/*++ Copyright (C) 1992-98 Microsft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: customdlg.h Abstract: Contains the definitions for the prototypes to be used for the custom dialogs. Author: Rao Salapaka (raos) 09-Jan-1998 Revision History: --*/ #include DWORD DwGetCustomDllEntryPoint( LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPTSTR lpszEntry, BOOL *pfCustomDllSpecified, FARPROC *pfnCustomEntryPoint, HINSTANCE *phInstDll, DWORD dwFnId ); DWORD DwCustomDialDlg( LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPTSTR lpszEntry, LPTSTR lpszPhoneNumber, LPRASDIALDLG lpInfo, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL *pfStatus); DWORD DwCustomEntryDlg( LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPTSTR lpszEntry, LPRASENTRYDLG lpInfo, BOOL *pfStatus);