// // (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. Portions Copyright Intel/Microsoft 1992-93. All Rights Reserved." // //{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // App Studio generated include file. // Used by TELEPHON.RC // #define IDS_DC_GL_DRIVER_SETUP 1 #define IDS_DT_GL_DRIVER_LIST 2 #define IDCL_CR_HELP 3 #define IDS_DC_GL_LOCATION 4 #define ID_CURRENT 4 #define IDS_DT_GL_LOC_LIST 5 #define IDS_DC_GL_CALL_CARD 6 #define ID_NEW 6 #define IDS_DT_GL_CARD_LIST 7 #define IDS_TITLE 8 #define IDS_STATUS_LINE 9 #define IDHELP 9 #define IDS_HELP_FILE 10 #define IDS_CLOSE 11 #define IDS_CUSTOMIZE 12 #define IDS_ADD_LOCATION 13 #define IDS_EDIT_LOCATION 14 #define IDS_WRN_REMOVE_CARD 15 #define IDS_ERR_APPLICATION 16 #define IDS_ERR_MEMORY 17 #define IDS_ERR_ALREADY_IN_LIST 18 #define IDS_ERR_READ_PRIV_INI 19 #define IDS_ERR_WRITE_INI 20 #define IDS_ERR_INVALID_INI 21 #define IDS_ERR_WRITE_WIN_INI 22 #define IDS_WRN_INVALID_STR 23 #define IDS_WRN_INVALID_EX_NUM_STR 24 #define IDS_WRN_INVALID_NUM 25 #define IDS_ERR_INVALID_TAPIADDR 26 #define IDS_WRN_INI_READ_ONLY 27 #define IDS_DT_DS_NO_DRIVER 28 #define IDS_ERR_NO_DRIVER 29 #define IDS_ERR_BAD_DRIVER 30 #define IDS_NONE 31 #define IDS_ADD_CALLING_CARD 32 #define IDS_EDIT_CALLING_CARD 33 #define IDS_CARD_REMOVE 34 #define IDS_LOCATION_REMOVE 35 #define IDS_DRIVER_REMOVE 36 #define IDS_ERR_INVALID_INI_LOCATIONS 37 #define IDS_ERR_INVALID_INI_CARDS 38 #define IDD_BROWSE_TEMPLATE 38 #define IDS_ERR_INVALID_INI_DRIVERS 39 #ifndef CHICAGO #define IDS_ERR_INVALID_INI_COUNTRIES 40 #endif #define IDS_WRN_AREA_CODE_REQUIRED 41 #define IDS_WRN_INVALID_NUM_STR 42 #define IDS_WRN_INVALID_LOCATION_CARD 43 #define IDS_WRN_DRIVER_IN_USE 44 #define IDS_ERR_DRIVER_FAILED 45 #define IDS_ERR_MULTIPLE_INST 46 #define IDS_DIAL_ASST 47 #define IDS_ERR_UPDATE_LOCATION 48 #define IDS_ERR_UPDATE_CARD 49 #define IDS_WRN_LOCATION_NAME_REQUIRED 50 #define IDS_WRN_CANNOT_CHANGE_DEF_LOC 51 #define IDS_WRN_LOCATION_NAME_REQUIRED 50 #define IDS_PROVIDERERROR_NOT_AN_SP 52 #define IDS_PROVIDERERROR_TOO_OLD 53 #define IDS_PROVIDERERROR_FAILED_INIT 54 #define IDS_WRN_CARD_NAME_REQUIRED 55 #define IDS_WRN_QUITING_WIZ 56 #define IDS_WRN_CANT_REMOVE_LAST_CARD 57 #define IDS_WRN_CARD_NUMBER_REQUIRED 58 #define IDS_MSG_SIMPLEMSG_MDMINSTALLED 59 #define IDD_TELEPHONY 101 #define IDD_GENERIC_LIST 102 #define IDD_TOLL_LIST 104 #define IDD_CREDIT_CARD 105 #define IDD_DIALING_RULES 106 #define IDI_TELEPHONY 108 #define IDD_COPY_DIAL_RULES 109 #define IDD_ADD_DRIVER 111 #define IDD_DEFINE_LOCATION 112 #define IDD_DEFINE_LOCATION_SIMPLE 113 #define IDD_DRIVER_SETUP 116 #define IDD_INSTALL_DRIVER 117 #define IDB_BITMAP1 120 #define IDD_DEBUG_OUT 121 #define ID_LIST 303 #define LB_UNLISTED 306 #define IDS_WRN_TITLE_WARNING 350 #define IDS_WRN_TITLE_NAMEINUSE 351 #define IDS_WRN_TITLE_INVALCHAR 352 #define IDS_WRN_TITLE_SURE 353 #define IDS_WRN_TITLE_REQUIRED 354 #define IDCC_TM_CURR_LOCATION 1000 #define IDD_INSERT_DISK 1000 #define IDD_BROWSE 1001 #define IDD_UNLISTED_DRIVERS 1002 #define IDD_UPDATE 1003 #define IDD_RESTART 1004 #define IDD_EXISTS 1005 #define IDCB_TM_MULT_LOCATIONS 1007 #define IDCB_TM_DRIVER_SETUP 1008 #define IDCB_TM_HELP 1009 #define IDCB_GL_REMOVE 1011 #define IDCB_TL_REMOVE 1012 #define IDCB_TL_ADD 1013 #define IDCB_TL_HELP 1014 #define IDCK_TL_USE_AREA_CODE 1015 #define IDCT_GL_LIST_TEXT 1017 #define IDCB_CC_CUSTOMIZE 1018 #define IDCB_CC_HELP 1019 #define IDCE_CC_CARD_NAME 1020 #define IDCE_CC_CARD_NUM 1021 #define IDCB_DR_COPY_FROM 1022 #define IDCE_CC_PASSWORD_CARD_NUM 1022 #define IDCB_DR_HELP 1023 #define IDCE_DR_LOCAL_NUM 1024 #define IDCE_DR_LONG_NUM 1025 #define IDCE_DR_INTERNATIONAL_NUM 1026 #define IDCL_CR_RULE_LIST 1031 #define IDCB_AD_ADD 1032 #define IDCB_AD_BROWSE 1033 #define IDCH_AD_HELP 1034 #define IDCE_DL_CURR_LOCATION 1035 #define IDCE_DL_LOCAL_CALLS 1036 #define IDCE_DL_LONG_DIST_CALLS 1037 #define IDCE_DL_AREA_CODE 1038 #define psh15 0x040e #define IDCC_DL_COUNTRY_CODE 1039 #define IDCC_DL_CALLING_CARD 1040 #define chx1 0x0410 #define IDCB_DL_TOLL_LIST 1041 #define IDCL_AD_DRIVER_LIST 1042 #define IDCB_DL_CALLCARD_SETUP 1052 #define IDCB_DL_HELP 1053 #define IDCC_TL_TOLL_LIST 1055 #define IDCB_DS_EDIT 1056 #define IDCL_DS_LIST 1057 #define IDCB_DS_ADD 1058 #define IDCB_DS_REMOVE 1059 #define IDCB_DS_HELP 1060 #define IDCK_DR_HIDE_CARD 1061 #define IDCS_TM_LOCAL_CALLS 1062 #define IDCS_TM_LONG_DIST_CALLS 1063 #define IDCS_TM_AREA_CODE 1064 #define IDCS_TM_COUNTRY_CODE 1065 #define IDCS_TM_CALLING_CARD 1066 #define IDCB_INSTALL_BROWSE 1067 #define IDC_BUTTON2 1068 #define IDCB_ID_HELP 1068 #define IDC_EDIT1 1069 #define IDCE_PATHNAME 1069 #define IDT_DEBUG 1070 #define IDCB_TM_CALLCARD_SETUP 1081 #define IDCB_GL_EDIT 1083 #define stc1 0x0440 #define stc2 0x0441 #define IDCB_GL_ADD 1109 #define IDCB_GL_HELP 1112 #define lst1 0x0460 #define IDCL_GL_LIST 1121 #define lst2 0x0461 #define cmb1 0x0470 #define cmb2 0x0471 #define edt1 0x0480 #define ctlLast 0x04ff #define IDS_NAME 2001 #define IDS_NAME2 2002 #define IDS_NOINF 2003 #define IDS_NOINF2 2004 #define IDS_OUTOFDISK 2005 #define IDS_NOINF3 2006 #define IDS_NAME3 2007 #define IDS_RESTARTTEXT 2015 #define IDS_UPDATED 2031 #define IDS_UNLISTED 2034 #define IDS_UNABLE_TOINSTALL 2049 #define IDS_FILEINUSEADD 2053 #define IDS_FILEINUSEREM 2055 #define IDS_FILEINUSEREM2 2056 #define IDS_DRIVER_EXISTS 2058 #define IDS_DIAL_ASST_NOT_SET 2059 #define IDS_WRN_DIAL_ASST_NOT_SET 2060 #define ID_STATUS2 4002 #define IDS_FILENOTINDIR 0x2001 #define IDS_DISKMSG 0x2002 #define IDS_FILEMSG 0x2003 #define IDS_DISKFILEMSG 0x2004 #define IDH_DLG_ADD_UNKNOWN 8803 #define IDD_PATH 0x3002 #define IDD_TEXT 0x3003 #define IDD_ICON 0x3004 #define IDC_STATIC -1 #define IDCC_DL_CURR_LOCATION 5000 #define IDCB_DL_NEW_LOCATION 5001 #define IDCK_DL_IN_LOCAL 5002 #define IDCB_DL_REMOVE_LOCATION 5003 #define IDCB_DL_CHANGE_CARD 5004 #define IDCK_DL_CALLING_CARD 5005 #define IDCK_DL_CALL_WAITING 5006 #define IDCK_DL_PULSE_DIAL 5007 #define IDCC_DL_CALL_WAITING 5008 #define IDCE_DL_CALLING_CARD 5009 #define IDCS_DL_CURR_LOCATION 5010 #define IDCS_DL_AREA_CODE 5011 #define IDCS_DL_COUNTRY_CODE 5012 #define IDCS_DL_OUTSIDE 5013 #define IDCS_DL_LOCAL_CALLS 5014 #define IDCS_DL_LONG_DIST_CALLS 5015 #define IDCS_DL_SILENTTEXT 5016 #define IDCC_DR_CARD_NAME 6000 #define IDCE_DR_CARD_NUM 6001 #define IDCK_DR_IN_LOCAL 6002 #define IDCB_DR_NEW_CARD 6003 #define IDCB_DR_REMOVE_CARD 6004 #define IDCB_DR_ADVANCED 6005 #define IDCS_DR_CARD_NAME 6006 #define IDCS_DR_CARD_NUM 6007 #define IDCS_DR_LOCAL_NUM 6008 #define IDCS_DR_LONG_NUM 6009 #define IDCS_DR_INTERNATIONAL_NUM 6010 #define IDCB_DR_DUMMY 6011 #define IDCR_PULSE 6050 #define IDCR_TONE 6051 #define IDCS_PULSE 6052 #define IDCS_TONE 6053 #define IDD_NEW_LOCATION 7000 #define IDCE_NL_NEW_LOCATION 7001 #define IDCS_NL_NEW_LOCATION 7002 #define IDD_NEW_CARD 8000 #define IDCE_NC_NEW_CARD 8001 #define IDCS_NC_NEW_CARD 8002 #define IDCS_CR_RULE_LIST 8003 #define IDCS_DIAL_NUMBER_TEXT 9000 #define IDCS_DL_DIAL_NUMBER 9001 #define IDCS_DR_DIAL_NUMBER 9002 #define IDCS_LOC_BMP 9100 #define IDCL_LOC_BMP 9101 #define IDCL_LOC_SIMPLE_BMP 9102 #define IDD_CALLING_CARD_CHANGE 9150 #define IDI_LINE_ICON 9200 #define IDI_PHONE_ICON 9201 /* ALERT! Do NOT change this value. It is used by the RNA guys * to identify the Dialing info dialog for their Modems Wizard. */ #define IDD_WIZ_DIALINFO 400 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 122 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1071 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101 #endif #endif #define RC_COUNTRY_ID_BASE 16000 #define RC_COUNTRY_GROUP_BASE 17000 #define RC_COUNTRY_NAME_BASE 27000