#ifndef CLUSTERPAGE_H #define CLUSTERPAGE_H #include "stdafx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "MNLBUIData.h" #include "CommonClusterPage.h" class ClusterPage : public CPropertyPage { public: enum { IDD = IDD_CLUSTER_PAGE, }; ClusterPage( CPropertySheet *pshOwner, LeftView::OPERATION op, NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION *pNlbCfg, ENGINEHANDLE ehCluster OPTIONAL // ENGINEHANDLE ehInterface OPTIONAL ); ~ClusterPage(); // overrides of CPropertyPage virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual BOOL OnNotify(WPARAM idCtrl , LPARAM pnmh , LRESULT* pResult) ; virtual BOOL OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) ; BOOL SetActive(void); BOOL KillActive(void); afx_msg BOOL OnHelpInfo (HELPINFO* helpInfo ); afx_msg void OnContextMenu( CWnd* pWnd, CPoint point ); void mfn_SaveToNlbCfg(void); protected: LeftView::OPERATION m_operation; // operational context BOOL m_fWizard; // if this is a wizard BOOL m_fDisableClusterProperties; // if we're to disable // cluster properties. ENGINEHANDLE m_ehCluster; // engine handle to cluster (could be NULL) // ENGINEHANDLE m_ehInterface; // engine handle to inteface (could be NULL) // // Pointer to the object that does the actual work // CCommonClusterPage* m_pCommonClusterPage; // // The struct to be passed to the CCommonClusterPage as input and output // NETCFG_WLBS_CONFIG m_WlbsConfig; CPropertySheet *m_pshOwner; // // The (New) place to get/save config. // NLB_EXTENDED_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION *m_pNlbCfg; void mfn_LoadFromNlbCfg(void); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; static DWORD g_aHelpIDs_IDD_CLUSTER_PAGE [] = { IDC_GROUP_CL_IP, IDC_GROUP_CL_IP, IDC_TEXT_CL_IP, IDC_EDIT_CL_IP, IDC_EDIT_CL_IP, IDC_EDIT_CL_IP, IDC_TEXT_CL_MASK, IDC_EDIT_CL_MASK, IDC_EDIT_CL_MASK, IDC_EDIT_CL_MASK, IDC_TEXT_DOMAIN, IDC_EDIT_DOMAIN, IDC_EDIT_DOMAIN, IDC_EDIT_DOMAIN, IDC_TEXT_ETH, IDC_EDIT_ETH, IDC_EDIT_ETH, IDC_EDIT_ETH, IDC_GROUP_CL_MODE, IDC_GROUP_CL_MODE, IDC_RADIO_UNICAST, IDC_RADIO_UNICAST, IDC_RADIO_MULTICAST, IDC_RADIO_MULTICAST, IDC_CHECK_IGMP, IDC_CHECK_IGMP, IDC_GROUP_RCT, IDC_CHECK_RCT, IDC_CHECK_RCT, IDC_CHECK_RCT, IDC_TEXT_PASSW, IDC_EDIT_PASSW, IDC_EDIT_PASSW, IDC_EDIT_PASSW, IDC_TEXT_PASSW2, IDC_EDIT_PASSW2, IDC_EDIT_PASSW2, IDC_EDIT_PASSW2, 0, 0 }; #endif