//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2001. // // File: C O M P O N E N T . C P P // // Contents: Functions to illustrate // o How to enumerate network components. // o How to install protocols, clients and services. // o How to uninstall protocols, clients and services. // o How to bind/unbind network components. // // Notes: // // Author: Alok Sinha 15-May-01 // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "bindview.h" // // Function: HandleComponentOperation // // Purpose: Do component specific functions. // // Arguments: // hwndOwner [in] Owner window. // ulSelection [in] Option selected. // hItem [in] Item selected. // lParam [in] lParam of the item. // // Returns: None. // // Notes: // VOID HandleComponentOperation (HWND hwndOwner, ULONG ulSelection, HTREEITEM hItem, LPARAM lParam) { switch( ulSelection ) { case IDI_BIND_TO: case IDI_UNBIND_FROM: // // Bind/unbind components. // BindUnbindComponents( hwndOwner, hItem, (LPWSTR)lParam, ulSelection == IDI_BIND_TO ); } return; } // // Function: BindUnbindComponents // // Purpose: Bind/unbind a network component. // // Arguments: // hwndOwner [in] Owner window. // hItem [in] Item handle of the network component. // lpszInfId [in] PnpID of the network component. // fBindTo [in] if TRUE, bind, otherwise unbind. // // Returns: None. // // Notes: // VOID BindUnbindComponents( HWND hwndOwner, HTREEITEM hItem, LPWSTR lpszInfId, BOOL fBindTo) { BIND_UNBIND_INFO BindUnbind; BindUnbind.lpszInfId = lpszInfId; BindUnbind.fBindTo = fBindTo; DialogBoxParam( hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_BIND_UNBIND), hwndOwner, BindComponentDlg, (LPARAM)&BindUnbind ); return; } // // Function: InstallComponent // // Purpose: Install a network component. // // Arguments: // hwndDlg [in] Owner window. // pguidClass [in] Class GUID of type of network component to install. // // Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise and error code. // // Notes: // HRESULT InstallComponent (HWND hwndDlg, const GUID *pguidClass) { INetCfg *pnc; INetCfgClass *pncClass; INetCfgClassSetup *pncClassSetup; LPWSTR lpszApp; OBO_TOKEN obo; HRESULT hr; // // Get INetCfg reference. // hr = HrGetINetCfg( TRUE, APP_NAME, &pnc, &lpszApp ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Get network component's class reference. // hr = pnc->QueryNetCfgClass( pguidClass, IID_INetCfgClass, (PVOID *)&pncClass ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Get Setup class reference. // hr = pncClass->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgClassSetup, (LPVOID *)&pncClassSetup ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { ZeroMemory( &obo, sizeof(OBO_TOKEN) ); obo.Type = OBO_USER; // // Let the network class installer prompt the user to select // a network component to install. // hr = pncClassSetup->SelectAndInstall( hwndDlg, &obo, NULL ); if ( (hr == S_OK) || (hr == NETCFG_S_REBOOT) ) { hr = pnc->Apply(); if ( (hr != S_OK) && (hr != NETCFG_S_REBOOT) ) { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't apply the changes after" L" installing the network component." ); } } else { if ( hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED) ) { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't install the network component." ); } } ReleaseRef( pncClassSetup ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get an interface to setup class." ); } ReleaseRef( pncClass ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get a pointer to class interface." ); } HrReleaseINetCfg( pnc, TRUE ); } else { if ( (hr == NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK) && lpszApp ) { ErrMsg( hr, L"%s currently holds the lock, try later.", lpszApp ); CoTaskMemFree( lpszApp ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't the get notify object interface." ); } } return hr; } // // Function: InstallSpecifiedComponent // // Purpose: Install a network component from an INF file. // // Arguments: // lpszInfFile [in] INF file. // lpszPnpID [in] PnpID of the network component to install. // pguidClass [in] Class GUID of the network component. // // Returns: None. // // Notes: // HRESULT InstallSpecifiedComponent (LPWSTR lpszInfFile, LPWSTR lpszPnpID, const GUID *pguidClass) { INetCfg *pnc; LPWSTR lpszApp; HRESULT hr; hr = HrGetINetCfg( TRUE, APP_NAME, &pnc, &lpszApp ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Install the network component. // hr = HrInstallNetComponent( pnc, lpszPnpID, pguidClass, lpszInfFile ); if ( (hr == S_OK) || (hr == NETCFG_S_REBOOT) ) { hr = pnc->Apply(); } else { if ( hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED) ) { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't install the network component." ); } } HrReleaseINetCfg( pnc, TRUE ); } else { if ( (hr == NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK) && lpszApp ) { ErrMsg( hr, L"%s currently holds the lock, try later.", lpszApp ); CoTaskMemFree( lpszApp ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't the get notify object interface." ); } } return hr; } // // Function: ListCompToBindUnbind // // Purpose: List all the components that are bound or bindable. // // Arguments: // lpszInfId [in] PnpID of the network component. // uiType [in] Type of network component. // hwndTree [in] Tree handle in which to list. // fBound [in] if TRUE, list components that are bound. // // Returns: Number of components listed. // // Notes: // DWORD ListCompToBindUnbind (LPWSTR lpszInfId, UINT uiType, HWND hwndTree, BOOL fBound) { INetCfg *pnc; INetCfgComponent *pncc; IEnumNetCfgComponent *pencc; INetCfgComponentBindings *pnccb; INetCfgComponent *pnccToBindUnbind; LPWSTR lpszApp; DWORD dwCount; HRESULT hr; dwCount = 0; hr = HrGetINetCfg( TRUE, APP_NAME, &pnc, &lpszApp ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Get a reference to the network component selected. // hr = pnc->FindComponent( lpszInfId, &pncc ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Get Component Enumerator Interface. // hr = HrGetComponentEnum( pnc, pguidNetClass[uiType], &pencc ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = pncc->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, (PVOID *)&pnccb ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = HrGetFirstComponent( pencc, &pnccToBindUnbind ); while( hr == S_OK ) { hr = pnccb->IsBoundTo( pnccToBindUnbind ); // // fBound = TRUE ==> Want to list components that are // bound. // if ( fBound ) { if ( hr == S_OK ) { AddToTree( hwndTree, TVI_ROOT, pnccToBindUnbind ); dwCount++; } } else { // // fBound = FALSE ==> Want to list components that // are not bound but are bindable. // if ( hr == S_FALSE ) { hr = pnccb->IsBindableTo( pnccToBindUnbind ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { AddToTree( hwndTree, TVI_ROOT, pnccToBindUnbind ); dwCount++; } } } ReleaseRef( pnccToBindUnbind ); hr = HrGetNextComponent( pencc, &pnccToBindUnbind ); } ReleaseRef( pnccb ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get the component binding interface " L"of %s.", lpszInfId ); } ReleaseRef( pencc ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get the network component enumerator " L"interface." ); } ReleaseRef( pncc ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get an interface pointer to %s.", lpszInfId ); } HrReleaseINetCfg( pnc, TRUE ); } else { if ( (hr == NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK) && lpszApp ) { ErrMsg( hr, L"%s currently holds the lock, try later.", lpszApp ); CoTaskMemFree( lpszApp ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get the notify object interface." ); } } return dwCount; } // // Function: BindUnbind // // Purpose: Bind/unbind a network component. // // Arguments: // lpszInfId [in] PnpID of the network component to bind/unbind. // hwndTree [in] Tree handle. // fBind [in] if TRUE, bind, otherwise unbind. // // Returns: TRUE on success. // // Notes: // BOOL BindUnbind (LPWSTR lpszInfId, HWND hwndTree, BOOL fBind) { INetCfg *pnc; INetCfgComponent *pncc; INetCfgComponentBindings *pnccb; INetCfgComponent *pnccToBindUnbind; LPWSTR lpszApp; HTREEITEM hTreeItem; TVITEMW tvItem; HRESULT hr; BOOL fChange; hr = HrGetINetCfg( TRUE, APP_NAME, &pnc, &lpszApp ); fChange = FALSE; if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Get a reference to the network component. // hr = pnc->FindComponent( lpszInfId, &pncc ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Get a reference to the component's binding. // hr = pncc->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgComponentBindings, (PVOID *)&pnccb ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Start with the root item. // hTreeItem = TreeView_GetRoot( hwndTree ); // // Bind/unbind the network component with every component // that is checked. // while ( hTreeItem ) { ZeroMemory( &tvItem, sizeof(TVITEMW) ); tvItem.hItem = hTreeItem; tvItem.mask = TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_STATE; tvItem.stateMask = TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK; if ( TreeView_GetItem(hwndTree, &tvItem) ) { // // Is the network component selected? // if ( (tvItem.state >> 12) == 2 ) { // // Get a reference to the selected component. // hr = pnc->FindComponent( (LPWSTR)tvItem.lParam, &pnccToBindUnbind ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { if ( fBind ) { // // Bind the component to the selected component. // hr = pnccb->BindTo( pnccToBindUnbind ); if ( !fChange ) { fChange = hr == S_OK; } if ( hr != S_OK ) { ErrMsg( hr, L"%s couldn't be bound to %s.", lpszInfId, (LPWSTR)tvItem.lParam ); } } else { // // Unbind the component from the selected component. // hr = pnccb->UnbindFrom( pnccToBindUnbind ); if ( !fChange ) { fChange = hr == S_OK; } if ( hr != S_OK ) { ErrMsg( hr, L"%s couldn't be unbound from %s.", lpszInfId, (LPWSTR)tvItem.lParam ); } } ReleaseRef( pnccToBindUnbind ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get an interface pointer to %s. " L"%s will not be bound to it.", (LPWSTR)tvItem.lParam, lpszInfId ); } } } // // Get the next item. // hTreeItem = TreeView_GetNextSibling( hwndTree, hTreeItem ); } ReleaseRef( pnccb ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get a binding interface of %s.", lpszInfId ); } ReleaseRef( pncc ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get an interface pointer to %s.", lpszInfId ); } // // If one or more network components have been bound/unbound, // apply the changes. // if ( fChange ) { hr = pnc->Apply(); fChange = hr == S_OK; } HrReleaseINetCfg( pnc, TRUE ); } else { if ( (hr == NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK) && lpszApp ) { ErrMsg( hr, L"%s currently holds the lock, try later.", lpszApp ); CoTaskMemFree( lpszApp ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get the notify object interface." ); } } return fChange; } // // Function: ListInstalledComponents // // Purpose: List installed network components of specific class. // // Arguments: // hwndTree [in] Tree handle in which to list. // pguidClass [in] Class GUID of the network compoent class. // // Returns: None. // // Notes: // VOID ListInstalledComponents (HWND hwndTree, const GUID *pguidClass) { INetCfg *pnc; IEnumNetCfgComponent *pencc; INetCfgComponent *pncc; LPWSTR lpszApp; HTREEITEM hTreeItem; HRESULT hr; hr = HrGetINetCfg( FALSE, APP_NAME, &pnc, &lpszApp ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Get Component Enumerator Interface. // hr = HrGetComponentEnum( pnc, pguidClass, &pencc ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = HrGetFirstComponent( pencc, &pncc ); while( hr == S_OK ) { // // Add an item to the tree for the network component. // hTreeItem = AddToTree( hwndTree, TVI_ROOT, pncc ); ReleaseRef( pncc ); hr = HrGetNextComponent( pencc, &pncc ); } ReleaseRef( pencc ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Failed to get the network component enumerator." ); } HrReleaseINetCfg( pnc, FALSE ); } else { if ( (hr == NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK) && lpszApp ) { ErrMsg( hr, L"%s currently holds the lock, try later.", lpszApp ); CoTaskMemFree( lpszApp ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get the notify object interface." ); } } return; } // // Function: UninstallComponent // // Purpose: Uninstall a network component. // // Arguments: // lpszInfId [in] PnpID of the network component to uninstall. // // Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code. // // Notes: // HRESULT UninstallComponent (LPWSTR lpszInfId) { INetCfg *pnc; INetCfgComponent *pncc; INetCfgClass *pncClass; INetCfgClassSetup *pncClassSetup; LPWSTR lpszApp; GUID guidClass; OBO_TOKEN obo; HRESULT hr; hr = HrGetINetCfg( TRUE, APP_NAME, &pnc, &lpszApp ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Get a reference to the network component to uninstall. // hr = pnc->FindComponent( lpszInfId, &pncc ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Get the class GUID. // hr = pncc->GetClassGuid( &guidClass ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Get a reference to component's class. // hr = pnc->QueryNetCfgClass( &guidClass, IID_INetCfgClass, (PVOID *)&pncClass ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Get the setup interface. // hr = pncClass->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgClassSetup, (LPVOID *)&pncClassSetup ); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // // Uninstall the component. // ZeroMemory( &obo, sizeof(OBO_TOKEN) ); obo.Type = OBO_USER; hr = pncClassSetup->DeInstall( pncc, &obo, NULL ); if ( (hr == S_OK) || (hr == NETCFG_S_REBOOT) ) { hr = pnc->Apply(); if ( (hr != S_OK) && (hr != NETCFG_S_REBOOT) ) { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't apply the changes after" L" uninstalling %s.", lpszInfId ); } } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Failed to uninstall %s.", lpszInfId ); } ReleaseRef( pncClassSetup ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get an interface to setup class." ); } ReleaseRef( pncClass ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get a pointer to class interface " L"of %s.", lpszInfId ); } } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get the class guid of %s.", lpszInfId ); } ReleaseRef( pncc ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get an interface pointer to %s.", lpszInfId ); } HrReleaseINetCfg( pnc, TRUE ); } else { if ( (hr == NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK) && lpszApp ) { ErrMsg( hr, L"%s currently holds the lock, try later.", lpszApp ); CoTaskMemFree( lpszApp ); } else { ErrMsg( hr, L"Couldn't get the notify object interface." ); } } return hr; }