//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 2000 // // File: N M H N E T. H // // Contents: Globals and routines used of hnetworking support // // Notes: // // Author: jonburs 15 August 2000 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #include "nmres.h" #include "netconp.h" #include "hnetcfg.h" // // Cached IHNetCfgMgr pointer. This pointer is obtained the // first time someone calls HrGetHNetCfgMgr, and is released // when CleanupHNetSupport is called. // extern IHNetCfgMgr *g_pHNetCfgMgr; // // This value is incremented every time INetConnectionHNetUtil::NotifyUpdate() // is called, and is used by connection objects to make sure that their // cached homenet properties (sharing, bridging, firewall, etc.) are // up to date. Rollover does not matter. This value is set to 0 when // InitializeHNetSupport is called. // extern LONG g_lHNetModifiedEra; VOID InitializeHNetSupport( VOID ); VOID CleanupHNetSupport( VOID ); HRESULT HrGetHNetCfgMgr( IHNetCfgMgr **ppHNetCfgMgr ); class ATL_NO_VTABLE CNetConnectionHNetUtil : public CComObjectRootEx , public CComCoClass , public INetConnectionHNetUtil { public: BEGIN_COM_MAP(CNetConnectionHNetUtil) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(INetConnectionHNetUtil) END_COM_MAP() DECLARE_PROTECT_FINAL_CONSTRUCT() DECLARE_REGISTRY_RESOURCEID(IDR_HN_CONNECTION_UTIL) CNetConnectionHNetUtil() { } ~CNetConnectionHNetUtil() { } // // INetConnectionHNetUtil // STDMETHODIMP NotifyUpdate( VOID ); };