PROJDIR=..\.. TARGETNAME=wlbs TARGETTYPE=LIBRARY !include $(PROJDIR)\ INCLUDES=\ $(PROJDIR)\netcfg\inc;\ $(PROJDIR)\idl;\ $(PROJDIR)\inc; !IF "$(INTERNAL)"=="1" !MESSAGE *** WARNING - BUILDING INTERNAL VERSION *** C_DEFINES=$(C_DEFINES) -DINTERNAL !ENDIF C_DEFINES=$(C_DEFINES) -DWLBSAPI_INTERNAL_ONLY # # Define this to get preprocessor output (creates files with ".i" extension) # # USER_C_FLAGS=$(USER_C_FLAGS) -P SOURCES=\ \ clusterDlg.cpp \ host.cpp \ netcfgconfig.cpp \ ports.cpp \ wlbs.cpp \ debug.cpp \ license.c \ utils.cpp \ wlbs.rc # # The following statement specifies the list of files to be preprocessed # for tracing macros. See http://coreos/tech/tracing/ for details. # The ini file tracewpp.ini explains to the preprocessor how to interpret # various trace macros, like LOG_CRIT. # RUN_WPP= $(SOURCES) -dll -ini:tracewpp.ini