/*++ Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: regutil.c Abstract: Utility routines for use by REGINI and REGDMP programs. Author: Steve Wood (stevewo) 10-Mar-92 Revision History: --*/ #include "regutil.h" ULONG NumberOfLinesOutput; BOOLEAN RegBackSwitches; LPSTR SavedModuleName; LPSTR SavedModuleUsage1; LPSTR SavedModuleUsage2; PHANDLER_ROUTINE SavedCtrlCHandler; BOOL CommonCtrlCHandler( IN ULONG CtrlType ) { if (CtrlType == CTRL_C_EVENT || CtrlType == CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) { if (SavedCtrlCHandler != NULL) { (*SavedCtrlCHandler)( CtrlType ); } ExitProcess( 1 ); } return FALSE; } void InitCommonCode( PHANDLER_ROUTINE CtrlCHandler, LPSTR ModuleName, LPSTR ModuleUsage1, LPSTR ModuleUsage2 ) { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO ConsoleScreenBufferInfo; if (!RTInitialize()) { FatalError( "Unable to initialize registry access functions (%u)", GetLastError(), 0 ); } if (_isatty( _fileno( stdout ) )) { if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), &ConsoleScreenBufferInfo ) ) { OutputHeight = ConsoleScreenBufferInfo.srWindow.Bottom - ConsoleScreenBufferInfo.srWindow.Top + 1; OutputWidth = ConsoleScreenBufferInfo.srWindow.Right - ConsoleScreenBufferInfo.srWindow.Left + 1; } else { OutputHeight = 24; OutputWidth = 80; } } else { OutputHeight = 0; // Dont pause on redirected output OutputWidth = 240; // Larger width for redirected output } IndentMultiple = 4; SavedModuleName = ModuleName; if (!_stricmp( SavedModuleName, "REGBACK" )) { RegBackSwitches = TRUE; } else { RegBackSwitches = FALSE; } SavedModuleUsage1 = ModuleUsage1; SavedModuleUsage2 = ModuleUsage2; SetConsoleCtrlHandler( CtrlCHandler, TRUE ); OldValueBufferSize = 30 * 4096; OldValueBuffer = VirtualAlloc( NULL, OldValueBufferSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ); if (OldValueBuffer == NULL) { FatalError( "Unable to allocate large value buffer (%u)", GetLastError(), 0 ); } return; } void DisplayIndentedString( ULONG IndentAmount, PCHAR sBegin ) { PCHAR sEnd; while (sBegin != NULL) { sEnd = sBegin; while (*sEnd && *sEnd != '\n') { sEnd += 1; } MsgFprintf( stderr, "%.*s%.*s\n", IndentAmount, " ", sEnd - sBegin, sBegin ); NumberOfLinesOutput += 1; if (OutputHeight != 0 && NumberOfLinesOutput >= OutputHeight) { MsgFprintf( stderr, "more...press any key to continue" ); TSGetch(); MsgFprintf( stderr, "\r \r" ); NumberOfLinesOutput = 2; } if (*sEnd == '\0') { break; } else { sBegin = ++sEnd; } } return; } void Usage( LPSTR Message, ULONG_PTR MessageParameter ) { ULONG n; LPSTR sBegin, sEnd; NumberOfLinesOutput += 1; n = MsgFprintf( stderr, "usage: %s ", SavedModuleName ); MsgFprintf( stderr, "[-m \\\\machinename" ); if (!RegBackSwitches) { MsgFprintf( stderr, " | -h hivefile hiveroot | -w Win95 Directory" ); } MsgFprintf( stderr, "]\n" ); NumberOfLinesOutput += 1; if (!RegBackSwitches) { DisplayIndentedString( n, "[-i n] [-o outputWidth]" ); } DisplayIndentedString( n, SavedModuleUsage1 ); MsgFprintf( stderr, "\n" ); NumberOfLinesOutput += 1; n = MsgFprintf( stderr, "where: " ); MsgFprintf( stderr, "-m specifies a remote Windows NT machine whose registry is to be manipulated.\n" ); NumberOfLinesOutput += 1; if (!RegBackSwitches) { DisplayIndentedString( n, "-h specifies a specify local hive to manipulate.\n" "-w specifies the paths to a Windows 95 system.dat and user.dat files\n" "-i n specifies the display indentation multiple. Default is 4\n" "-o outputWidth specifies how wide the output is to be. By default the\n" " outputWidth is set to the width of the console window if standard\n" " output has not been redirected to a file. In the latter case, an\n" " outputWidth of 240 is used." ); MsgFprintf( stderr, "\n" ); NumberOfLinesOutput += 1; } DisplayIndentedString( n, SavedModuleUsage2 ); if (!RegBackSwitches) { DisplayIndentedString( n, "Whenever specifying a registry path, either on the command line\n" "or in an input file, the following prefix strings can be used:\n" "\n" " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\n" " HKEY_USERS\n" " HKEY_CURRENT_USER\n" " USER:\n" "\n" " Each of these strings can stand alone as the key name or be followed\n" " a backslash and a subkey path." ); MsgFprintf( stderr, "\n" ); NumberOfLinesOutput += 1; } // // No return from FatalError // if (Message != NULL) { MsgFprintf( stderr, "\n" ); NumberOfLinesOutput += 1; } FatalError( Message, MessageParameter, 0 ); } void FatalError( LPSTR Message, ULONG_PTR MessageParameter1, ULONG_PTR MessageParameter2 ) { if (Message != NULL) { MsgFprintf( stderr, "%s: ", SavedModuleName ); MsgFprintf( stderr, Message, MessageParameter1, MessageParameter2 ); MsgFprintf( stderr, "\n" ); } if (SavedCtrlCHandler != NULL) { (*SavedCtrlCHandler)( CTRL_BREAK_EVENT ); } exit( 1 ); } void InputMessage( PWSTR FileName, ULONG LineNumber, BOOLEAN Error, LPSTR Message, ULONG_PTR MessageParameter1, ULONG_PTR MessageParameter2 ) { MsgFprintf( stderr, "%ws(%u) : %s: ", FileName, LineNumber, Error ? "error" : "warning" ); MsgFprintf( stderr, Message, MessageParameter1, MessageParameter2 ); MsgFprintf( stderr, "\n" ); return; } PWSTR GetArgAsUnicode( LPSTR s ) { ULONG n; PWSTR ps; n = strlen( s ); ps = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (n + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); if (ps == NULL) { FatalError( "Out of memory", 0, 0 ); } if (MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, s, n, ps, n ) != (LONG)n ) { FatalError( "Unable to convert parameter '%s' to Unicode (%u)", (ULONG_PTR)s, GetLastError() ); } ps[ n ] = UNICODE_NULL; return ps; } void CommonSwitchProcessing( PULONG argc, PCHAR **argv, CHAR c ) { c = (char)tolower( c ); switch( c ) { case 'd': DebugOutput = TRUE; break; case 'o': if (--*argc) { OutputWidth = atoi( *++(*argv) ); break; } else { Usage( "Missing argument to -o switch", 0 ); } case 'i': if (--*argc) { IndentMultiple = atoi( *++(*argv) ); break; } else { Usage( "Missing parameter for -%c switch", (ULONG)c ); } case 'm': if (HiveFileName != NULL || HiveRootName != NULL || Win95Path != NULL || Win95UserPath != NULL ) { Usage( "May only specify one of -h, -m or -w switches", 0 ); } if (--*argc) { MachineName = GetArgAsUnicode( *++(*argv) ); if (_wcsnicmp( MachineName, L"\\\\", 2 )) { FatalError( "Invalid machine name - '%ws'", (ULONG_PTR)MachineName, 0 ); } } else { Usage( "Missing parameter for -%c switch", (ULONG)c ); } break; case 'w': if (MachineName != NULL || HiveFileName != NULL || HiveRootName != NULL) { Usage( "May only specify one of -h, -m or -w switches", 0 ); } if (--*argc && --*argc) { Win95Path = GetArgAsUnicode( *++(*argv) ); Win95UserPath = GetArgAsUnicode( *++(*argv) ); } else { Usage( "Missing parameter(s) for -%c switch", (ULONG)c ); } break; case 'h': if (MachineName != NULL || Win95Path != NULL || Win95UserPath != NULL) { Usage( "May only specify one of -h, -m or -w switches", 0 ); } if (--*argc && --*argc) { HiveFileName = GetArgAsUnicode( *++(*argv) ); HiveRootName = GetArgAsUnicode( *++(*argv) ); } else { Usage( "Missing parameter(s) for -%c switch", (ULONG)c ); } break; case '?': Usage( NULL, 0 ); break; default: Usage( "Invalid switch (-%c)", (ULONG)c ); break; } return; } /* int MsgFprintf ( FILE *str, LPSTR format, ... ) if we ever need to display messages for english versions we can add the following portion of code. [ #ifdef OUTPUT_ENGLISH_MSGS va_list va; if (PRIMARYLANGID(GetUserDefaultLangID()) == LANG_ENGLISH ) { va_start(va, format); i = vfprintf (str, format, va); va_end(va); } #endif // OUTPUT_ENGLISH_MSGS ] */ int __cdecl MsgFprintf ( FILE *str, LPSTR format, ... ) { int i=0; //#ifndef SILENT_TS_TOOL va_list va; va_start(va, format); i = vfprintf (str, format, va); va_end(va); //#endif // SILENT_TS_TOOL return (i); } void TSGetch() { #ifndef SILENT_TS_TOOL _getch(); #endif // SILENT_TS_TOOL }