This sample shows how to write Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) user interface (UI) extensions. It adds tabs to the device properties dialog (accessible from Explorer) and it adds commands to the context menu for the sample camera device’s icon. These extensions are applied to the WIA sample camera from this DDK by providing implementations of IShellPropSheetExt and IContextMenu.
This sample will not work on Windows 98 or Windows 2000.
To build the sample follow these steps:
1. In the Start menu, select "Free Build Environment" or "Checked Build Environment" under "Windows DDK" to open a command window and set basic environment variables needed to build drivers.
2. Change to the directory containing the sample driver source code, src\wdm\wia\extend.
3. Execute the "build" command. After the build completes, a library named Extend.dll will be located in a subdirectory.
4. Also build the sample camera driver located in the src\wdm\wia\wiacam directory.
To use the driver, follow the instructions in the sample camera readme file, wiacam.htm.
To test the sample UI extensions, open the Scanners and Cameras folder in Explorer.
WIA information:
DDK information:
Files Description
------------ -------------------------------------------------------
classes.h Defines interface for extensions
extend.cpp Implements UI extensions
extend.def Linker command file
extend.h Header file for UI extensions
extend.rc Resources for UI extensions
makefile Used for building the UI extensions—do not modify
precomp.h Precompiled header file containing all included headers
resource.h Header file for resources
shellext.cpp Implements IcontextMenu and IShellPropSheetExt
sources Controls building of UI extensions
stdafx.cpp Includes standard header files
wiacamui.rgs Registry entries for UI extensions
extend.htm This readme file
extidl.idl MIDL interface definition file
readme.htm Project readme file
tcamprop.h Header file for private device properties
testdev.ico Sample device icon