/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 6.00.0361 */ /* Compiler settings for netdfs.idl, dfssrv.acf: Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run) protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, oldnames, robust error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data VC __declspec() decoration level: __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable) DECLSPEC_UUID(), MIDL_INTERFACE() */ //@@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( ) #pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */ /* verify that the version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #define __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ 475 #endif #include "rpc.h" #include "rpcndr.h" #ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #error this stub requires an updated version of #endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #ifndef __netdfs_h__ #define __netdfs_h__ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) #pragma once #endif /* Forward Declarations */ /* header files for imported files */ #include "import.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif void * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t); void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free( void * ); #ifndef __netdfs_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __netdfs_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface netdfs */ /* [implicit_handle][unique][ms_union][version][uuid] */ #pragma once typedef struct _DFS_INFO_1_CONTAINER { DWORD EntriesRead; /* [size_is] */ LPDFS_INFO_1 Buffer; } DFS_INFO_1_CONTAINER; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_1_CONTAINER *LPDFS_INFO_1_CONTAINER; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_2_CONTAINER { DWORD EntriesRead; /* [size_is] */ LPDFS_INFO_2 Buffer; } DFS_INFO_2_CONTAINER; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_2_CONTAINER *LPDFS_INFO_2_CONTAINER; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_3_CONTAINER { DWORD EntriesRead; /* [size_is] */ LPDFS_INFO_3 Buffer; } DFS_INFO_3_CONTAINER; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_3_CONTAINER *LPDFS_INFO_3_CONTAINER; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_4_CONTAINER { DWORD EntriesRead; /* [size_is] */ LPDFS_INFO_4 Buffer; } DFS_INFO_4_CONTAINER; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_4_CONTAINER *LPDFS_INFO_4_CONTAINER; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_200_CONTAINER { DWORD EntriesRead; /* [size_is] */ LPDFS_INFO_200 Buffer; } DFS_INFO_200_CONTAINER; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_200_CONTAINER *LPDFS_INFO_200_CONTAINER; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_300_CONTAINER { DWORD EntriesRead; /* [size_is] */ LPDFS_INFO_300 Buffer; } DFS_INFO_300_CONTAINER; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_300_CONTAINER *LPDFS_INFO_300_CONTAINER; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_ENUM_STRUCT { DWORD Level; /* [switch_is] */ /* [switch_type] */ union { /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_1_CONTAINER DfsInfo1Container; /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_2_CONTAINER DfsInfo2Container; /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_3_CONTAINER DfsInfo3Container; /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_4_CONTAINER DfsInfo4Container; /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_200_CONTAINER DfsInfo200Container; /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_300_CONTAINER DfsInfo300Container; } DfsInfoContainer; } DFS_INFO_ENUM_STRUCT; typedef struct _DFS_INFO_ENUM_STRUCT *LPDFS_INFO_ENUM_STRUCT; typedef /* [switch_type] */ union _DFS_INFO_STRUCT { /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_1 DfsInfo1; /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_2 DfsInfo2; /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_3 DfsInfo3; /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_4 DfsInfo4; /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_100 DfsInfo100; /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_101 DfsInfo101; /* [case()] */ LPDFS_INFO_102 DfsInfo102; /* [default] */ /* Empty union arm */ } DFS_INFO_STRUCT; typedef /* [switch_type] */ union _DFS_INFO_STRUCT *LPDFS_INFO_STRUCT; typedef struct _DFSM_ENTRY_ID { GUID idSubordinate; /* [unique][string] */ LPWSTR wszSubordinate; } DFSM_ENTRY_ID; typedef struct _DFSM_ENTRY_ID *LPDFSM_ENTRY_ID; typedef struct _DFSM_RELATION_INFO { DWORD cSubordinates; /* [size_is] */ DFSM_ENTRY_ID eid[ 1 ]; } DFSM_RELATION_INFO; typedef /* [allocate] */ struct _DFSM_RELATION_INFO *LPDFSM_RELATION_INFO; typedef struct _DFSM_ROOT_LIST_ENTRY { /* [unique][string] */ LPWSTR ServerShare; } DFSM_ROOT_LIST_ENTRY; typedef struct _DFSM_ROOT_LIST_ENTRY *PDFSM_ROOT_LIST_ENTRY; typedef struct _DFSM_ROOT_LIST_ENTRY *LPDFSM_ROOT_LIST_ENTRY; typedef struct _DFSM_ROOT_LIST { DWORD cEntries; /* [size_is] */ DFSM_ROOT_LIST_ENTRY Entry[ 1 ]; } DFSM_ROOT_LIST; typedef struct _DFSM_ROOT_LIST *PDFSM_ROOT_LIST; typedef /* [allocate] */ struct _DFSM_ROOT_LIST *LPDFSM_ROOT_LIST; DWORD NetrDfsManagerGetVersion( void); DWORD NetrDfsAdd( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DfsEntryPath, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR ShareName, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR Comment, /* [in] */ DWORD Flags); DWORD NetrDfsRemove( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DfsEntryPath, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR ShareName); DWORD NetrDfsSetInfo( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DfsEntryPath, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR ShareName, /* [in] */ DWORD Level, /* [switch_is][in] */ LPDFS_INFO_STRUCT DfsInfo); DWORD NetrDfsGetInfo( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DfsEntryPath, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR ShareName, /* [in] */ DWORD Level, /* [switch_is][out] */ LPDFS_INFO_STRUCT DfsInfo); DWORD NetrDfsEnum( /* [in] */ DWORD Level, /* [in] */ DWORD PrefMaxLen, /* [unique][out][in] */ LPDFS_INFO_ENUM_STRUCT DfsEnum, /* [unique][out][in] */ LPDWORD ResumeHandle); DWORD NetrDfsMove( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DfsEntryPath, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR NewDfsEntryPath); DWORD NetrDfsRename( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR Path, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR NewPath); DWORD NetrDfsManagerGetConfigInfo( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR wszServer, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeEntryPath, /* [in] */ GUID idLocalVolume, /* [unique][out][in] */ LPDFSM_RELATION_INFO *ppRelationInfo); DWORD NetrDfsManagerSendSiteInfo( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR wszServer, /* [in] */ LPDFS_SITELIST_INFO pSiteInfo); DWORD NetrDfsAddFtRoot( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DcName, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR RootShare, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR FtDfsName, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR Comment, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR ConfigDN, /* [in] */ BOOLEAN NewFtDfs, /* [in] */ DWORD Flags, /* [unique][out][in] */ PDFSM_ROOT_LIST *ppRootList); DWORD NetrDfsRemoveFtRoot( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DcName, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR RootShare, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR FtDfsName, /* [in] */ DWORD Flags, /* [unique][out][in] */ PDFSM_ROOT_LIST *ppRootList); DWORD NetrDfsAddStdRoot( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR RootShare, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR Comment, /* [in] */ DWORD Flags); DWORD NetrDfsRemoveStdRoot( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR RootShare, /* [in] */ DWORD Flags); DWORD NetrDfsManagerInitialize( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [in] */ DWORD Flags); DWORD NetrDfsAddStdRootForced( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR RootShare, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR Comment, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR Share); DWORD NetrDfsGetDcAddress( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][out][in] */ LPWSTR *DcName, /* [out][in] */ BOOLEAN *IsRoot, /* [out][in] */ ULONG *Timeout); DWORD NetrDfsSetDcAddress( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DcName, /* [in] */ DWORD Timeout, /* [in] */ DWORD Flags); DWORD NetrDfsFlushFtTable( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DcName, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR wszFtDfsName); DWORD NetrDfsAdd2( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DfsEntryPath, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DcName, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR ShareName, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR Comment, /* [in] */ DWORD Flags, /* [unique][out][in] */ PDFSM_ROOT_LIST *ppRootList); DWORD NetrDfsRemove2( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DfsEntryPath, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DcName, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR ShareName, /* [unique][out][in] */ PDFSM_ROOT_LIST *ppRootList); DWORD NetrDfsEnumEx( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DfsEntryPath, /* [in] */ DWORD Level, /* [in] */ DWORD PrefMaxLen, /* [unique][out][in] */ LPDFS_INFO_ENUM_STRUCT DfsEnum, /* [unique][out][in] */ LPDWORD ResumeHandle); DWORD NetrDfsSetInfo2( /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DfsEntryPath, /* [string][in] */ LPWSTR DcName, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR ServerName, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPWSTR ShareName, /* [in] */ DWORD Level, /* [switch_is][in] */ LPDFS_INFO_STRUCT pDfsInfo, /* [unique][out][in] */ PDFSM_ROOT_LIST *ppRootList); extern handle_t netdfs_bhandle; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE netdfs_ClientIfHandle; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE netdfs_ServerIfHandle; #endif /* __netdfs_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ /* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */ /* end of Additional Prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif