/* * T N E F . H * * * This file contains structure and function definitions for the * MAPI implementation of the Transport Neutral Encapsilation Format * used by MAPI providers for the neutral serialization of a MAPI * message. This implementation sits on top of the IStream object as * documented in the OLE 2 Specs. * * Copyright 1986-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ #ifndef TNEF_H #define TNEF_H #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef BEGIN_INTERFACE #define BEGIN_INTERFACE #endif /* ------------------------------------ */ /* TNEF Problem and TNEF Problem Arrays */ /* ------------------------------------ */ typedef struct _STnefProblem { ULONG ulComponent; ULONG ulAttribute; ULONG ulPropTag; SCODE scode; } STnefProblem; typedef struct _STnefProblemArray { ULONG cProblem; STnefProblem aProblem[MAPI_DIM]; } STnefProblemArray, FAR * LPSTnefProblemArray; #define CbNewSTnefProblemArray(_cprob) \ (offsetof(STnefProblemArray,aProblem) + (_cprob)*sizeof(STnefProblem)) #define CbSTnefProblemArray(_lparray) \ (offsetof(STnefProblemArray,aProblem) + \ (UINT) ((_lparray)->cProblem*sizeof(STnefProblem))) /* Pointers to TNEF Interface ---------------------------------------- */ DECLARE_MAPI_INTERFACE_PTR(ITnef, LPITNEF); /* OpenTNEFStream */ #define TNEF_DECODE ((ULONG) 0) #define TNEF_ENCODE ((ULONG) 2) #define TNEF_PURE ((ULONG) 0x00010000) #define TNEF_COMPATIBILITY ((ULONG) 0x00020000) #define TNEF_BEST_DATA ((ULONG) 0x00040000) #define TNEF_COMPONENT_ENCODING ((ULONG) 0x80000000) /* AddProps, ExtractProps */ #define TNEF_PROP_INCLUDE ((ULONG) 0x00000001) #define TNEF_PROP_EXCLUDE ((ULONG) 0x00000002) #define TNEF_PROP_CONTAINED ((ULONG) 0x00000004) #define TNEF_PROP_MESSAGE_ONLY ((ULONG) 0x00000008) #define TNEF_PROP_ATTACHMENTS_ONLY ((ULONG) 0x00000010) #define TNEF_PROP_CONTAINED_TNEF ((ULONG) 0x00000040) /* FinishComponent */ #define TNEF_COMPONENT_MESSAGE ((ULONG) 0x00001000) #define TNEF_COMPONENT_ATTACHMENT ((ULONG) 0x00002000) #define MAPI_ITNEF_METHODS(IPURE) \ MAPIMETHOD(AddProps) \ (THIS_ ULONG ulFlags, \ ULONG ulElemID, \ LPVOID lpvData, \ LPSPropTagArray lpPropList) IPURE; \ MAPIMETHOD(ExtractProps) \ (THIS_ ULONG ulFlags, \ LPSPropTagArray lpPropList, \ LPSTnefProblemArray FAR * lpProblems) IPURE; \ MAPIMETHOD(Finish) \ (THIS_ ULONG ulFlags, \ WORD FAR * lpKey, \ LPSTnefProblemArray FAR * lpProblems) IPURE; \ MAPIMETHOD(OpenTaggedBody) \ (THIS_ LPMESSAGE lpMessage, \ ULONG ulFlags, \ LPSTREAM FAR * lppStream) IPURE; \ MAPIMETHOD(SetProps) \ (THIS_ ULONG ulFlags, \ ULONG ulElemID, \ ULONG cValues, \ LPSPropValue lpProps) IPURE; \ MAPIMETHOD(EncodeRecips) \ (THIS_ ULONG ulFlags, \ LPMAPITABLE lpRecipientTable) IPURE; \ MAPIMETHOD(FinishComponent) \ (THIS_ ULONG ulFlags, \ ULONG ulComponentID, \ LPSPropTagArray lpCustomPropList, \ LPSPropValue lpCustomProps, \ LPSPropTagArray lpPropList, \ LPSTnefProblemArray FAR * lpProblems) IPURE; \ #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE ITnef DECLARE_MAPI_INTERFACE_(ITnef, IUnknown) { BEGIN_INTERFACE MAPI_IUNKNOWN_METHODS(PURE) MAPI_ITNEF_METHODS(PURE) }; STDMETHODIMP OpenTnefStream( LPVOID lpvSupport, LPSTREAM lpStream, LPTSTR lpszStreamName, ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE lpMessage, WORD wKeyVal, LPITNEF FAR * lppTNEF); typedef HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE FAR * LPOPENTNEFSTREAM) ( LPVOID lpvSupport, LPSTREAM lpStream, LPTSTR lpszStreamName, ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE lpMessage, WORD wKeyVal, LPITNEF FAR * lppTNEF); STDMETHODIMP OpenTnefStreamEx( LPVOID lpvSupport, LPSTREAM lpStream, LPTSTR lpszStreamName, ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE lpMessage, WORD wKeyVal, LPADRBOOK lpAdressBook, LPITNEF FAR * lppTNEF); typedef HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE FAR * LPOPENTNEFSTREAMEX) ( LPVOID lpvSupport, LPSTREAM lpStream, LPTSTR lpszStreamName, ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE lpMessage, WORD wKeyVal, LPADRBOOK lpAdressBook, LPITNEF FAR * lppTNEF); STDMETHODIMP GetTnefStreamCodepage ( LPSTREAM lpStream, ULONG FAR * lpulCodepage, ULONG FAR * lpulSubCodepage); typedef HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE FAR * LPGETTNEFSTREAMCODEPAGE) ( LPSTREAM lpStream, ULONG FAR * lpulCodepage, ULONG FAR * lpulSubCodepage); #define OPENTNEFSTREAM "OpenTnefStream" #define OPENTNEFSTREAMEX "OpenTnefStreamEx" #define GETTNEFSTREAMCODEPAGE "GetTnefStreamCodePage" /* -------------------------- */ /* TNEF Signature and Version */ /* -------------------------- */ #define MAKE_TNEF_VERSION(_mj,_mn) (((ULONG)(0x0000FFFF & _mj) << 16) | (ULONG)(0x0000FFFF & _mn)) #define TNEF_SIGNATURE ((ULONG) 0x223E9F78) #define TNEF_VERSION ((ULONG) MAKE_TNEF_VERSION(1,0)) /* ------------------------------------------- */ /* TNEF Down-level Attachment Types/Structures */ /* ------------------------------------------- */ typedef WORD ATYP; enum { atypNull, atypFile, atypOle, atypPicture, atypMax }; #define MAC_BINARY ((DWORD) 0x00000001) #include typedef struct _renddata { ATYP atyp; ULONG ulPosition; WORD dxWidth; WORD dyHeight; DWORD dwFlags; } RENDDATA, *PRENDDATA; #include /* ----------------------------------- */ /* TNEF Down-level Date/Time Structure */ /* ----------------------------------- */ #include typedef struct _dtr { WORD wYear; WORD wMonth; WORD wDay; WORD wHour; WORD wMinute; WORD wSecond; WORD wDayOfWeek; } DTR; #include /* ----------------------------- */ /* TNEF Down-level Message Flags */ /* ----------------------------- */ #define fmsNull ((BYTE) 0x00) #define fmsModified ((BYTE) 0x01) #define fmsLocal ((BYTE) 0x02) #define fmsSubmitted ((BYTE) 0x04) #define fmsRead ((BYTE) 0x20) #define fmsHasAttach ((BYTE) 0x80) /* ----------------------------------------- */ /* TNEF Down-level Triple Address Structures */ /* ----------------------------------------- */ #define trpidNull ((WORD) 0x0000) #define trpidUnresolved ((WORD) 0x0001) #define trpidResolvedNSID ((WORD) 0x0002) #define trpidResolvedAddress ((WORD) 0x0003) #define trpidOneOff ((WORD) 0x0004) #define trpidGroupNSID ((WORD) 0x0005) #define trpidOffline ((WORD) 0x0006) #define trpidIgnore ((WORD) 0x0007) #define trpidClassEntry ((WORD) 0x0008) #define trpidResolvedGroupAddress ((WORD) 0x0009) typedef struct _trp { WORD trpid; WORD cbgrtrp; WORD cch; WORD cbRgb; } TRP, *PTRP, *PGRTRP, FAR * LPTRP; #define CbOfTrp(_p) (sizeof(TRP) + (_p)->cch + (_p)->cbRgb) #define LpszOfTrp(_p) ((LPSTR)(((LPTRP) (_p)) + 1)) #define LpbOfTrp(_p) (((LPBYTE)(((LPTRP)(_p)) + 1)) + (_p)->cch) #define LptrpNext(_p) ((LPTRP)((LPBYTE)(_p) + CbOfTrp(_p))) typedef DWORD XTYPE; #define xtypeUnknown ((XTYPE) 0) #define xtypeInternet ((XTYPE) 6) #define cbDisplayName 41 #define cbEmailName 11 #define cbSeverName 12 typedef struct _ADDR_ALIAS { char rgchName[cbDisplayName]; char rgchEName[cbEmailName]; char rgchSrvr[cbSeverName]; ULONG dibDetail; WORD type; } ADDRALIAS, FAR * LPADDRALIAS; #define cbALIAS sizeof(ALIAS) #define cbTYPE 16 #define cbMaxIdData 200 typedef struct _NSID { DWORD dwSize; unsigned char uchType[cbTYPE]; XTYPE xtype; LONG lTime; union { ADDRALIAS alias; char rgchInterNet[1]; } address; } NSID, * LPNSID; #define cbNSID sizeof(NSID) /* -------------------------- */ /* TNEF Down-level Priorities */ /* -------------------------- */ #define prioLow 3 #define prioNorm 2 #define prioHigh 1 /* ------------------------------------- */ /* TNEF Down-level Attributes/Properties */ /* ------------------------------------- */ #define atpTriples ((WORD) 0x0000) #define atpString ((WORD) 0x0001) #define atpText ((WORD) 0x0002) #define atpDate ((WORD) 0x0003) #define atpShort ((WORD) 0x0004) #define atpLong ((WORD) 0x0005) #define atpByte ((WORD) 0x0006) #define atpWord ((WORD) 0x0007) #define atpDword ((WORD) 0x0008) #define atpMax ((WORD) 0x0009) #define LVL_MESSAGE ((BYTE) 0x01) #define LVL_ATTACHMENT ((BYTE) 0x02) #define ATT_ID(_att) ((WORD) ((_att) & 0x0000FFFF)) #define ATT_TYPE(_att) ((WORD) (((_att) >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF)) #define ATT(_atp, _id) ((((DWORD) (_atp)) << 16) | ((WORD) (_id))) #define attNull ATT( 0, 0x0000) #define attFrom ATT( atpTriples, 0x8000) /* PR_ORIGINATOR_RETURN_ADDRESS */ #define attSubject ATT( atpString, 0x8004) /* PR_SUBJECT */ #define attDateSent ATT( atpDate, 0x8005) /* PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME */ #define attDateRecd ATT( atpDate, 0x8006) /* PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME */ #define attMessageStatus ATT( atpByte, 0x8007) /* PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS */ #define attMessageClass ATT( atpWord, 0x8008) /* PR_MESSAGE_CLASS */ #define attMessageID ATT( atpString, 0x8009) /* PR_MESSAGE_ID */ #define attParentID ATT( atpString, 0x800A) /* PR_PARENT_ID */ #define attConversationID ATT( atpString, 0x800B) /* PR_CONVERSATION_ID */ #define attBody ATT( atpText, 0x800C) /* PR_BODY */ #define attPriority ATT( atpShort, 0x800D) /* PR_IMPORTANCE */ #define attAttachData ATT( atpByte, 0x800F) /* PR_ATTACH_DATA_xxx */ #define attAttachTitle ATT( atpString, 0x8010) /* PR_ATTACH_FILENAME */ #define attAttachMetaFile ATT( atpByte, 0x8011) /* PR_ATTACH_RENDERING */ #define attAttachCreateDate ATT( atpDate, 0x8012) /* PR_CREATION_TIME */ #define attAttachModifyDate ATT( atpDate, 0x8013) /* PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME */ #define attDateModified ATT( atpDate, 0x8020) /* PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME */ #define attAttachTransportFilename ATT( atpByte, 0x9001) /* PR_ATTACH_TRANSPORT_NAME */ #define attAttachRenddata ATT( atpByte, 0x9002) #define attMAPIProps ATT( atpByte, 0x9003) #define attRecipTable ATT( atpByte, 0x9004) /* PR_MESSAGE_RECIPIENTS */ #define attAttachment ATT( atpByte, 0x9005) #define attTnefVersion ATT( atpDword, 0x9006) #define attOemCodepage ATT( atpByte, 0x9007) #define attOriginalMessageClass ATT( atpWord, 0x0006) /* PR_ORIG_MESSAGE_CLASS */ #define attOwner ATT( atpByte, 0x0000) /* PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_xxx or PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_xxx */ #define attSentFor ATT( atpByte, 0x0001) /* PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_xxx */ #define attDelegate ATT( atpByte, 0x0002) /* PR_RCVD_REPRESENTING_xxx */ #define attDateStart ATT( atpDate, 0x0006) /* PR_DATE_START */ #define attDateEnd ATT( atpDate, 0x0007) /* PR_DATE_END */ #define attAidOwner ATT( atpLong, 0x0008) /* PR_OWNER_APPT_ID */ #define attRequestRes ATT( atpShort, 0x0009) /* PR_RESPONSE_REQUESTED */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* defined TNEF_H */