/* * Utility program to dump the contents of a Windows .ini file. * one form to another. Usage: * * ini [-f FileSpec] [SectionName | SectionName.KeywordName [= Value]] * * */ #include "ini.h" BOOL fRefresh; BOOL fSummary; BOOL fUnicode; void DumpIniFileA( char *IniFile ) { char *Sections, *Section; char *Keywords, *Keyword; char *KeyValue; Sections = LocalAlloc( 0, 8192 ); if (Sections) { memset( Sections, 0xFF, 8192 ); } else { return; } Keywords = LocalAlloc( 0, 8192 ); if (Keywords) { memset( Keywords, 0xFF, 8192 ); } else { LocalFree(Sections); return; } KeyValue = LocalAlloc( 0, 2048 ); if (KeyValue) { memset( KeyValue, 0xFF, 2048 ); } else { LocalFree(Keywords); LocalFree(Sections); return; } *Sections = '\0'; if (!GetPrivateProfileStringA( NULL, NULL, NULL, Sections, 8192, IniFile ) ) { printf( "*** Unable to read - rc == %d\n", GetLastError() ); } Section = Sections; while (*Section) { printf( "[%s]\n", Section ); if (!fSummary) { *Keywords = '\0'; GetPrivateProfileStringA( Section, NULL, NULL, Keywords, 4096, IniFile ); Keyword = Keywords; while (*Keyword) { GetPrivateProfileStringA( Section, Keyword, NULL, KeyValue, 2048, IniFile ); printf( " %s=%s\n", Keyword, KeyValue ); while (*Keyword++) { } } } while (*Section++) { } } LocalFree( Sections ); LocalFree( Keywords ); LocalFree( KeyValue ); return; } void DumpIniFileW( WCHAR *IniFileW ) { WCHAR *Sections, *Section; WCHAR *Keywords, *Keyword; WCHAR *KeyValue; Sections = LocalAlloc( 0, 8192 ); if (Sections) { memset( Sections, 0xFF, 8192 ); } else { return; } Keywords = LocalAlloc( 0, 8192 ); if (Keywords) { memset( Keywords, 0xFF, 8192 ); } else { LocalFree(Sections); return; } KeyValue = LocalAlloc( 0, 2048 ); if (KeyValue) { memset( KeyValue, 0xFF, 2048 ); } else { LocalFree(Keywords); LocalFree(Sections); return; } *Sections = '\0'; if (!GetPrivateProfileStringW( NULL, NULL, NULL, Sections, 8192 / sizeof(WCHAR), IniFileW ) ) { wprintf( L"*** Unable to read - rc == %d\n", GetLastError() ); } Section = Sections; while (*Section) { wprintf( L"[%s]\n", Section ); if (!fSummary) { *Keywords = '\0'; GetPrivateProfileStringW( Section, NULL, NULL, Keywords, 4096 / sizeof(WCHAR), IniFileW ); Keyword = Keywords; while (*Keyword) { GetPrivateProfileStringW( Section, Keyword, NULL, KeyValue, 2048 / sizeof(WCHAR), IniFileW ); wprintf( L" %s=%s\n", Keyword, KeyValue ); while (*Keyword++) { } } } while (*Section++) { } } LocalFree( Sections ); LocalFree( Keywords ); LocalFree( KeyValue ); return; } void DumpIniFileSectionA( char *IniFile, char *SectionName ) { DWORD cb; char *SectionValue; char *s; cb = 4096; while (TRUE) { SectionValue = LocalAlloc( 0, cb ); if (!SectionValue) { return; } *SectionValue = '\0'; if (GetPrivateProfileSection( SectionName, SectionValue, cb, IniFile ) == cb-2 ) { LocalFree( SectionValue ); cb *= 2; } else { break; } } printf( "[%s]\n", SectionName ); s = SectionValue; while (*s) { printf( " %s\n", s ); while (*s++) { } } LocalFree( SectionValue ); return; } void DumpIniFileSectionW( WCHAR *IniFile, WCHAR *SectionName ) { DWORD cb; WCHAR *SectionValue; WCHAR *s; cb = 4096; while (TRUE) { SectionValue = LocalAlloc( 0, cb ); if (!SectionValue) { return; } *SectionValue = L'\0'; if (GetPrivateProfileSectionW( SectionName, SectionValue, cb, IniFile ) == cb-2 ) { LocalFree( SectionValue ); cb *= 2; } else { break; } } wprintf( L"[%s]\n", SectionName ); s = SectionValue; while (*s) { wprintf( L" %s\n", s ); while (*s++) { } } LocalFree( SectionValue ); return; } void Usage( void ) { fputs( "usage: INI | [-f FileSpec] [-r | [SectionName | SectionName.KeywordName [ = Value]]]\n" "Where...\n" " -f Specifies the name of the .ini file. WIN.INI is the default.\n" " -s Print only the sections in the .ini file\n" " -u Use the Unicode version of GetPrivateProfileString\n" "\n" " -r Refresh the .INI file migration information for the specified file.\n" "\n" " blanks around = sign are required when setting the value.\n", stderr); exit( 1 ); } char KeyValueBuffer[ 4096 ]; WCHAR IniFileW[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR SectionNameW[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR KeywordNameW[4096]; WCHAR KeywordValueW[4096]; int __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int i, n; LPSTR s, IniFile, SectionName, KeywordName, KeywordValue; BOOL rc; ConvertAppToOem( argc, argv ); if (argc < 1) { Usage(); } IniFile = "win.ini"; SectionName = NULL; KeywordName = NULL; KeywordValue = NULL; argc -= 1; argv += 1; while (argc--) { s = *argv++; if (*s == '-' || *s == '/') { while (*++s) { switch ( tolower( *s ) ) { case 'r': fRefresh = TRUE; break; case 's': fSummary = TRUE; break; case 'u': fUnicode = TRUE; break; case 'f': if (argc) { argc -= 1; IniFile = *argv++; break; } default: Usage(); } } } else if (SectionName == NULL) { if (argc && !strcmp( *argv, ".")) { SectionName = s; argc -= 1; argv += 1; if (argc) { if (!strcmp( *argv, "=" )) { argc -= 1; argv += 1; KeywordName = NULL; if (argc) { KeywordValue = calloc( 1, 4096 ); s = KeywordValue; while (argc) { strcpy( s, *argv++ ); s += strlen( s ) + 1; argc -= 1; } } else { KeywordValue = (LPSTR)-1; } } else { argc -= 1; KeywordName = *argv++; } } else { KeywordName = NULL; } } else if (KeywordName = strchr( s, '.' )) { *KeywordName++ = '\0'; SectionName = s; } else { SectionName = s; } } else if (!strcmp( s, "=" )) { if (argc) { argc -= 1; KeywordValue = *argv++; } else { KeywordValue = (LPSTR)-1; } } else { Usage(); } } if (fRefresh) { printf( "Refreshing .INI file mapping information for %s\n", IniFile ); WritePrivateProfileString( NULL, NULL, NULL, IniFile ); exit( 0 ); } printf( "%s contents of %s\n", KeywordValue ? "Modifying" : "Displaying", IniFile ); MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, IniFile, strlen(IniFile)+1, IniFileW, sizeof(IniFileW)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if (SectionName) MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, SectionName, strlen(SectionName)+1, SectionNameW, sizeof(SectionNameW)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if (SectionName == NULL) { if (fUnicode) DumpIniFileW( IniFileW ); else DumpIniFileA( IniFile ); } else if (KeywordName == NULL) { if (fUnicode) DumpIniFileSectionW( IniFileW, SectionNameW ); else DumpIniFileSectionA( IniFile, SectionName ); if (KeywordValue != NULL) { printf( "Above application variables are being deleted" ); if (KeywordValue != (LPSTR)-1) { printf( " and rewritten" ); } else { KeywordValue = NULL; } if (fUnicode) { MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, KeywordName, strlen(KeywordName)+1, KeywordNameW, sizeof(KeywordNameW)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if (KeywordValue) MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, KeywordValue, strlen(KeywordValue)+1, KeywordValueW, sizeof(KeywordValueW)/sizeof(WCHAR)); rc = WritePrivateProfileStringW( SectionNameW, KeywordNameW, KeywordValue ? KeywordValueW : NULL, IniFileW ); } else { rc = WritePrivateProfileStringA( SectionName, KeywordName, KeywordValue, IniFile ); } if (!rc) { printf( " *** failed, ErrorCode -== %u\n", GetLastError() ); } else { puts ( " [ok]"); } } } else { printf( "[%s]\n %s == ", SectionName, KeywordName ); if (fUnicode) { MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, KeywordName, strlen(KeywordName)+1, KeywordNameW, sizeof(KeywordNameW)/sizeof(WCHAR)); n = GetPrivateProfileStringW( SectionNameW, KeywordNameW, L"*** Section or keyword not found ***", (LPWSTR)KeyValueBuffer, sizeof( KeyValueBuffer ) / sizeof(WCHAR), IniFileW ); } else { n = GetPrivateProfileStringA( SectionName, KeywordName, "*** Section or keyword not found ***", KeyValueBuffer, sizeof( KeyValueBuffer ), IniFile ); } if (KeywordValue == NULL && n == 0 && GetLastError() != NO_ERROR) { printf( " (ErrorCode == %u)\n", GetLastError() ); } else { if (fUnicode) wprintf( L"%s", (WCHAR *)KeyValueBuffer ); else printf( "%s", KeyValueBuffer ); if (KeywordValue == NULL) { printf( "\n" ); } else { if (KeywordValue == (LPSTR)-1) { printf( " (deleted)" ); KeywordValue = NULL; } else { printf( " (set to %s)", KeywordValue ); } if (fUnicode) { MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, KeywordName, strlen(KeywordName)+1, KeywordNameW, sizeof(KeywordNameW)/sizeof(WCHAR)); if (KeywordValue) MultiByteToWideChar(GetACP(), 0, KeywordValue, strlen(KeywordValue)+1, KeywordValueW, sizeof(KeywordValueW)/sizeof(WCHAR)); rc = WritePrivateProfileStringW( SectionNameW, KeywordNameW, KeywordValue ? KeywordValueW : NULL, IniFileW ); } else { rc = WritePrivateProfileStringA( SectionName, KeywordName, KeywordValue, IniFile ); } if (!rc) { printf( " *** failed, ErrorCode -== %u", GetLastError() ); } printf( "\n" ); } } } return ( 0 ); }