var L_PASSPORTLOGIN_TEXT = "To use the Windows Online Crash Analysis Web site, sign in using your Microsoft Passport. To get a Passport, visit the Microsoft Passport Web site.";
var L_PASSPORTSIGNIN_TEXT = "Passport sign-in";
var L_ONLINECRASH_TEXT = "Online Crash Analysis";
fnPrint( "
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function fnPrintMenuOption( szOptionText, szOptionURL, szNameID )
Response.Write("" );
Response.Write("" );
Response.Write(" " );
Response.Write("" + szOptionText + "" );
Response.Write(" |
function fnPrint ( szText )
Response.Write( szText + "\n" );
var L_HOME_TEXT = "Home";
var L_SUBMITREPORT_TEXT = "Submit Report";
var L_STATUS_TEXT = "Status";
var L_PRIVACY_TEXT = "Privacy";
var L_FAQ_TEXT = "FAQ";
//fnPrint( "");
fnPrint( "");
fnPrint( "" );
fnPrint( "" );
fnPrint( "" );
fnPrint( " " );