// wsnmp_ec.c // // WinSNMP Entity/Context Functions and helpers // Copyright 1995-1997 ACE*COMM Corp // Rleased to Microsoft under Contract // Beta 1 version, 970228 // Bob Natale (bnatale@acecomm.com) // // 980424 - BobN // - Mods to SnmpStrToEntity() to support corresponding // - mods to SnmpStrToIpxAddress() to permit '.' char as // - netnum/nodenum separator // 970310 - Typographical changes // #include "winsnmp.inc" SNMPAPI_STATUS SNMPAPI_CALL SnmpStrToIpxAddress (LPCSTR, LPBYTE, LPBYTE); // SnmpStrToEntity HSNMP_ENTITY SNMPAPI_CALL SnmpStrToEntity (IN HSNMP_SESSION hSession, IN LPCSTR entityString) { DWORD strLen; LPCSTR tstStr; LPSTR profilePtr; LPSTR comma = ","; DWORD nEntity; SNMPAPI_STATUS lError = SNMPAPI_SUCCESS; HSNMP_SESSION lSession = 0; char profileBuf[MAX_PATH]; LPENTITY pEntity; if (TaskData.hTask == 0) { lError = SNMPAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED; goto ERROR_OUT; } if (!snmpValidTableEntry(&SessDescr, HandleToUlong(hSession)-1)) { lError = SNMPAPI_SESSION_INVALID; goto ERROR_OUT; } // We have a valid session at this point... lSession = hSession; // save it for possible error return if (!entityString || (strLen = lstrlen(entityString)) == 0) { lError = SNMPAPI_ALLOC_ERROR; goto ERROR_OUT; } // Must go through ERROR_PRECHECK label after next statement... EnterCriticalSection (&cs_ENTITY); // Search for Entity table entry to use lError = snmpAllocTableEntry(&EntsDescr, &nEntity); if (lError != SNMPAPI_SUCCESS) goto ERROR_PRECHECK; pEntity = snmpGetTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity); pEntity->version = 0; pEntity->nPolicyTimeout = DEFTIMEOUT; pEntity->nPolicyRetry = DEFRETRY; if (strLen > MAX_FRIEND_NAME_LEN) strLen = MAX_FRIEND_NAME_LEN; switch (TaskData.nTranslateMode) { case SNMPAPI_TRANSLATED: // the entity is picked up from NP_WSNMP.INI, from [Entities] section: // [Entities] // EntityFriendlyName = ver#, ipaddr, timeout#, retries#, port#[,] // ------ // Get the whole buffer if (!GetPrivateProfileString ("Entities", entityString, "", profileBuf, sizeof(profileBuf)/sizeof(profileBuf[0]), "NP_WSNMP.INI")) { snmpFreeTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity); lError = SNMPAPI_ENTITY_UNKNOWN; goto ERROR_PRECHECK; } // pick up the ver# first (mandatory) profilePtr = strtok (profileBuf, comma); // if no token, is like we have a key with no value // bail out with SNMPAPI_NOOP if (profilePtr == NULL) { snmpFreeTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity); lError = SNMPAPI_NOOP; goto ERROR_PRECHECK; } pEntity->version = atoi (profilePtr); // pick up the dotted ip address (mandatory) tstStr = strtok (NULL, comma); // Save real address string // if no address is specified, we don't have the vital info, so there's nothing to do // bail with SNMPAPI_NOOP if (tstStr == NULL) { snmpFreeTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity); lError = SNMPAPI_NOOP; goto ERROR_PRECHECK; } // pick up the timeout# (optional) if (profilePtr = strtok (NULL, comma)) { // The local database entry uses milliseconds for the timeout interval pEntity->nPolicyTimeout = atol (profilePtr); // Adjust for centiseconds, as used by the WinSNMP API pEntity->nPolicyTimeout /= 10; // pick up the retry# (optional) if (profilePtr = strtok (NULL, comma)) { pEntity->nPolicyRetry = atol (profilePtr); // pick up the port# (optional) if (profilePtr = strtok (NULL, comma)) pEntity->addr.inet.sin_port = htons ((short)atoi (profilePtr)); } } break; // "version" was set to 0 above // if _V2, it will be incremented twice // if _V1, it will be incremented only once case SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED_V2: pEntity->version++; case SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED_V1: pEntity->version++; tstStr = entityString; // Save real address string break; default: snmpFreeTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity); lError = SNMPAPI_MODE_INVALID; goto ERROR_PRECHECK; } // end_switch CopyMemory (pEntity->name, entityString, strLen); pEntity->name[strLen] = '\0'; // null terminated, name has size of MAX_FRIEND_NAME_LEN+1 if (strncmp(tstStr, "", 15) && inet_addr (tstStr) == INADDR_NONE) { // Not AF_INET, try AF_IPX if (SnmpStrToIpxAddress (tstStr, pEntity->addr.ipx.sa_netnum, pEntity->addr.ipx.sa_nodenum) == SNMPAPI_FAILURE) { snmpFreeTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity); LeaveCriticalSection (&cs_ENTITY); return ((HSNMP_ENTITY) ULongToPtr(SaveError (hSession, SNMPAPI_ENTITY_UNKNOWN))); } pEntity->addr.ipx.sa_family = AF_IPX; if (pEntity->addr.ipx.sa_socket == 0) pEntity->addr.ipx.sa_socket = htons (IPX_SNMP_PORT); } else { // AF_INET pEntity->addr.inet.sin_family = AF_INET; if (pEntity->addr.inet.sin_port == 0) pEntity->addr.inet.sin_port = htons (IP_SNMP_PORT); pEntity->addr.inet.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (tstStr); } // Record the creating session pEntity->Session = hSession; // Initialize refCount for SnmpFreeEntity garbage collection pEntity->refCount = 1; ERROR_PRECHECK: LeaveCriticalSection (&cs_ENTITY); ERROR_OUT: if (lError == SNMPAPI_SUCCESS) return ((HSNMP_ENTITY) ULongToPtr(nEntity+1)); else // Failure cases return ((HSNMP_ENTITY) ULongToPtr(SaveError (lSession, lError))); } //end_SnmpStrToEntity // SnmpEntityToStr SNMPAPI_STATUS SNMPAPI_CALL SnmpEntityToStr (IN HSNMP_ENTITY hEntity, IN smiUINT32 size, OUT LPSTR string) { DWORD nEntity = HandleToUlong(hEntity) - 1; SNMPAPI_STATUS lError = SNMPAPI_SUCCESS; HSNMP_SESSION lSession = 0; LPSTR str; smiUINT32 len; char tmpStr[24]; LPENTITY pEntity; if (TaskData.hTask == 0) { lError = SNMPAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED; goto ERROR_OUT; } if (!snmpValidTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity)) { lError = SNMPAPI_ENTITY_UNKNOWN; goto ERROR_OUT; } pEntity = snmpGetTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity); lSession = pEntity->Session; if (size == 0) { lError = SNMPAPI_SIZE_INVALID; goto ERROR_OUT; } if (IsBadWritePtr(string, size)) { lError = SNMPAPI_ALLOC_ERROR; goto ERROR_OUT; } len = 0; if (TaskData.nTranslateMode == SNMPAPI_TRANSLATED) { str = pEntity->name; len = lstrlen (str); } else { if (pEntity->addr.inet.sin_family == AF_INET) { // prefix bug 445174 if ((str = inet_ntoa (pEntity->addr.inet.sin_addr)) != NULL) len = lstrlen (str); else { lError = SNMPAPI_OTHER_ERROR; // error in inet_ntoa call goto ERROR_OUT; } } else if (pEntity->addr.ipx.sa_family == AF_IPX) { SnmpIpxAddressToStr (pEntity->addr.ipx.sa_netnum, pEntity->addr.ipx.sa_nodenum, tmpStr); str = tmpStr; len = lstrlen (str); } else { lError = SNMPAPI_ENTITY_INVALID; goto ERROR_OUT; } } if (len >= size) { CopyMemory (string, str, size); string[size-1] = '\0'; lError = SNMPAPI_OUTPUT_TRUNCATED; goto ERROR_OUT; } else { lstrcpy (string, str); return (len+1); } // Failure cases ERROR_OUT: return (SaveError (lSession, lError)); } // End_SnmpEntityToStr // SnmpFreeEntity SNMPAPI_STATUS SNMPAPI_CALL SnmpFreeEntity (IN HSNMP_ENTITY hEntity) { DWORD nEntity; SNMPAPI_STATUS lError = SNMPAPI_SUCCESS; LPENTITY pEntity; if (TaskData.hTask == 0) { lError = SNMPAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED; goto ERROR_OUT; } nEntity = HandleToUlong(hEntity) - 1; if (!snmpValidTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity)) { lError = SNMPAPI_ENTITY_INVALID; goto ERROR_OUT; } pEntity = snmpGetTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity); EnterCriticalSection (&cs_ENTITY); // Decrement refCount (unless already 0 [error]) if (pEntity->refCount) pEntity->refCount--; // Now actually free it... if (pEntity->Agent == 0 && // but not if it's an Agent pEntity->refCount == 0) // nor if other references exist snmpFreeTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity); LeaveCriticalSection (&cs_ENTITY); return (SNMPAPI_SUCCESS); ERROR_OUT: return (SaveError (0, lError)); } // SnmpStrToContext // Allow for zero-length/NULL context...BN 3/12/96 HSNMP_CONTEXT SNMPAPI_CALL SnmpStrToContext (IN HSNMP_SESSION hSession, IN smiLPCOCTETS contextString) { DWORD strLen; DWORD nContext; SNMPAPI_STATUS lError = SNMPAPI_SUCCESS; HSNMP_SESSION lSession = 0; char profileBuf[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR profilePtr; LPSTR comma = ","; LPCTXT pCtxt; smiOCTETS tmpContextString; tmpContextString.len = 0; tmpContextString.ptr = NULL; if (TaskData.hTask == 0) { lError = SNMPAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED; goto ERROR_OUT; } if (!snmpValidTableEntry(&SessDescr, HandleToUlong(hSession)-1)) { lError = SNMPAPI_SESSION_INVALID; goto ERROR_OUT; } lSession = hSession; // Save for possible error return if (IsBadReadPtr (contextString, sizeof(smiOCTETS))) { lError = SNMPAPI_ALLOC_ERROR; goto ERROR_OUT; } if (IsBadReadPtr (contextString->ptr, contextString->len)) { lError = SNMPAPI_CONTEXT_INVALID; goto ERROR_OUT; } // Remember to allow for 0-len contexts (as above does) EnterCriticalSection (&cs_CONTEXT); // Search for Entity table entry to use lError = snmpAllocTableEntry(&CntxDescr, &nContext); if (lError != SNMPAPI_SUCCESS) goto ERROR_PRECHECK; pCtxt = snmpGetTableEntry(&CntxDescr, nContext); pCtxt->version = 0; // just to be sure pCtxt->name[0] = pCtxt->commStr[0] = '\0'; // Following "if" test allows for zero-length/NULL community string // (deliberate assignment in conditional...) if (pCtxt->commLen = contextString->len) { switch (TaskData.nTranslateMode) { case SNMPAPI_TRANSLATED: // make a copy of input parameter to make sure the raw data is null terminated tmpContextString.ptr = (smiLPBYTE) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, contextString->len + 2); if (tmpContextString.ptr == NULL) { snmpFreeTableEntry(&CntxDescr, nContext); lError = SNMPAPI_ALLOC_ERROR; goto ERROR_PRECHECK; } tmpContextString.len = contextString->len; CopyMemory(tmpContextString.ptr, contextString->ptr, contextString->len); if (!GetPrivateProfileString ("Contexts", tmpContextString.ptr, "", profileBuf, sizeof(profileBuf)/sizeof(profileBuf[0]), "NP_WSNMP.INI")) { snmpFreeTableEntry(&CntxDescr, nContext); lError = SNMPAPI_CONTEXT_UNKNOWN; goto ERROR_PRECHECK; } strLen = min(contextString->len, MAX_FRIEND_NAME_LEN); CopyMemory (pCtxt->name, contextString->ptr, strLen); pCtxt->name[strLen] = '\0'; // name is size of MAX_FRIEND_NAME_LEN+1 // pick up the version# for this context (mandatory) profilePtr = strtok (profileBuf, comma); // if there is no such version# is like we have a INI key without its value, // so bail out with SNMPAPI_NOOP if (profilePtr == NULL) { snmpFreeTableEntry(&CntxDescr, nContext); lError = SNMPAPI_NOOP; goto ERROR_PRECHECK; } pCtxt->version = (DWORD) atoi (profilePtr); // pick up the actual context value (mandatory) profilePtr = strtok (NULL, comma); // if there is no such value, is like we have the friendly name but this is malformed // and doesn't point to any actual context. // bail out with SNMPAPI_NOOP if (profilePtr == NULL) { snmpFreeTableEntry(&CntxDescr, nContext); lError = SNMPAPI_NOOP; goto ERROR_PRECHECK; } strLen = min(lstrlen (profilePtr), MAX_CONTEXT_LEN); pCtxt->commLen = strLen; CopyMemory (pCtxt->commStr, profilePtr, strLen); break; // "version" was set to 0 above // if _V2, it will be incremented twice // if _V1, it will be incremented only once case SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED_V2: pCtxt->version++; case SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED_V1: pCtxt->version++; strLen = min(contextString->len, MAX_CONTEXT_LEN); pCtxt->commLen = strLen; // updates the len of the commStr CopyMemory (pCtxt->commStr, contextString->ptr, strLen); break; default: snmpFreeTableEntry(&CntxDescr, nContext); lError = SNMPAPI_MODE_INVALID; goto ERROR_PRECHECK; } // end_switch // Remember that NULL community strings are allowed! } // end_if (on len) // Record the creating session value pCtxt->Session = hSession; // Initialize refCount for SnmpFreeContext garbage collection pCtxt->refCount = 1; ERROR_PRECHECK: LeaveCriticalSection (&cs_CONTEXT); if (tmpContextString.ptr) GlobalFree(tmpContextString.ptr); if (lError == SNMPAPI_SUCCESS) return ((HSNMP_CONTEXT) ULongToPtr(nContext+1)); ERROR_OUT: return ((HSNMP_CONTEXT) ULongToPtr(SaveError(lSession, lError))); } // end_SnmpStrToContext // SnmpContextToStr // Revised to allow for zero-length/NULL context...BN 3/12/96 SNMPAPI_STATUS SNMPAPI_CALL SnmpContextToStr (IN HSNMP_CONTEXT hContext, OUT smiLPOCTETS string) { smiUINT32 len; smiLPBYTE str; DWORD nCtx; SNMPAPI_STATUS lError = SNMPAPI_SUCCESS; HSNMP_SESSION lSession = 0; LPCTXT pCtxt; if (TaskData.hTask == 0) { lError = SNMPAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED; goto ERROR_OUT; } nCtx = HandleToUlong(hContext) - 1; if (!snmpValidTableEntry(&CntxDescr, nCtx)) { lError = SNMPAPI_CONTEXT_INVALID; goto ERROR_OUT; } pCtxt = snmpGetTableEntry(&CntxDescr, nCtx); // save session for possible error return lSession = pCtxt->Session; if (IsBadWritePtr(string, sizeof(smiLPOCTETS))) { lError = string == NULL ? SNMPAPI_NOOP : SNMPAPI_ALLOC_ERROR; goto ERROR_OUT; } switch (TaskData.nTranslateMode) { case SNMPAPI_TRANSLATED: str = pCtxt->name; len = lstrlen (str); // If calling mode is TRANSLATED, and friendly value was stored, if (len) // then we are done here. break; // If calling mode is TRANSLATED, but no value stored, // then fall through to UNTRANSLATED default... case SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED_V1: case SNMPAPI_UNTRANSLATED_V2: str = pCtxt->commStr; len = pCtxt->commLen; break; default: lError = SNMPAPI_MODE_INVALID; goto ERROR_OUT; } // Setup for possible zero-length/NULL context return string->ptr = NULL; // (deliberate assignment in conditional...) if (string->len = len) { // App must free following alloc via SnmpFreeDescriptor() if (!(string->ptr = (smiLPBYTE)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, len))) { lError = SNMPAPI_ALLOC_ERROR; goto ERROR_OUT; } CopyMemory (string->ptr, str, len); } return (SNMPAPI_SUCCESS); ERROR_OUT: return (SaveError (lSession, lError)); } // end_SnmpContextToStr() // SnmpFreeContext SNMPAPI_STATUS SNMPAPI_CALL SnmpFreeContext (IN HSNMP_CONTEXT hContext) { DWORD nCtx; SNMPAPI_STATUS lError = SNMPAPI_SUCCESS; LPCTXT pCtxt; if (TaskData.hTask == 0) { lError = SNMPAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED; goto ERROR_OUT; } nCtx = HandleToUlong(hContext) - 1; if (!snmpValidTableEntry(&CntxDescr, nCtx)) { lError = SNMPAPI_CONTEXT_INVALID; goto ERROR_OUT; } pCtxt = snmpGetTableEntry(&CntxDescr, nCtx); EnterCriticalSection (&cs_CONTEXT); // Decrement refCount (unless already 0 [error]) if (pCtxt->refCount) pCtxt->refCount--; // Now test refCount again if (pCtxt->refCount == 0) snmpFreeTableEntry(&CntxDescr, nCtx); LeaveCriticalSection (&cs_CONTEXT); return (SNMPAPI_SUCCESS); ERROR_OUT: return (SaveError (0, lError)); } // SnmpSetPort SNMPAPI_STATUS SNMPAPI_CALL SnmpSetPort (IN HSNMP_ENTITY hEntity, IN UINT port) { DWORD nEntity; SNMPAPI_STATUS lError = SNMPAPI_SUCCESS; LPENTITY pEntity; if (TaskData.hTask == 0) { lError = SNMPAPI_NOT_INITIALIZED; goto ERROR_OUT; } nEntity = HandleToUlong(hEntity) - 1; if (!snmpValidTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity)) { lError = SNMPAPI_ENTITY_INVALID; goto ERROR_OUT; } pEntity = snmpGetTableEntry(&EntsDescr, nEntity); EnterCriticalSection (&cs_ENTITY); if (pEntity->Agent) { // Entity running as agent, cannot change port now lError = SNMPAPI_OPERATION_INVALID; goto ERROR_PRECHECK; } pEntity->addr.inet.sin_port = htons ((WORD)port); ERROR_PRECHECK: LeaveCriticalSection (&cs_ENTITY); if (lError == SNMPAPI_SUCCESS) return (SNMPAPI_SUCCESS); ERROR_OUT: return (SaveError (0, lError)); } // end_SnmpSetPort()