/*++ Copyright (c) 1992-1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: regthrd.c Abstract: Contains routines for thread listening to registry changes. Environment: User Mode - Win32 Revision History: Rajat Goel -- 24 Feb 1999 - Creation --*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Include files // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "globals.h" #include "contexts.h" #include "regions.h" #include "snmpmgrs.h" #include "trapmgrs.h" #include "trapthrd.h" #include "network.h" #include "varbinds.h" #include "snmpmgmt.h" #include "registry.h" #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Private procedures // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD ProcessSubagentChanges( ) /*++ Routine Description: Procedure for checking for any changes in the Extension Agents parameter in the registry Arguments: Return Values: Returns true if successful. --*/ { DWORD retval; DWORD cnt; HKEY hExAgentsKey = NULL; // Open the ..SNMP\Parameters\ExtensionAgents key retval = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_KEY_EXTENSION_AGENTS, 0, KEY_READ, &hExAgentsKey ); cnt = 0; if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPTSTR pszKey = REG_KEY_EXTENSION_AGENTS; ReportSnmpEvent( SNMP_EVENT_INVALID_REGISTRY_KEY, 1, &pszKey, retval); return retval; } while (retval == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwNameSize; DWORD dwValueSize; DWORD dwValueType; DWORD dwPathSize; HKEY hAgentKey = NULL; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szValue[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szExpPath[MAX_PATH]; PSUBAGENT_LIST_ENTRY pSLE = NULL; dwNameSize = sizeof(szName) / sizeof(szName[0]); // size in number of TCHARs dwValueSize = sizeof(szValue); // size in number of bytes dwPathSize = sizeof(szPath); // Retrieve the registry path for the Extension Agent DLL key retval = RegEnumValue( hExAgentsKey, cnt, szName, &dwNameSize, NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)szValue, &dwValueSize ); // if failed to Enum the registry value, this is serious enough to break the loop if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; if (dwValueType != REG_SZ) { // invalid value type, skip cnt++; continue; } // Open the registry key for the current extension agent if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szValue, 0, KEY_READ, &hAgentKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // get the full pathname of the extension agent DLL if (RegQueryValueExA( hAgentKey, REG_VALUE_SUBAGENT_PATH, NULL, &dwValueType, szPath, &dwPathSize ) == ERROR_SUCCESS && (dwValueType == REG_EXPAND_SZ || dwValueType == REG_SZ)) { DWORD dwRet = 0; // Expand path // If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of // TCHARs stored in the destination buffer, including the // terminating null character. If the destination buffer is too // small to hold the expanded string, the return value is the // required buffer size, in TCHARs. // If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get // extended error information, call GetLastError. dwRet = ExpandEnvironmentStringsA( szPath, szExpPath, sizeof(szExpPath)/sizeof(szExpPath[0])); if ((dwRet != 0) && (dwRet <= sizeof(szExpPath)/sizeof(szExpPath[0]))) { // Check if the DLL has already been loaded. If it has, // mark it. If not load it. if (FindSubagent(&pSLE, szExpPath)) { // If this extension agent already exists in the list, // mark it such that it is not removed further pSLE->uchFlags |= FLG_SLE_KEEP; } else { // This is a new DLL, add it to the list and mark it to be kept // while looking for the extension agents to be removed if (!AddSubagentByDll(szExpPath, FLG_SLE_KEEP)) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SVC: unable to load extension agent '%s'.\n", szExpPath )); } } } else { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SVC: unable to expand extension agent path '%s'.\n", szPath )); } } else { // we couldn't open the registry key which provides the full path to the DLL. // report the error but don't break the loop as there might be more subagents to handle SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SVC: unable to retrieve extension agent '%s' value.\n", REG_VALUE_SUBAGENT_PATH )); } RegCloseKey(hAgentKey); } else { LPTSTR pSzValue = szValue; SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SVC: unable to open extension agent %s key.\n", szValue )); ReportSnmpEvent( SNMP_EVENT_INVALID_EXTENSION_AGENT_KEY, 1, &pSzValue, retval); } cnt++; } // Go through the list of subagents. Unload any DLL's that were not marked // in the previous loop { PLIST_ENTRY pLE; PSUBAGENT_LIST_ENTRY pSLE; pLE = g_Subagents.Flink; while (pLE != &g_Subagents) { pSLE = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLE, SUBAGENT_LIST_ENTRY, Link); if (!(pSLE->uchFlags & FLG_SLE_KEEP)) { RemoveEntryList(&(pSLE->Link)); pLE = pLE->Flink; FreeSLE(pSLE); continue; } else { // reset the flag for next updates pSLE->uchFlags ^= FLG_SLE_KEEP; } pLE = pLE->Flink; } } if (retval == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) retval = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (hExAgentsKey != NULL) RegCloseKey(hExAgentsKey); return retval; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Public procedures // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DWORD ProcessRegistryMessage( PVOID pParam ) /*++ Routine Description: Thread procedure for processing Registry Changes Arguments: pParam - unused. Return Values: Returns true if successful. --*/ { DWORD retval = ERROR_SUCCESS; do { DWORD evntIndex; BOOL bEvntSetOk; // Wait for registry change or Main thread termination evntIndex = WaitOnRegNotification(); // for one change into the registry several notifications occur (key renaming, value addition, // value change, etc). In order to avoid useless (and counterproductive) notifications, wait // here for half of SHUTDOWN_WAIT_HINT. Sleep(SHUTDOWN_WAIT_HINT/2); // first thing to do is to re initialize the registry notifiers // otherwise we might miss some changes InitRegistryNotifiers(); if (evntIndex == WAIT_FAILED) { retval = GetLastError(); break; } if (evntIndex == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // termination was signaled SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_TRACE, "SNMP: SVC: shutting down the registry listener thread.\n" )); break; } // // unload and reload the registry parameters // // Used in ProcessSnmpMessages->RecvCompletionRoutine EnterCriticalSection(&g_RegCriticalSectionA); // Used in ProcessSubagentEvents EnterCriticalSection(&g_RegCriticalSectionB); // Used in GenerateTrap EnterCriticalSection(&g_RegCriticalSectionC); UnloadPermittedManagers(); UnloadTrapDestinations(); UnloadValidCommunities(); UnloadSupportedRegions(); // start reloading the registry with scalar parameters first // this is needed in order to know how to perform the name resolution // when loading PermittedManagers and TrapDestinations. LoadScalarParameters(); // Check for subagent changes (extension agent dll's) if (ProcessSubagentChanges() != ERROR_SUCCESS) SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_TRACE, "SNMP: SVC: an error occured while trying to track registry subagent changes.\n" )); LoadSupportedRegions(); LoadPermittedManagers(FALSE); LoadTrapDestinations(FALSE); // don't direct dynamic update for the ValidCommunities at this point! // if a REG_SZ entry occurs at this time, then it should be left as it is. LoadValidCommunities(FALSE); SetEvent(g_hRegistryEvent); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_RegCriticalSectionC); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_RegCriticalSectionB); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_RegCriticalSectionA); SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_TRACE, "SNMP: SVC: a registry change was detected.\n" )); ReportSnmpEvent( SNMP_EVENT_CONFIGURATION_UPDATED, 0, NULL, 0); } while(retval == ERROR_SUCCESS); if (retval != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SNMPDBG(( SNMP_LOG_ERROR, "SNMP: SVC: ** Failed in listening for registry changes **.\n" )); // log an event to system log file - SNMP service is going on but will not update on registry changes ReportSnmpEvent( SNMP_EVENT_REGNOTIFY_THREAD_FAILED, 0, NULL, retval); } return retval; }