/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. // // FILE // // snapwork.h // // SYNOPSIS // // Declares classes for implementing an MMC Snap-In. // // MODIFICATION HISTORY // // 02/19/2000 Original version. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef SNAPWORK_H #define SNAPWORK_H #if _MSC_VER >= 1000 #pragma once #endif #include "dlgcshlp.h" class SnapInControlbar; class SnapInView; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // NAMESPACE // // SnapIn // // DESCRIPTION // // Contains various declarations for exception support. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace SnapIn { // Check an HRESULT and throw an exception on error. inline void CheckError(HRESULT hr) { if (FAILED(hr)) { AfxThrowOleException(hr); } } // Throw a COleException containing the result of GetLastError(). void AfxThrowLastError(); // Used for overloading the global new operator below. struct throw_t { }; const throw_t AfxThrow; }; // Throws a CMemoryException on allocation failure. inline void* __cdecl operator new(size_t size, const SnapIn::throw_t&) { void* p = ::operator new(size); if (!p) { AfxThrowMemoryException(); } return p; } inline void __cdecl operator delete(void* p, const SnapIn::throw_t&) { ::operator delete(p); } // Macro to catch any exception and return an appropriate HRESULT. #define CATCH_AND_RETURN() \ catch (CException* e) { \ HRESULT hr = COleException::Process(e); \ e->ReportError(); \ e->Delete(); \ return hr; \ } \ catch (...) { \ return E_FAIL; \ } // Macro to catch any exception and store an appropriate HRESULT in hr. #define CATCH_AND_SAVE(hr) \ catch (CException* e) { \ hr = COleException::Process(e); \ e->ReportError(); \ e->Delete(); \ } \ catch (...) { \ hr = E_FAIL; \ } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // ResourceString // // DESCRIPTION // // Simple wrapper around a string resource. Unlike most other wrappers this // can support strings of arbitrary length. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class ResourceString { public: ResourceString(UINT id) throw (); ~ResourceString() throw () { if (sz != &empty) delete[] sz; } operator PCWSTR() const throw () { return sz; } operator PWSTR() throw () { return sz; } private: PWSTR sz; // The string. static WCHAR empty; // Ensures that a ResourceString is never NULL. // Not implemented. ResourceString(const ResourceString&); ResourceString& operator=(const ResourceString&); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Methods for manipulating a generic IDataObject (i.e., not necessarily one of // ours). // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extract a fixed number of bytes from an IDataObject. VOID WINAPI ExtractData( IDataObject* dataObject, CLIPFORMAT format, PVOID data, DWORD dataLen ); // Extract a variable number of bytes. The caller must use GlobalFree to free // the returned data. VOID WINAPI ExtractData( IDataObject* dataObject, CLIPFORMAT format, DWORD maxDataLen, HGLOBAL* data ); // Extract a node type GUID from an IDataObject. VOID WINAPI ExtractNodeType( IDataObject* dataObject, GUID* nodeType ); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SnapInDataItem // // DESCRIPTION // // Abstract base class for items that will be displayed in the MMC scope // pane or result pane. When overriding functions, pay careful attention to // which ones are allowed to throw exceptions. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class __declspec(uuid("af0af65a-abe0-4f47-9540-328351c23fab")) SnapInDataItem; class SnapInDataItem : public IDataObject { public: SnapInDataItem() throw () : refCount(0) { } // Convert an IDataObject to its corresponding SnapInDataItem. static SnapInDataItem* narrow(IDataObject* dataObject) throw (); // Must be defined in the derived class to return the item's display name. virtual PCWSTR getDisplayName(int column = 0) const throw () = 0; // These should be overridden in the derived class unless you're sure MMC // will never ask for them. virtual const GUID* getNodeType() const throw (); virtual const GUID* getSnapInCLSID() const throw (); virtual PCWSTR getSZNodeType() const throw (); // Used to determine the sort order of two items. virtual int compare( SnapInDataItem& item, int column ) throw (); // Allows an item to add commands to the context menu. virtual HRESULT addMenuItems( SnapInView& view, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK callback, long insertionAllowed ); // Methods for exposing properties. virtual HRESULT createPropertyPages( SnapInView& view, LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK provider, LONG_PTR handle ); virtual HRESULT queryPagesFor() throw (); // Allows a scope item to customize the result view type. virtual HRESULT getResultViewType( LPOLESTR* ppViewType, long* pViewOptions ) throw (); ////////// // Various notifications that your item can handle. ////////// virtual HRESULT onButtonClick( SnapInView& view, MMC_CONSOLE_VERB verb ); virtual HRESULT onContextHelp( SnapInView& view ); virtual HRESULT onDelete( SnapInView& view ); virtual HRESULT onDoubleClick( SnapInView& view ); virtual HRESULT onExpand( SnapInView& view, HSCOPEITEM itemId, BOOL expanded ); virtual HRESULT onMenuCommand( SnapInView& view, long commandId ); virtual HRESULT onPropertyChange( SnapInView& view, BOOL scopeItem ); virtual HRESULT onRefresh( SnapInView& view ); virtual HRESULT onRename( SnapInView& view, LPCOLESTR newName ); virtual HRESULT onSelect( SnapInView& view, BOOL scopeItem, BOOL selected ); virtual HRESULT onShow( SnapInView& view, HSCOPEITEM itemId, BOOL selected ); virtual HRESULT onToolbarButtonClick( SnapInView& view, int buttonId ); virtual HRESULT onToolbarSelect( SnapInView& view, BOOL scopeItem, BOOL selected ); virtual HRESULT onViewChange( SnapInView& view, LPARAM data, LPARAM hint ); ////////// // IUnknown ////////// STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(); STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject); ////////// // IDataObject ////////// STDMETHOD(GetData)( FORMATETC *pformatetcIn, STGMEDIUM *pmedium ); STDMETHOD(GetDataHere)( FORMATETC *pformatetc, STGMEDIUM *pmedium ); STDMETHOD(QueryGetData)(FORMATETC *pformatetc); STDMETHOD(GetCanonicalFormatEtc)( FORMATETC *pformatectIn, FORMATETC *pformatetcOut ); STDMETHOD(SetData)( FORMATETC *pformatetc, STGMEDIUM *pmedium, BOOL fRelease ); STDMETHOD(EnumFormatEtc)( DWORD dwDirection, IEnumFORMATETC **ppenumFormatEtc ); STDMETHOD(DAdvise)( FORMATETC *pformatetc, DWORD advf, IAdviseSink *pAdvSink, DWORD *pdwConnection ); STDMETHOD(DUnadvise)( DWORD dwConnection ); STDMETHOD(EnumDAdvise)( IEnumSTATDATA **ppenumAdvise ); protected: virtual ~SnapInDataItem() throw (); private: LONG refCount; // Not implemented. SnapInDataItem(const SnapInDataItem&); SnapInDataItem& operator=(const SnapInDataItem&); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SnapInPreNamedItem // // DESCRIPTION // // Extends SnapInDataItem to implement getDisplayName for items with a fixed // name that's stored in a string resource. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SnapInPreNamedItem : public SnapInDataItem { public: SnapInPreNamedItem(int nameId) throw () : name(nameId) { } virtual PCWSTR getDisplayName(int column) const throw (); protected: ResourceString name; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // STRUCT // // SnapInToolbarDef // // DESCRIPTION // // Encapsulates the information needed to create and initialize a toolbar. // See IToolbar::AddImages and IToolbar::AddButtons for details. An array of // SnapInToolbarDef's must be terminated by an entry with nImages set to // zero. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct SnapInToolbarDef { int nImages; HBITMAP hbmp; COLORREF crMask; int nButtons; LPMMCBUTTON lpButtons; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SnapInView // // DESCRIPTION // // Represents a view in the MMC console. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SnapInView : public CComObjectRootEx< CComMultiThreadModelNoCS >, public IComponent, public IComponentData, public IExtendContextMenu, public IExtendControlbar, public IExtendPropertySheet2, public IResultDataCompare, public ISnapinHelp { public: // Various interfaces for manipulating the view. // These are guaranteed to be non-NULL. IConsole2* getConsole() const throw () { return console; } IHeaderCtrl2* getHeaderCtrl() const throw () { return headerCtrl; } IConsoleNameSpace2* getNameSpace() const throw () { return nameSpace; } IPropertySheetProvider* getPropertySheetProvider() const throw () { return sheetProvider; } IResultData* getResultData() const throw () { return resultData; } HRESULT displayHelp(PCWSTR contextHelpPath) throw(); void updateAllViews( SnapInDataItem& item, LPARAM data = 0, INT_PTR hint = 0 ) const; // Delete an item from the result pane. void deleteResultItem(const SnapInDataItem& item) const; // Update an item in the result pane. void updateResultItem(const SnapInDataItem& item) const; // Returns true if the item has a property sheet open. bool isPropertySheetOpen(const SnapInDataItem& item) const; // Attach a toolbar to the controlbar and return a pointer to the newly // attached toolbar so the caller can update button state, etc. The returned // pointer is only valid for the duration of the current notification method // and should not be released. IToolbar* attachToolbar(size_t index); // Detach a toolbar from the controlbar. void detachToolbar(size_t index) throw (); // Retrieve the current sort parameters. int getSortColumn() const throw () { return sortColumn; } int getSortOption() const throw () { return sortOption; } // Force a re-sort of the result pane using the current parameters. void reSort() const; // Format and display a dialog box. void formatMessageBox( UINT titleId, UINT formatId, BOOL ignoreInserts, UINT style, int* retval, ... ); // Set the image strip associated with the scope or result pane. void setImageStrip( UINT smallStripId, UINT largeStripId, BOOL scopePane ); // IUnknown. STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(); // IComponent STDMETHOD(Initialize)(LPCONSOLE lpConsole); STDMETHOD(Destroy)(MMC_COOKIE cookie); STDMETHOD(GetResultViewType)( MMC_COOKIE cookie, LPOLESTR* ppViewType, long* pViewOptions ); STDMETHOD(GetDisplayInfo)(RESULTDATAITEM* pResultDataItem); // IComponentData STDMETHOD(Initialize)(LPUNKNOWN pUnknown); STDMETHOD(CreateComponent)(LPCOMPONENT* ppComponent); STDMETHOD(Destroy)(); STDMETHOD(GetDisplayInfo)(SCOPEDATAITEM* pScopeDataItem); // Common to both IComponent and IComponentData STDMETHOD(QueryDataObject)( MMC_COOKIE cookie, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, LPDATAOBJECT* ppDataObject ); STDMETHOD(Notify)( LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE event, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param ); STDMETHOD(CompareObjects)( LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObjectA, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObjectB ); // IExtendContextMenu STDMETHOD(AddMenuItems)( LPDATAOBJECT piDataObject, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK piCallback, long *pInsertionAllowed ); STDMETHOD(Command)( long lCommandID, LPDATAOBJECT piDataObject ); // IExtendControlbar STDMETHOD(ControlbarNotify)( MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE event, LPARAM arg, LPARAM param ); STDMETHOD(SetControlbar)( LPCONTROLBAR pControlbar ); // IExtendPropertySheet STDMETHOD(CreatePropertyPages)( LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle, LPDATAOBJECT lpIDataObject ); STDMETHOD(QueryPagesFor)( LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject ); // IExtendPropertySheet2 STDMETHOD(GetWatermarks)( LPDATAOBJECT lpIDataObject, HBITMAP *lphWatermark, HBITMAP *lphHeader, HPALETTE *lphPalette, BOOL *bStretch ); // IResultDataCompare STDMETHOD(Compare)( LPARAM lUserParam, MMC_COOKIE cookieA, MMC_COOKIE cookieB, int* pnResult ); // ISnapinHelp method(s) STDMETHOD(GetHelpTopic)(LPOLESTR * lpCompiledHelpFile){return E_NOTIMPL;}; protected: // Should be overridden by the derived class if it supports toolbars. virtual const SnapInToolbarDef* getToolbars() const throw (); SnapInView() throw (); ~SnapInView() throw (); BEGIN_COM_MAP(SnapInView) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(IComponent), IComponent) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(IComponentData), IComponentData) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(IExtendContextMenu), IExtendContextMenu) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(IExtendControlbar), IExtendControlbar) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(IExtendPropertySheet2), IExtendPropertySheet2) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(IResultDataCompare), IResultDataCompare) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(ISnapinHelp), ISnapinHelp) END_COM_MAP() private: HRESULT internalInitialize( IConsoleNameSpace2* consoleNameSpace, SnapInView* masterView ) throw (); void releaseToolbars() throw (); // Struct that associates a toolbar definition with an instance of that // toolbar in the current view. struct ToolbarEntry { const SnapInToolbarDef* def; CComPtr toolbar; }; mutable CComPtr console; mutable CComPtr nameSpace; mutable CComPtr headerCtrl; mutable CComPtr sheetProvider; mutable CComPtr resultData; mutable CComPtr controlbar; SnapInView* master; ToolbarEntry* toolbars; size_t numToolbars; int sortColumn; int sortOption; // Not implemented. SnapInView(const SnapInView&); SnapInView& operator=(const SnapInView&); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CLASS // // SnapInPropertyPage // // DESCRIPTION // // Extends the MFC class CPropertyPageEx to handle the MMC specific details. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SnapInPropertyPage : public CHelpPageEx { public: // Constructor for MFC hosted page. SnapInPropertyPage( UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDHeaderTitle = 0, UINT nIDHeaderSubTitle = 0, bool EnableHelp = true ); // Constructor for MMC hosted property page. SnapInPropertyPage( LONG_PTR notifyHandle, LPARAM notifyParam, bool deleteHandle, UINT nIDTemplate, UINT nIDCaption = 0, bool EnableHelp = true ); ~SnapInPropertyPage() throw (); // Add the property page to a sheet. Regardless of whether or not this // succeeds, the SnapInPropertyPage is automatically deleted. void addToMMCSheet(IPropertySheetCallback* cback); // Returns 'true' if any changes have been applied. bool hasApplied() const throw () { return applied; } // Returns 'true' if the page has been modified. bool isModified() const throw () { return modified != FALSE; } // These should generally not be overridden. virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); virtual BOOL OnApply(); virtual BOOL OnWizardFinish(); virtual void OnReset(); void SetModified(BOOL bChanged = TRUE); protected: // These should be overridden in the derived class to do the actual data and // UI processing. virtual void getData(); virtual void setData(); virtual void saveChanges(); virtual void discardChanges(); virtual UINT getErrorCaption() const throw () = 0; // Enable/disable a control on the page. void enableControl(int controlId, bool enable = true); // Fail a validation. void fail(int controlId, UINT errorText, bool isEdit = true); // Fail a validation, but don't throw an exception. void failNoThrow(int controlId, UINT errorText, bool isEdit = true); // Subclass a control member variable. void initControl(int controlId, CWnd& control); // Useful as a message handler. void onChange(); // Display an error dialog. void reportError(UINT errorText); // Display an error dialog based on an exception. The exception is deleted. void reportException(CException* e); // Set the control to large font. void setLargeFont(int controlId); // Show/hide a control on the page. void showControl(int controlId, bool show = true); // Helper functions to get/set values from controls. void getValue( int controlId, LONG& value, UINT errorText ); void setValue( int controlId, LONG value ); void getValue( int controlId, bool& value ); void setValue( int controlId, bool value ); void getValue( int controlId, CComBSTR& value, bool trim = true ); void setValue( int controlId, PCWSTR value ); void getRadio( int firstId, int lastId, LONG& value ); void setRadio( int firstId, int lastId, LONG value ); static UINT CALLBACK propSheetPageProc( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp ) throw (); LPFNPSPCALLBACK mfcCallback; // The MFC supplied PropSheetPageProc. LONG_PTR notify; // MMC notification handle LPARAM param; // MMC notification parameter bool owner; // 'true' if we own the handle bool applied; // 'true' if any changes have been applied. BOOL modified; // 'TRUE' if the page has been changed. }; #define DEFINE_ERROR_CAPTION(id) \ virtual UINT getErrorCaption() const throw () { return id; } #endif // SNAPWORK_H