#include "xerox.h" #include "group.h" PGROUP pGroups = NULL; LPSTR pszCurrentGroup = NULL; /* * Adds the names of all defined groups to the listbox/combo box given. * * Returns TRUE if success and there are >0 groups defined. */ BOOL GroupListInit( HWND hwnd, BOOL fIsCB) { UINT addStringMsg = LB_ADDSTRING; PGROUP pGroup; if (pGroups == NULL) { return(FALSE); } if (fIsCB) { addStringMsg = CB_ADDSTRING; } pGroup = pGroups; while (pGroup) { SendMessage(hwnd, addStringMsg, 0, (LONG_PTR)pGroup->pszName); pGroup = pGroup->next; } return(TRUE); } BOOL DeleteGroupDefinition( LPSTR szName) { PGROUP pGroup, pGroupPrev; PTITLELIST ptl; pGroupPrev = NULL; pGroup = pGroups; while (pGroup) { if (!_stricmp(pGroup->pszName, szName)) { if (pGroupPrev == NULL) { pGroups = pGroup->next; } else { pGroupPrev->next = pGroup->next; } while (pGroup->ptl != NULL) { ptl = pGroup->ptl; pGroup->ptl = ptl->next; Free(ptl->pszTitle); Free(ptl->pszClass); Free(ptl); } Free(pGroup); if (pGroups != NULL) { pszCurrentGroup = pGroups->pszName; } else { pszCurrentGroup = NULL; } return(TRUE); } pGroupPrev = pGroup; pGroup = pGroup->next; } return(FALSE); } BOOL AddGroupDefinition( LPSTR szName, HWND hwndList) { PGROUP pGroup, pGroupEnd; PTITLELIST ptl; HWND hwnd; int cItems, cb; char szClass[MAX_STRING_BYTES]; /* * Don't allow duplicate groups. * This is how an existing group can be replaced. */ DeleteGroupDefinition(szName); pGroup = Alloc(sizeof(GROUP)); if (pGroup == NULL) { return(FALSE); } pGroup->pszName = Alloc(strlen(szName) + 1); if (pGroup->pszName == NULL) { Free(pGroup); return(FALSE); } strcpy(pGroup->pszName, szName); pGroup->ptl = NULL; cItems = (int)SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); while (cItems--) { ptl = Alloc(sizeof(TITLELIST)); if (ptl != NULL) { cb = (int)SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETTEXTLEN, cItems, 0); if (cb) { ptl->pszTitle = Alloc(cb + 1); if (ptl->pszTitle != NULL) { SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETTEXT, cItems, (LONG_PTR)ptl->pszTitle); hwnd = (HWND)SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETITEMDATA, cItems, 0); GetClassName(hwnd, szClass, sizeof(szClass)); ptl->pszClass = Alloc(strlen(szClass) + 1); if (ptl->pszClass != NULL) { strcpy(ptl->pszClass, szClass); ptl->next = pGroup->ptl; pGroup->ptl = ptl; } else { Free(ptl->pszTitle); Free(ptl); } } else{ Free(ptl); } } else { Free(ptl); } } } if (pGroup->ptl == NULL) { Free(pGroup); return(FALSE); } /* * Put it on the end of the list. This is an awkward attempt * at making the initial group the first group defined. Probably * should save this info in the registry. */ pGroup->next = NULL; if (pGroups != NULL) { pGroupEnd = pGroups; while (pGroupEnd->next != NULL) { pGroupEnd = pGroupEnd->next; } pGroupEnd->next = pGroup; } else { pGroups = pGroup; } pszCurrentGroup = pGroup->pszName; return(TRUE); } BOOL SelectGroupDefinition( LPSTR szName, HWND hwndList, BOOL DisplayMissingWin) { PGROUP pGroup; HWND hwndAdd; PTITLELIST ptl; if (szName == NULL) { return(FALSE); } pGroup = FindGroup(szName); if (pGroup == NULL) { return(FALSE); } while (SendMessage(hwndList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0)) { SendMessage(hwndList, LB_DELETESTRING, 0, 0); } ptl = pGroup->ptl; while (ptl) { hwndAdd = FindWindow(ptl->pszClass, ptl->pszTitle); if (DisplayMissingWin || (hwndAdd != NULL)) { if (hwndAdd == NULL) { hwndAdd = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } AddLBItemhwnd(hwndList, ptl->pszTitle, (LONG_PTR)hwndAdd); } ptl = ptl->next; } pszCurrentGroup = pGroup->pszName; return(TRUE); } LPSTR GetCurrentGroup() { return(pszCurrentGroup); } VOID SetNoCurrentGroup(HWND hwnd, LPSTR szTitle) { SetWindowText(hwnd, szTitle); pszCurrentGroup = NULL; } PGROUP FindGroup( LPSTR szName) { PGROUP pGroup; pGroup = pGroups; while (pGroup) { if (!_stricmp(szName, pGroup->pszName)) { return(pGroup); } pGroup = pGroup->next; } return(NULL); } int CountGroups() { PGROUP pGroup; int c = 0; pGroup = pGroups; while (pGroup) { c++; pGroup = pGroup->next; } return(c); } VOID SaveGroups() { DWORD cbSave = 1; // for last NULL terminator. int cTitles; PGROUP pGroup; LPSTR pBuf, psz; LPWORD pw; HKEY hKey; PTITLELIST ptl; if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Xerox", &hKey)) { return; } pGroup = pGroups; while (pGroup) { cbSave += strlen(pGroup->pszName) + 1; ptl = pGroup->ptl; while (ptl) { cbSave += strlen(ptl->pszTitle) + 2 + strlen(ptl->pszClass) + 2; ptl = ptl->next; } pGroup = pGroup->next; } if (cbSave == 0) { return; } pBuf = psz = Alloc(cbSave); if (pBuf == NULL) { return; } RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Groups", 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, "\0\0", 2); pGroup = pGroups; while (pGroup) { strcpy(psz, pGroup->pszName); psz += strlen(psz) + 1; ptl = pGroup->ptl; while (ptl) { *psz++ = '\t'; strcpy(psz, ptl->pszTitle); psz += strlen(psz) + 1; *psz++ = '\t'; strcpy(psz, ptl->pszClass); psz += strlen(psz) + 1; ptl = ptl->next; } pGroup = pGroup->next; } *psz = '\0'; // double NULL terminate last string. RegSetValueEx(hKey, "Groups", 0, REG_MULTI_SZ, pBuf, cbSave); RegCloseKey(hKey); Free(pBuf); } VOID FreeGroups() { PTITLELIST ptl; PGROUP pGroup; pszCurrentGroup = NULL; while (pGroups) { while (pGroups->ptl) { ptl = pGroups->ptl; Free(ptl->pszTitle); Free(ptl->pszClass); pGroups->ptl = ptl->next; Free(ptl); } pGroup = pGroups; pGroups = pGroups->next; Free(pGroup); } } VOID LoadGroups() { int cTitles; HKEY hKey; DWORD cbLoad = 0; DWORD dwType; LPSTR pBuf, psz; PTITLELIST ptl; PGROUP pGroup, pGroupEnd = NULL; FreeGroups(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Xerox", &hKey)) { return; } RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "Groups", 0, &dwType, NULL, &cbLoad); if (dwType != REG_MULTI_SZ) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return; } if (cbLoad) { pBuf = psz = Alloc(cbLoad); if (pBuf == NULL) { return; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "Groups", 0, &dwType, pBuf, &cbLoad)) { Free(pBuf); return; } while (*psz) { pGroup = Alloc(sizeof(GROUP)); if (pGroup == NULL) { Free(pBuf); return; } pGroup->pszName = Alloc(strlen(psz) + 1); if (pGroup->pszName == NULL) { Free(pBuf); Free(pGroup); return; } strcpy(pGroup->pszName, psz); pGroup->ptl = NULL; psz += strlen(psz) + 1; while (*psz == '\t') { psz++; ptl = Alloc(sizeof(TITLELIST)); if (ptl == NULL) { Free(pBuf); return; } ptl->pszTitle = Alloc(strlen(psz)); if (ptl->pszTitle == NULL) { Free(pBuf); Free(ptl); return; } strcpy(ptl->pszTitle, psz); psz += strlen(psz) + 2; ptl->pszClass = Alloc(strlen(psz)); if (ptl->pszClass == NULL) { Free(pBuf); Free(ptl); return; } strcpy(ptl->pszClass, psz); psz += strlen(psz) + 1; ptl->next = pGroup->ptl; pGroup->ptl = ptl; } /* * Restore groups to origional order. */ if (pGroupEnd == NULL) { pGroups = pGroup; pGroupEnd = pGroup; } else { pGroupEnd->next = pGroup; pGroupEnd = pGroup; } pGroup->next = NULL; } Free(pBuf); /* * Set default current group to first in list. */ if (pGroups != NULL) { pszCurrentGroup = pGroups->pszName; } } }