/*++ Copyright (c) 1990-2003 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved Module Name: util.c Abstract: This module provides all the utility functions for localui. // @@BEGIN_DDKSPLIT Revision History: // @@END_DDKSPLIT --*/ #include "precomp.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "spltypes.h" #include "local.h" #include "localui.h" PWSTR ConstructXcvName( PCWSTR pServerName, PCWSTR pObjectName, PCWSTR pObjectType ) { size_t cchOutput; PWSTR pOut; cchOutput = pServerName ? (wcslen(pServerName) + 2) : 1; /* "\\Server\," */ cchOutput += wcslen(pObjectType) + 2; /* "\\Server\,XcvPort _" */ cchOutput += pObjectName ? wcslen(pObjectName) : 0; /* "\\Server\,XcvPort Object_" */ if (pOut = AllocSplMem(cchOutput * sizeof (pOut [0]))) { if (pServerName) { StringCchCopy(pOut, cchOutput, pServerName); StringCchCat (pOut, cchOutput, L"\\,"); } else { StringCchCopy (pOut, cchOutput, L","); } StringCchCat (pOut, cchOutput, pObjectType); StringCchCat (pOut, cchOutput, L" "); if (pObjectName) { StringCchCat (pOut, cchOutput, pObjectName); } } return pOut; } BOOL IsCOMPort( PCWSTR pPort ) { // // Must begin with szCom // if ( _wcsnicmp( pPort, szCOM, 3 ) ) { return FALSE; } // // wcslen guarenteed >= 3 // return pPort[ wcslen( pPort ) - 1 ] == L':'; } BOOL IsLPTPort( PCWSTR pPort ) { // // Must begin with szLPT // if ( _wcsnicmp( pPort, szLPT, 3 ) ) { return FALSE; } // // wcslen guarenteed >= 3 // return pPort[ wcslen( pPort ) - 1 ] == L':'; } /* Message * * Displays a message by loading the strings whose IDs are passed into * the function, and substituting the supplied variable argument list * using the varargs macros. * */ int Message(HWND hwnd, DWORD Type, int CaptionID, int TextID, ...) { WCHAR MsgText[2*MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR MsgFormat[256]; WCHAR MsgCaption[40]; va_list vargs; if( ( LoadString( hInst, TextID, MsgFormat, sizeof MsgFormat / sizeof *MsgFormat ) > 0 ) && ( LoadString( hInst, CaptionID, MsgCaption, sizeof MsgCaption / sizeof *MsgCaption ) > 0 ) ) { va_start( vargs, TextID ); StringCchVPrintf ( MsgText, COUNTOF(MsgText), MsgFormat, vargs ); va_end( vargs ); MsgText[COUNTOF(MsgText) - 1] = L'\0'; return MessageBox(hwnd, MsgText, MsgCaption, Type); } else return 0; } INT ErrorMessage( HWND hwnd, DWORD dwStatus ) { WCHAR MsgCaption[MAX_PATH]; PWSTR pBuffer = NULL; INT iRet = 0; FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, NULL, dwStatus, 0, (PWSTR) &pBuffer, 0, NULL); if (pBuffer) { if (LoadString( hInst, IDS_LOCALMONITOR, MsgCaption, sizeof MsgCaption / sizeof *MsgCaption) > 0) { iRet = MessageBox(hwnd, pBuffer, MsgCaption, MSG_ERROR); } LocalFree(pBuffer); } return iRet; } LPWSTR AllocSplStr( LPCWSTR pStr ) /*++ Routine Description: This function will allocate enough local memory to store the specified string, and copy that string to the allocated memory Arguments: pStr - Pointer to the string that needs to be allocated and stored Return Value: NON-NULL - A pointer to the allocated memory containing the string FALSE/NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError. --*/ { LPWSTR pMem; DWORD cbStr; if (!pStr) { return NULL; } cbStr = wcslen(pStr)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR); if (pMem = AllocSplMem( cbStr )) { CopyMemory( pMem, pStr, cbStr ); } return pMem; } LPVOID AllocSplMem( DWORD cbAlloc ) { return GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, cbAlloc); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // DEBUG Stuff // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD SplDbgLevel = 0; VOID cdecl DbgMsg( LPWSTR MsgFormat, ... ) { WCHAR MsgText[1024]; va_list pArgs; va_start( pArgs, MsgFormat); StringCchVPrintf (MsgText, COUNTOF (MsgText), MsgFormat, pArgs); StringCchCat( MsgText, COUNTOF (MsgText), L"\r"); va_end( pArgs); OutputDebugString(MsgText); }