////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*++ Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: Vendors.h Abstract: Declaration of the CIASNASVendors class. This class is the C++ implementation of the IIASNASVendors interface on the NASVendors COM object. See Vendors.cpp for implementation. Revision History: mmaguire 11/04/98 - created --*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(_NAS_VENDORS_H_) #define _NAS_VENDORS_H_ #pragma once ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN INCLUDES // // where we can find what this class derives from: // #include // // where we can find what this class has or uses: // #include // For "pair" // // END INCLUDES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef std::pair< CComBSTR, LONG > VendorPair; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CIASGroupAttributeEditor class ATL_NO_VTABLE CIASNASVendors : public CComObjectRootEx , public CComCoClass , public IDispatchImpl , std::vector< VendorPair > { public: CIASNASVendors(); DECLARE_NO_REGISTRY() DECLARE_CLASSFACTORY_SINGLETON(CIASNASVendors) BEGIN_COM_MAP(CIASNASVendors) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IIASNASVendors) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IDispatch) END_COM_MAP() // IIASNASVendors: public: STDMETHOD( InitFromSdo )( /* [in] */ ISdoCollection *pSdoVendorsCollection ); STDMETHOD( get_Size )( /* [retval][out] */ long *plCount ); STDMETHOD( get_VendorName )( long lIndex, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR *pbstrVendorName ); STDMETHOD( get_VendorID )( long lIndex, /* [retval][out] */ long *plVendorID ); STDMETHOD( get_VendorIDToOrdinal )( long lVendorID, /* [retval][out] */ long *plIndex ); protected: BOOL m_bUninitialized; }; HRESULT MakeVendorNameFromVendorID(DWORD dwVendorId, BSTR* pbstrVendorName ); #endif // _NAS_VENDORS_H_