/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ | MODULE: WPNPINST.CXX | | This is the main module for the WPNPINST application. | | Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation | Copyright (C) 1997 Hewlett Packard | | history: | 25-Jul-1997 Created. | \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "pch.h" #define strFree(pszStr) {if (pszStr) GlobalFree((HANDLE)pszStr);} /*****************************************************************************\ * strAlloc * * Allocates a string from the heap. This pointer must be freed with * a call to strFree(). * \*****************************************************************************/ LPTSTR strAlloc( LPCTSTR pszSrc) { DWORD cbSize; LPTSTR pszDst = NULL; cbSize = (pszSrc ? ((lstrlen(pszSrc) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) : 0); if (cbSize) { if (pszDst = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, cbSize)) CopyMemory(pszDst, pszSrc, cbSize); } return pszDst; } /*****************************************************************************\ * strAllocAndCat * * Allocates a string from the heap and concattenates another onto it. * This pointer must be freed with a call to strFree(). * \*****************************************************************************/ LPTSTR strAllocAndCat( LPCTSTR pszSrc1, LPCTSTR pszSrc2) { DWORD cbSize; LPTSTR pszDst = NULL; cbSize = (pszSrc1 && pszSrc2 ? ((lstrlen(pszSrc1) + lstrlen(pszSrc2) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)) : 0); if (cbSize) { if (pszDst = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, cbSize)) { if (FAILED(StringCbCopy(pszDst, cbSize, pszSrc1)) || FAILED(StringCbCat (pszDst, cbSize, pszSrc2))) { GlobalFree(pszDst); pszDst = NULL; } } } return pszDst; } /*****************************************************************************\ * strLoad * * Get string from resource based upon the ID passed in. * \*****************************************************************************/ LPTSTR strLoad( UINT ids) { TCHAR szStr[MAX_RESBUF]; if (LoadString(g_hInstance, ids, szStr, sizeof(szStr) / sizeof (TCHAR)) == 0) szStr[0] = TEXT('\0'); return strAlloc(szStr); } /*****************************************************************************\ * InitStrings * * \*****************************************************************************/ BOOL InitStrings(VOID) { g_szErrorFormat = strLoad(IDS_ERR_FORMAT); g_szError = strLoad(IDS_ERR_ERROR); g_szEGeneric = strLoad(IDS_ERR_GENERIC); g_szEBadCAB = strLoad(IDS_ERR_BADCAB); g_szEInvalidParameter = strLoad(IDS_ERR_INVPARM); g_szENoMemory = strLoad(IDS_ERR_NOMEM); g_szEInvalidCABName = strLoad(IDS_ERR_INVNAME); g_szENoDATFile = strLoad(IDS_ERR_NODAT); g_szECABExtract = strLoad(IDS_ERR_CABFAIL); g_szENoPrintUI = strLoad(IDS_ERR_NOPRTUI); g_szENoPrintUIEntry = strLoad(IDS_ERR_PRTUIENTRY); g_szEPrintUIEntryFail = strLoad(IDS_ERR_PRTUIFAIL); g_szENotSupported = strLoad(IDS_ERR_NOSUPPORT); return (g_szErrorFormat && g_szError && g_szEGeneric && g_szEBadCAB && g_szEInvalidParameter && g_szENoMemory && g_szEInvalidCABName && g_szENoDATFile && g_szECABExtract && g_szENoPrintUI && g_szENoPrintUIEntry && g_szEPrintUIEntryFail && g_szENotSupported ); } /*****************************************************************************\ * FreeeStrings * * \*****************************************************************************/ VOID FreeStrings(VOID) { strFree(g_szErrorFormat); strFree(g_szError); strFree(g_szEGeneric); strFree(g_szEBadCAB); strFree(g_szEInvalidParameter); strFree(g_szENoMemory); strFree(g_szEInvalidCABName); strFree(g_szENoDATFile); strFree(g_szECABExtract); strFree(g_szENoPrintUI); strFree(g_szENoPrintUIEntry); strFree(g_szEPrintUIEntryFail); strFree(g_szENotSupported); } /*****************************************************************************\ * * Win32Open (Local Routine) * * Translate a C-Runtime _open() call into appropriate Win32 CreateFile() * * NOTE: Doesn't fully implement C-Runtime _open() * capability but it currently supports all callbacks * that FDI will give us * * Leveraged from nt\private\inet\setup\iexpress\wextract\wextract.c * \*****************************************************************************/ HANDLE Win32Open( LPCTSTR pszFile, int oflag, int pmode ) { HANDLE FileHandle; BOOL fExists = FALSE; DWORD fAccess; DWORD fCreate; // NOTE: No Append Mode Support if (oflag & _O_APPEND) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Set Read-Write Access if ((oflag & _O_RDWR) || (oflag & _O_WRONLY)) fAccess = GENERIC_WRITE; else fAccess = GENERIC_READ; // Set Create Flags if (oflag & _O_CREAT) { if (oflag & _O_EXCL) fCreate = CREATE_NEW; else if (oflag & _O_TRUNC) fCreate = CREATE_ALWAYS; else fCreate = OPEN_ALWAYS; } else { if (oflag & _O_TRUNC) fCreate = TRUNCATE_EXISTING; else fCreate = OPEN_EXISTING; } FileHandle = CreateFile( pszFile, fAccess, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, fCreate, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED, NULL ); // NOTE: Doesn't create directories like C runtime. // We don't need this capability for this app though. // All our directories will already exist return FileHandle; } /******************************************************************************\ * * openfunc (Local Routine) * * Opens a file. Used by FDI interface. * * Leveraged from nt\private\inet\setup\iexpress\wextract\wextract.c * \******************************************************************************/ INT_PTR FAR DIAMONDAPI openfunc( CHAR FAR *pszFile, INT oflag, INT pmode ) { INT rc; INT i; PWSTR pwszFile = NULL; // Find Available File Handle in Fake File Table for ( i = 0; i < FILETABLESIZE; i++ ) { if ( g_FileTable[i].bAvailable == TRUE ) { break; } } // Running out of file handles should never happen if ( i == FILETABLESIZE ) { rc = C_RUNTIME_IO_ERROR; } if (NULL != (pwszFile = WCFromMB(pszFile))) { g_FileTable[i].hFile = Win32Open(pwszFile, oflag, pmode ); GlobalFree(pwszFile); } if ( g_FileTable[i].hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { g_FileTable[i].bAvailable = FALSE; rc = i; } else { rc = C_RUNTIME_IO_ERROR; } return rc; } /******************************************************************************\ * * openfunc (Local Routine) * * Opens a file. Used by FDINotify. * \******************************************************************************/ INT_PTR FAR DIAMONDAPI openfuncW( WCHAR FAR *pszFile, INT oflag, INT pmode ) { INT rc; INT i; // Find Available File Handle in Fake File Table for ( i = 0; i < FILETABLESIZE; i++ ) { if ( g_FileTable[i].bAvailable == TRUE ) { break; } } // Running out of file handles should never happen if ( i == FILETABLESIZE ) { rc = C_RUNTIME_IO_ERROR; } g_FileTable[i].hFile = Win32Open(pszFile, oflag, pmode ); if ( g_FileTable[i].hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { g_FileTable[i].bAvailable = FALSE; rc = i; } else { rc = C_RUNTIME_IO_ERROR; } return rc; } /******************************************************************************\ * * closefunc (Local Routine) * * Closes a file. Used by FDI interface. * * Leveraged from nt\private\inet\setup\iexpress\wextract\wextract.c * \******************************************************************************/ INT FAR DIAMONDAPI closefunc( INT_PTR hf ) { INT rc = C_RUNTIME_IO_ERROR; if (hf < FILETABLESIZE) { if ( CloseHandle( g_FileTable[hf].hFile ) ) { rc = 0; g_FileTable[hf].bAvailable = TRUE; } } return rc; } /******************************************************************************\ * * readfunc (Local Routine) * * Reads a file. Used by FDI interface. * \******************************************************************************/ UINT FAR DIAMONDAPI readfunc( INT_PTR hf, PVOID pv, UINT cb ) { INT rc = C_RUNTIME_IO_ERROR; INT cbRead; if (hf < FILETABLESIZE) { if ( ! ReadFile( g_FileTable[hf].hFile, pv, cb, (DWORD *) &cb, NULL ) ) { rc = C_RUNTIME_IO_ERROR; } else { rc = cb; } } return rc; } /******************************************************************************\ * * writefunc (Local Routine) * * Writes a file. Used by FDI interface * \******************************************************************************/ UINT FAR DIAMONDAPI writefunc( INT_PTR hf, PVOID pv, UINT cb ) { INT rc = C_RUNTIME_IO_ERROR; if (hf < FILETABLESIZE) { if ( WriteFile( g_FileTable[hf].hFile, pv, cb, (DWORD *) &cb, NULL ) ) { rc = cb; } } return rc; } /******************************************************************************\ * * seekfunc (Local Routine) * * Repositions the file pointer. Used by FDI interface. * * Leveraged from nt\private\inet\setup\iexpress\wextract\wextract.c * \******************************************************************************/ LONG FAR DIAMONDAPI seekfunc( INT_PTR hf, LONG dist, INT seektype ) { LONG rc = C_RUNTIME_IO_ERROR; DWORD dwResult; DWORD W32seektype; switch (seektype) { case SEEK_SET: W32seektype = FILE_BEGIN; break; case SEEK_CUR: W32seektype = FILE_CURRENT; break; case SEEK_END: W32seektype = FILE_END; break; } if (hf < FILETABLESIZE) { dwResult = SetFilePointer(g_FileTable[hf].hFile, dist, NULL, W32seektype); if (dwResult == 0xFFFFFFFF) { rc = C_RUNTIME_SEEK_ERROR; } else rc = (LONG)dwResult; } return rc; } /******************************************************************************\ * * allocfunc (Local Routine) * * Allocates memory. Used by FDI interface. * \******************************************************************************/ void HUGE * FAR DIAMONDAPI allocfunc(ULONG cb) { PVOID pv; pv = (PVOID) GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cb ); return pv; } /******************************************************************************\ * * freefunc (Local Routine) * * Frees memory. Used by FDI interface. * \******************************************************************************/ void FAR DIAMONDAPI freefunc(void HUGE *pv) { GlobalFree( pv ); } /******************************************************************************\ * * AdjustFileTime (Local Routine) * * Sets file time. * * Leveraged from nt\private\inet\setup\iexpress\wextract\wextract.c * \******************************************************************************/ BOOL AdjustFileTime( INT_PTR hf, USHORT date, USHORT time ) { FILETIME ft; FILETIME ftUTC; if (hf >= FILETABLESIZE) { return FALSE; } if ( ! DosDateTimeToFileTime( date, time, &ft ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( ! LocalFileTimeToFileTime( &ft, &ftUTC ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( ! SetFileTime( g_FileTable[hf].hFile, &ftUTC, &ftUTC, &ftUTC ) ) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /******************************************************************************\ * * Attr32FromAttrFAT (Local Routine) * * Translate FAT attributes to Win32 Attributes * * Leveraged from nt\private\inet\setup\iexpress\wextract\wextract.c * \******************************************************************************/ DWORD Attr32FromAttrFAT( WORD attrMSDOS ) { //** Quick out for normal file special case if (attrMSDOS == _A_NORMAL) { return FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; } //** Otherwise, mask off read-only, hidden, system, and archive bits // NOTE: These bits are in the same places in MS-DOS and Win32! return attrMSDOS & (_A_RDONLY | _A_HIDDEN | _A_SYSTEM | _A_ARCH); } /******************************************************************************\ * * fdiNotify (Local Routine) * * Processes Notification messages from FDI interface. * * Leveraged from nt\private\inet\setup\iexpress\wextract\wextract.c * \******************************************************************************/ INT_PTR FAR DIAMONDAPI fdiNotify(FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE fdint, PFDINOTIFICATION pfdin) { INT_PTR fh; // File Handle LPTSTR lpszFile; // Current File PWPNPINFO pInfo; // Pointer to a "Web-Point-N-Print" info structure INT_PTR nReturn; DWORD dwError; // The user-defined 'pv' is a pointer to our saved info pInfo = (PWPNPINFO)pfdin->pv; nReturn = 0; switch ( fdint ) { //******************************************************************* case fdintCABINET_INFO: nReturn = 0; break; //******************************************************************* case fdintCOPY_FILE: nReturn = C_RUNTIME_IO_ERROR; { PWSTR pwszFile = NULL; if (NULL != (pwszFile = WCFromMB(pfdin->psz1))) { if (NULL != (lpszFile = BuildFileName((LPCTSTR)pInfo->pTempDir, pwszFile))) { fh = openfuncW( lpszFile, _O_BINARY | _O_EXCL | _O_RDWR | _O_CREAT, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE ); } GlobalFree(pwszFile); if (C_RUNTIME_IO_ERROR != fh) { if (AddFileToList(pInfo, lpszFile)) { nReturn = fh; } else { closefunc(fh); } } GlobalFree(lpszFile); } } break; //******************************************************************* case fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO: nReturn = C_RUNTIME_IO_ERROR; if (AdjustFileTime( pfdin->hf, pfdin->date, pfdin->time ) ) { closefunc( pfdin->hf ); { PWSTR pwszFile = NULL; if (NULL != (pwszFile = WCFromMB(pfdin->psz1))) { if (NULL != (lpszFile = BuildFileName((LPCTSTR)pInfo->pTempDir, pwszFile))) { if (SetFileAttributes( lpszFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ) ) { nReturn = TRUE; } GlobalFree(lpszFile); } GlobalFree(pwszFile); } } } break; //******************************************************************* case fdintPARTIAL_FILE: nReturn = 0; break; //******************************************************************* case fdintNEXT_CABINET: nReturn = 0; break; //******************************************************************* case fdintENUMERATE: nReturn = 0; break; //******************************************************************* default: break; } return nReturn; } /*****************************************************************************\ * GetCurDir * * Returns string indicating current-directory. * \*****************************************************************************/ LPTSTR GetCurDir(VOID) { DWORD cbSize; LPTSTR lpszDir = NULL; cbSize = GetCurrentDirectory(0, NULL); if (cbSize && (lpszDir = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (cbSize * sizeof(TCHAR))))) GetCurrentDirectory(cbSize, lpszDir); return lpszDir; } /*****************************************************************************\ * WCFromMB (Local Routine) * * This routine returns a buffer of wide-character representation of a * ansi string. The caller is responsible for freeing this pointer returned * by this function. * \*****************************************************************************/ LPWSTR WCFromMB( LPCSTR lpszStr) { DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwChars; LPWSTR lpwszBuf = NULL; cbSize = 0; dwChars = (DWORD)MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpszStr, -1, lpwszBuf, 0); // // sanity check // if (dwChars < 4096) { cbSize = (dwChars + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); // +1 to make sure the string is zero-terminated if (cbSize && (lpwszBuf = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, cbSize))) { if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpszStr, -1, lpwszBuf, dwChars)) { GlobalFree(lpwszBuf); lpwszBuf = NULL; } } } return lpwszBuf; } /******************************************************************************\ * * BuildFileName (Local Routine) * * Concatenates a path and file to produce a full pathname. * \******************************************************************************/ LPTSTR BuildFileName( LPCTSTR lpszPath, LPCTSTR lpszName) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; LPTSTR lpszMessage = NULL; INT cch = 0; UINT_PTR Args[MAX_ARGS]; // Calculate the size necessary to hold the full-path filename. // cch += (lpszPath ? lstrlen(lpszPath) : 0); cch += (lpszName ? lstrlen(lpszName) : 0); cch++; // Must include back slash character if (cch >= MAX_PATH) { return NULL; } if (lpszName) { TCHAR *pChar = (TCHAR*) lpszName; BOOL bAllowedName = TRUE; while (bAllowedName && *pChar) { if((*pChar == TEXT('\\')) || (*pChar == TEXT('/')) || (*pChar == TEXT(':'))) { bAllowedName = FALSE; } pChar++; } if (!bAllowedName) { return NULL; } } // Concatenate the path and file // if (lpszPath) { Args[0] = (UINT_PTR) lpszPath; Args[1] = (UINT_PTR) lpszName; Args[2] = 0; if (0 != (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, g_szFNFmt, 0, 0, (LPTSTR)&lpszMessage, 0, (va_list*)Args ))) { bReturn = TRUE; } } return lpszMessage; } /******************************************************************************\ * * GetDirectory (Local Routine) * * Returns the directory portion of a full pathname. * \******************************************************************************/ LPTSTR GetDirectory(LPTSTR lpszFile, LPDWORD lpdwReturn) { LPTSTR lpszSlash; LPTSTR lpszDir; SIZE_T Len; lpszSlash = _tcsrchr(lpszFile, g_chBackslash); if (lpszSlash != NULL) { Len = lpszSlash - lpszFile + 2; if (NULL != (lpszDir = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, Len * sizeof(TCHAR)))) { StringCchCopy(lpszDir, Len, lpszFile); *lpdwReturn = ERR_NONE; return lpszDir; } else { *lpdwReturn = ERR_NO_MEMORY; } } else { *lpdwReturn = ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return NULL; } /******************************************************************************\ * * GetName (Local Routine) * * Returns the filename portion of a full pathname. * \******************************************************************************/ LPTSTR GetName(LPTSTR lpszFile, LPDWORD lpdwReturn) { LPTSTR lpszSlash; LPTSTR lpszName; int nLength; lpszSlash = _tcsrchr(lpszFile, g_chBackslash); if (lpszSlash != NULL) { nLength = lstrlen(lpszSlash); if (NULL != (lpszName = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (nLength * sizeof(TCHAR))))) { StringCchCopy(lpszName, nLength, ++lpszSlash); *lpdwReturn = ERR_NONE; return lpszName; } else { *lpdwReturn = ERR_NO_MEMORY; } } else { *lpdwReturn = ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return NULL; } /******************************************************************************\ * * CreateTempDirectory (Local Routine) * * Creates a unique temp directory to extract files into. * \******************************************************************************/ LPTSTR CreateTempDirectory() { LPTSTR pReturnDir = NULL; LPTSTR pTempDir; LPTSTR pCurrDir; LPTSTR pWinDir; DWORD dwRequired = 0; // // Get the temp path, so we can create a temp directory // to extract the cabinet file into // if (dwRequired = GetTempPath(0, NULL)) { if (pTempDir = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwRequired * sizeof(TCHAR))) { if (GetTempPath(dwRequired, pTempDir) <= dwRequired) { // Now create a unique temp file name. // if (pReturnDir = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR))) { if (GetTempFileName(pTempDir, g_szTNFmt, 0, pReturnDir)) { // But what we really needed was a directory, so delete the file (now that // we know that we have a unique name) and create a directory with // the same name as the file. // DeleteFile(pReturnDir); if (!CreateDirectory(pReturnDir, NULL)) { GlobalFree(pReturnDir); pReturnDir = NULL; } // else We succeeded in creating the temp dir. // } // else we can't create a temp directory...cleanup. // else { GlobalFree(pReturnDir); pReturnDir = NULL; } } } GlobalFree(pTempDir); } } return pReturnDir; } /******************************************************************************\ * * GetCABName (Local Routine) * * Parses the CAB name from the command line. * \******************************************************************************/ PTSTR GetCABName(PTSTR pCmdLine, LPDWORD lpdwReturn) { PTSTR pEnd = 0; PTSTR pPtr; PTSTR pName; SIZE_T Len; pPtr = pCmdLine; if (pPtr) { if (*pPtr == g_chDoubleQuote) { pPtr++; pEnd = _tcschr(pPtr, g_chDoubleQuote); if (pEnd) *pEnd = 0; } // If we haven't found an End-Quote, treat it as the end of the string. if (pEnd == NULL) pEnd = pPtr + lstrlen(pPtr); Len = pEnd - pPtr + 1; if (pName = (PTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, Len * sizeof(TCHAR))) { StringCchCopy(pName, Len, pPtr); *lpdwReturn = ERR_NONE; } else { *lpdwReturn = ERR_NO_MEMORY; } return pName; } else { *lpdwReturn = ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return NULL; } /******************************************************************************\ * * AddFileToList (Local Routine) * * Adds a file to the list of extracted files. * \******************************************************************************/ BOOL AddFileToList(PWPNPINFO pInfo, PTSTR lpszFile) { PFILENODE pInsertHere; BOOL bReturn; DWORD Len; bReturn = FALSE; if (NULL == (pInfo->pFileList)) { if (NULL != (pInfo->pFileList = (PFILENODE)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(FILENODE)))) { pInsertHere = pInfo->pFileList; pInsertHere->pNextFile = NULL; bReturn = TRUE; } } else { if (NULL != (pInsertHere = (PFILENODE)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(FILENODE)))) { pInsertHere->pNextFile = pInfo->pFileList; pInfo->pFileList = pInsertHere; bReturn = TRUE; } } Len = lstrlen(lpszFile) + 1; if (bReturn && (NULL != (pInsertHere->pFileName = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, Len * sizeof(TCHAR))) ) ) { StringCchCopy(pInsertHere->pFileName, Len, lpszFile); bReturn = TRUE; } else { bReturn = FALSE; } return bReturn; } /******************************************************************************\ * * FreeFileList (Local Routine) * * Frees memory allocated for file list. * \******************************************************************************/ VOID CleanupFileList(PWPNPINFO pInfo) { PFILENODE pCurrentNode, pNextNode; HANDLE hFindFind; LPTSTR lpstrPos; LPTSTR lpstrTemp; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; pCurrentNode = pInfo->pFileList; // Erase all extracted files and cleanup our memory structure. while (pCurrentNode) { if (!DeleteFile(pCurrentNode->pFileName)) { // We might have renamed one of our original cat files to this name. So // look for poem*.cat in the same directory lpstrPos = _tcsrchr(pCurrentNode->pFileName, TEXT('\\') ); if (lpstrPos) { lpstrPos[1] = TEXT('\0'); // Now pCurrentNode->pFileName has our directory path lpstrTemp = strAllocAndCat( pCurrentNode->pFileName , TEXT("poem*.cat") ); if (lpstrTemp) { hFindFind = FindFirstFile( lpstrTemp , &FindData ); if (hFindFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Delete the file DeleteFile( FindData.cFileName ); FindClose( hFindFind ); } strFree( lpstrTemp ); } } } pNextNode = pCurrentNode->pNextFile; GlobalFree(pCurrentNode); pCurrentNode = pNextNode; } pInfo->pFileList = NULL; } /******************************************************************************\ * * Extract (Local Routine) * * Extracts all files from the CAB file and adds them to a file list. * \******************************************************************************/ BOOL Extract(PWPNPINFO pInfo) { HFDI hfdi; ERF erf; INT nError; BOOL bReturn; int i; bReturn = FALSE; // Initialize file table for ( i = 0; i < FILETABLESIZE; i++ ) { g_FileTable[i].bAvailable = TRUE; } hfdi = FDICreate( allocfunc, freefunc, openfunc, readfunc, writefunc, closefunc, seekfunc, cpu80386, &erf); if (NULL != hfdi){ char achCABName[_MAX_PATH]={0}, achCABDir[_MAX_DIR]={0}; wcstombs(achCABName, pInfo->pCABName, sizeof(achCABName)-1); // -1 to ensure it's zero-terminated wcstombs(achCABDir, pInfo->pCABDir, sizeof(achCABDir)-1); if (0 != (nError = FDICopy(hfdi, achCABName, achCABDir, 0, fdiNotify, NULL, (LPVOID)(pInfo)))) bReturn = TRUE; else { CleanupFileList(pInfo); } FDIDestroy(hfdi); } return bReturn; } /******************************************************************************\ * * GetWPNPSetupLibName (Local Routine) * * Returns the name of the print wizard library. this is a remnant of the days * when we built a Win9x client. * \******************************************************************************/ LPTSTR GetWPNPSetupLibName(LPDWORD lpdwReturn) { LPTSTR lpszLibName; OSVERSIONINFO OSVersionInfo; *lpdwReturn = ERR_GENERIC; OSVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if (GetVersionEx(&OSVersionInfo)) { switch (OSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId) { // NT clients case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: // NT 5 or better if (OSVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion >= NT_VER_5) { *lpdwReturn = ERR_NONE; return (LPTSTR)g_szPrintUIMod; } // NT clients: ver < 5.0 else { *lpdwReturn = ERR_PLATFORM_NOT_SUPPORTED; return NULL; } // Other clients ? default: *lpdwReturn = ERR_PLATFORM_NOT_SUPPORTED; return NULL; } } return NULL; } /******************************************************************************\ * * LoadLibraryUsingFullPath (Local Routine) * * Loads the DLL lpFileName after prepending system directory to it. * \******************************************************************************/ HMODULE LoadLibraryUsingFullPath( LPCTSTR lpFileName ) { TCHAR szSystemPath[MAX_PATH]; INT cLength = 0; INT cFileNameLength = 0; if (!lpFileName || ((cFileNameLength = lstrlen(lpFileName)) == 0)) { return NULL; } if (GetSystemDirectory(szSystemPath, MAX_PATH ) == 0) { return NULL; } cLength = lstrlen(szSystemPath); if (szSystemPath[cLength-1] != TEXT('\\')) { if ((cLength + 1) >= MAX_PATH) { return NULL; } szSystemPath[cLength] = TEXT('\\'); szSystemPath[cLength + 1] = TEXT('\0'); cLength++; } if ((cLength + cFileNameLength) >= MAX_PATH) { return NULL; } StringCchCat(szSystemPath, MAX_PATH, lpFileName); return LoadLibrary( szSystemPath ); } /******************************************************************************\ * * InvokePrintWizard (Local Routine) * * Calls the PrintWizard * for printer setup and installation. * \******************************************************************************/ DWORD InvokePrintWizard(PWPNPINFO pInfo, LPDWORD lpAuthError) { DWORD dwReturn; DWORD dwErr; LPTSTR lpszSetupLibName; HMODULE hLibrary; FARPROC lpProc; // Get the name of the print wizard module // if (NULL != (lpszSetupLibName = GetWPNPSetupLibName(&dwReturn)) ) { // Load the print wizard module // if (NULL != (hLibrary = LoadLibraryUsingFullPath(lpszSetupLibName)) ) { // Find the webpnp installation proc address // if (NULL != (lpProc = GetProcAddress(hLibrary, g_szPrintUIEntryW) ) ) { // Call the webpnp installation entry point with the correct parameters // if ((*lpAuthError) = (UINT32) (*lpProc)(NULL, g_hInstance, g_wszParmString, SW_SHOWDEFAULT)) dwReturn = ERR_AUTHENTICODE; else dwReturn = ERR_NONE; } else { dwReturn = ERR_NO_PRINTUIENTRY; } FreeLibrary(hLibrary); } else { dwReturn = ERR_NO_PRINTUI; } } return dwReturn; } /******************************************************************************\ * * WebPnPCABInstall (Local Routine) * * Takes a CAB file and does the driver extraction and printer installation. * \******************************************************************************/ DWORD WebPnPCABInstall(PTSTR pCABName, PDWORD lpAuthError) { PTSTR pFileList; PTSTR pOldDir; PWPNPINFO pInfo; DWORD dwReturn = ERR_NONE; DWORD BufSize; if (NULL != (pInfo = (PWPNPINFO)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(WPNPINFO)))) { BufSize = (lstrlen(pCABName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); if (NULL != (pInfo->pFullCABPath = (PTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, BufSize))) { if (SUCCEEDED(StringCbCopy(pInfo->pFullCABPath, BufSize, pCABName))) { if (pInfo->pCABDir = GetDirectory(pInfo->pFullCABPath, &dwReturn)) { if (pOldDir = GetCurDir()) { if (pInfo->pTempDir = CreateTempDirectory() ) { SetCurrentDirectory(pInfo->pTempDir); if (pInfo->pCABName = GetName(pInfo->pFullCABPath, &dwReturn)) { if (Extract(pInfo)) { // Verification of files removed // if (ERR_NONE == (dwReturn = VerifyFiles(pInfo, lpAuthError))) { dwReturn = InvokePrintWizard(pInfo, lpAuthError); // } CleanupFileList(pInfo); } else { dwReturn = ERR_CAB_EXTRACT; } GlobalFree(pInfo->pCABName); } SetCurrentDirectory(pOldDir); RemoveDirectory(pInfo->pTempDir); GlobalFree(pInfo->pTempDir); } GlobalFree(pOldDir); } GlobalFree(pInfo->pCABDir); } } GlobalFree(pInfo->pFullCABPath); } else { dwReturn = ERR_NO_MEMORY; } GlobalFree(pInfo); } else { dwReturn = ERR_NO_MEMORY; } return dwReturn; } /******************************************************************************\ * * LookupErrorString (Local Routine) * * Returns an error string associated with dwErrorCode * \******************************************************************************/ LPCTSTR LookupErrorString(DWORD dwErrorCode) { int i; int nCount; static ERROR_MAPPING s_ErrorMap[] = { { ERR_NO_MEMORY, &g_szENoMemory }, { ERR_BAD_CAB, &g_szEBadCAB }, { ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER, &g_szEInvalidParameter }, { ERR_INVALID_CAB_NAME, &g_szEInvalidCABName }, { ERR_CAB_EXTRACT, &g_szECABExtract }, { ERR_NO_DAT_FILE, &g_szENoDATFile }, { ERR_NO_PRINTUI, &g_szENoPrintUI }, { ERR_NO_PRINTUIENTRY, &g_szENoPrintUIEntry }, { ERR_PRINTUIENTRY_FAIL, &g_szEPrintUIEntryFail }, { ERR_PLATFORM_NOT_SUPPORTED, &g_szENotSupported } }; nCount = sizeof(s_ErrorMap) / sizeof(s_ErrorMap[0]); for (i=0; i < nCount; i++) { if (0 != ((s_ErrorMap[i].dwErrorCode) & dwErrorCode & ~(ERR_GENERIC)) ) return *(s_ErrorMap[i].lpszError); } return g_szEGeneric; } /******************************************************************************\ * * CheckErrors (Local Routine) * * Checks dwErrorCode for any error conditions * \******************************************************************************/ VOID CheckErrors(DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwAuthError) { LPTSTR lpszMessage = NULL; LPTSTR lpszErrorString = NULL; BOOL bAuthErrorAllocated; UINT_PTR Args[MAX_ARGS]; bAuthErrorAllocated = FALSE; if (dwErrorCode != ERR_NONE) { // Check for Authenticode errors here if (dwErrorCode == ERR_AUTHENTICODE) { // Format the authenticode error message. // If the message can't be found in the system, use our generic error message if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwAuthError, 0, (LPTSTR)&lpszErrorString, 0, NULL)) { bAuthErrorAllocated = TRUE; } else { lpszErrorString = (LPTSTR)LookupErrorString(ERR_GENERIC); } } // If the error is not Authenticode, it must be ours. // Look it up in our error string table. else { lpszErrorString = (LPTSTR)LookupErrorString(dwErrorCode); } // Set up our arg list. Args[0] = (UINT_PTR) lpszErrorString; if (dwErrorCode == ERR_AUTHENTICODE) { Args[1] = dwAuthError; } else Args[1] = dwErrorCode; Args[2] = 0; // Format our error message and display it in a message box. if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, g_szErrorFormat, 0, 0, (LPTSTR)&lpszMessage, 0, (va_list*)Args )) { if (lpszMessage) { MessageBox(NULL, lpszMessage, g_szError, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); // Free the buffer LocalFree(lpszMessage); } } } // Free up the Authenticode error string allocated for us by FormatMessage(). if (bAuthErrorAllocated) LocalFree(lpszErrorString); } /******************************************************************************\ * * WinMain * * Main entrypoint for the program. * \******************************************************************************/ INT WINAPI _tWinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpszCmdLine, INT nCmdShow) { LPTSTR lpszCABName; DWORD dwReturn = ERR_NONE; DWORD dwAuthError = ERROR_SUCCESS; g_hInstance = hInstance; if (InitStrings()) { if (NULL != (lpszCABName = GetCABName(lpszCmdLine, &dwReturn))) { dwReturn = WebPnPCABInstall(lpszCABName, &dwAuthError); GlobalFree(lpszCABName); } // Decide which error code we must return // if (dwReturn == ERR_NONE) { dwReturn = SUCCESS_EXITCODE; } else { if (dwReturn == ERR_AUTHENTICODE) { if (dwAuthError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = SUCCESS_EXITCODE; } else { dwReturn = dwAuthError; } } } FreeStrings(); } return dwReturn; }