* These are server global constants used throughout the site.
* Since Javascript does not have an intrinsic constant data type
* they are just declared with all caps.
var L_ERR_DB_CONNECTIONFAILED_TEXT = "Windows Online Crash Analysis was unable to connect to the database. Please try this task again.";
var L_ERR_SOLUTION_DNE_TEXT = "Were sorry, the solution that you have requested does not exist.
Or some other kind of general error message that says that the solution isn't there, otherwise, display some kind of general solution or something of the like"
//global State Variables
var STATE_SOLVED = 0; //solved crsh
var STATE_GENERIC = 1; //generic (or general) solution
var STATE_UNDEFINED = 2; //undefined state, or bad state
var STATE_SOLVED_ADDEDCOMMENT = 3; //Solved and customer filled out comment
var STATE_GENERIC_ADDEDREPRO = 4; //generic state and customer filled out repro
var STATE_UNABLE_TO_TRACK =5; //failure to track this crash
var STATE_COUNT = 6; //total number above.
var SOLUTIONID_HIGH_RANGE = 1000; //assuming a max of 1000 solutions at this point
var ERR_BAD_SOLUTIONID = -2; //Bad solution ID has been passed in
var ERR_BAD_STOPCODE = -3; //Bad StopCode value has been passed in
var ERR_UNDEFINED_STATE = -4; //Undefined state . . .
var ERR_BAD_GUID = -5; //We got ourselves a bad guid
var ERR_CRASHDB_NO_GUID = "-6"; //The GUID does not exist in the crashdb
var ERR_DUPLICATE_GUID = "-7"; //The guid already exists in the customer incident table
var L_RESEARCHINGSOLUTIONID_TEXT = "74"; //this is the default solution for reasearching
var L_UNABLETOTRACKSOLUTIONID_TEXT = "75"; //this is the default unable to track solution ID
* These are server specific global variables
//these are used for the fnHex function, when converting to a hex digit
var HexChars = { "10" : "a",
"11" : "b",
"12" : "c",
"13" : "d",
"14" : "e",
"15" : "f"