#ifndef __MOVEWND_H_INCLUDED #define __MOVEWND_H_INCLUDED /******************************************************************************* * * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 1998 * * TITLE: MOVEWND.H * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: ShaunIv * * DATE: 7/31/1999 * * DESCRIPTION: Simplified Wrapper for DeferWindowPos, plus a couple helpers * * To use: * * CMoveWindow mw; * mw.MoveWindow( hWnd1, x1, y1, w1, h1, flags1 ); * mw.MoveWindow( hWnd2, x2, y2, w2, h2, flags2 ); * mw.Apply(); // Optional, the destructor will do this if necessary. * *******************************************************************************/ #include class CMoveWindow { public: // Move/Size Flags enum { NO_MOVEX = 0x00000001, NO_MOVEY = 0x00000002, NO_MOVE = (NO_MOVEX|NO_MOVEY), NO_SIZEX = 0x00000004, NO_SIZEY = 0x00000008, NO_SIZE = (NO_SIZEX|NO_SIZEY) }; private: // Not implemented CMoveWindow( const CMoveWindow & ); CMoveWindow &operator=( const CMoveWindow & ); private: HDWP m_hDeferWindowPos; bool m_bNeedApply; public: CMoveWindow( int nNumWindows = 10 ) : m_bNeedApply(false) { Initialize(nNumWindows); } bool Initialize( int nNumWindows = 10 ) { m_hDeferWindowPos = BeginDeferWindowPos(nNumWindows); return(m_hDeferWindowPos != NULL); } static bool ScreenToClient( HWND hwnd, RECT &rc ) { return (MapWindowPoints( NULL, hwnd, reinterpret_cast(&rc), 2 ) != 0); } void Move( HWND hWnd, int x, int y, DWORD nFlags = 0 ) { SizeMove( hWnd, x, y, 0, 0, NO_SIZE|nFlags ); } void Size( HWND hWnd, int w, int h, DWORD nFlags = 0 ) { SizeMove( hWnd, 0, 0, w, h, NO_MOVE|nFlags ); } void SizeMove( HWND hWnd, int x, int y, int w, int h, DWORD nFlags = 0 ) { m_bNeedApply = true; RECT rcWndInScreenCoords, rcWndInParentCoords; GetWindowRect( hWnd, &rcWndInScreenCoords ); rcWndInParentCoords = rcWndInScreenCoords; HWND hWndParent = GetParent(hWnd); if (hWndParent) { ScreenToClient( hWndParent, rcWndInParentCoords ); } if (m_hDeferWindowPos) { DeferWindowPos( m_hDeferWindowPos, hWnd, NULL, nFlags&NO_MOVEX ? rcWndInParentCoords.left : x, nFlags&NO_MOVEY ? rcWndInParentCoords.top : y, nFlags&NO_SIZEX ? rcWndInParentCoords.right - rcWndInParentCoords.left : w, nFlags&NO_SIZEY ? rcWndInParentCoords.bottom - rcWndInParentCoords.top : h, SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOZORDER ); } } void Hide( HWND hWnd ) { if (IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) { ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_HIDE ); } } void Show( HWND hWnd ) { if (!IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) { ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOW ); } } void Enable( HWND hWnd ) { if (!IsWindowEnabled(hWnd)) { ShowWindow( hWnd, TRUE ); } } void Disable( HWND hWnd ) { if (IsWindowEnabled(hWnd)) { ShowWindow( hWnd, FALSE ); } } void Apply(void) { if (m_bNeedApply && m_hDeferWindowPos) { EndDeferWindowPos(m_hDeferWindowPos); m_hDeferWindowPos = NULL; } } ~CMoveWindow(void) { Apply(); } }; #endif // __MOVEWND_H_INCLUDED