#include "priv.h" #include "sccls.h" #include "resource.h" #include "commonsb.h" #include "dockbar.h" // for DRAG_MOVE etc. #include "mluisupp.h" #define DM_HTTPEQUIV TF_SHDNAVIGATE #define DM_NAV TF_SHDNAVIGATE #define DM_ZONE TF_SHDNAVIGATE #define DM_IEDDE DM_TRACE #define DM_CANCELMODE 0 #define DM_UIWINDOW 0 #define DM_ENABLEMODELESS TF_SHDNAVIGATE #define DM_EXPLORERMENU 0 #define DM_BACKFORWARD 0 #define DM_PROTOCOL 0 #define DM_ITBAR 0 #define DM_STARTUP 0 #define DM_AUTOLIFE 0 #define DM_PALETTE 0 #define DM_PERSIST 0 // trace IPS::Load, ::Save, etc. #define DM_VIEWSTREAM DM_TRACE #define DM_FOCUS 0 #define DM_FOCUS2 0 // like DM_FOCUS, but verbose #define DM_ACCELERATOR 0 #define TF_PERF TF_CUSTOM2 #define DM_MISC DM_TRACE // misc/tmp stuff PZONEICONNAMECACHE g_pZoneIconNameCache = NULL; DWORD g_dwZoneCount = 0; //*** create, ctor/init/dtor, QI/AddRef/Release { // So CDesktopBrowser can access us... HRESULT CCommonBrowser_CreateInstance(IUnknown* punkOuter, IUnknown** ppunk, LPCOBJECTINFO poi) { CCommonBrowser *pcb = new CCommonBrowser(punkOuter); if (pcb) { *ppunk = pcb->_GetInner(); return S_OK; } *ppunk = NULL; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } CCommonBrowser::CCommonBrowser(IUnknown* punkAgg) : CAggregatedUnknown(punkAgg) { // cache "out" pointers _QueryOuterInterface(IID_PPV_ARG(IBrowserService2, &_pbsOuter)); // warning: can't call SUPER/_psbInner until _Initialize has been called // (since that's what does the aggregation) } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_Initialize(HWND hwnd, IUnknown *pauto) { // I hope we have an IBrowserService2 to talk to. if (!_pbsOuter) { return E_FAIL; } IUnknown* punk; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CBaseBrowser, SAFECAST(this, IShellBrowser*), CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARG(IUnknown, &punk)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SetInner(punk); // paired w/ Release in outer (TBS::Release) if (EVAL(SUCCEEDED(hr))) { hr = _pbsInner->_Initialize(hwnd, pauto); } } EVAL(FDSA_Initialize(sizeof(TOOLBARITEM), ITB_CGROW, &_fdsaTBar, _aTBar, ITB_CSTATIC)); return hr; } CCommonBrowser::~CCommonBrowser() { // First, release outer interfaces, since the // outer object is in the process of destroying itself. RELEASEOUTERINTERFACE(_pbsOuter); RELEASEOUTERINTERFACE(_pbsOuter3); // Second, release the inner guy so it knows to clean up // Note: this should come third, but the inner guy's cached // outer interfaces are already dead (they point to our // aggregator) and we don't have the compiler to fix up // the vtables for us... // (I have no idea what that comment means -raymondc) RELEASEINNERINTERFACE(_GetOuter(), _pbsInner); RELEASEINNERINTERFACE(_GetOuter(), _pbsInner3); RELEASEINNERINTERFACE(_GetOuter(), _psbInner); RELEASEINNERINTERFACE(_GetOuter(), _pdtInner); RELEASEINNERINTERFACE(_GetOuter(), _pspInner); RELEASEINNERINTERFACE(_GetOuter(), _pctInner); RELEASEINNERINTERFACE(_GetOuter(), _piosInner); // FEATURE: split: nuke this // _punkInner goes last because it is the one that really destroys // the inner. ATOMICRELEASE(_punkInner); // paired w/ CCI aggregation // Last, clean up our stuff. Better make sure // none of the below use any of the above vtables... _CloseAndReleaseToolbars(FALSE); SetAcceleratorMenu(NULL); FDSA_Destroy(&_fdsaTBar); } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::v_InternalQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj) { static const QITAB qit[] = { // perf: last tuned 980728 QITABENT(CCommonBrowser, IServiceProvider), // IID_IServiceProvider QITABENT(CCommonBrowser, IOleCommandTarget), // IID_IOleCommandTarget QITABENTMULTI(CCommonBrowser, IBrowserService, IBrowserService3), // IID_IBrowserService QITABENTMULTI(CCommonBrowser, IBrowserService2, IBrowserService3), // IID_IBrowserService2 QITABENT(CCommonBrowser, IBrowserService3), // IID_IBrowserService3 QITABENT(CCommonBrowser, IShellBrowser), // IID_IShellBrowser QITABENT(CCommonBrowser, IShellBrowserService), // IID_IShellBrowserService QITABENTMULTI(CCommonBrowser, IOleWindow, IShellBrowser), // rare IID_IOleWindow QITABENT(CCommonBrowser, IDockingWindowSite), // rare IID_IDockingWindowSite QITABENT(CCommonBrowser, IDockingWindowFrame), // rare IID_IDockingWindowFrame QITABENT(CCommonBrowser, IInputObjectSite), // rare IID_IInputObjectSite QITABENT(CCommonBrowser, IDropTarget), // rare IID_IDropTarget { 0 }, }; HRESULT hr = QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppvObj); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (_punkInner) { return _punkInner->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); } } return hr; } // // Accept punk as our inner (contained) object to which we forward a lot of // things we don't want to deal with. // // Warning! The refcount on the punk is *transferred* to us through this // method. This is contrary to OLE convention. // HRESULT CCommonBrowser::SetInner(IUnknown* punk) { HRESULT hres; // // It's okay to shove the interesting things directly into // our members, because if any of them go wrong, we fail // the _Initialize and our destructor will release them all. #define INNERCACHE(iid, p) do { \ hres = SHQueryInnerInterface(_GetOuter(), punk, iid, (void **)&p); \ if (!EVAL(SUCCEEDED(hres))) return E_FAIL; \ } while (0) // Do not AddRef; the caller is tranferring the ref to us _punkInner = punk; INNERCACHE(IID_IBrowserService2, _pbsInner); INNERCACHE(IID_IBrowserService3, _pbsInner3); INNERCACHE(IID_IShellBrowser, _psbInner); INNERCACHE(IID_IDropTarget, _pdtInner); INNERCACHE(IID_IServiceProvider, _pspInner); INNERCACHE(IID_IOleCommandTarget, _pctInner); INNERCACHE(IID_IInputObjectSite, _piosInner); #undef INNERCACHE _pbsInner->GetBaseBrowserData(&_pbbd); if (!EVAL(_pbbd)) return E_FAIL; // o.w. zillions-o-GPFs on _pbbd->foo return S_OK; } // } // { #define CALL_INNER(_result, _function, _arglist, _args) \ _result CCommonBrowser:: _function _arglist { return _pbsInner-> _function _args ; } #define CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_function, _arglist, _args) CALL_INNER(HRESULT, _function, _arglist, _args) // *** IBrowserService2 specific methods *** CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetParentSite, ( IOleInPlaceSite** ppipsite), ( ppipsite)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(SetTitle, (IShellView* psv, LPCWSTR pszName), (psv, pszName)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetTitle, (IShellView* psv, LPWSTR pszName, DWORD cchName), (psv, pszName, cchName)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetOleObject, ( IOleObject** ppobjv), ( ppobjv)); // think about this one.. I'm not sure we want to expose this -- Chee // NOTE:: Yep soon we should have interface instead. // My impression is that we won't document this whole interface??? CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetTravelLog, (ITravelLog** pptl), (pptl)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(ShowControlWindow, (UINT id, BOOL fShow), (id, fShow)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(IsControlWindowShown, (UINT id, BOOL *pfShown), (id, pfShown)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(IEGetDisplayName, (LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPWSTR pwszName, UINT uFlags), (pidl, pwszName, uFlags)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(IEParseDisplayName, (UINT uiCP, LPCWSTR pwszPath, LPITEMIDLIST * ppidlOut), (uiCP, pwszPath, ppidlOut)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(DisplayParseError, (HRESULT hres, LPCWSTR pwszPath), (hres, pwszPath)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(NavigateToPidl, (LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, DWORD grfHLNF), (pidl, grfHLNF)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(SetNavigateState, (BNSTATE bnstate), (bnstate)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetNavigateState, (BNSTATE *pbnstate), (pbnstate)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(NotifyRedirect, ( IShellView* psv, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, BOOL *pfDidBrowse), ( psv, pidl, pfDidBrowse)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(UpdateWindowList, (), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(UpdateBackForwardState, (), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(SetFlags, (DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwFlagMask), (dwFlags, dwFlagMask)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetFlags, (DWORD *pdwFlags), (pdwFlags)); // Tells if it can navigate now or not. CALL_INNER_HRESULT(CanNavigateNow, (), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetPidl, (LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl), (ppidl)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(SetReferrer, (LPITEMIDLIST pidl), (pidl)); CALL_INNER(DWORD, GetBrowserIndex ,(), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetBrowserByIndex, (DWORD dwID, IUnknown **ppunk), (dwID, ppunk)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetHistoryObject, (IOleObject **ppole, IStream **pstm, IBindCtx **ppbc), (ppole, pstm, ppbc)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(SetHistoryObject, (IOleObject *pole, BOOL fIsLocalAnchor), (pole, fIsLocalAnchor)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(CacheOLEServer, (IOleObject *pole), (pole)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetSetCodePage, (VARIANT* pvarIn, VARIANT* pvarOut), (pvarIn, pvarOut)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(OnHttpEquiv, (IShellView* psv, BOOL fDone, VARIANT* pvarargIn, VARIANT* pvarargOut), (psv, fDone, pvarargIn, pvarargOut)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetPalette, ( HPALETTE * hpal), ( hpal)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(RegisterWindow, (BOOL fUnregister, int swc), (fUnregister, swc)); CALL_INNER(LRESULT, WndProcBS ,(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam), (hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(OnSize, (WPARAM wParam), (wParam)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(OnCreate, (LPCREATESTRUCT pcs), (pcs)); CALL_INNER(LRESULT, OnCommand, (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam), (wParam, lParam)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(OnDestroy, (), ()); CALL_INNER(LRESULT, OnNotify, (NMHDR * pnm), (pnm)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(OnSetFocus, (), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetBaseBrowserData,(LPCBASEBROWSERDATA* ppbd), (ppbd)); CALL_INNER(LPBASEBROWSERDATA, PutBaseBrowserData,(), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(CreateViewWindow, (IShellView* psvNew, IShellView* psvOld, LPRECT prcView, HWND* phwnd), (psvNew, psvOld, prcView, phwnd));; CALL_INNER_HRESULT(SetTopBrowser, (), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(OnFrameWindowActivateBS, (BOOL fActive), (fActive)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(ReleaseShellView, (), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(ActivatePendingView, (), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(InitializeDownloadManager, (), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(InitializeTransitionSite, (), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(Offline, (int iCmd), (iCmd)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(AllowViewResize, (BOOL f), (f)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(SetActivateState, (UINT u), (u)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(UpdateSecureLockIcon, (int eSecureLock), (eSecureLock)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(CreateBrowserPropSheetExt, (REFIID riid, void **ppvOut), (riid, ppvOut)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(SetAsDefFolderSettings,(), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetViewRect,(RECT* prc), (prc)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetViewWindow,(HWND * phwnd), (phwnd)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(InitializeTravelLog,(ITravelLog* ptl, DWORD dw), (ptl, dw)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_UIActivateView, (UINT uState), (uState)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_UpdateViewRectSize,(), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_GetEffectiveClientArea, (LPRECT prcBorder, HMONITOR hmon), (prcBorder, hmon)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_ResizeView,(), ()); // BEGIN REVIEW: review names and need of each. // // this first set could be basebrowser only members. no one overrides CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_CancelPendingNavigationAsync, (), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_MaySaveChanges, (), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_PauseOrResumeView, (BOOL fPaused), (fPaused)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_DisableModeless, (), ()); // rethink these... are all of these necessary? CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_NavigateToPidl, (LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, DWORD grfHLNF, DWORD dwFlags), (pidl, grfHLNF, dwFlags)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_TryShell2Rename, (IShellView* psv, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlNew), (psv, pidlNew)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_SwitchActivationNow, () , ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_CancelPendingView, (), ()); //END REVIEW: // overridden by cdesktopbrowser CALL_INNER(IStream*, v_GetViewStream, (LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, DWORD grfMode, LPCWSTR pwszName), (pidl, grfMode, pwszName)); #undef CALL_INNER #undef CALL_INNER_HRESULT // } // { #define CALL_INNER(_result, _function, _arglist, _args) \ _result CCommonBrowser:: _function _arglist { return _pbsInner3-> _function _args ; } #define CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_function, _arglist, _args) CALL_INNER(HRESULT, _function, _arglist, _args) CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_PositionViewWindow, (HWND hwnd, LPRECT prc), (hwnd, prc)); #undef CALL_INNER #undef CALL_INNER_HRESULT // } // { #define CALL_INNER(_result, _function, _arglist, _args) \ _result CCommonBrowser:: _function _arglist { return _psbInner-> _function _args ; } #define CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_function, _arglist, _args) CALL_INNER(HRESULT, _function, _arglist, _args) // IShellBrowser (same as IOleInPlaceFrame) // IOleWindow CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetWindow, (HWND * lphwnd), (lphwnd)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(ContextSensitiveHelp, (BOOL fEnterMode), (fEnterMode)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(InsertMenusSB, (HMENU hmenuShared, LPOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS lpMenuWidths), (hmenuShared, lpMenuWidths)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(SetMenuSB, (HMENU hmenuShared, HOLEMENU holemenu, HWND hwnd), (hmenuShared, holemenu, hwnd)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(RemoveMenusSB, (HMENU hmenuShared), (hmenuShared)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(SetStatusTextSB, (LPCOLESTR lpszStatusText), (lpszStatusText)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(EnableModelessSB, (BOOL fEnable), (fEnable)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(BrowseObject, (LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, UINT wFlags), (pidl, wFlags)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(GetControlWindow, (UINT id, HWND * lphwnd), (id, lphwnd)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(SendControlMsg, (UINT id, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *pret), (id, uMsg, wParam, lParam, pret)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(QueryActiveShellView, (struct IShellView ** ppshv), (ppshv)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(OnViewWindowActive, (struct IShellView * ppshv), (ppshv)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(SetToolbarItems, (LPTBBUTTON lpButtons, UINT nButtons, UINT uFlags), (lpButtons, nButtons, uFlags)); #undef CALL_INNER #undef CALL_INNER_HRESULT // } // { #define CALL_INNER(_result, _function, _arglist, _args) \ _result CCommonBrowser:: _function _arglist { return _pdtInner-> _function _args ; } #define CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_function, _arglist, _args) CALL_INNER(HRESULT, _function, _arglist, _args) // *** IDropTarget *** CALL_INNER_HRESULT(DragEnter, (IDataObject *pdtobj, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect), (pdtobj, grfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(DragOver, (DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect), (grfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect)); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(DragLeave, (void), ()); CALL_INNER_HRESULT(Drop, (IDataObject *pdtobj, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect), (pdtobj, grfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect)); #undef CALL_INNER #undef CALL_INNER_HRESULT // } // { #define CALL_INNER(_result, _function, _arglist, _args) \ _result CCommonBrowser:: _function _arglist { return _pspInner-> _function _args ; } #define CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_function, _arglist, _args) CALL_INNER(HRESULT, _function, _arglist, _args) // IServiceProvider CALL_INNER_HRESULT(QueryService, (REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppvObj), (guidService, riid, ppvObj)); #undef CALL_INNER #undef CALL_INNER_HRESULT // } // { #define CALL_INNER(_result, _function, _arglist, _args) \ _result CCommonBrowser:: _function _arglist { return _pctInner-> _function _args ; } #define CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_function, _arglist, _args) CALL_INNER(HRESULT, _function, _arglist, _args) // IOleCommandTarget CALL_INNER_HRESULT(QueryStatus, (const GUID *pguidCmdGroup, ULONG cCmds, OLECMD rgCmds[], OLECMDTEXT *pcmdtext), (pguidCmdGroup, cCmds, rgCmds, pcmdtext)); #undef CALL_INNER #undef CALL_INNER_HRESULT // } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::Exec(const GUID *pguidCmdGroup, DWORD nCmdID, DWORD nCmdexecopt, VARIANTARG *pvarargIn, VARIANTARG *pvarargOut) { if (pguidCmdGroup && IsEqualGUID(CGID_Explorer, *pguidCmdGroup)) { if (nCmdID == SBCMDID_CACHEINETZONEICON) { if (!pvarargIn || pvarargIn->vt != VT_BOOL || !pvarargOut) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; pvarargOut->vt = VT_UI4; ENTERCRITICAL; pvarargOut->ulVal = _CacheZonesIconsAndNames(pvarargIn->boolVal); LEAVECRITICAL; return S_OK; } } return _pctInner->Exec(pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID, nCmdexecopt, pvarargIn, pvarargOut); } // { #define CALL_INNER(_result, _function, _arglist, _args) \ _result CCommonBrowser:: _function _arglist { return _piosInner-> _function _args ; } #define CALL_INNER_HRESULT(_function, _arglist, _args) CALL_INNER(HRESULT, _function, _arglist, _args) #undef CALL_INNER #undef CALL_INNER_HRESULT // } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::TranslateAcceleratorSB(LPMSG lpmsg, WORD wID) { HRESULT hres = S_FALSE; TraceMsg(0, "ief TR CCommonBrowser::TranslateAcceleratorSB called"); if (!_CanHandleAcceleratorNow()) { TraceMsg(0, "Ignoring TranslateAccelerator, not active"); return S_FALSE; } // If we're NOT top level, assume virtual TranslateAcceleratorSB // handles this request. (See CVOCBrowser.) // CDefView may call this before it passes it down to extended view if (_hacc && ::TranslateAcceleratorWrap(_pbbd->_hwnd, _hacc, lpmsg)) { TraceMsg(DM_ACCELERATOR, "CSB::TranslateAcceleratorSB TA(_hacc) ate %x,%x", lpmsg->message, lpmsg->wParam); // We don't want to eat this escape because some controls on the // page rely on ESC getting dispatched. Besides, dispatching it won't // hurt us... if (lpmsg->wParam != VK_ESCAPE) hres = S_OK; } return hres; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Code to get the ViewStateStream of the "Explorer" OCX // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HRESULT CCommonBrowser::GetViewStateStream(DWORD grfMode, IStream **ppstm) { // NOTE: We can't use _pidlCur or _pidlPending here. Both are NULL // when we goto a new directory. _pidlPending is initialized later in // _CreateNewShellView. So, we use for which the NewShellView is created. LPCITEMIDLIST pidl = _pbbd->_pidlNewShellView; if (!pidl) pidl = _pbbd->_pidlPending; if (!pidl) pidl = _pbbd->_pidlCur; *ppstm = _pbsOuter->v_GetViewStream(pidl, grfMode, L"ViewView2"); // If getting the new one (for read) failed, try the old one. if ((grfMode == STGM_READ) && (!*ppstm || SHIsEmptyStream(*ppstm))) { if (*ppstm) (*ppstm)->Release(); *ppstm = _pbsOuter->v_GetViewStream(pidl, grfMode, L"ViewView"); TraceMsg(DM_VIEWSTREAM, "CBB::GetViewStateStream tried old stream (%x)", *ppstm); } return *ppstm ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; } // // Returns the border rectangle for the shell view. // HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_GetViewBorderRect(RECT* prc) { _pbsOuter->_GetEffectiveClientArea(prc, NULL); // FEATURE: hmon? // // Extract the border taken by all "frame" toolbars // for (int i=0; i < _GetToolbarCount(); i++) { TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(i); prc->left += ptbi->rcBorderTool.left; prc->top += ptbi->rcBorderTool.top; prc->right -= ptbi->rcBorderTool.right; prc->bottom -= ptbi->rcBorderTool.bottom; } return S_OK; } // NOTE: these toolbar functions are still part of CBaseBrowser2 // so they keep working. right now they are in IBrowserService2 and // forwarded down. void CCommonBrowser::_ReleaseToolbarItem(int itb, BOOL fClose) { // grab it and NULL it out to eliminate race condition. // (actually, there's still a v. small window btwn the 2 statements). // // e.g. if you close a WebBar and then quickly shutdown windows, // the close destroys the window etc. but then the shutdown code // does _SaveToolbars which tries to do ->Save on that destroyed guy. // // note however that this now means that the entry is marked // 'free' so someone else might grab it out from under us and start // trashing it. TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(itb); IDockingWindow *ptbTmp = ptbi->ptbar; ptbi->ptbar = NULL; if (fClose) { ptbTmp->CloseDW(0); } IUnknown_SetSite(ptbTmp, NULL); // Check for NULL for BoundsChecker with Pageheap enabled functionality. if ( ptbi->pwszItem ) { LocalFree(ptbi->pwszItem); ptbi->pwszItem = NULL; } ptbTmp->Release(); } //*** CBB::_AllocToolbarItem -- find/create free slot in _aTBar toolbar array // ENTRY/EXIT // hres [out] S_OK|itb on success; o.w. E_FAIL // _aTBar [inout] possibly grown int CCommonBrowser::_AllocToolbarItem() { TOOLBARITEM *ptbi; // try to recycle a dead one int iCount = FDSA_GetItemCount(&_fdsaTBar); for (int itb = 0; itb < iCount; ++itb) { ptbi = (LPTOOLBARITEM)FDSA_GetItemPtr(&_fdsaTBar, itb, TOOLBARITEM); ASSERT(ptbi != NULL); if (ptbi && ptbi->ptbar == NULL) { ASSERT(itb < ITB_MAX); return itb; } } // no luck recycling, create a new one static TOOLBARITEM tbiTmp /*=0*/; int i = FDSA_AppendItem(&_fdsaTBar, &tbiTmp); if (i == -1) { TraceMsg(DM_WARNING, "cbb._ati: ret=-1"); return -1; // warning: same as ITB_VIEW (!) } ASSERT(i == itb); #ifdef DEBUG { ptbi = (LPTOOLBARITEM) FDSA_GetItemPtr(&_fdsaTBar, itb, TOOLBARITEM); ASSERT(ptbi != NULL); for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(*ptbi); ++j) ASSERT(*(((char *)ptbi) + j) == 0); } #endif ASSERT(i < ITB_MAX); return i; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_CloseAndReleaseToolbars(BOOL fClose) { for (int itb = 0; itb < _GetToolbarCount(); itb++) { TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(itb); if (ptbi->ptbar) { _ReleaseToolbarItem(itb, fClose); } } return S_OK; } // // Implementation of CBaseBrowser2::ShowToolbar // // Make toolbar visible or not and update our conception of whether it // should be shown // // Returns: S_OK, if successfully done. // E_INVALIDARG, duh. // HRESULT CCommonBrowser::ShowToolbar(IUnknown* punkSrc, BOOL fShow) { UINT itb = _FindTBar(punkSrc); if (itb == (UINT)-1) { return E_INVALIDARG; } TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(itb); // The _FindTBar function should assure us that ptbi->ptbar is non-NULL. ASSERT(ptbi->ptbar); ptbi->ptbar->ShowDW(fShow); ptbi->fShow = fShow; return S_OK; } //*** IDockingWindowFrame::* { // // Implementation of IDockingWindowFrame::AddToolbar // // Add the specified toolbar (as punkSrc) to this toolbar site and // make it visible. // // Returns: S_OK, if successfully done. // E_FAIL, if failed (exceeded maximum). // E_NOINTERFACE, the toolbar does not support an approriate interface. // HRESULT CCommonBrowser::AddToolbar(IUnknown* punk, LPCWSTR pszItem, DWORD dwAddFlags) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; int itb = _AllocToolbarItem(); // Find the first empty spot. if (itb != -1) { TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(itb); ASSERT(ptbi != NULL); ASSERT(ptbi->ptbar == NULL); hr = punk->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARG(IDockingWindow, &ptbi->ptbar)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pszItem) { ptbi->pwszItem = StrDupW(pszItem); if (NULL == ptbi->pwszItem) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; ATOMICRELEASE(ptbi->ptbar); return hr; } } ptbi->fShow = (! (dwAddFlags & DWFAF_HIDDEN)); // shown IUnknown_SetSite(ptbi->ptbar, SAFECAST(this, IShellBrowser*)); ptbi->ptbar->ShowDW(ptbi->fShow); } else { // ERROR: all toolbars should implement IDockingWindow // call tjgreen if this rips ASSERT(0); } } return hr; } // // Implementation of IDockingWindowFrame::RemoveToolbar // HRESULT CCommonBrowser::RemoveToolbar(IUnknown* punkSrc, DWORD dwRemoveFlags) { UINT itb = _FindTBar(punkSrc); if (itb == (UINT)-1) { return E_INVALIDARG; } _ReleaseToolbarItem(itb, TRUE); // Clear the rect and resize the inner ones (including the view). // note the semi-hoaky post-release partying on rcBorderTool SetRect(&_GetToolbarItem(itb)->rcBorderTool, 0, 0, 0, 0); _pbsOuter->_ResizeNextBorder(itb + 1); return S_OK; } // // Implementation of IDockingWindowFrame::FindToolbar // HRESULT CCommonBrowser::FindToolbar(LPCWSTR pwszItem, REFIID riid, void **ppvObj) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; *ppvObj = NULL; if (pwszItem) { hr = S_FALSE; for (int itb = 0; itb < _GetToolbarCount(); itb++) { TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(itb); if (ptbi->pwszItem && StrCmpIW(ptbi->pwszItem, pwszItem)==0) { if (ptbi->ptbar) { hr = ptbi->ptbar->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); } else { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "ptbi->ptbar is NULL in FindToolbar"); hr = E_FAIL; } break; } } } return hr; } // } UINT CCommonBrowser::_FindTBar(IUnknown* punkSrc) { #ifdef DEBUG static long nQuick = 0; static long nSlow = 0; #endif ASSERT(punkSrc); // Quick check without QI TOOLBARITEM *ptbi; for (int i=0; i < _GetToolbarCount(); i++) { ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(i); if (punkSrc==ptbi->ptbar) { #ifdef DEBUG // I wonder if we ever hit this case... InterlockedIncrement(&nQuick); TraceMsg(TF_PERF, "_FindTBar QUICK=%d SLOW=%d", nQuick, nSlow); #endif return i; } } // If failed, do the real COM object identity check. for (i=0; i < _GetToolbarCount(); i++) { ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(i); if (ptbi->ptbar) { if (SHIsSameObject(ptbi->ptbar, punkSrc)) { #ifdef DEBUG InterlockedIncrement(&nSlow); TraceMsg(TF_PERF, "_FindTBar QUICK=%d SLOW=%d", nQuick, nSlow); #endif return i; } } } return (UINT)-1; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::v_ShowHideChildWindows(BOOL fChildOnly) { for (UINT itb = 0; itb < (UINT)_GetToolbarCount(); itb++) { TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(itb); if (ptbi->ptbar) { ptbi->ptbar->ShowDW(ptbi->fShow); } } if (!fChildOnly) { _pbsInner->v_ShowHideChildWindows(fChildOnly); } return S_OK; } //*** _Load/_SaveToolbars { #ifdef DEBUG extern unsigned long DbStreamTell(IStream *pstm); #else #define DbStreamTell(pstm) ((ULONG) 0) #endif const static DWORD c_BBSVersion = 0x00000011; // Increment when the stream is changed. #define MAX_ITEMID 128 // enough for item id HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_SaveToolbars(IStream* pstm) { HRESULT hres = S_OK; DWORD count = 0; TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.stb enter(this=%x pstm=%x) tell()=%x", this, pstm, DbStreamTell(pstm)); if (pstm==NULL) { for (UINT itb = 0; itb < (UINT)_GetToolbarCount(); itb++) { TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(itb); if (ptbi->ptbar) { IPersistStream* ppstm; HRESULT hresT = ptbi->ptbar->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARG(IPersistStream, &ppstm)); if (SUCCEEDED(hresT)) { ppstm->Release(); count++; } } } TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.stb leave count=%d", count); return (count>0) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; } ULARGE_INTEGER liStart; pstm->Write(&c_BBSVersion, sizeof(c_BBSVersion), NULL); // Remember the current location, where we writes count. pstm->Seek(c_li0, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &liStart); TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.stb seek(count)=%x", liStart.LowPart); hres = pstm->Write(&count, sizeof(count), NULL); if (hres==S_OK) { for (UINT itb = 0; itb < (UINT)_GetToolbarCount(); itb++) { TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(itb); if (ptbi->ptbar) { IPersistStream* ppstm; HRESULT hresT = ptbi->ptbar->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARG(IPersistStream, &ppstm)); if (SUCCEEDED(hresT)) { DWORD cchName = ptbi->pwszItem ? lstrlenW(ptbi->pwszItem) : 0; if (cchName > 0 && cchName < MAX_ITEMID) { TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.stb pwszItem=<%ls>", ptbi->pwszItem); pstm->Write(&cchName, sizeof(cchName), NULL); pstm->Write(ptbi->pwszItem, cchName*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL); } else { TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.stb lstrlenW(pwszItem)=%d", cchName); pstm->Write(&cchName, sizeof(cchName), NULL); } TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.stb enter OleSaveToStream tell()=%x", DbStreamTell(pstm)); hres = OleSaveToStream(ppstm, pstm); TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.stb leave OleSaveToStream tell()=%x", DbStreamTell(pstm)); ppstm->Release(); if (FAILED(hres)) { break; } count++; } } } // Remember the end ULARGE_INTEGER liEnd; pstm->Seek(c_li0, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &liEnd); TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.stb seek(end save)=%x", DbStreamTell(pstm)); // Seek back to the original location TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.stb fix count=%d", count); LARGE_INTEGER liT; liT.HighPart = 0; liT.LowPart = liStart.LowPart; pstm->Seek(liT, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); hres = pstm->Write(&count, sizeof(count), NULL); // Seek forward to the end liT.LowPart = liEnd.LowPart; pstm->Seek(liT, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.stb seek(end restore)=%x", DbStreamTell(pstm)); } TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.stb leave tell()=%x", DbStreamTell(pstm)); return hres; } HRESULT IUnknown_GetClientDB(IUnknown *punk, IUnknown **ppdbc) { *ppdbc = NULL; IDeskBar *pdb; HRESULT hr = punk->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARG(IDeskBar, &pdb)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pdb->GetClient(ppdbc); pdb->Release(); } return hr; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_LoadToolbars(IStream* pstm) { DWORD dwVersion; TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.ltb enter(this=%x pstm=%x) tell()=%x", this, pstm, DbStreamTell(pstm)); HRESULT hres = pstm->Read(&dwVersion, sizeof(dwVersion), NULL); if (hres == S_OK && dwVersion == c_BBSVersion) { DWORD count; hres = pstm->Read(&count, sizeof(count), NULL); if (hres == S_OK) { for (UINT i=0; iRead(&cchName, sizeof(cchName), NULL); if (hres == S_OK) { WCHAR wszName[MAX_ITEMID]; wszName[0] = 0; // if cchName >= ARRAYSIZE(wszName) then we're misaligned in the stream! if (cchName) { if (cchNameRead(wszName, cchName*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL); } else { hres = E_FAIL; // We are missaligned in the stream, let's stop attempting to load } } TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.ltb name=<%ls>", wszName); if (hres==S_OK) { IDockingWindow* pstb; TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.ltb enter OleLoadFromStream tell()=%x", DbStreamTell(pstm)); hres = OleLoadFromStream(pstm, IID_PPV_ARG(IDockingWindow, &pstb)); TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.ltb leave OleLoadFromStream tell()=%x", DbStreamTell(pstm)); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { IUnknown *pDbc = NULL; // nt5:216944: turn off size negotiation during // load. o.w. persisted size gets nuked. IUnknown_GetClientDB(pstb, &pDbc); if (pDbc) DBC_ExecDrag(pDbc, DRAG_MOVE); hres = AddToolbar(pstb, wszName[0] ? wszName : NULL, NULL); if (pDbc) { DBC_ExecDrag(pDbc, 0); pDbc->Release(); } pstb->Release(); } } } } } } else { hres = E_FAIL; } TraceMsg(DM_PERSIST, "cbb.ltb leave tell()=%x", DbStreamTell(pstm)); return hres; } // } // *** IDockingWindowSite methods *** HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_GetBorderDWHelper(IUnknown* punkSrc, LPRECT prcBorder, BOOL bUseHmonitor) { UINT itb = _FindTBar(punkSrc); if (itb == (UINT)-1) { RIPMSG(0, "GetBorderDW: invalid punkSrc"); return E_INVALIDARG; } else if (!prcBorder) { RIPMSG(0, "GetBorderDW: invalid prcBorder"); return E_INVALIDARG; } TOOLBARITEM *ptbThis = _GetToolbarItem(itb); if (bUseHmonitor && ptbThis && ptbThis->hMon) { _pbsOuter->_GetEffectiveClientArea(prcBorder, ptbThis->hMon); } else { _pbsOuter->_GetEffectiveClientArea(prcBorder, NULL); } // // Subtract border area taken by "outer toolbars" // for (UINT i = 0; i < itb; i++) { TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(i); if (!bUseHmonitor || (ptbThis && (ptbi->hMon == ptbThis->hMon))) { prcBorder->left += ptbi->rcBorderTool.left; prcBorder->top += ptbi->rcBorderTool.top; prcBorder->right -= ptbi->rcBorderTool.right; prcBorder->bottom -= ptbi->rcBorderTool.bottom; } } return S_OK; } // // This is an implementation of IDockingWindowSite::GetBorderDW. // // This function returns a bounding rectangle for the specified toolbar // (by punkSrc). It gets the effective client area, then subtract border // area taken by "outer" toolbars. // HRESULT CCommonBrowser::GetBorderDW(IUnknown* punkSrc, LPRECT prcBorder) { return _GetBorderDWHelper(punkSrc, prcBorder, FALSE); } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::RequestBorderSpaceDW(IUnknown* punkSrc, LPCBORDERWIDTHS pbw) { RIP(IS_VALID_READ_PTR(pbw, BORDERWIDTHS)); return S_OK; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::SetBorderSpaceDW(IUnknown* punkSrc, LPCBORDERWIDTHS pbw) { UINT itb = _FindTBar(punkSrc); if (itb == (UINT)-1) { RIPMSG(0, "GetBorderDW: invalid punkSrc"); return E_INVALIDARG; } _GetToolbarItem(itb)->rcBorderTool = *pbw; _pbsOuter->_ResizeNextBorder(itb + 1); return S_OK; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_ResizeNextBorderHelper(UINT itb, BOOL bUseHmonitor) { // // Starting with itb, look for the next toolbar on the same // monitor (if we care about the monitor). // IDockingWindow* ptbarNext = NULL; if ((int) itb < _GetToolbarCount()) { TOOLBARITEM *ptbThis = _GetToolbarItem(itb); for (int i = itb; i < _GetToolbarCount(); i++) { TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(i); if (ptbi->ptbar && (!bUseHmonitor || (ptbi->hMon == ptbThis->hMon))) { // // Found it, we're done // ptbarNext = ptbi->ptbar; break; } } } if (ptbarNext) { // // Get the toolbar's docking window rect and resize the // border to that. // RECT rc; GetBorderDW(ptbarNext, &rc); ptbarNext->ResizeBorderDW(&rc, (IShellBrowser*)this, TRUE); } else { // // We didn't find a toolbar, so we must be at the end // of the list. Finish up by resizing the view. // _pbsOuter->_ResizeView(); } return S_OK; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_ResizeNextBorder(UINT itb) { _ResizeNextBorderHelper(itb, FALSE); return S_OK; } // // Hack alert! // // IE grabs the focus via _FixToolbarFocus when it shouldn't. For example if a // java app in a seperate window contains an edit control and the address bar // had focus before the java app. In this scenario the first time a user types // in the edit control IE grabs back the focus. IE bug#59007. // // To prevent IE from incorrectly grabbing the focus this fuction checks that // top level parent of the toolbar is the same as the top level parent of the // window that has focus. // BOOL CCommonBrowser::_TBWindowHasFocus(UINT itb) { ASSERT(itb < ITB_MAX); BOOL fRet = TRUE; HWND hwndFocus = GetFocus(); while (GetWindowLong(hwndFocus, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) hwndFocus = GetParent(hwndFocus); if (hwndFocus) { TOOLBARITEM *pti = _GetToolbarItem(itb); if (pti && pti->ptbar) { HWND hwndTB; if (SUCCEEDED(pti->ptbar->GetWindow(&hwndTB)) && hwndTB) { fRet = (S_OK == SHIsChildOrSelf(hwndFocus, hwndTB)); } } } return fRet; } void DestroyZoneIconNameCache(void) { if (g_pZoneIconNameCache) { PZONEICONNAMECACHE pzinc = g_pZoneIconNameCache; for (DWORD i = 0; i < g_dwZoneCount; i++) { if (pzinc->hiconZones) DestroyIcon((HICON)pzinc->hiconZones); pzinc++; } LocalFree(g_pZoneIconNameCache); g_pZoneIconNameCache = NULL; g_dwZoneCount = 0; } } DWORD CCommonBrowser::_CacheZonesIconsAndNames(BOOL fRefresh) { ASSERTCRITICAL; if (g_pZoneIconNameCache) // If we've already cached the zones, just return the zone count unless we want to refresh cache { if (fRefresh) { DestroyZoneIconNameCache(); } else return(g_dwZoneCount); } // Create ZoneManager if (!_pizm) CoCreateInstance(CLSID_InternetZoneManager, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARG(IInternetZoneManager, &_pizm)); if (_pizm) { DWORD dwZoneEnum; if (SUCCEEDED(_pizm->CreateZoneEnumerator(&dwZoneEnum, &g_dwZoneCount, 0))) { if ((g_pZoneIconNameCache = (PZONEICONNAMECACHE)LocalAlloc(LPTR, g_dwZoneCount * sizeof(ZONEICONNAMECACHE))) == NULL) { g_dwZoneCount = 0; return 0; } for (int nIndex=0; (DWORD)nIndex < g_dwZoneCount; nIndex++) { DWORD dwZone; ZONEATTRIBUTES za = {sizeof(ZONEATTRIBUTES)}; _pizm->GetZoneAt(dwZoneEnum, nIndex, &dwZone); // get the zone attributes for this zone _pizm->GetZoneAttributes(dwZone, &za); StringCchCopyW(g_pZoneIconNameCache[nIndex].szZonesName, ARRAYSIZE(g_pZoneIconNameCache[nIndex].szZonesName), za.szDisplayName); StringCchCopyW(g_pZoneIconNameCache[nIndex].szIconPath, ARRAYSIZE(g_pZoneIconNameCache[nIndex].szIconPath), za.szIconPath); g_pZoneIconNameCache[nIndex].hiconZones = 0; // Load the hIcon on demand } _pizm->DestroyZoneEnumerator(dwZoneEnum); } } return g_dwZoneCount; } // zero's out pIcon & pszName on failure BOOL CCommonBrowser::_GetCachedZoneIconAndName(DWORD lZone, HICON *pIcon, LPTSTR pszName, DWORD cch) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; *pIcon = NULL; pszName[0] = 0; ENTERCRITICAL; if (lZone < _CacheZonesIconsAndNames(FALSE)) { ZONEICONNAMECACHE *pzinc = &g_pZoneIconNameCache[lZone]; // if we haven't yet cached the icon for this zone, extract it now // REVIEW: worth pulling the extraction outside the critsec? if (!pzinc->hiconZones) { // Zone icons are in two formats. // wininet.dll#1200 where 1200 is the res id. // or foo.ico directly pointing to an icon file. // search for the '#' // # is a valid filename character LPWSTR pwsz = StrChrW(pzinc->szIconPath, TEXTW('#')); WORD iIcon = 0; if (pwsz) { // if we found it, then we have the foo.dll#00001200 format pwsz[0] = TEXTW('\0'); iIcon = (WORD)StrToIntW(pwsz+1); ExtractIconExW(pzinc->szIconPath,(UINT)(-1*iIcon), NULL, &pzinc->hiconZones, 1); } else pzinc->hiconZones = (HICON)ExtractAssociatedIconExW(HINST_THISDLL, pzinc->szIconPath, (LPWORD)&iIcon, &iIcon); // If mirrored system, mirror icon so that it get unmirrored again when displayed if (IS_BIDI_LOCALIZED_SYSTEM()) { MirrorIcon(&pzinc->hiconZones, NULL); } } *pIcon = CopyIcon(pzinc->hiconZones); StringCchCopyW(pszName, cch, pzinc->szZonesName); // truncation ok (currently only used for display) bRet = TRUE; } LEAVECRITICAL; return bRet; } BOOL _QITest(IUnknown* punk, REFIID riid); BOOL CCommonBrowser::_ShouldTranslateAccelerator(MSG* pmsg) { // // We should only translate an acclerator if // // (a) the window is the frame or a child of the frame // or a child of a defview window (NT5 Bug # 357186). // (need to check this because you can have, for // example, a toplevel java applet window running // on our thread) // // and // // (b) it's on our thread (need to check this because // old-style OLE controls on a web page can run // on the desktop thread) // BOOL fTranslate = FALSE; fTranslate = (SHIsChildOrSelf(_pbbd->_hwnd, pmsg->hwnd) == S_OK); if (!fTranslate) { HWND hwnd = NULL; if (_pbbd->_psv && (_QITest(SAFECAST(_pbbd->_psv, IUnknown*), IID_CDefView)) && SUCCEEDED(_pbbd->_psv->GetWindow(&hwnd))) { fTranslate = (SHIsChildOrSelf(hwnd, pmsg->hwnd) == S_OK); } } if (fTranslate) { DWORD dwThread = GetWindowThreadProcessId(_pbbd->_hwnd, NULL); HWND hwndMsg = pmsg->hwnd; while (GetWindowLong(hwndMsg, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) { hwndMsg = GetParent(hwndMsg); } DWORD dwMsgThread = hwndMsg ? GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndMsg, NULL) : 0; if (dwThread == dwMsgThread) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::v_MayTranslateAccelerator(MSG* pmsg) { if (!(WM_KEYFIRST <= pmsg->message && pmsg->message <= WM_KEYLAST)) return S_FALSE; BOOL fToolbarHasFocus = _HasToolbarFocus(); if (fToolbarHasFocus) { ASSERT(_get_itbLastFocus() < (UINT)_GetToolbarCount()); // toolbar has focus -- give it first chance to translate // // Notes: // Notice that we don't give a chance to translate its accelerators // to other toolbars. This is by-design right now. We might want to // change it later, but it will be tricky to do it right. // if (IUnknown_TranslateAcceleratorIO(_GetToolbarItem(_get_itbLastFocus())->ptbar, pmsg) == S_OK) return(S_OK); } else { UINT itbLastFocus = _get_itbLastFocus(); if (itbLastFocus != ITB_VIEW && _TBWindowHasFocus(itbLastFocus)) { // view got focus back, update cache _FixToolbarFocus(); } // view has focus -- give it first chance to translate // View doesn't necessarily have focus. Added a check. // if (_pbbd->_psv) // If we have a shell view { HWND hwnd; // Note: Not everyone supports GetWindow (go figure) // In which case, we try the GetFocus() window. if (FAILED(_pbbd->_psv->GetWindow(&hwnd))) { hwnd = GetFocus(); } // check if view or its child has focus // before it checked for browser or a child but if user // clicked on Show Desktop in quick launch // defview is deparented from the desktop and this call // fails which prevents tabbing to Active Desktop // (done in CDefView::TranslateAccelerator if (SHIsChildOrSelf(hwnd, pmsg->hwnd) == S_OK) { if (_pbbd->_psv->TranslateAccelerator(pmsg) == S_OK) // and the shell view translated the message { return S_OK; } } } } // Then, handle our own accelerators (with special code for TAB key). if (_ShouldTranslateAccelerator(pmsg)) { if (IsVK_TABCycler(pmsg)) return _CycleFocus(pmsg); BOOL fFwdItbar = FALSE; // FEATURE: Why not just include F4 and Alt-D in ACCEL_MERGE, // which gets localized? if (pmsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pmsg->wParam == VK_F4) { fFwdItbar = TRUE; } if (pmsg->message == WM_SYSCHAR) { static CHAR szAccel[2] = "\0"; CHAR szChar [2] = "\0"; if ('\0' == szAccel[0]) MLLoadStringA(IDS_ADDRBAND_ACCELLERATOR, szAccel, ARRAYSIZE(szAccel)); szChar[0] = (CHAR)pmsg->wParam; if (lstrcmpiA(szChar,szAccel) == 0) { fFwdItbar = TRUE; } } if (fFwdItbar) { IDockingWindow *ptbar = _GetToolbarItem(ITB_ITBAR)->ptbar; if (IUnknown_TranslateAcceleratorIO(ptbar, pmsg) == S_OK) return S_OK; } if (TranslateAcceleratorSB(pmsg, 0) == S_OK) return S_OK; } // If a toolbar has focus, we ask the view last. if (fToolbarHasFocus) { if (_pbbd->_psv && _pbbd->_psv->TranslateAccelerator(pmsg) == S_OK) return S_OK; } return S_FALSE; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_CycleFocus(LPMSG lpMsg) { UINT citb = 1; if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) { // go backward citb = (UINT)-1; } UINT itbCur = _get_itbLastFocus(); // // Find the next visible toolbar and set the focus to it. Otherwise, // set the focus to the view window. // HWND hwndFocusNext; TOOLBARITEM *ptbi; if (_pbsOuter->v_MayGetNextToolbarFocus(lpMsg, itbCur, citb, &ptbi, &hwndFocusNext) == S_OK) { // Found a toolbar to take focus, nothing more to do. // FEATURE: do we (or caller) need to do SetStatusTextSB? // It looks like no one is doing it right now. return S_OK; } if (!(hwndFocusNext && IsWindowVisible(hwndFocusNext))) { // Didn't find anyone. Set focus on the view. hwndFocusNext = _pbbd->_hwndView; } _SetFocus(ptbi, hwndFocusNext, lpMsg); return S_OK; } //*** _MayUIActTAB -- attempt TAB-activation of IOleWindow/IInputObject // ENTRY/EXIT // powEtc IOleWindow/IInputObject pair. // lpMsg msg causing activation (may be NULL) (typically TAB) // fShowing currently showing? // phwnd [OUT] hwnd for object // hr [RET] UIActivateIO result, plus E_FAIL // DESCRIPTION // when TABing we only want to activate certain guys, viz. those who are // currently showing, visible, and willing to accept activation. HRESULT _MayUIActTAB(IOleWindow *pow, LPMSG lpMsg, BOOL fShowing, HWND *phwnd) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; HWND hwnd = 0; if (pow && fShowing) { hr = pow->GetWindow(&hwnd); if (IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) hr = IUnknown_UIActivateIO(pow, TRUE, lpMsg); } if (phwnd) *phwnd = hwnd; return hr; } //*** v_MayGetNextToolbarFocus -- get next in TAB order (and maybe SetFocus) // ENTRY/EXIT // hres E_FAIL for no candidate, S_FALSE for candidate, S_OK for 100% done // (S_OK only used by derived class for now) HRESULT CCommonBrowser::v_MayGetNextToolbarFocus(LPMSG lpMsg, UINT itbCur, int citb, TOOLBARITEM ** pptbi, HWND * phwnd) { HWND hwnd = 0; TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = NULL; if (itbCur == ITB_VIEW) { ASSERT(citb == 1 || citb == -1); if (citb == 1) itbCur = 0; else itbCur = _GetToolbarCount() - 1; } else { itbCur += citb; } // (semi-tricky: loop on an unsigned so get 0..n or n..0 w/ single loop) for (UINT i = itbCur; i < (UINT)_GetToolbarCount(); i += citb) { ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(i); // NOTE: _MayUIActTAB checks ptbi->ptbar for NULL if (_MayUIActTAB(ptbi->ptbar, lpMsg, ptbi->fShow, &hwnd) == S_OK) { *pptbi = ptbi; *phwnd = hwnd; return S_FALSE; } } *pptbi = NULL; *phwnd = 0; return E_FAIL; } BOOL _QITest(IUnknown* punk, REFIID riid) { ASSERT(punk); BOOL fRet = FALSE; if (SUCCEEDED(punk->QueryInterface(riid, (void**)&punk))) { punk->Release(); fRet = TRUE; } return fRet; } __inline BOOL _IsV4DefView(IShellView* psv) { if (GetUIVersion() < 5) return _QITest(SAFECAST(psv, IUnknown*), IID_CDefView); return FALSE; } __inline BOOL _IsOldView(IShellView* psv) { // // Current CDocObjectView and v4 and greater CDefView // implement IShellView2 // return (FALSE == _QITest(SAFECAST(psv, IUnknown*), IID_IShellView2)); } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_SetFocus(TOOLBARITEM *ptbi, HWND hwnd, LPMSG lpMsg) { // Clear the upper layer of status text SetStatusTextSB(NULL); if (hwnd == _pbbd->_hwndView) { if (_pbbd->_psv) { BOOL fTranslate = TRUE, fActivate = TRUE; if (!lpMsg) { // NULL message, so nothing to translate fTranslate = FALSE; } else if (_IsV4DefView(_pbbd->_psv) || _IsOldView(_pbbd->_psv)) { // These views expect only to be UI-activated fTranslate = FALSE; } else if (IsVK_CtlTABCycler(lpMsg)) { // Don't let trident translate ctl-tab. Since it's always // UI-active, it will reject focus. fTranslate = FALSE; } else { // Normal case - do not activate the view. TranslateAccelerator will do the right thing. fActivate = FALSE; } if (fActivate) _UIActivateView(SVUIA_ACTIVATE_FOCUS); if (fTranslate) _pbbd->_psv->TranslateAccelerator(lpMsg); } else { // IE3 compat (we used to do for all hwnd's) SetFocus(hwnd); } // Update our cache _OnFocusChange(ITB_VIEW); } return S_OK; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_FindActiveTarget(REFIID riid, void **ppvOut) { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL; *ppvOut = NULL; BOOL fToolbarHasFocus = _HasToolbarFocus(); if (fToolbarHasFocus) { hres = _GetToolbarItem(_get_itbLastFocus())->ptbar->QueryInterface(riid, ppvOut); } else if (_pbbd->_psv) { if (_get_itbLastFocus() != ITB_VIEW) { // view got focus back, update cache _FixToolbarFocus(); } if (_pbbd->_psv != NULL) { hres = _pbbd->_psv->QueryInterface(riid, ppvOut); } } return hres; } BOOL CCommonBrowser::_HasToolbarFocus(void) { UINT uLast = _get_itbLastFocus(); if (uLast < ITB_MAX) { TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(uLast); if (ptbi) { // NOTE: IUnknown_HasFocusIO checks ptbi->ptbar for NULL return (IUnknown_HasFocusIO(ptbi->ptbar) == S_OK); } } return FALSE; } //*** _FixToolbarFocus -- fake a UIActivate from the view // NOTES // The view never goes 'truly' non-UIActive so we never get notified when // it goes 'truly' UIActive. we fake it here by mucking w/ our cache. // HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_FixToolbarFocus(void) { _OnFocusChange(ITB_VIEW); // ... and update cache _UIActivateView(SVUIA_ACTIVATE_FOCUS); // steal the focus return S_OK; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_OnFocusChange(UINT itb) { UINT itbPrevFocus = _get_itbLastFocus(); if (itbPrevFocus != itb) { // // If the view is losing the focus (within the explorer), // we should let it know. We should update _itbLastFocus before // calling UIActivate, because it will call our InsertMenu back. // _put_itbLastFocus(itb); if (itbPrevFocus == ITB_VIEW) { // DocHost will ignore this (since deactivating the view is taboo). // ShellView will respect it (so menu merge works). _UIActivateView(SVUIA_ACTIVATE_NOFOCUS); } else { IDockingWindow *ptb; // FEATURE: uh-oh not sure what we do if NULL // we do get NULL the 1st time we click on the SearchBand ptb = _GetToolbarItem(itbPrevFocus)->ptbar; IUnknown_UIActivateIO(ptb, FALSE, NULL); } } return S_OK; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::OnFocusChangeIS(IUnknown* punkSrc, BOOL fSetFocus) { UINT itb = _FindTBar(punkSrc); if (itb == ITB_VIEW) { return E_INVALIDARG; } // // Note that we keep track of which toolbar got the focus last. // We can't reliably monitor the kill focus event because OLE's // window procedure hook (for merged menu dispatching code) changes // focus around. // if (fSetFocus) { _OnFocusChange(itb); // Then, notify it to the shellview. if (_pbbd->_pctView) { _pbbd->_pctView->Exec(NULL, OLECMDID_ONTOOLBARACTIVATED, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, NULL, NULL); } } else if (itb == _get_itbLastFocus()) { // // The toolbar which currently has focus is giving it up. // Move focus to the view when this happens. // _FixToolbarFocus(); } return S_OK; } //*** toolbar/view broadcast { //*** _ExecChildren -- broadcast Exec to view and toolbars // NOTES // we might do *both* punkBar and fBroadcast if we want to send stuff // to both the view and to all toolbars, e.g. 'stop' or 'refresh'. // // NOTE: n.b. the tray isn't a real toolbar, so it won't get called (sigh...). HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_ExecChildren(IUnknown *punkBar, BOOL fBroadcast, const GUID *pguidCmdGroup, DWORD nCmdID, DWORD nCmdexecopt, VARIANTARG *pvarargIn, VARIANTARG *pvarargOut) { // 1st, send to specified guy (if requested) if (punkBar != NULL) { // send to specified guy _pbsInner->_ExecChildren(punkBar, FALSE, pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID, nCmdexecopt, pvarargIn, pvarargOut); } // 2nd, broadcast to all (if requested) if (fBroadcast) { for (int itb = 0; itb<_GetToolbarCount(); itb++) { TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(itb); // NOTE: IUnknown_Exec checks ptbi->ptbar for NULL IUnknown_Exec(ptbi->ptbar, pguidCmdGroup, nCmdID, nCmdexecopt, pvarargIn, pvarargOut); } } return S_OK; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::_SendChildren(HWND hwndBar, BOOL fBroadcast, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // 1st, send to specified guy (if requested) if (hwndBar != NULL) { // send to specified guy _pbsInner->_SendChildren(hwndBar, FALSE, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } // 2nd, broadcast to all (if requested) if (fBroadcast) { for (int itb = 0; itb < _GetToolbarCount(); itb++) { HWND hwndToolbar; TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = _GetToolbarItem(itb); if (ptbi->ptbar && SUCCEEDED(ptbi->ptbar->GetWindow(&hwndToolbar))) SendMessage(hwndToolbar, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } } return S_OK; } LRESULT CCommonBrowser::ForwardViewMsg(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return _pbbd->_hwndView ? SendMessage(_pbbd->_hwndView, uMsg, wParam, lParam) : 0; } // } TOOLBARITEM *CCommonBrowser::_GetToolbarItem(int itb) { ASSERT(itb != ITB_VIEW); ASSERT(itb < ITB_MAX); // ==0 for semi-bogus CBB::_OnFocusChange code ASSERT(itb < FDSA_GetItemCount(&_fdsaTBar) || itb == 0); TOOLBARITEM *ptbi = FDSA_GetItemPtr(&_fdsaTBar, itb, TOOLBARITEM); ASSERT(ptbi != NULL); return ptbi; } HRESULT CCommonBrowser::SetAcceleratorMenu(HACCEL hacc) { if (hacc != _hacc) { if (_hacc) { DestroyAcceleratorTable(_hacc); } _hacc = hacc; } return S_OK; } HRESULT _ConvertPathToPidl(IBrowserService2 *pbs, HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszPath, LPITEMIDLIST * ppidl) { HRESULT hres = E_FAIL; WCHAR wszCmdLine[MAX_URL_STRING]; // must be with pszPath TCHAR szParsedUrl[MAX_URL_STRING] = {'\0'}; TCHAR szFixedUrl[MAX_URL_STRING]; DWORD dwUrlLen = ARRAYSIZE(szParsedUrl); LPCTSTR pUrlToUse = pszPath; // Copy the command line into a temporary buffer // so we can remove the surrounding quotes (if // they exist) hres = StringCchCopy(szFixedUrl, ARRAYSIZE(szFixedUrl), pszPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { PathUnquoteSpaces(szFixedUrl); if (ParseURLFromOutsideSource(szFixedUrl, szParsedUrl, &dwUrlLen, NULL)) pUrlToUse = szParsedUrl; SHTCharToUnicode(pUrlToUse, wszCmdLine, ARRAYSIZE(wszCmdLine)); hres = pbs->IEParseDisplayName(CP_ACP, wszCmdLine, ppidl); pbs->DisplayParseError(hres, wszCmdLine); } else { *ppidl = NULL; } return hres; }