[Strings] (0,"STR",200,"",0,"Dummy",0,"String Table",0,"")=" Usage: tlntadmn [computer name] [common_options] start | stop | pause | continue | -s | -k | -m | config config_options Use 'all' for all sessions. -s sessionid List information about the session. -k sessionid Terminate a session. -m sessionid Send message to a session. config Configure telnet server parameters. common_options are: -u user Identity of the user whose credentials are to be used -p password Password of the user config_options are: dom = domain Set the default domain for user names ctrlakeymap = yes|no Set the mapping of the ALT key timeout = hh:mm:ss Set the Idle Session Timeout timeoutactive = yes|no Enable idle session timeout. maxfail = attempts Set the maximum number of login failure attempts before disconnecting. maxconn = connections Set the maximum number of connections. port = number Set the telnet port. sec = [+/-]NTLM [+/-]passwd Set the authentication mechanism mode = console|stream Specify the mode of operation. " (0,"STR",201,"",0,"Dummy",0,"String Table",0,"")=" Usage: tlntadmn [computer name] [common options] start | stop | pause | continue | -S | -K | -M | config config_options For detailed help type tlntadmn /? " (0,"STR",256,"",0,"Dummy",0,"String Table",0,"")="Invalid value. Specify a valid session id or [all]. " (0,"STR",264,"",0,"Dummy",0,"String Table",0,"")=" Invalid value. Specify [+/-]user [+/-]fail [+/-]admin for audit option. " [Checksum] (0,"STR",200,"",0,"Dummy",0,"String Table",0,"")=30255 (0,"STR",201,"",0,"Dummy",0,"String Table",0,"")=14567 (0,"STR",256,"",0,"Dummy",0,"String Table",0,"")=4658 (0,"STR",264,"",0,"Dummy",0,"String Table",0,"")=6208 [Constraints] (0,"STR",200,"",0,"Dummy",0,"String Table",0,"")={NoRules} (0,"STR",201,"",0,"Dummy",0,"String Table",0,"")={NoRules} (0,"STR",256,"",0,"Dummy",0,"String Table",0,"")={NoRules} (0,"STR",264,"",0,"Dummy",0,"String Table",0,"")={NoRules}