REM These should assemble without error for %%i in (big casein dosseg iasg ifstruc strequ p900000 p900001) do call testnt0 %%i for %%i in (p900002 p900004a p900004b p900006 p900014 p900031) do call testnt0 %%i for %%i in (p900039 p900044 p900056 p900057 p900060 t51837 t52900) do call testnt0 %%i for %%i in (t53261 t53857 t54015 t54919 t55172 t55981 t55983a t55983b) do call testnt0 %%i for %%i in (t56394 t56766 t57751 t58827 bug1 bug2 bug3 bug4 bug5 bug6 bug7) do call testnt0 %%i for %%i in (bug8 bug9 bug10 bug13 bug14 mixed p901008 p901019) do call testnt0 %%i for %%i in (p901025 p901026 p901027 proc t61960 t52753) do call testnt0 %%i for %%i in (comm comm2 commvar commvar2) do call testnt0 %%i REM tests as above, but which need to be assembled -Zi for %%i in (bug15 p901014 p901016a real) do call testnt0 %%i -Zi REM These should cause assembly errors REM BUGBUG the error output should redirected to a file and compared for %%i in (p900008 p900009 p900012 p900015 p900029 p900033 p900035 p900042) do call testnt0 %%i for %%i in (p900045a p900045b p900045c p900045d p900045e t52450 t52691) do call testnt0 %%i for %%i in (t52901 t53791 t53839 t56389 t56393 t56763 t61610 dev1 dev2) do call testnt0 %%i for %%i in (dev3 dev4 dev5 dev6 p900030) do call testnt0 %%i masm /dalpha /s alphaseq, alpha1; masm /dalpha /a alphaseq, alpha2; masm /dalpha alphaseq, alpha3; masm /a alphaseq, alpha4; masm /dseq /s alphaseq, seq1; masm /dseq /a alphaseq, seq2; masm /dseq alphaseq, seq3; masm /s alphaseq, seq4; masm alphaseq, seq5; REM BUGBUG There are more tests in tdfile that should be moved