/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: runtime.c Abstract: Implementation of runtime library functions Environment: Fax driver, kernel and user mode Revision History: 01/09/96 -davidx- Created it. mm/dd/yy -author- description --*/ #include "faxlib.h" VOID CopyStringW( PWSTR pDest, PWSTR pSrc, INT destSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Copy Unicode string from source to destination Arguments: pDest - Points to the destination buffer pSrc - Points to source string destSize - Size of destination buffer (in characters) Return Value: NONE Note: If the source string is shorter than the destination buffer, unused chars in the destination buffer is filled with NUL. --*/ { PWSTR pEnd; Assert(pDest != NULL && pSrc != NULL && destSize > 0); pEnd = pDest + (destSize - 1); while (pDest < pEnd && (*pDest++ = *pSrc++) != NUL) ; while (pDest <= pEnd) *pDest++ = NUL; } VOID CopyStringA( PSTR pDest, PSTR pSrc, INT destSize ) /*++ Routine Description: Copy Ansi string from source to destination Arguments: pDest - Points to the destination buffer pSrc - Points to source string destSize - Size of destination buffer (in characters) Return Value: NONE Note: If the source string is shorter than the destination buffer, unused chars in the destination buffer is filled with NUL. --*/ { PSTR pEnd; Assert(pDest != NULL && pSrc != NULL && destSize > 0); pEnd = pDest + (destSize - 1); while (pDest < pEnd && (*pDest++ = *pSrc++) != NUL) ; while (pDest <= pEnd) *pDest++ = NUL; } LPTSTR DuplicateString( LPCTSTR pSrcStr ) /*++ Routine Description: Make a duplicate of the given character string Arguments: pSrcStr - Specifies the string to be duplicated Return Value: Pointer to the duplicated string, NULL if there is an error --*/ { LPTSTR pDestStr; INT strSize; if (pSrcStr != NULL) { strSize = SizeOfString(pSrcStr); if (pDestStr = MemAlloc(strSize)) CopyMemory(pDestStr, pSrcStr, strSize); else Error(("Memory allocation failed\n")); } else pDestStr = NULL; return pDestStr; } PCSTR StripDirPrefixA( PCSTR pFilename ) /*++ Routine Description: Strip the directory prefix off a filename (ANSI version) Arguments: pFilename Pointer to filename string Return Value: Pointer to the last component of a filename (without directory prefix) --*/ { LPCSTR pstr; if (pstr = strrchr(pFilename, FAX_PATH_SEPARATOR_CHR)) return pstr + 1; return pFilename; }