<%@LANGUAGE = Javascript%> <% var Page = new String( Request.QueryString( "Page" )) //Get the page we are currently on var LastIndex = 0 //for paging, specifies the last index id of the last record var Param0 = new String( Request.QueryString( "Param0" ) ) if( Param0.toString() == "undefined" ) Param0 = "" else Param0 = "," + Param0 if ( Page.toString() == "undefined" ) Page = -1; Response.Buffer = false var Alias = Request.QueryString("Alias") var FrameID = Request.QueryString("FrameID" ) if ( Session("Authenticated") != "Yes" ) Response.Redirect("privacy/authentication.asp?../DBGPortal_Main.asp?" + Request.QueryString() ) %>

Loading data for <%=Alias%>, please wait . . .

Followup - <%=Alias%>

Warning: Could not build chart

In order to display the crash histrogram, you must download the Office Web Components.

Warning: Could not build chart

In order to display the crash histrogram, you must download the Office Web Components.

<% if ( Page != "0" && Page != -1 ) Response.Write("") if ( Page != -1 ) Response.Write("") %>
<% var SP = Request.QueryString("SP" ) var GroupFlag = new String( Request.QueryString("GroupFlag") ) if ( GroupFlag.toString() == "undefined" ) GroupFlag = 0; //Response.Write( Request.QueryString() ) var altColor = "sys-table-cell-bgcolor2" var g_DBConn = GetDBConnection ( Application("CRASHDB3") ) var Query = SP + " '" + Page + "', '" + Alias + "'" + "," + GroupFlag + Param0 //Response.Write("Query: " + Query ) var rsBuckets = g_DBConn.Execute( Query ) fnBuildRSResults( rsBuckets ) try { //var rsBuckets = g_DBConn.Execute( "DBGPortal_GetBucketsByAlias '" + Alias + "'" ) //var rsBuckets = g_DBConn.Execute( SP + " 0, '" + Alias + "'" ) var rsStats = g_DBConn.Execute("DBGPortal_GetBucketStatsByAlias '" + Alias + "'," + GroupFlag ) } catch( err ) { } %>

Warning: Could not build chart

In order to display the crash histrogram, you must download the Office Web Components.

<% //do some math on these numbers, should move this off to the sproc var total = new Number( rsStats("Total") ) var AliasTotal = new Number( rsStats("AliasTotal") ) var Percent = parseInt((AliasTotal/total) * 100, 10 ) if ( Percent < 1 ) Percent= 1 var LeftOver = (parseInt( 100 - Percent, 10 )) /100 var Percent = Percent / 100 var Solved = parseInt( rsStats("Solved" ) ) / AliasTotal var Raided = parseInt( rsStats("Raided" ) ) / AliasTotal var Untouched = parseInt( rsStats("Untouched" ) ) / AliasTotal %>