2',eval($5+len(`$3')))), `$3',`$4')')') | strsubst_ -- Try to perform one substitution, or stop | | $1 = processed source string (don't rescan) | $2 = unprocessed source string | $3 = old | $4 = new | define(`strsubst_', `strsubst__(`$1',`$2',`$3',`$4',index(`$2',`$3'))') | strsubst -- Perform a search-and-replace | | $1 = source string | $2 = old | $3 = new define(`strsubst', `strsubst_(`',`$1',`$2',`$3')') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | uppercase converts a string to uppercase | define(`uppercase', `translit(`$1', `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Interface definition macros. It goes like this: | | begin_interface(IMumble%, IUnknown) | begin_methods | declare_method(DeleteFeedback,DWORD) | declare_method2(DWORD,DeleteFeedback,DWORD) | declare_method(EnumFeedback,LPDIENUMFEEDBACKPROC%, LPVOID) | end_methods | end_interface | | (Actually, the second parameter to begin_interface is assumed | to be IUnknown if omitted.) | | | While an interface is being built: | | _itf contains the name of the interface | _itfP contains the name of the interface, sans % sign | _itfBase contains the name of the base interface | _itfBase{ contains the name of the base interface, sans % sign | _ucP contains an uppercase version of _itfP, sans leading `I' | _cset contains the current character set (W or A) | | _methods contains a list of the methods, in the form | | _invoke_(Method1,arg1,arg2)_invoke_(Method2,arg1,arg2)... | | except that you might find an _invoke2_() inserted when the | base class methods disappear and the extended methods emerge. | and you might find an _invoke3_() inserted when the | method returns a type other than HRESULT. | | declare_method takes a variable number of parameters. The first | is the method name. The rest are method argument types. | define(`begin_interface',`pushdef(`_itf',`$1')'dnl `pushdef(`_itfBase', ifelse(`$2',`', `IUnknown', `$2'))dnl') define(`begin_methods', `pushdef(`_methods', `_invoke2_(ifelse(_itfBase, `IUnknown', `_itf', `_itfBase'))')dnl') define(`declare_method', `define(`_methods',defn(`_methods')`_invoke_($*)')dnl') define(`end_base_class_methods', `define(`_methods',defn(`_methods')`_invoke2_(_itf)')dnl') define(`declare_method2', `define(`_methods',defn(`_methods')`_invoke3_($*)')dnl') define(`end_methods',`_emit_methods`'popdef(`_methods')dnl') define(`end_interface',`popdef(`_itf')dnl') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _invoke_per_method calls its argument macro once for each method. | | Optional second argument handles _invoke2_'s. | define(`_invoke_per_method', `pushdef(`_invoke_', defn(`$1'))'dnl `pushdef(`_invoke3_', defn(`$3'))'dnl `pushdef(`_invoke2_', ifelse(`$2', `', `', defn(`$2')))'dnl `_methods`'popdef(`_invoke_')popdef(`_invoke2_')popdef(_invoke3_)') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _DePercent | | Remove percent signs by turning TSTR% into WSTR/STR and other %'s | into W or A. Turning TSTR% into WSTR/STR is a hack: We have more | macros that map symbols like LPTSTRW -> LPWSTR. | | $1 - W or A | $2... - the thing to change | define(`_DePercent', `translit(`$2', `%', `$1')') define(`LPTSTRW', `LPWSTR') define(`LPTSTRA', `LPSTR') define(`LPCTSTRW', `LPCWSTR') define(`LPCTSTRA', `LPCSTR') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _DoItf emits a single interface definition in the appropriate | character set. | | $1 - character set (A or W) | _itf - temporarily redefined to the de-percentified name | _TF - interface name uppercased, without the leading "I" | define(`_DoItf', `pushdef(`_cset', `$1')'dnl `pushdef(`_itf', _DePercent(`$1', _itf))'dnl `pushdef(`_itfBase', _DePercent(`$1', _itfBase))'dnl `pushdef(`_TF', uppercase(substr(_itf, 1)))'dnl `#undef INTERFACE `#'define INTERFACE _itf DECLARE_INTERFACE_(_itf, _itfBase) { /*** IUnknown methods ***/ STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(THIS) PURE; _invoke_per_method(`_emit_method_definition', `_emit_class_header', `_emit_method2_definition')}; typedef struct _itf *LP`'_TF; popdef(`_TF')popdef(`_itf')popdef(`_itfBase')popdef(`_cset')') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | *emit_method_definition | | Called once for each method. Generates the STDMETHOD() line. | define(`_emit_method_definition', `_DePercent(_cset, ` STDMETHOD($1)(ifelse($#,1, THIS, `_Quote(THIS_ shift($*))')) PURE; ')') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | *emit_method2_definition | | Called once for each method. Generates the STDMETHOD() line. | define(`_emit_method2_definition', `_DePercent(_cset, ` STDMETHOD_($1, $2)(ifelse($#,2, THIS, `_Quote(THIS_ shift(shift($*)))')) PURE; ')') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _emit_class_header | | Called once for each change of class. Generates a happy comment block. | define(`_emit_class_header', ` /*** $1 methods ***/ ') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _DoAfterItfVariation | | Emit $1, first as W, then as A. | define(`_DoAfterItfVariation', `#ifdef UNICODE _DePercent(`W', `$*') #else _DePercent(`A', `$*') #endif') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _DoAfterItf emits the follow-up stuff that comes after an interface | definition. If the interface name contains a percent sign, emit | the appropriate mix. | define(`_DoAfterItf', `ifelse(_itf, _itfP,, `_DoAfterItfVariation( `#'define IID_`'_itfP IID_`'_itf `#'define _itfP _itf `#'define _itfP`'Vtbl _itf`'Vtbl) typedef struct _itfP *LP`'_ucP; ')#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(CINTERFACE) _EmitWrapper(`QueryInterface', REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj)'dnl `_EmitWrapper(`AddRef')'dnl `_EmitWrapper(`Release')'dnl `_invoke_per_method( `_EmitWrapper', `', `_EmitWrapper2')#else _EmitCPPWrapper(`QueryInterface', REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj)'dnl `_EmitCPPWrapper(`AddRef')'dnl `_EmitCPPWrapper(`Release')'dnl `_invoke_per_method( `_EmitCPPWrapper', `', `_EmitCPPWrapper2')#endif ') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _Arity - generate fake arguments based on arity | | What comes out is "Method(p,a,b,c)" if arity is 4 | | Note that we skip `p' in the alphabetical list. Duh. | | $1 = method | $2 = number of arguments (including method itself) | define(`_Arity', `$1(substr(`p,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z', 0, eval($2 * 2 - 1)))') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _ArityCPP - generate fake arguments based on arity | | What comes out is "Method(a,b,c)" if arity is 4 (we ate the `p') | | Note that we skip `p' in the alphabetical list. Duh. | | Note also that we need to special-case the situation where | the arity is exactly zero, so we don't underflow. | | $1 = method | $2 = number of arguments (including method itself) | define(`_ArityCPP', `$1(ifelse($2,1,,`substr(`a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z', 0, eval($2 * 2 - 3))'))') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _EmitWrapper - generate a wrapper macro | | _itfP - interface name without % sign | $1 - method name | $2... - other arguments | define(`_EmitWrapper', ``#'define _itfP`'_`'_Arity($1,$#) (p)->lpVtbl->_Arity($1,$#) ') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _EmitWrapper2 - generate a wrapper macro | | _itfP - interface name without % sign | $2 - method name | $3... - other arguments | define(`_EmitWrapper2', ``#'define _itfP`'_`'_Arity($2,eval($#-1)) (p)->lpVtbl->_Arity($2,eval($#-1)) ') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _EmitCPPWrapper - generate a C++ wrapper macro | | _itfP - interface name without % sign | $1 - method name | $2... - other arguments | define(`_EmitCPPWrapper', ``#'define _itfP`'_`'_Arity($1,$#) (p)->_ArityCPP($1,$#) ') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _EmitCPPWrapper2 - generate a C++ wrapper macro | | _itfP - interface name without % sign | $2 - method name | $3... - other arguments | define(`_EmitCPPWrapper2', ``#'define _itfP`'_`'_Arity($2,eval($#-1)) (p)->_ArityCPP($2,eval($#-1)) ') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The long-awaited _emit_methods, which drives all the real work. | | |define(`emit_methods', `invoke_per_method(`_DoItf')') define(`_emit_methods', `pushdef(`_itfP', translit(_itf, `%'))'dnl `pushdef(`_ucP', uppercase(substr(_itfP, 1)))'dnl `ifelse(index(_itf, `%'), -1, `_DoItf(`W')', `_DoItf(`W')_DoItf(`A')')'dnl `_DoAfterItf()popdef(`_ucP')popdef(`_itfP')') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | dik_define - remember the definition as an m4 macro before spitting it out define(`dik_def', `define(strsubst(`_$1',` '),$2)`#'define `$1' $2') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Message cracker definition macros. It goes like this: | | begin_message_cracker(DIDM_,IDirectInputDeviceCallback *,this,CDIDev) | message_cracker(Acquire,HANDLE,hevt) | message_cracker(GetDataFormat,,,LPDIDATAFORMAT,pdidf) | end_message_cracker() | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | _ifnb - macro which emits its second argument if the first is nonblank define(`_ifnb', `ifelse(`$1',,,`$2')') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | begin_message_cracker - Begin a set of message crackers | | $1 - prefix for messages | $2 - type of first parameter | $3 - name of first parameter | $4 - type of parent object | | For example, Windows messages would be | | begin_message_cracker(WM_,HWND,hwnd,?) | | IDirectInputDeviceCallback would be | | begin_message_cracker(DIDM_,IDirectInputDeviceCallback *,this,CDIDev) | | Variables used during message cracker macro generation: | | _prefix - the prefix for the message | _type1 - type of the first argument | _name1 - name of the first argument | _ptype1 - type of parent object | define(`begin_message_cracker', `pushdef(`_prefix',`$1')'dnl `pushdef(`_type1',`$2')'dnl `pushdef(`_name1',`$3')'dnl `pushdef(`_ptype',`$4')'dnl `HRESULT NTAPI;internal _ptype`'_CallDevice(struct _ptype *this, UINT didm, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);;internal ') define(`end_message_cracker', `popdef(`_prefix')popdef(`_type1')popdef(`_name1')popdef(`_ptype')') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | message_cracker | | $1 - name of message, mixed-case. | $2 - type of wParam, or null if wParam is ignored | $3 - name of wParam, or null if wParam is ignored | $4 - type of lParam, or null if lParam is ignored | $5 - name of lParam, or null if lParam is ignored | | Local variable: | | _uc - uppercase version of $1 with _prefix attached define(`message_cracker', `pushdef(`_uc', _prefix`'uppercase(`$1'))'dnl `/* * HRESULT Cls_On$1('dnl `_ifnb(`$2$4',` * ')_type1 _name1`'_ifnb(`$2',`, $2 $3`'')_ifnb(`$4',`, $4 $5')) */ `#'define HANDLE_`'_uc`'(_name1, wParam, lParam, fn) \ ((fn)((_name1)'dnl `_ifnb(`$2',`, ($2)(wParam)')'dnl `_ifnb(`$4',`, ($4)(lParam)')'dnl `)) `#'define FORWARD_`'_uc`'(_name1`''dnl `_ifnb(`$2',`, $3`'')'dnl `_ifnb(`$4',`, $5'), fn) \ ((fn)(_name1, _uc, 'dnl `ifelse(`$2',,0,`(WPARAM)($3)'), 'dnl `ifelse(`$4',,0,`(LPARAM)($5)'))) HRESULT static __inline dcb$1(struct _ptype *this`'_ifnb(`$2',`, $2 $3`'')_ifnb(`$4',`, $4 $5')) { return FORWARD_`'_uc`'(this`'_ifnb(`$2',`, $3`'')_ifnb(`$4',`, $5'),'dnl ` _ptype`'_CallDevice); } ') |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Restore comments and the previous diversion changecom() divert(_prediv)popdef(`_prediv')dnl End of macro header file