Column definition for a Custom Table
Data item for a row of a Custom Table
Row data for a Custom Table
Provides definition of Custom Table
Adds a Win32 or .NET assembly to a Component
Adds a digitial certificate
Adds a digitial signature
Adds or removes .ini file entries
ODBCDataSource for a Component
ODBCDriver for a Component
ODBCTranslator for a Component
Searches for file and assigns to fullpath value of parent Property
Searches for directory and assigns to value of parent Property
Searches for file or directory and assigns to value of parent Property
Searches for file, directory or registry key and assigns to value of parent Property
Searches for file, directory or registry key and assigns to value of parent Property
Property value for product
Shortcut, default target is parent File, CreateFolder, or Component's Directory
Sets ACLs on File, Registry, or CreateFolder
Causes a file to be duplicated, copied or moved to a new location
Patch information for parent File element
File specification for File table, must be child node of Component
Registry value for parent Component
Files to remove from specied folder if parent Component is installed
Create folder as part of parent Component
Qualified published component for parent Feature Component
MIME content-type for an Extension
Verb definition for an Extension
Extension for Component
TypeLib registration for parent Component
ProgId registration for parent Component
AppId registration, referenced by Class AppId attributes
COM Class registration for parent Component
Service or group of services that are dependencies for services in ServiceInstall
Starts, stops, and removes services for parent Component
Argument used in ServiceControl parent
Starts, stops, and removes services for parent Component
Environment variables added or removed for parent Component
Shared Component to be privately replicated in folder of parent Component
Disk cost to reserve in a folder for running locally and/or from source
Component for parent Directory
Module to be redirected to parent directory
Folder for Directory table, must be child node of Directory or Product
Upgrade info for a particular UpgradeCode
Feature for Feature table, must be child node of Feature or Product
PatchPackage found on parent Media element
Media specification
Custom action specification
binary data used for CustomAction elements and UI controls
binary icon data used for Shortcut, ProgId, Class elements, not by UI controls
Bilboard to display during install of a Feature
Bilboard action during which child Billboards are displayed
TextStyle definition
Text and value associated with Property with Control set to listBox,listView,comboBox
Set of items for a particular ListBox control tied to an install Property
Set of items for a particular ComboBox control tied to an install Property
Set of items for a particular ListView control tied to an install Property
Text and value associated with Property with Control set to radioGroup
Set of radio buttons tied to a particular install Property
Text associated with certain controls
Enclosing tag to compartmentalize UI specifications
Package attributes from SummaryInformation
Package code GUID for SKU
Product full name or description
List of platforms supported in package
List of language IDs supported in package
Minimum installer version, major*100 + minor
Vendor releasing the package
Optional keywords for browsing
Optional comments for browsing
Codepage for summary info strings only
Short filenames on source
Compressed files on source
Source is an admin image
Product code GUID for product
Descriptive name of product
Decimal language ID for product
Manufacturer of product
Product version string
Upgrade code GUID for product