/*++ Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: iphlpapi\guid.c Abstract: Cut-n-Paste of rtl\guid.c but without UNICODE_STRINGs Revision History: AmritanR Created --*/ #include "inc.h" #pragma hdrstop #define GUID_FORMAT_W L"{%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}" int __cdecl ScanHexFormat( IN const WCHAR* pwszBuffer, IN ULONG ulCharCount, IN const WCHAR* pwszFormat, ... ) /*++ Routine Description: Scans a source Buffer and places values from that buffer into the parameters as specified by Format. Arguments: pwszBuffer Source buffer which is to be scanned. ulCharCount Maximum length in characters for which Buffer is searched. This implies that Buffer need not be UNICODE_NULL terminated. Format Format string which defines both the acceptable string form as contained in pwszBuffer Return Value: Returns the number of parameters filled if the end of the Buffer is reached, else -1 on an error. --*/ { va_list ArgList; int iFormatItems; va_start(ArgList, pwszFormat); // // Count of number of parameters filled // iFormatItems = 0; for (;;) { switch (*pwszFormat) { case UNICODE_NULL: { // // end of string // return (*pwszBuffer && ulCharCount) ? -1 : iFormatItems; } case L'%': { // // Format specifier // pwszFormat++; if (*pwszFormat != L'%') { ULONG ulNumber; int iWidth; int iLong; PVOID pvPointer; // // So it isnt a %% // iLong = 0; iWidth = 0; for (;;) { if((*pwszFormat >= L'0') && (*pwszFormat <= L'9')) { iWidth = iWidth * 10 + *pwszFormat - '0'; } else { if(*pwszFormat == L'l') { iLong++; } else { if((*pwszFormat == L'X') || (*pwszFormat == L'x')) { break; } } } // // Move to the next specifier // pwszFormat++; } pwszFormat++; for(ulNumber = 0; iWidth--; pwszBuffer++, ulCharCount--) { if(!ulCharCount) { return -1; } ulNumber *= 16; if((*pwszBuffer >= L'0') && (*pwszBuffer <= L'9')) { ulNumber += (*pwszBuffer - L'0'); } else { if((*pwszBuffer >= L'a') && (*pwszBuffer <= L'f')) { ulNumber += (*pwszBuffer - L'a' + 10); } else { if((*pwszBuffer >= L'A') && (*pwszBuffer <= L'F')) { ulNumber += (*pwszBuffer - L'A' + 10); } else { return -1; } } } } pvPointer = va_arg(ArgList, PVOID); if(iLong) { *(PULONG)pvPointer = ulNumber; } else { *(PUSHORT)pvPointer = (USHORT)ulNumber; } iFormatItems++; break; } // // NO BREAK // } default: { if (!ulCharCount || (*pwszBuffer != *pwszFormat)) { return -1; } pwszBuffer++; ulCharCount--; pwszFormat++; break; } } } } DWORD ConvertGuidToString( IN GUID *pGuid, OUT PWCHAR pwszBuffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Constructs the standard string version of a GUID, in the form: "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}". Arguments: pGuid Contains the GUID to translate. pwszBuffer Space for storing the string. Must be >= 39 * sizeof(WCHAR) Return Value: --*/ { return swprintf(pwszBuffer, GUID_FORMAT_W, pGuid->Data1, pGuid->Data2, pGuid->Data3, pGuid->Data4[0], pGuid->Data4[1], pGuid->Data4[2], pGuid->Data4[3], pGuid->Data4[4], pGuid->Data4[5], pGuid->Data4[6], pGuid->Data4[7]); } DWORD ConvertStringToGuid( IN PWCHAR pwszGuid, IN ULONG ulStringLen, OUT GUID *pGuid ) /*++ Routine Description: Retrieves a the binary format of a textual GUID presented in the standard string version of a GUID: "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}". Arguments: GuidString - Place from which to retrieve the textual form of the GUID. Guid - Place in which to put the binary form of the GUID. Return Value: Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the buffer contained a valid GUID, else STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER if the string was invalid. --*/ { USHORT Data4[8]; int Count; if (ScanHexFormat(pwszGuid, ulStringLen/sizeof(WCHAR), GUID_FORMAT_W, &pGuid->Data1, &pGuid->Data2, &pGuid->Data3, &Data4[0], &Data4[1], &Data4[2], &Data4[3], &Data4[4], &Data4[5], &Data4[6], &Data4[7]) == -1) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } for(Count = 0; Count < sizeof(Data4)/sizeof(Data4[0]); Count++) { pGuid->Data4[Count] = (UCHAR)Data4[Count]; } return NO_ERROR; }