/*++ Copyright (c) 1998, Microsoft Corporation Module Name: rmapi.h Abstract: This module contains declarations for the part of the router-manager interface which is common to all the protocols in this component. Author: Abolade Gbadegesin (aboladeg) 4-Mar-1998 Revision History: --*/ #ifndef _NATHLP_RMAPI_H_ #define _NATHLP_RMAPI_H_ typedef enum { NhUninitializedMode, NhSharedAccessMode, NhRoutingProtocolMode, NhMaximumMode } NH_COMPONENT_MODE, *PNH_COMPONENT_MODE; #define NhIsBoundaryInterface(i,b) NatIsBoundaryInterface((i),(b)) #define NhQuerySharedConnectionDomainName() NatQuerySharedConnectionDomainName() extern NH_COMPONENT_MODE NhComponentMode; extern CRITICAL_SECTION NhLock; extern HMODULE NhpRtrmgrDll; extern const WCHAR NhTcpipParametersString[]; // // Application settings (response protocols) handling // extern LIST_ENTRY NhApplicationSettingsList; extern LIST_ENTRY NhDhcpReservationList; extern DWORD NhDhcpScopeAddress; extern DWORD NhDhcpScopeMask; typedef struct _NAT_APP_ENTRY { LIST_ENTRY Link; UCHAR Protocol; USHORT Port; USHORT ResponseCount; HNET_RESPONSE_RANGE *ResponseArray; } NAT_APP_ENTRY, *PNAT_APP_ENTRY; typedef struct _NAT_DHCP_RESERVATION { LIST_ENTRY Link; LPWSTR Name; ULONG Address; } NAT_DHCP_RESERVATION, *PNAT_DHCP_RESERVATION; typedef DWORD (CALLBACK *MAPINTERFACETOADAPTER)(DWORD); VOID NhBuildDhcpReservations( VOID ); ULONG NhDialSharedConnection( VOID ); VOID NhFreeApplicationSettings( VOID ); VOID NhFreeDhcpReservations( VOID ); BOOLEAN NhIsDnsProxyEnabled( VOID ); BOOLEAN NhIsLocalAddress( ULONG Address ); BOOLEAN NhIsWinsProxyEnabled( VOID ); PIP_ADAPTER_BINDING_INFO NhQueryBindingInformation( ULONG AdapterIndex ); NTSTATUS NhQueryDomainName( PCHAR* DomainName ); ULONG NhQueryHostByName( PWCHAR pszHostName, PWCHAR pszDomainName, ULONG ScopeNetwork, ULONG ScopeMask ); NTSTATUS NhQueryICSDomainSuffix( PWCHAR *ppszDomain ); NTSTATUS NhQueryValueKey( HANDLE Key, const WCHAR ValueName[], PKEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION* Information ); VOID NhSignalNatInterface( ULONG Index, BOOLEAN Boundary ); ULONG NhMapAddressToAdapter( ULONG Address ); ULONG NhMapInterfaceToAdapter( ULONG Index ); extern ULONG NhMapInterfaceToRouterIfType( ULONG Index ); VOID NhResetComponentMode( VOID ); BOOLEAN NhSetComponentMode( NH_COMPONENT_MODE ComponentMode ); VOID NhUpdateApplicationSettings( VOID ); ULONG APIENTRY RegisterProtocol( IN OUT PMPR_ROUTING_CHARACTERISTICS RoutingCharacteristics, IN OUT PMPR_SERVICE_CHARACTERISTICS ServiceCharacteristics ); #endif // _NATHLP_RMAPI_H_