/* commands.c Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Implementation of Telnet Commands */ #pragma warning( disable: 4201 ) #pragma warning( disable: 4100 ) #include /* required for all Windows applications */ #include #include #include #include #include "commands.h" #include "WinTel.h" /* specific to this program */ #include "debug.h" #include "trmio.h" #include "telnet.h" extern WI gwi; extern HINSTANCE ghInstance; extern HANDLE g_hRemoteNEscapeModeDataSync; extern HANDLE g_hCaptureConsoleEvent; extern WCHAR g_szKbdEscape[]; extern BOOL g_bIsEscapeCharValid; extern BOOL bDoVtNTFirstTime; extern BOOL fPrintMessageToSessionConsole; BOOL bOnlyOnce = 1; BOOL bBufferSizeChanged = 0; BOOL bWindowSizeChanged = 0; BOOL bMaxWindow = 0; extern SMALL_RECT srOldClientWindow; extern TCHAR g_szLogFile[]; extern g_fSentWillNaws; void SetWindowSize( HANDLE ); void GetErrMsgString( DWORD, LPTSTR* ); BOOL StuffEscapeIACs( PUCHAR* ppBufDest, UCHAR bufSrc[], DWORD* pdwSize ); void ConvertAndSendVTNTData( LPTSTR pData, int iLen ); void *SfuZeroMemory( void *ptr, unsigned int cnt ) { volatile char *vptr = (volatile char *)ptr; while (cnt) { *vptr = 0; vptr ++; cnt --; } return ptr; } BOOL PromptUser() { DWORD dwLength = 1; INPUT_RECORD irRec; ResetEvent( g_hCaptureConsoleEvent ); ui.bPromptForNtlm = TRUE; irRec.EventType = FOCUS_EVENT; irRec.Event.FocusEvent.bSetFocus = TRUE; WriteConsoleInput( gwi.hInput, &irRec, dwLength, &dwLength ); WaitForSingleObject( g_hCaptureConsoleEvent, INFINITE ); return ui.bSendCredsToRemoteSite; } //NULL as the last arg is a MUST when you are using Write function void Write(LPTSTR lpszFmtStr, ...) { DWORD dwWritten; DWORD dwSize = 0; va_list vaArgList; TCHAR *szBuf = NULL; TCHAR *szArg = lpszFmtStr; if( !lpszFmtStr ) { return; } va_start( vaArgList, lpszFmtStr ); while( szArg ) { dwSize += wcslen( szArg ); szArg = va_arg( vaArgList, LPWSTR ); } va_end( vaArgList ); szBuf = ( TCHAR *) malloc( ( dwSize + 1 ) * sizeof( TCHAR ) ); if( !szBuf ) { return; } szBuf[dwSize] = 0; va_start( vaArgList, lpszFmtStr ); //PREFIX gives "untrusted function". We want to use _vsntprintf(). Won't fix. _vsntprintf( szBuf, dwSize,lpszFmtStr, vaArgList ); va_end( vaArgList ); WriteConsole(gwi.hOutput, szBuf, _tcslen(szBuf), &dwWritten, NULL); free( szBuf ); } void WriteMessage( DWORD dwMsgId, WCHAR szEnglishString[] ) { WCHAR szMsg[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; if( !LoadString( ghInstance, dwMsgId, szMsg, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ) ) { lstrcpyn( szMsg, szEnglishString, MAX_STRING_LENGTH - sizeof(WCHAR) ); } Write( szMsg, NULL ); } void FreeLoggingDataStructs() { if( g_rgciCharInfo != NULL ) (void)LocalFree( (HLOCAL)g_rgciCharInfo ); if (g_rgchRow != NULL) (void)LocalFree( (HLOCAL)g_rgchRow ); g_rgchRow = NULL; g_rgciCharInfo = NULL; } BOOL CloseTelnetSession(LPTSTR szCommand) { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbInfo; if( FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeIMEFarEast) && bOnlyOnce && (gwi.hOutput != g_hTelnetPromptConsoleBuffer)) { bOnlyOnce = 0; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( g_hSessionConsoleBuffer, &csbInfo ); if( bBufferSizeChanged ) { csbInfo.dwSize.Y -= 1; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize( g_hSessionConsoleBuffer, csbInfo.dwSize ); } if( bWindowSizeChanged ) { csbInfo.srWindow.Bottom -= 1; SetConsoleWindowInfo( g_hSessionConsoleBuffer, TRUE, &csbInfo.srWindow); } } bDoVtNTFirstTime = 1; if( fConnected ) { fConnected = FHangupConnection(&gwi, &(gwi.nd)); } if( ui.bLogging ) { FreeLoggingDataStructs(); } ui.dwMaxRow = 0; ui.dwMaxCol = 0; srOldClientWindow.Left = srOldClientWindow.Right = 0; srOldClientWindow.Top = srOldClientWindow.Bottom = 0; SetEvent( g_hRemoteNEscapeModeDataSync ); SetConsoleTitle( szAppName ); g_fSentWillNaws = FALSE; //so that it does naws when we connect again. return FALSE; } extern CHAR* rgchTermType[]; BOOL DisplayParameters(LPTSTR szCommand) { TCHAR szTermType[81]; DWORD dwLen = 0; SfuZeroMemory(szTermType, sizeof(szTermType)); if( g_bIsEscapeCharValid ) { Write( g_szKbdEscape, NULL ); } else { TCHAR szMsg[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; LoadString( ghInstance, IDS_NO_ESCAPE , szMsg, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); Write( szMsg, NULL ); } if ( ui.bWillAUTH ) Write( szWillAuth, NULL ); else Write( szWontAuth, NULL ); if( ui.fDebug & fdwLocalEcho ) Write( szLocalEchoOn, NULL ); else Write( szLocalEchoOff, NULL ); if( ui.bLogging ) { TCHAR szFileNameTitle[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ]; WriteMessage( IDS_LOGGING_ON, ( LPTSTR ) TEXT( MSG_LOGGING_ON ) ); LoadString( ghInstance, IDS_LOGFILE_NAME, szFileNameTitle, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); Write( szFileNameTitle, g_szLogFile, NULL ); } if( ui.dwCrLf ) { WriteMessage( IDS_CRLF, ( LPTSTR ) _T( MSG_CRLF ) ); } else { WriteMessage( IDS_CR, ( LPTSTR ) _T( MSG_CR ) ); } if( g_bSendBackSpaceAsDel ) { WriteMessage( IDS_BACKSPACEASDEL, ( LPTSTR ) _T( MSG_BACKSPACEASDEL ) ); } if( g_bSendDelAsBackSpace ) { WriteMessage( IDS_DELASBACKSPACE, ( LPTSTR ) _T( MSG_DELASBACKSPACE ) ); } if( (FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeFarEast) && FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeVT80)) && FIsVT80(&gwi.trm) && (gwi.trm.RequestedTermType != TT_VTNT) ) { int i =0; for(i=0 ; i 0 ) { TCHAR *szMode = NULL; szMode = ( TCHAR * ) malloc( ( dwSize + 1 )* sizeof( TCHAR ) ); if( szMode != NULL ) { dwSize = GetEnvironmentVariable( TEXT( SFUTLNTMODE ), szMode, dwSize + 1 ); if( _tcsicmp( szMode, TEXT( CONSOLE )) == 0 ) { dwSize = 0; //indicating console mode } else { WriteMessage( IDS_CURRENT_MODE, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_CURRENT_MODE ) ); WriteMessage( IDS_STREAM_ONLY, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_STREAM_ONLY ) ); } free( szMode ); } } if( dwSize == 0 ) { //console mode WriteMessage( IDS_CURRENT_MODE, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_CURRENT_MODE ) ); WriteMessage( IDS_CONSOLE_ONLY, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_CONSOLE_ONLY ) ); } } //#if defined(FE_IME) // if( ui.fDebug & fdwEnableIMESupport ) // { // Write( szEnableIMEOn, NULL ); // } //#endif /* FE_IME */ dwLen = sizeof(szTermType)/sizeof(WCHAR); szTermType[dwLen -1] = 0; _snwprintf( szTermType,dwLen -1, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("%S"), rgchTermType[gwi.trm.RequestedTermType] ); Write( szPrefTermType, szTermType, NULL ); // when we are connected we need to say what we are connected at. if ( fConnected && gwi.trm.SentTermType != TT_UNKNOWN ) { _snwprintf( szTermType,(sizeof(szTermType)/sizeof(WCHAR))-1, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("%S"), rgchTermType[gwi.trm.SentTermType]); Write( szNegoTermType, szTermType, NULL ); } return FALSE; } /* This initialization happens on every OpenTelnetSession() and the meemory is freed on every CloseTelnetSession() */ BOOL InitLoggingDataStructs() { UINT uiSize = 0; if( g_rgchRow ) { //This is needed because rows and cols may have changed FreeLoggingDataStructs(); } uiSize = (UINT)(sizeof(CHAR_INFO) * ui.dwMaxCol); if( FGetCodeMode( eCodeModeFarEast ) ) { uiSize *= 3; // accounting for a lot of multi byte chars } g_rgciCharInfo = (PCHAR_INFO)LocalAlloc(LPTR, uiSize ); g_rgchRow = (UCHAR *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, uiSize ); if ( !g_rgchRow || !g_rgciCharInfo ) { ui.bLogging = FALSE; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CloseLogging() { CloseHandle(ui.hLogFile); ui.hLogFile = NULL; return TRUE; } BOOL StopLogging() { ui.bLogging = FALSE; FreeLoggingDataStructs(); return TRUE; } BOOL InitLogFile( LPTSTR szCommand ) { if( ui.hLogFile ) { CloseLogging( ); } ui.hLogFile = CreateFile( szCommand, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if (ui.hLogFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LPWSTR szErrMsg = NULL; ui.bLogging = FALSE; ui.hLogFile = NULL; GetErrMsgString( GetLastError(), &szErrMsg ); Write( szErrMsg, L"\r\n", NULL ); LocalFree( szErrMsg ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL StartLogging( ) { ui.bLogging = FALSE; if( !ui.hLogFile ) //If we have valid logfile { return FALSE; } ui.bLogging = TRUE; if( ui.dwMaxRow != 0 && ui.dwMaxCol != 0 ) { InitLoggingDataStructs(); } return TRUE; } INT GetRequestedTermType( LPTSTR pszTerm ) { if( !_tcsicmp( pszTerm, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("ansi") )) return 0; if( !_tcsicmp( pszTerm, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("vt100") )) return 1; if( !_tcsicmp( pszTerm, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("vt52") )) return 2; if( !_tcsicmp( pszTerm, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("vtnt") )) return 3; return -1; } void SqueezeWhiteSpace( TCHAR s[] ) { INT i,j; if( s == NULL ) { return; } for( i = 0, j= 0; s[i] != _T('\0'); i++ ) if( !iswspace( s[i] ) ) { s[j++] = s[i]; } s[j] = _T('\0'); } void RemoveLeadingNTrailingWhiteSpaces( LPTSTR *pOption ) { DWORD dwIndex = 0; if( *pOption == NULL ) { return; } dwIndex = wcslen( *pOption ); if( dwIndex <= 0 ) { return; } while( iswspace( (*pOption)[ dwIndex - 1 ] ) && dwIndex > 0 ) { dwIndex--; } (*pOption)[ dwIndex ] = L'\0'; while( iswspace( *( *pOption ) ) ) { (*pOption)++; } } BOOL SendOptions( LPTSTR pOption ) { if( pOption == NULL ) { WriteMessage( IDS_SEND_FORMAT, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_SEND_FORMAT ) ); return FALSE; } RemoveLeadingNTrailingWhiteSpaces( &pOption ); if( *pOption== _T('?') ) { WriteMessage( IDS_SEND_HELP, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_SEND_HELP ) ); return FALSE; } if( !fConnected ) { WriteMessage( IDS_NOT_CONNECTED, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_NOT_CONNECTED ) ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("AO") ) ) { /* Our server does nothing on receiving AO. This is for other servers */ FSendTelnetCommands(gwi.hwnd, (char)AO); WriteMessage( IDS_SENT_AO, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_SENT_AO ) ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("AYT") ) ) { FSendTelnetCommands(gwi.hwnd, (char)AYT); WriteMessage( IDS_SENT_AYT, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_SENT_AYT ) ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("ESC") ) ) { if(gwi.trm.CurrentTermType == TT_VTNT) { ConvertAndSendVTNTData(&g_chEsc,1); } else { FSendChars( gwi.hwnd, &g_chEsc, sizeof( g_chEsc ) / sizeof( WCHAR ) ); } WriteMessage( IDS_SENT_ESC, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_SENT_ESC ) ); return FALSE;; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("IP") ) ) { FSendTelnetCommands(gwi.hwnd, (char)IP); WriteMessage( IDS_SENT_IP, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_SENT_IP ) ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("SYNCH") ) ) { FSendSynch( gwi.hwnd ); WriteMessage( IDS_SENT_SYNCH, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_SENT_SYNCH ) ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("BRK") ) ) { FSendTelnetCommands(gwi.hwnd, (char)BREAK ); WriteMessage( IDS_SENT_BRK, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_SENT_BRK ) ); return FALSE; } //If none of the above send as it is { WCHAR szMsg[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ]; if(gwi.trm.CurrentTermType == TT_VTNT) { ConvertAndSendVTNTData(pOption,wcslen(pOption)); } else { FSendChars( gwi.hwnd, pOption, wcslen( pOption ) ); } if( !LoadString( ghInstance, IDS_SENT_CHARS, szMsg, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ) ) { wcscpy( szMsg, TEXT( MSG_SENT_CHARS ) ); //no overflow. LoadString will return NULL terminated string. } Write( szMsg, pOption, NULL ); } return FALSE; } /*++ If the data to be sent to the server is VTNT data, it cannot be sent as it is. This function will convert the given string ( pData ) into INPUT_RECORDS and send it through the socket. This is needed since the server expects VTNT data in INPUT_RECORD format and not in characters. --*/ void ConvertAndSendVTNTData( LPTSTR pData, int iLen ) { INPUT_RECORD sInputRecord; PUCHAR destBuf = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0; int iIndex = 0; while(iLen) { sInputRecord.EventType = KEY_EVENT; sInputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown = TRUE; sInputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar = pData[iIndex]; dwSize = sizeof( INPUT_RECORD ); if( !StuffEscapeIACs( &destBuf, (PUCHAR) &sInputRecord, &dwSize ) ) { FWriteToNet(&gwi, (char *)&sInputRecord, sizeof(INPUT_RECORD)); } else { FWriteToNet( &gwi, ( CHAR* )destBuf, dwSize ); dwSize = 0; } iIndex++; iLen --; } if(destBuf) free( destBuf ); } BOOL SetOptions( LPTSTR pOption ) { TCHAR szLoggingOn[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; if( pOption == NULL ) { Write( szSetFormat, NULL ); return FALSE; } RemoveLeadingNTrailingWhiteSpaces( &pOption ); if( *pOption== _T('?') ) { Write( szSetHelp, NULL ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("BSASDEL") ) ) { g_bSendBackSpaceAsDel = TRUE; WriteMessage( IDS_BACKSPACEASDEL, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_BACKSPACEASDEL ) ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("CRLF") ) ) { SetLineMode( &( gwi.trm ) ); ui.dwCrLf=TRUE; WriteMessage( IDS_CRLF, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_CRLF ) ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("DELASBS") ) ) { g_bSendDelAsBackSpace = TRUE; WriteMessage( IDS_DELASBACKSPACE, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_DELASBACKSPACE ) ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsnicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("MODE"), wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("MODE") ) ) && iswspace( *( pOption + wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("MODE") ) ) ) ) { TCHAR* pMode = NULL; pOption += wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("MODE") ); pMode = _tcstok( pOption, ( LPTSTR )_T(" \t") ); if( pMode ) { SqueezeWhiteSpace( pMode ); if( pMode[ 0 ] != L'\0' ) { if( !_tcsicmp( pMode, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( STREAM )) ) { if( !SetEnvironmentVariable( TEXT( SFUTLNTMODE ), TEXT( STREAM ) ) ) { DWORD dwError = 0; ASSERT( 0 ); dwError = GetLastError(); } WriteMessage( IDS_STREAM, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_STREAM ) ); return FALSE; } else if( !_tcsicmp( pMode, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( CONSOLE ) ) ) { if( !SetEnvironmentVariable( TEXT( SFUTLNTMODE ), TEXT( CONSOLE ) ) ) { DWORD dwError = 0; ASSERT( 0 ); dwError = GetLastError(); } WriteMessage( IDS_CONSOLE, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_CONSOLE ) ); return FALSE; } else { WriteMessage(IDS_SUPPORTED_MODES, (LPTSTR) TEXT ( MSG_SUPPORTED_MODES) ); return FALSE; } } } } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("NTLM") ) ) { ui.bWillAUTH = 1; Write( szWillAuth, NULL ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("LOCALECHO") ) ) { ui.fDebug |= fdwLocalEcho; Write( szLocalEchoOn, NULL ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsnicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("LOGFILE"), wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("LOGFILE") ) ) && iswspace( *( pOption + wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("LOGFILE") ) ) ) ) { TCHAR szMsg[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; TCHAR* pTerm = NULL; pOption += wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("LOGFILE") ); pTerm = _tcstok( pOption, ( LPTSTR )_T(" \t") ); if( pTerm ) { SqueezeWhiteSpace( pTerm ); if( !InitLogFile( pTerm ) ) { LoadString( ghInstance, IDS_BAD_LOGFILE, szMsg, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); Write( szMsg, NULL ); return FALSE; } } LoadString( ghInstance, IDS_LOGFILE_NAME, szMsg, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); Write( szMsg, pTerm, NULL ); wcsncpy( g_szLogFile, pTerm, MAX_PATH ); StartLogging( ); LoadString( ghInstance, IDS_LOGGING_ON, szLoggingOn, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); Write( szLoggingOn, NULL ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("LOGGING") ) ) { if( StartLogging() ) { LoadString( ghInstance, IDS_LOGGING_ON, szLoggingOn, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); } else { LoadString( ghInstance, IDS_NO_LOGFILE, szLoggingOn, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); } Write( szLoggingOn, NULL ); return FALSE; } if( ( !_tcsnicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("ESCAPE"), wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("ESCAPE") ) ) ) && ( iswspace( *( pOption + wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("ESCAPE") ) ) ) || *( pOption + wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("ESCAPE") ) ) == L'\0' ) ) { TCHAR* pTerm = NULL; pOption += wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("ESCAPE") ); pTerm = _tcstok( pOption, ( LPTSTR )_T(" \t") ); if( pTerm ) { SqueezeWhiteSpace( pTerm ); if( pTerm[ 0 ] != L'\0' ) { SetEscapeChar( pTerm[ 0 ] ); } } g_bIsEscapeCharValid = TRUE; Write( g_szKbdEscape, NULL ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsnicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("TERM"), wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("TERM") ) ) && iswspace( *( pOption + wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("TERM") ) ) ) ) { TCHAR* pTerm = NULL; pOption += wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("TERM") ); pTerm = _tcstok( pOption, ( LPTSTR )_T(" \t") ); if( pTerm ) { int iTermType; SqueezeWhiteSpace( pTerm ); if( (iTermType = GetRequestedTermType( pTerm )) < 0 ) { Write( szSupportedTerms, NULL ); return FALSE; } else { gwi.trm.RequestedTermType = iTermType; } Write( szPrefTermType, pTerm, NULL ); if (FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeFarEast) && FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeVT80)) { ui.fDebug &= ~(fdwVT52Mode|fdwVT80Mode); ui.fDebug &= ~(fdwKanjiModeMask); ClearVT80(&gwi.trm); ClearKanjiStatus(&gwi.trm, CLEAR_ALL); ClearKanjiFlag(&gwi.trm); SetupCharSet(&gwi.trm); } } return FALSE; } if((GetACP() == JAP_CODEPAGE ) && (FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeFarEast) && FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeVT80)) && !_tcsnicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("CODESET"), wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("CODESET") ) ) && iswspace( *( pOption + wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("CODESET") ) ) ) ) { TCHAR* pCodeset = NULL; pOption += wcslen( ( LPTSTR )TEXT("CODESET") ); RemoveLeadingNTrailingWhiteSpaces( &pOption ); pCodeset = pOption; if( pCodeset ) { int i; for(i=0 ; i= NUMBER_OF_KANJI ) { WriteMessage(IDS_SET_CODESET_FORMAT, (LPTSTR) TEXT ( MSG_SET_CODESET_FORMAT) ); } } return FALSE; } Write( szSetFormat, NULL ); return FALSE; } BOOL UnsetOptions( LPTSTR pOption ) { if ( pOption == NULL ) { Write( szUnsetFormat, NULL ); return FALSE; } RemoveLeadingNTrailingWhiteSpaces( &pOption ); if ( *pOption == _T('?') ) { Write( szUnsetHelp, NULL ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("BSASDEL") ) ) { g_bSendBackSpaceAsDel = FALSE; WriteMessage( IDS_BACKSPACEASBACKSPACE, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_BACKSPACEASBACKSPACE ) ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("CRLF") ) ) { ClearLineMode( &( gwi.trm ) ); ui.dwCrLf= FALSE; WriteMessage( IDS_CR, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_CR ) ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("DELASBS") ) ) { g_bSendDelAsBackSpace = FALSE; WriteMessage( IDS_DELASDEL, ( LPTSTR )TEXT( MSG_DELASDEL ) ); return FALSE; } if ( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("NTLM") ) ) { ui.bWillAUTH = 0; Write( szWontAuth, NULL ); return FALSE; } if ( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("LOCALECHO") ) ) { ui.fDebug &= ~fdwLocalEcho; Write( szLocalEchoOff, NULL ); return FALSE; } if( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("LOGGING") ) ) { TCHAR szLoggingOff[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; LoadString( ghInstance, IDS_LOGGING_OFF, szLoggingOff, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); Write( szLoggingOff, NULL ); StopLogging(); return FALSE; } if ( !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("ESCAPE") ) ) { TCHAR szMsg[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; g_bIsEscapeCharValid = FALSE; LoadString( ghInstance, IDS_NO_ESCAPE , szMsg, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); Write( szMsg, NULL ); return FALSE; } if ((GetACP() == JAP_CODEPAGE ) && (FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeFarEast) && FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeVT80)) && !_tcsicmp( pOption, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("CODESET") ) ) { TCHAR szNoEmulation[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; ui.fDebug &= ~(fdwVT52Mode|fdwVT80Mode); ui.fDebug &= ~(fdwKanjiModeMask); ClearVT80(&gwi.trm); ClearKanjiStatus(&gwi.trm, CLEAR_ALL); ClearKanjiFlag(&gwi.trm); SetupCharSet(&gwi.trm); LoadString( ghInstance, IDS_NO_EMULATION, szNoEmulation, MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); Write( szNoEmulation, NULL ); return FALSE; } Write( szUnsetFormat, NULL ); return FALSE; } /*#if defined(FE_IME) BOOL EnableIMEOptions( LPTSTR pOption ) { do { if ( pOption == NULL ) { Write( szEnableIMEFormat, NULL ); break; } if ( *pOption == _T('?') ) { Write( szEnableIMEHelp, NULL ); break; } if ( !_tcsicmp( pOption, TEXT("IME") ) ) { ui.fDebug |= fdwEnableIMESupport; break; } else { Write( szEnableIMEFormat, NULL ); break; } } while ( FALSE ); return FALSE; } BOOL DisableIMEOptions( LPTSTR pOption ) { do { if ( pOption == NULL ) { Write( szDisableIMEFormat, NULL ); break; } if ( *pOption == _T('?') ) { Write( szDisableIMEHelp, NULL ); break; } if ( !_tcsicmp( pOption, TEXT("IME") ) ) { ui.fDebug &= ~(fdwEnableIMESupport); break; } else { Write( szDisableIMEFormat, NULL ); break; } } while ( FALSE ); return FALSE; } **/ //#endif /* FE_IME */ // // (a-roopb) Added below routine to fix to bug 1007 // LPTSTR SkipLeadingWhiteSpaces( LPTSTR szCommand ) { int i=0; while( szCommand[i] && _istspace( szCommand[i] ) ) { ++i; } return szCommand+i; } extern DWORD HandleTelnetSession( WI* pwi ); void ClearInitialScreen( HANDLE hConsole ) { DWORD dwNumWritten; COORD dwWriteCoord; dwWriteCoord.X = 0; dwWriteCoord.Y = 0; FillConsoleOutputCharacter( hConsole, ' ', ( gwi.sbi.dwSize.X ) * ( gwi.sbi.dwSize.Y ), dwWriteCoord, &dwNumWritten ); FillConsoleOutputAttribute( hConsole, gwi.sbi.wAttributes, ( gwi.sbi.dwSize.X ) * ( gwi.sbi.dwSize.Y ), dwWriteCoord, &dwNumWritten ); } //This sets a global variable with the port number void GetPortNumber( ) { CHAR szPortString[ cchMaxHostName ]; struct servent *serv; rgService = TELNET_PORT ; if( IsCharAlpha( g_szPortNameOrNo[0] ) ) { _snprintf( szPortString,cchMaxHostName-1, "%lS", g_szPortNameOrNo ); if((serv = getservbyname( szPortString, "tcp")) != NULL) { rgService = htons( (SHORT)serv->s_port ); } else { rgService = 0; } } else if( IsCharAlphaNumeric( g_szPortNameOrNo[0] ) ) { rgService = _ttoi( g_szPortNameOrNo ); } return; } void PrepareForNAWS( ) { // Now we need to set the correct sizes. // ui.dwMaxRow = gwi.sbi.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y; //ui.dwMaxCol = gwi.sbi.dwMaximumWindowSize.X; //This change is meant for making the client provide scrolling ui.dwMaxRow = gwi.sbi.dwSize.Y; ui.dwMaxCol = gwi.sbi.dwSize.X; } BOOL OpenTelnetSession( LPTSTR pszCommand ) { DWORD dwWritten; DWORD dwRead; LPTSTR pszPort; LPTSTR pszHost; CHAR szHstNam[MAX_PATH + 1] = { 0 }; WCHAR szTitleName[MAX_PATH + 2 + MAX_PATH ]; TCHAR szCommand[255] = { 0 }; DWORD dwMode = ( DWORD )-1; COORD coOrgin = { 0, 0 }; gwi.eState=Connecting; if( pszCommand == NULL ) { WriteConsole( gwi.hOutput, szOpenTo, _tcslen(szOpenTo), &dwWritten, NULL ); if( ReadConsole( gwi.hInput, szCommand, ( sizeof( szCommand ) /sizeof( TCHAR) )- sizeof( TCHAR ) , &dwRead, NULL ) ) { // no input ?? if( dwRead == 2 ) { WriteConsole( gwi.hOutput, szOpenUsage, _tcslen(szOpenUsage), &dwWritten, NULL ); return FALSE; } } else { //error ; do something ? return FALSE; } // Null Terminate the string and remove the newline characters. szCommand[ dwRead - 1 ] = 0; szCommand[ dwRead - 2 ] = 0; // // (a-roopb) Added below 5 lines to fix to bug 1007 // pszCommand = SkipLeadingWhiteSpaces( szCommand ); if( !_tcslen(pszCommand) ) { WriteConsole( gwi.hOutput, szOpenUsage, _tcslen(szOpenUsage), &dwWritten, NULL ); return FALSE; } } if ( fConnected ) { CloseTelnetSession( NULL ); } pszHost = _tcstok( pszCommand, ( LPTSTR )TEXT(" ") ); pszPort = _tcstok( NULL, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("") ); g_szPortNameOrNo[ 0 ] = 0; if( pszPort != NULL ) { _tcsncpy( g_szPortNameOrNo, pszPort , cchMaxHostName - 1); } GetPortNumber(); if(pszHost!=NULL) { _tcsncpy( rgchHostName, pszHost, min( _tcslen(pszHost)+1, cchMaxHostName - 1 ) ); } else { return FALSE; } rgchHostName[cchMaxHostName - 1]= _T('\0'); // need to get the current window size before creating the session. // This is needed both for NAWS negotiation and also for creating a matching // session buffer. GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( g_hTelnetPromptConsoleBuffer, &gwi.sbi ); SetWindowSize( g_hSessionConsoleBuffer ); if( FGetCodeMode( eCodeModeIMEFarEast ) ) { if( ( gwi.sbi.srWindow.Bottom - gwi.sbi.srWindow.Top + 1 ) == gwi.sbi.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y ) { gwi.sbi.dwSize.Y -= 1; gwi.sbi.srWindow.Bottom -= 1; bMaxWindow = 1; } } PrepareForNAWS(); if( ui.bLogging ) { if( !InitLoggingDataStructs() ) { return FALSE; } } // // (a-roopb) Hack to fix bug 1092. Users may set the terminal emulation type // before session start and DoTermReset sets the emulation types etc. to // defaults. So we reset the emulation type after call to DoTermReset. // if ((FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeFarEast) && FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeVT80)) && ui.fDebug & fdwKanjiModeMask) { dwMode = ui.fDebug & fdwKanjiModeMask; } else { dwMode = ( DWORD )-1; } DoTermReset(&gwi, &gwi.trm); // // (a-roopb) Hack to fix bug 1092. Users may set the terminal emulation type // before session start and DoTermReset sets the emulation types etc. to // default. So we reset the emulation type again here to user chosen one. // if((FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeFarEast) && FGetCodeMode(eCodeModeVT80)) && !(dwMode & 0x80000000) ) { int i; for( i=0 ; i csbInfoOfPrompt.dwSize.Y - 1 ) { srRead.Bottom = ( SHORT ) ( csbInfoOfPrompt.dwSize.Y - 1 ); } } else { break; } } free( pcInfo ); SetConsoleWindowInfo( g_hSessionConsoleBuffer, TRUE, &csbInfoOfPrompt.srWindow ); SetConsoleCursorPosition( g_hSessionConsoleBuffer, csbInfoOfPrompt.dwCursorPosition ); return( TRUE ); } } return( FALSE ); } BOOL QuitTelnet(LPTSTR szCommand) { // Exit gracefully. if( ui.bLogging ) { //Close file handles if any CloseLogging(); } CopyNPastePromptScreen( ); CloseTelnetSession(NULL); PostMessage(gwi.hwnd, WM_QUIT, 0, 0L); return TRUE; } BOOL PrintStatus( LPTSTR szCommand ) { TCHAR szHstNam[512]; TCHAR szTermType[81]; if ( fConnected ) { _snwprintf( szHstNam,511, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("%S"), gwi.nd.szHostName ); Write( szConnectedTo, szHstNam, NULL ); if( gwi.trm.SentTermType != TT_UNKNOWN ) { _snwprintf(szTermType,80, ( LPTSTR )TEXT("%S"), rgchTermType[gwi.trm.SentTermType]); Write( szNegoTermType, szTermType, NULL ); } } else { Write( szNotConnected, NULL ); } return FALSE; }